Topic: One Final SMAC GOOD-BYE !!!
DJ RRebel |
posted 12-16-98 10:38 AM ET
hmmmn .. I was reading the SMACER awards winners, and started getting this awful feeling of the beginning of the end !!!****** Copied ****** This is almost anticlimactic, I'm going to cry, this little family we've had going is surely about to die off into something new !!! With the hundreds of new people soon to join, and many of us on our way out, this forum will never be the same !!!  *************** Just wanted you all to know, that it was great getting to know you here, I still plan to stay in here alot, but with both the fact that I'm spending alot of time working on the 8th Faction (and hopefully some BoS stuff too), and the fact that the DEMO will be out any day, I do not forsee my posting rampage continuing !!! So without letting this get drawn out and mushy, as Maya would put it ... *HUGS* to you all, and take care !!!  See you in the transended forum !!! 
posted 12-16-98 11:15 AM ET
How touching, but then i suppose i am one of the newbies, not one of the old guard, the veterans of SMAC. Respect is due. |
posted 12-16-98 11:57 AM ET
Oh, my dark (light) twin is here.DJ, you really are good at making people cry. sob sob ...  |
posted 12-16-98 12:49 PM ET
Ah Saras looks like you're following me around again. |
posted 12-16-98 01:23 PM ET
DJ, you can't do that... well, you shouldn't do that... but maybe you can't do it as well ? Hmmmm... excuse me, I gotta sob on the keyboard... |
posted 12-16-98 01:49 PM ET
sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob |
posted 12-16-98 01:51 PM ET
Bruhuhuhuwaehuhuhuwaehuwaeh!!!(sorry) |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-16-98 04:32 PM ET
DJ, you can't make me cry! That is not allowed by section 3.5838 of the BoS code, you just *sob* can't. *wah, wah, wha* Oh forget it.Imran Siddiqui |
posted 12-17-98 06:20 AM ET
What have we become? A bunch of sissies? Barbie-lovin' girls? Men don't *sob* cry! *sob* Never! *sob *sob* *whaaaaaaaaa....!!* |
posted 12-17-98 05:06 PM ET
Yup. Sob sob. But DJRR, our community will never die, we'll move to the sidgames forum and set up there just like old times. If it ever gets fixed. Else someone else will set up an "oldies" forum and we can enjoy our company there. |
posted 12-17-98 05:22 PM ET
Well I thought I was hardened and could visit this thread and without getting a lump in my throught (sp?) this time but no.Why isn't there a =( for crying? We could go to Firaxis, camp on their lawn or something. |
posted 12-17-98 05:31 PM ET
Bah! I didn't even cry when my grandma died!! But *sob* DJ made me cry. I guess I'll have to pass him out in posts, just for his memory of LOL's to live on. LOL! Oops, I shouldn't be smiling. I'll do one more, just for the DJ! =)BTW, Anyone wanna start some codes(laws) to try & stop flamers, etc from infecting these forums after the game, demo etc comes out?? We've had this place in self gov for a while, we may need to work together to stop these people from doing anything to bad, that could make some greats leave... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Brother Greg
posted 12-17-98 06:56 PM ET
Well, personally I don't think we need a code. Just use common sense, like we have done for months now. =)Personally, I hope I don't miss youse all, cos you'll all still be here, or on the invite-only SMAC club at Yahoo Clubs. Mind you, it might be hard to keep us away from the game for long enough... =) Stay cool brothers and sisters of the faith. And no, big boys don't cry. =) |
posted 12-17-98 07:30 PM ET
I don't think that the release of the game/demo will change things too much, DJ. Sure there will be many new posters (like me!), but the forums will continue to attract intelligent and mature people for the most part, because those are the kinds of people who take an interest in strategy games. |
posted 12-17-98 10:28 PM ET
I'm one of the SMACers who isn't part of the family anymore-I never thought I'd say this, but the off-topicness finally got to |
posted 12-17-98 11:19 PM ET
We sympathize AUH20. I agree, there's less of a purpose when you know that the most you can hope for is "requests for the v1.1 patch." |
posted 12-18-98 04:46 AM ET
Nothing lasts forever. Everything ceases to be what it was. The best anything can hope for, is to live on as something else.This forum, and its predecessors, will probably not survive in its current form for many months after the release. But it *will* leave a legacy, at least - a better SMAC, which may serve as both a better game and inspriation for the future. And isn't that what most - perhaps all - of us came here to make in the first place? And, hey...maybe this'll stay up while they make the sequel. |
posted 12-18-98 07:30 AM ET
DJ RRebel
posted 12-18-98 12:31 PM ET
