Topic: Canadian 8th faction policy
posted 12-09-98 08:54 PM ET
This is where you post ideas for our faction policy.Some ideas to consider: Integrity Thruthfulness Caring Free market Economy Safety nets for people low if not zero bureaucracy(does not mean no social programs) Justice Peacefulness High productivity High technology There can also be charters for each of the ministries as well. will post Info on Education and Finance charters later. WCW N1M chris 'Call us great, but we already knew that!'
posted 12-09-98 10:58 PM ET
Equipment/Weapons for Military:Basic Items: Quantity Item -20..........Full Armored Bodied Suits -50..........Shredder Pistols Special Items: -n/a.........Pulse Disruptor: Me and bio_spacer were talking this one over. (Give him credit for it) INFO: Harnesses the energy of radioactive materials and shoots out an energy pulse that is lethel. Radiation that the enemy absorbs is lethal and kills the victim within 20min. (Still in development) -Intelligent Suit INFO: This is a body armor suit that is equal to the defensive capabilities of the full bodied armor suit. When fired upon the intelligent suit hardens up and absorbs the shock of any projectile weapon. Armor: Front-85% Left- 87% Right- 87% Rear- 82% Your General Cyren |
posted 12-09-98 11:49 PM ET
Charter of Finance: 1. Make sure no-one is in poverty. 2. Fine of 66% of wealth of minister who is deceptive in the budget. 3. Growth of 1 to 5 percent always targeted. 4. Inflation of 1 to 3.5 percent always targeted. 5. Council decides on things like mergers. 6. Banks must have a minimun of 105% of debt in cash reserve. 7. No tax incentives for any businesses or people. 8. Free Trade practiced. 9. All businesses must be truthful. Any lying incurs a penalty of 2 thirds of profits one year and 1 third the next. 10. Any company which admits it is trouble 6+ month's in advance will receive level 1(*) protection to restructure. Any company under 6 month's time will receive level 2(**) protection to restructure. This is to encourage truthfulness 11. Laissez-Faire capitalism is not practiced, most capitalist ideas are practiced except the cut-throat back-stabbing practices to a limited degree. 12. All minor policies must be in the consumers and try to be in the businesses interest.(*)Level 1 bankrruptcy protection gives the company three periods of time(usually three years) to restructure while having to pay no debt, and having interest deferred for two periods and having 5% of debt paid by government. (**) Level 2 bankruptcy protection gives the company two time periods to restructure while having to pay no debts and having half the interest deferred in the third year. if needed, elaboration will follow. WCW N1M chris 'Call us great, but we already knew that!' |
Q Cubed
posted 12-10-98 12:55 AM ET
���Classified: Most Secret��� Report 002, 2219.4.343.1998CE Archon Q Cubed of the Canadian Faction ���MoENRE (M�nre) It is the policy of this ministry to not deny opportunities based on race, gender, creed, ethnicity, handicap or any other method of bias. ��Subministy of Energy (Sm�): Emphasis is placed on developing high efficiency, low-impact power generation sources utilizing the most environmental friendly and most advanced technologies, helping to pave way for developing technology sectors. ��Subministry of Natural Resources (Smonar): Emphasis is placed on minimizing complete stripping of resources on a planet, emphasizing the importance of renewable resources and recycling. Supports advanced recycling technologies. ��Subministry of the Environment (Smote) Supports industrialism with a greener face, allowing industry to grow with as minimal impact as possible. ���Ministry of Security (MiniSec) Policy is undefined as of this date. ��This concludes the report. (Signed), Archon Q Cubed -Q^3 |
posted 12-10-98 01:25 AM ET
Addendum: 13. Any company that wastes more than 1% of the total amount they need and/or the company that does not reinvewst money into upgrading to increase the efficiency of use of natural resources will be fined 1 third of that time periods profits. Upon discretion of the council. This is to encourage more efficient use of the natural resources we have and to keep pollution low.WCW N1M chris 'Order or disorder depends upon organization; courage or cowardice on circumstances; strength or weakness on dispositions.' 'The supreme excellence is not to win a hundred victories in a hundred battles. The supreme excellence is to subdue the armies of your enemies without even having to fight them.' 'As water has no constant form, there are in war no constant conditions.' 'Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.' 'One who has few must prepare against the enemy; one who has many makes the enemy prepare against him.' 'When five times his strength, attack him. If double his strength, divide him. If equally matched, you may enrage him. If weaker numerically, be capable of withdrawing. And, if in all respects unequal, be capable of eluding him, for a small force is but booty for one more powerful.' 'As water has no constant form, there are in war no constant conditions.' All quotes we should consider. I'll elaborate later. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-10-98 10:14 AM ET
Guys, these are good ideas that we should all discuss together, be careful with what you post in here, it is not a secured thread, you all should write down all these things in your secret reports/bugets !!!Than we'll all get together and discuss everything !!! As it is though, thesew are exactly the type of ideas I was talking about, good going ... but try not posting our internal policies in a public place ... at least not for now !!! After SMAC comes out, it will be a different story !!!  |
posted 12-10-98 08:48 PM ET can talk about our policy more here. WCW |
Victor Galis
posted 12-10-98 09:00 PM ET
Public Policy Minister here, I have not decided what many policies we will implement. For now our economy will be a fair market economy. |
posted 12-10-98 09:02 PM ET
Umm, you guys seem like among the least free places in the world! A fine for lying in buisness? C'mon, you're more like a dictatorship, then the democracy you say to be! You guys mind just putting everything in one thread like most everyone. It gets annoying. Almost as annoying as your fearless leader's one line double posts. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-10-98 11:41 PM ET
YYYHBusinesses can do whatever they want, just not lie or be too harsh on their employees. ANYTHING else goes, even discriminating the gov't. After a while, the no lying policy will create honest businesses. Notice how you are punished for lying and given leniancy for truthfulness. WCW |
posted 12-11-98 02:18 AM ET
The Ten Commandements of the Military: -All Canadians part of the military must obey these 10 commandements as a code of conduct- 1. Never leave a man down in the field 2. Never disobey and order from a higher ranked officer 3. Trick the enemy into being the agressor 4. Always be more than prepared 5. Know your enemy 6. Never misuse your firearm 7. Divide and Conquer 8. Try to subdue your enemy with soperior force 9. Always use force as a last resort 10.Always seek a peacful solution *This code of conduct must be followed. Failing to obey these commandements will result in punishment Your General Cyren |
posted 12-11-98 05:45 PM ET
I also don't understand where you guys are getting all this energy either. You don't practice Laissez Faire, the "back stabbing" practice of buisness, well, that's how money is made. Why do you think the US has a stable economy?? If a buisness can't do what it wants to make money, & always has the government to interfer, how are you guys gonna get anything. You'd go bankrupt in a week. While this Utopian government may be nice, it's about as plausible as the Eco-topian government...Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-11-98 08:07 PM ET
YYYH, lying about how many employees, or how much they're paid, or expenses,can pass, BUT, Lying about big things, especially taxes is not permitted. Just remember, this is a fresh start and they will get used to it after awhile.WCW |
posted 12-11-98 10:46 PM ET
I still think with the kind of economy you have set up, & the way you force buisnesses to run things, you guys will crash & burn in a few years, if not months. Where will you get those trillions of dollars with your type of economy?? Maybe you guys are lying about that....Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |