Topic: National Anthems
Brother Greg |
posted 12-08-98 11:33 PM ET
Hmm, Shining1 raised an interesting POV about Australia and New Zealand having the worst National Anthems in the world. Which made me wonder. I know a bit of the American anthem "Oh say does that star spangled banner yeah wave" or something, and I know a little of the British "God save the Queen". But I know next to nothing of most other countries.Oh, I vaguelly remember something about the French anthem. So, this is the thread to decide whose National Anthem is the best, which blows the most, which is the most pompous, which is the most out of touch, etc. I'd also like to hear how you feel about your anthem. Does it stir you to pride when you hear it? Do you yawn when it is played, and let off farts to ammuse yourself? Does it bug you when others much up when it is played? Do you hate sanctimonious prigs that tell you to shut up if you talk while it is being sung? Anyway, Here's the Aussie Anthem: Title: Advance Australia Fair Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free. We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our land is girt by sea. Our land abounds in nature's gifts, Of beauty rich and rare. In history's page let every stage, Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Square. Now, personally, I think not too bad, all in all. Though I don't particularly like the fact that is sounds like it was written in the 1300's, nor the two lines starting with "Our Land". Though, I must admit that the first line might be "Our home is girst by sea". I feel ashamed that I can't even remember it correctly.  Anyway, I always feel proud when I hear it. Yes, I am quite patriotic (okay, pick yourself up off the floor now Imran ), and it really pisses me when our sportsmen don't sing before internationals. It pisses me off even more when people don't know our anthem (and I'm pissed at myself right now for not remembering that line 100% ), or talk or play around during it. So, what about the rest of you?
posted 12-08-98 11:41 PM ET
Eh, I always thought the raunchy drinking song that later got turned into the US national anthem was interesting -- "To Anacreon in Heaven" I To Anacreon in Heaven, where he fat in full glee, A few fons of Harmony fent a petition, That He their Infpirer and Patron would be; When this anfwer arrived from the Jolly Old Grecian "Voice, Fiddle, and Flute, "no longer be mute, "I'll lend you my Name and infpire you to boot, "And, befides, I'll infruct you like me to entwine "The Myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's Vine.II The news through OLYMPUS immediately flew; When OLD THUNDER pretended to give himfelf Airs "If thefe mortals are fuffer'd their Scheme to perfue, "The Devil a Goddefs will ftay above the Stairs. "Hark, already they cry, "In tranfports of Joy, "Away to the Sons of ANACREON we'll fly, "And there, with good Fellows, we'll learn to entwine "The Myrtle of VENUS with BUCCUS'S Vine. III "The YELLOW-HAIRED GOD and his nine fufty Maids "From Helicon's Banks will incontinent flee, "IDALIA will boaft but of tenantlefs Shades, "And the bi-forked Hill a mere Desart will be "My Thunder, no fear on't, "Shall foon do it's Errand, " and, dam'me! I'll fwinge the Ringleaders, I warrant, "I'll trim the young Dogs, for thus daring to twine "The Myrtle of VENUS with BACCUS'S Vine. IV APOLLO rose up; and faid, "Pr'ythee ne'er quarrel, "Good King of the Gods, with my Vot'ries below: "Your Thunder is ufelefs." - then, fhewing his Laurel, Cry'd, "Sic evitabile fulmen, you know! "then over each Head "My Laurels I'll fpread; "So my Sons from your Crackers no Mifchief fhall dread, "Whilst fnug in their Club-Room, they jovially twine "The Myrtle of VENUS with BACCUS'S Vine. V Next MOMUS got up, with his rifible Phiz, And fwore with APOLLO he'd cheerfully join "The full Tide of Harmony ftill shall be his, "But the Song, and the Catch, & the Laugh fhall be mine "Then, JOVE, be not jealous Of thefe honeft Fellows. Cry'd JOVE, "We relent, fince the Truth you now tell us; "And fwear, by OLD STYX, that they long fhall entwine "The Myrtle of VENUS with BACCUS'S Vine. VI Ye fons of ANACREON, then, join Hand in Hand; Preferve Unanimity, Friendfhip, and Love! 'Tis your's to fupport what's fo happily plann'd; You've the Sanction of Gods, and the FIAT of Jove. While thus we agree Our Toaft let it be. May our club flourish happy, united and free! And long may the Sons of ANACREON intwine The Myrtle of VENUS with BACCUS'S Vine. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-08-98 11:43 PM ET
Well, I can tell you that when I hear the US national anthem is stirs me up. Yes the melody is based on a drinking song, and the words are about a war, but I love it. (like you think I'd say I hated it)Imran Siddiqui |
Hothram Upravda
posted 12-08-98 11:50 PM ET
Yea its a good one. I like it better then "America the Beutefull"Hothram Upravda TB
Brother Greg
posted 12-08-98 11:55 PM ET
So, anyone care to post the US Anthem (the real one)? |
posted 12-09-98 12:07 AM ET