I'm not saying the forum will be better or worse, I'm just saying it will be different, the shear volume of posting will make it so that we won't be able to read everything anymore !!! Yes we will still have good topics, but the warm cozy feeling will be lost, that's a given !!!I myself don't plan to leave permanently for a long long time, but I think the forum as we know it will be leaving soon !!! All I wanted to say was that I truly enjoyed spending time in this first epoch of the forum with all of you, I'll miss the times we had debated whether we should be debating and stuff like that, I truly gained alot from it personally, and will miss what we all shared together !!! (Get me another hanky will you) Anyways, once again, *HUGS* to you all, and see you on the other side !!!  |
posted 12-18-98 12:47 PM ET
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moonSee you DJ, hope I can whip you in mplayer some time,  ~DHE, had his tearducts trashed in a freak accident involving a gerbil, some napalm, and a jar of peanut butter, In short: DON'T ASK!!! |
Q Cubed
posted 12-18-98 09:40 PM ET
DJ...i only knew you people for a short time, but i guess you could consider me middle-aged on the forums, not a geezer verteran like some of you people .'re won't be the same...<embed src="cry" sob="TRUE" sniff="TRUE"></EMBED> ERROR 402: Command not recognized. Bad Command or File Name. <img src="cry"> ERROR 404: File not found. i'm sorry...i wish i could cry...perhaps that will come with Q3OS '99. <embed src="Coolio - I'll See You When You Get There.mp3"> CU On the Other Side... 1001100110001 |
Victor Galis
posted 12-18-98 11:55 PM ET
I will not cry. I have learned to accept change (I moved four times.) We must safeguard the forums and keep them alive. |
posted 12-19-98 12:02 AM ET
Isn't this more of a beginning than an end?I mean, come on, guys. What's all this talk of clubs and privacy and being overwhelmed by idiot newbies. This isn't Starcraft! SMAC will be a great game. It requires intelligence to play. Possibly more than any other game on the market (Half-life included). I don't think it's likely to attract much negative attention to these forums, compared to the positives of having new players AND the game (at last!) Onwards! Shining1 |
posted 12-19-98 04:03 AM ET
I must say that as a first time poster, I could feel a little unwelcomed after reading this, this reaction is not unwarented for I too have been in a similar situation, where I was the 'old-timer', in a post not unlike this one, struck with the sudden realization that things would begin to change, and that my friends and I could begin to drift apart as a result of the flood I had seen on the horizon. Now I am a part of the leading edge of that flood, and I have an appreciation for your position. On behave of all that come to this post after this day, I say sorry, and that I hope it turns out well for you all. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-19-98 04:43 AM ET
Terran, please don't feel unwelcome whatsoever !!!I just wanted to to create this thread in memory of the old times .. this thread, like humanity, must evolve .. you are more than welcome to participate !!! Welcome to all newcomers !!!  |
posted 12-19-98 05:12 AM ET
It is time to look forward DJ, not back. We stand on the final days before smac release (well, not stand on them, more next to them, you know what I mean!) Stop your crying you silly fools! We should be celebrating the dawn of this new era!!! Now! Lets get out there and show those newbies what we're made of!!! |
posted 12-19-98 05:18 AM ET
I've followed this Forum since it was on the Firaxis site...mostly lurking. I can't help thinking of the fun a social psychologist would have had reading these boards while we waited and waited and waited (it was WORTH IT, Brian! )and chatted and plotted and formed alliances and made our own stories . Now that the demo is just about here, there won't be the need for all the frenzied-posting-while-waiting...we'll evolve, along with all the new people to come, as we actually PLAY the game...sad in some ways, but really Neat in others! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-19-98 05:26 AM ET
Kurn !!! LOL .. You got us all wrong !!!Those were sentimental tears, not tears of hate and anger !!! LOL We're just going to miss the good old days, that doesn't mean the the new days will not be even better !!!  All it means, is that we'll miss the old days .. *sniffles* .. that's all .. it's not the end of the world, it's just the end of the old forum !!! I want to make it clear to all new people that we want you all to participate, there's nothing worse than having a forum that isn't used for people to meet and exchange ideas !!! So here we go, all you lurkers and newbies .. show yourselves .. don't wait for the 3rd transendence !!!  |