Topic: Realworld analogs of Faction Leaders
Rang |
posted 12-14-98 07:58 PM ET
Who do you think are the realworld analogs of the faction leaders? I think Morgan might be similar to monopolistic Bill Gates.
posted 12-14-98 11:38 PM ET
You missed the obvious one, Rang. Morgan=Morgan. J.P. Morgan, that is, infamous banker and robber baron who combined many indsutries together with financial shenangians like interlocking directorates to flout anti-trust laws, and lots of other stuff horribly illegal today.Yang=Mao Tse Tung, but that's a strech. |
posted 12-14-98 11:49 PM ET
Zarhkov: NOT based on Einstein, as the man seems to have little wit or social conscience. A complete characterisation of a steorotype.
Andrew Kasantsev
posted 12-15-98 01:46 AM ET
Shining:I never heard, that Einstein was good in organisation. Zakharov is standard type of russian General Constructor - combination of scientist and organizer which make possible to us, russian, made first in history space sattelite and first manned flight - and A/H-Bombs also... I can testify, that he is described very well. |
posted 12-15-98 01:58 AM ET
I stand corrected. |
posted 12-15-98 03:29 AM ET
I think that Lal might be a bit of an offshoot of Gahndi, no? |
posted 12-15-98 07:39 PM ET
Lessons Drawn from Names: [My own justifications]1) Lal: "lal" = "beloved" in Hindi 2) Morgan: as SF said, ol' JP himself 3) Skye: Sky, very enviro, yes? 3) Godwinson: GODwinson Yang, Santiago, and Zahkorov: anybody know literal translations for these names? [I know this doesn't /quite/ fall into this thread's topic but...
Andrew Kasantsev
posted 12-15-98 09:02 PM ET
Zakharov - 'descendant of Zakhar', Zakhar~=Zacharia. It is simply one of standard russian surnames. (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Kuznetzov...) |
posted 12-15-98 10:23 PM ET
Perhaps there is a connection if we look at their original name, "Saratov". Any strong connection there with engineering/science? ISTR reading that Saratov has a large number of universities and other research institutes. Is this correct? |
posted 12-15-98 10:36 PM ET
Godwinson- John Calvin, Protestant reformer(personally don't like the guy's view), Ayatollah Komemi(one hell of an Sp if I ever saw one.)Yang- Cross the good parts of Confuscious with the bad parts of Mao Tse Tung. Lal- Mohandes Gandhi Santiago- Cortez, possibly?
Andrew Kasantsev
posted 12-15-98 11:21 PM ET
Spoc: Alas, none. Saratov - small russian city, there are no institutes with great name, maybe there are some military plants, but in former Russia they could be found anywhere... I didn't remember anything significant about this city, or this name. Name, I suppose, of turkish origin. I think, it is better not to look for some meaning in names, which are alien to english speaking people. Firaxis simply choose some common or 'likely' names (in case of Saratov, at least) (Yang and Santiago is very common Chinese and Spanish surname as far as I know). |