Personally, I think New Zealand has a fairly crass national anthem ('God defend New Zealand'), which sounds slow, dull, and monotonous (and that's when played by a good band). We need something else.My point in the 'Dang but its quiet in here' thread was that the national anthem should be a traditional, emotive song rather than a formula piece of band music. And it must sound good. Americans are happiest in this respect, and even I tend to feel a slight pang when listening to the Star Spangled Banner. It's a very good piece of music, and does its job excellently. Likewise the French Marceilles (spelling?), although I hear it sound rather dodgy lyrics. How about the Brits? Does 'God save the Queen' stir you up, or are you more likely to yawn (like Kiwis and Aussies do when we hear it )? |
Brother Greg
posted 12-09-98 12:11 AM ET
So, S1, you wanna post the whole Kiwi anthem? |
posted 12-09-98 12:20 AM ET
Do I have to? Oh wellGod of nations at thy feet, In the bonds of love we met, Hear our voices we entreat, God defend our free-ee land. Guide pacific's triple star, from the shafts of strife and war, make her praises heard afar! God defend New Zea-ee-land! *sob* I also know the words to the Haka, but forget how to spell some of the middle lines. Note for overseas: 'The haka', as it is known, is a traditional Maori... well, war dance would pretty much describe it. The purpose of a Haka was to intimate your opponents before going into battle with them. Done well, it's extremely effective. 'The Haka' is always performed by the All Blacks just before play commences. While it's not Anthem material musically, it certainly has the requiste emotional effect on any New Zealander. |
posted 12-09-98 12:28 AM ET
Lyrics:First Verse Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? There's are beautiful anthem I cut & pasted it from a site, so don't blame me of the lyrics are screwed up. I personally think it's the best, it stirs the patriotic blood in me! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Q Cubed
posted 12-09-98 12:57 AM ET
Hey... |
Brother Greg
posted 12-09-98 12:59 AM ET
Hmm, when I went to visit America last year, I went and saw three baseball games. Missed the Gridiron season, cos it is so danged short, and I missed out on going to a Hockey playoff by about 1.5 hours, cos the silly bus tour didn't get back in time. Whether or not I could have gotten tickets is another story completely, as it was a decider.Still, I always found it nice that you all sang the national anthem with such verve before the game. Gotta admit that it sounds like it was written about a millenium before the Aussie anthum, but it sure gets the heart racing...  |
Hothram Upravda
posted 12-09-98 02:33 AM ET
Best place to hear the anthem is at a sports game . Some singing, some just standing, some mouthing the words. Its a interesting experience to be in a place with a few thousand people all singing the same song and all seeming to come together...Actualy weird thing. I was up in Vancover, British Colombia for a few months, and thought seeing as i was in Canadia i should go see some hockey . Anyway weirdest thing, when i went to the games, even when two canadian teams played the US nation anthem was always played. Now this was a few years back during the Iraq War and at each game there was a surprisingly large amount of US Army Troops. But still it was very strange. To this day i have never heard the Canadian nation anthem even after going to 4 hockey games in Canadia. Is this just a weird NHL thing i have never heard about? Hothram Upravda TB  |
posted 12-09-98 02:50 AM ET
Hey Hothram, in every canadian hockey game, the anthem is sung. Maybe you missed the start of this particular game. Anyways, The Canadian anthem is called Oh Canada. Its pretty good, I just dont know all the lines, and I dont wanna look like a fool |
posted 12-09-98 03:21 AM ET
Well reading the post(of the US athem) got me to singing it. And although I could not sing it without help I do for the most part known it. And yes it makes me feel all patraitic becuase I know in my heart I live in the best country in the world. Which ofcourse is Texas(just a joke). PS we need not debate my personal thoughts in this thread.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-09-98 03:44 AM ET
Kurn speaks the truth. Both Canadian and US national anthems are played at hockey games, even in New Jersey when two US teams are playing.Imran Siddiqui Hockey Fan |
posted 12-09-98 03:44 AM ET
This reminds me of this awful CD my Dad got awhile ago, "National Anthems of the World." It sounded like the original orchestra that was to record it had to drop out, and they got the Podunk High School Concert Band to do it instead. Really scratchy, uncertain sounds. And dumb drum parts- for most anthems you can improvise a bit, but the drums there were incapale of anything tougher than a roll it seemed.Shining1, I really feel sorry for New Zealand. |
posted 12-09-98 05:27 AM ET
Well, unsurprisingly, I just absolutely can't stand national anthems. Too bad, been that way since I was five. Sanctimonious prigs: can't stand'em. (Luckily for everybody, I never go near sports games...) Oh well, I never was much of a patriot. DCA, Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow. |
Aaron McKean
posted 12-09-98 07:16 AM ET
And just what does any of this have to do with SMAC? Oh, home and native land... |
