posted 12-16-98 02:14 AM ET
Planetfall had awakened everyone to the reality of their situation. They were trapped on an alien planet, with no possibility of returning home. Meanwhile, the virgin world outside beckoned to everyone inside the cramped lifepod. Stocked with hordes of terraforming and manufacturing equipment, the pod contained all the necessary tools to create an earth-like habitat for its human inhabitants.
But they couldn't remain here for long... soon they would have to leave the protective confines of the pod to explore their new world. Mark Ramstein would be the first to set foot outside.
"It'll take some getting used to, but it's home," said Ramstein, comforting his girlfriend.
Elizabeth clutched a dented holocard of her family. "God, I miss them so much." She looked up at Mark.
"You're all I have left. Please don't go." Elizabeth reached up to run her long fingers through Mark's hair.
"Sorry, babe. Someone's gotta do this; might as well be me." Mark planted a kiss on her forehead. "Besides, how could such a beautiful place harbor danger? God knows it can't be worse than the hellhole we left back on earth. Anything is better than that."
Liz nodded. "Hurry back, you know i don't like being alone."
Ramstein rounded up the rest of his probe team and made a beeline for the makeshift breifing room.
The team just happened to be his old gang from home. Home was Las Vegas, and the trio had become inseperable poker buddies.
To Mark's right was Jack Goslo. Smart and serious, Jack was so anilitical he could tell what kind of a hand someone had just by reading their face.
Then there was Bo Young. Bo was pretty much a polar opposite of Jack. A charmer, con-artist, and comedian, Bo was a great asset at any party. This aside, Bo was also the worst poker player of the three; this also made him the poorest.
A senior security officer ushered them into a dimly-lit room to brief them.
"Okay, you guys know what you volunteered for. You'll be the first to leave the pod and find out just what's outside this tin can we've been living in. I know none of you have had any formal training with the power-armor before." he jestured to the grey-white suits nearby. "You probably don't need them, but we're gonna take every precaution. For this reason, we're also giving you hand-weapons."
Bo elbowed Mark, chuckling, "Friggin aliens better watch their a--es."
The officer continued. "Your assignment is to
take a topographical scan of the search area encompasing a radius of 30 miles from our position. We're gonna have to find a place to settle, so your mission is the first step in reaching that goal. Above all else, you are to search for signs of any other survivors from the unity. If you do encounter anyone, report back here at once. This asside, your mission should be simple. Terrain is flat, so your cycles should have no trouble."
The officer then jestured to the three turbo-cycles nearby. "These bikes have been modified to handle the soft surface sand you'll be traveling on. They're capable of reaching 300 kilometers per hour, but i would reccomend you keep it down to about a hundred."
"Just like home." said Jack. Mark nodded as memories of racing through Death Valley on his father's hovercycle filled his head.
"That will be all, gentlemen, and good luck," said the officer. "I'm sorry that you'll miss chairman Yang's speech; I'll be sure to tape a holo of it for when you get back. See you in a few."
As the men suited up, Bo pulled out a faded deck of cards. "Brought us a little entertainment for our trip," he said, grinning. Memories of many a night on the strip were associated with that little deck.
Memories that were soon drowned out by the high-pitched whine of the turbo-cycle engines. Mark shut his blue tinted visor as the airlock vented it's excess pressure. As he stared out onto the orange-red dunes beyond, he realized he was playing the biggest hand of his life...
...what he didn't know, was that the odds were stacked against him.
-part two - coming soon
so, what do you think?