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Author Topic:   Welcoming all newcomers (and others)
BoomBoom posted 12-20-98 02:00 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for BoomBoom   Click Here to Email BoomBoom  
Hello, welcome to SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri), make yourself at home. This is a forum for all people of all ages and political opinions, but it generally goes down better if you respect somebody else's opinion. Now, the people that have read some of my early posts, know that I did not always follow this rule, and that in doing this i did offend quite a number of people (Destrider, Aga1, Saras, the CTPers). I have been converted however to be more benign. I will still however release some of my frustration on this board, but I'll put smilies in them (see the FAQ on how to do them).
There is a number of clubs to join (which I have never done), factions to join (which I have never done), and general off-topicness to chat about untill the demo comes out (hopefully this Christmas Eve).
Any questions can be asked of our old guard, and some of the newer ones (like me) might also be of assistance.

Enjoy your time here, you'll never want to leave.

Season's Greeting

BoomBoom (as in Baghdad)

Jay posted 12-21-98 09:38 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay  Click Here to Email Jay     
Too late!
This came too late!
You should have started this about a month ago, I had to recearch myself all the info concerning the Clubs, Factions, vets and Fnords!
BoomBoom posted 12-21-98 10:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BoomBoom  Click Here to Email BoomBoom     
Sorry, I was a newbie myself about two months ago, so I didn't have the moral authority to do it.
Jay posted 12-21-98 06:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay  Click Here to Email Jay     
OK sorry BoomBoom I wasn't actually blaming you just got mad that no-one had invented that idea before.
Now calm down and put that CK-12 away.

Now why aren't there any newbies posting in this thread?
Btw: Life is unfair. I've been here for a while for now ( I've been posting here since the birth of BoS) and I was quite proud to get 100+ posts with usually some meaning. Now that Jimbo made his comeback he already rocketed past me. *Sob*

Saras posted 12-22-98 06:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Saras  Click Here to Email Saras     
Yikes! My dark twin is becoming benign?!?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!? I command you to continue being evil, frustrated and an ANGRY YOUNG MAN!!! You ARE my dark side!!! Without dark there is no light, only gray!!!! I don't want to be gray!!!!! Oh well, maybe I and BoomBoom are converging to be an unsplit personality.

Nice message anyway, BoomBoom

Booger de la Hempfield posted 12-22-98 06:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Booger de la Hempfield  Click Here to Email Booger de la Hempfield     
is being a lurker since march/april count as being a newbie?

one thing i never did bother to figure out is why all these wierd smiley faces keep popping out of the screen at me.

is it me or is it the NSA playing mind games again?

Roland posted 12-22-98 07:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Smileys a NSA conspiracy ? Now I understand why Maya says they are evil...
Lord Banard posted 12-22-98 03:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lord Banard  Click Here to Email Lord Banard     
Well....thanks the welcome BoomBoom.

I've been lurking on the board for the past couple of weeks, reading the posts and espically the Journey to Centari story.

I must say, that so far is has been a fine story.....good way to the set the mood for the game..

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