reflects the training and experience of your military units. Morale
range from Very Green to Green to Disciplined to Hardened, Veteran,
Commando, and
Elite. A unit receives a +12.5% combat bonus for
each morale level. Morale plays
a particularly important role in psi combat, and in combat between
probe teams,
since no weapon and armor values are considered in those cases.
New units typically begin with Green morale, though
this may be higher or lower
depending on your social engineering MORALE
setting. A new unit's morale can also
be increased if a base has a Command
Center or other related facility.
Alien units such as Mind Worms have life cycles
which correspond to morale
levels. Alien units are not affected by Command Centers and military
but their life cycle levels can be improved by building Biology Labs and other
similar facilities. The transport capacity of an Isle of the Deep is
by its life cycle level: one unit for each level.
A unit victorious in combat will often receive a morale upgrade (the
lower its
morale level, the more likely an upgrade).
Elite units receive a special bonus--an
additional move each turn.