Career as Actress

Anna Cora
Mowatt as Rosalind in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Following the success of her play Fashion,
Anna Cora Mowatt, in a complete reversal of her earlier distaste for
the stage, appeared for the first time as an actress at the Park
Theatre, June 13, 1845. Her debut role was Pauline in the popular
melodrama Lady of Lyons. For the next eight
years, she became one of the foremost popular and critically acclaimed
American actresses. She specialized in ingenue roles from Shakespeare,
popular melodramas, and her own plays Fashion and
Armand. Poe described her onstage
great charm of her manner is its naturalness. She looks, speaks, and
moves, with a well-controlled impulsiveness, as different as can be
conceived from the customary rant and cant, the hack conventionality of
the stage. Her voice is rich and voluminous, and although by no means
powerful, is so well managed as to seem so. Her utterance is singularly
distinct, its sole blemish being the occasional Anglicism of accent,
adopted probably from her instructor, Mr. Crisp. Her reading could
scarcely be improved. Her action is distinguished by an ease and
self-possession which would do credit to a veteran. Her step is the
perfection of grace. Often have I watched her for hours with the
closest scrutiny, yet never for an instant did I observe her in an
attitude of the least awkwardness or even constraint, while many of her
seemingly impulsive gestures spoke in loud terms of the woman of
genius, of the poet imbued with the profoundest sentiment of the
beautiful in motion. [See:
Mr. Poe’s Favorite Actress]
Actor E.L. Davenport
joined Mowatt as acting partner in September of 1846. Mowatt wrote her
second play, Armand, the Child of the People,
with his and her capabilities in mind. Armand is
a romantic play set in the time of Louis XV. The King tries to seduce
Blanche, the daughter of the Duke of Richelieu. Armand, a soldier,
falls in love with Blanche and strives to help her escape the king.
Armand's defiance of the King, while hardly in keeping with the customs
of the court of Louis XV, was quite in tone with the sentiments of
America in 1847.
1847, Davenport and Mowatt sailed for London, where they initially
achieved great popular and critical success. However, Mowatt’s English
career was marred by scandal due to her connection with Walter Watts,
the manager of the Marylebone and Olympic Theatres. At
first, Watts was a great boon to her career, lavishing her publically
with expensive gifts and signing her to long-term contracts. This
bubble burst when in March of 1850, Watts was arrested. The manager, it
was revealed, was actually a clerk at a London insurance agency who was
embezzling funds to support this theatrical pursuits. He committed
suicide in Newgate prison wearing a locket containing a portrait that
some claimed to be of the actress.
The Mowatts, who had been persuaded
by Watts to invest heavily in the newly rebuilt Olympic Theatre were
not only smeared with scandal, they were bankrupted. Although she was
able to recoup some of their losses with a successful tour of Ireland
and provincial theatres in England, the London theatrical elite turned
their back on Anna Cora. Already seriously ill, James Mowatt died on
February 15, 1851. Depressed, dispirited, and ill with another recurrence of her respiratory condition, Mowatt returned to America, July, 1851. [See: A Touch of Scandal: The Case of Walter Watts] |
Mowatt as
Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing
After recovering, she
resumed touring American theatres with productions of Fashion
and Shakespearean comedies. During this time, she was vigorously
pursued and courted by William Foushee Ritchie, son of Thomas Ritchie
and editor of the Richmond Enquirer, the official
organ of the Democratic party in Virginia. In December of 1853, Mowatt
published her Autobiography of an Actress. On
June 3, 1854, she made her last appearance on the public stage.

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