Article from Illustrated London News Jan. 15,
1848, Page 27 Mrs. Mowatt This lady, who has just made a
successful appearance at the Princess’ Theatre is a native of New York; her
father being Samuel G. Ogden, Esq., and her mother’s
In June 1845, Mrs. Mowatt made her debut on state at the Park Theatre, as Pauline, in “The Lady of Lyons;” and,
says the New York critics, “we doubt if ever debutante met with success so brilliant and unequivocal.” Her Juliana, Juliet, Mariana, and Lucy Ashton, are spoken of with equal
eulogy. Mrs. Mowat has since produced a drama
in five acts, entitled “Armand; or, The Child of the People,” in which she
played the character of Blanche. It was
performed with triumphant success during Mrs. Mowatt’s last engagements in New
York and Boston, previous to her sailing for England. |
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