Topic: Orbital facilities and combat!
The DirectorGeneral |
posted 12-20-98 12:34 PM ET
YES! Brian Reynolds has stated in one of his usenet posts that there will be orbital; facilities and combat!Hooody-friggin'-HOO !!! This is the DG, signing off froom lovely orbital station seven. NIM, FNORD.
posted 12-20-98 01:12 PM ET
Why can't he tell us in this forum!!!Oh well, orbital combat & stations will rock!!! Thank you Brian for adding those! Now SMAC is truly 5 steps above CTP!! Three cheers for Firaxis. Hip Hip HOORAH! Hip Hip HOORAH! Hip Hip HOORAH!! Sorry, just got a little over-excited, but as director of orbital station 6 of the once again scrapped IIIS, I must make my voice heard! Director of Orbital Station 6, Of the confused knights of NIM who say "huh?" Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-20-98 01:12 PM ET
This game is going to SO big!!! |
posted 12-20-98 01:27 PM ET
I just wonder if it might not just be a little too big. Oops that was sacrilege wasn't it. What I mean is that all those features might get in the way of gameplay, but if I trust anyone with that it is Firaxis. |
posted 12-20-98 05:59 PM ET
Hope it truly fits the game and is not just a last minute add which looks good on the back of the package in the store:"Experience stunning battle on land, sea, air and also IN SPACE!!! More you've seen ever before!" |
posted 12-21-98 03:45 AM ET
Hmmm, I think it would be cool if it was a graphic on the box. Maybe they could have a gold cd too, or how about ten different foil covers??? |
posted 12-21-98 08:46 AM ET
In the meantime, I'd settle for some new pictures in the Gallery. BTW, what does Miriam's base look like? C'mon Brian-throw us some crumbs!! |
posted 12-21-98 01:45 PM ET
I thought The Believer's HQ was called New Jerusalem. I saw it in a screenshot, but I don't remember where. Either or should have it.It would be nice to have new screenshots and hopefully Firaxis should now have more time to update the site. |
posted 12-21-98 01:57 PM ET
We've known for months that a space elevator was one of the special projects. Where did you think it led to?Brian R. gave a more complete review of space-based features on Usenet. If you can't read it from a news-server go to DejaNews. He posted pages and pages of game stuff over the weekend. Stop asking him to come here; go to where most strat gamers on the Net hang out. That's where he is. |