posted 12-09-98 07:18 AM ET
Personally my absolute favourite national antemn is that of the former USSR. |
posted 12-09-98 12:23 PM ET
I'm sure everyone knows this, but... The U.S. National Anthem is based on a poem (forgotten the author) that was written during the War of 1812. One of the cities on the Great Lakes was taking a pounding from British naval vessels and the song/poem basically celebrates the "oh my god, we actually survived the night and haven't lost the city yet" reaction of observers. Of course, later in the war the Brits would burn the White House to the ground...The Canadian National Anthem, on the other hand, was written relatively recently. In a rather ironic twist, I believe it was written by a Quebecer for a visit of the British Monarch to Montreal. As far as anthems go, it isn't great, but it doesn't suck either. And ya gotta just love that Haka thing when done by the All Blacks before a match. (Ocassionaly our sports channels actually carry rugby. Don't know all the rules, but it's still fun to watch.) |
posted 12-09-98 03:31 PM ET
CClark: BZZZZT! Wrong answer!  I oughta know, I go to school in Baltimore MD, which is where the song originated. Francis Scott Key was captured by the Brits, and throughout the night he kept looking at the flag of Ft. McHenry (I believe), which was the fort that was bombarded. Like you said, this no doubt occurred about the time the English razed Washington, D.C. Anyway, in the morning, after the smoke had cleared, lo and behold! the US flag was still flying. Thus the poem was written. Now how it got arranged with a drinking song (particularly a hard song to sing, which is why "America the Beautiful" has been mentioned as a successor, which is much easier to sing), is beyond my knowledge. -Bok |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-09-98 03:33 PM ET
On-topic Challenge:National Anthems for each of the Seven Factions. |
posted 12-09-98 03:37 PM ET
Francis Scott Key, while being held by the British fleet. Fort McHenry was in Baltimore, not on one of the Great Lakes. The "Star Spangled Banner" officially became the US national anthem in 1931. |
posted 12-09-98 03:40 PM ET
Easy. He wrote it to the meter of the drinking song because he had already written songs to it.Oh, and he wasn't a British prisoner(not really). He was on a truce ship negotiating for the release of a friend of his, Dr. William Beanes. The British wouldn't let him leave until after the attack on Baltimore, but he wasn't a POW. |
posted 12-09-98 03:47 PM ET
Okay, so I had Great Lake instead of Baltimore. The rest was basically right.I still find it amusing that the national anthem comes from a poem written during a war where the US got it's butt kicked.  |
posted 12-09-98 03:48 PM ET
An Anthem for the Human Hive:This Land is Your Land This land is your land, this land is my land From California (Uranium Flats) to the New York Islands (Human Hive) From the Redwood Forest (Guncotton Forest) to the Gulf Stream (?) waters This land was made for you and me. As I was walking that ribbon of highway And saw above me the endless skyway And saw below me that Golden Valley, I said This land was made for you and me. I roamed and rambled and followed my footsteps To the sparkling sand of her diamond deserts And all around me, a voice was sounding This land was made for you and me. Was a big high wall there that tried to stop me A sign was painted said: Private Property But on the backside it didn't say nothing This land was made for you and me. Apologies to Woody Guthrie, American, socialist, patriot
Hothram Upravda
posted 12-09-98 04:37 PM ET
CClark:You seem to have forgotten that in the war of 1812 we completly wiped out a intire British Army in Lousiana. Which is where Andrew Jackson become famous. the War of 1812 was a draw. They burned Washington, but who cares? Nothing was there anyway. We wiped them out in the south, and tied them in the Great lakes. NHL: Ok still its really weird i have never heard the Canadian national anthem. Must have always been tring to look for seats . hehe. Hothram Upravda TB |
posted 12-09-98 04:52 PM ET
Mike: What ever happened to the BoS anthem |
posted 12-09-98 05:16 PM ET
Anthem for the Spartan Federation:Political Science: No one likes us - I don't know why. We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try. But all around even our old friends put us down, Let's drop the big one and see what happens. We give them money - But are they grateful? No, they're spiteful and they're hateful. They don't respect us - so let's surprise them. We'll drop the big one and pulverize them. Asia's (HH) crowded and Europe's (UN) to old, Africa (Believers) is far too hot, And Canada's (MC) too cold. And South America (UoP) stole our name, Let's drop the big one, There'll be no one left to blame us. We'll save Australia (High Garden), Don't want to hurt no kangerroo (mind worm), We'll build and all American amusement park there (Spartan Base Camp), They got surfin' too (gun ranges). Boom goes London (New Jerusalem) and boom Paree (MC), More room for you and more room for me. And every city the whole world round Will just be another American (Spartan) town. Oh how peaceful it will be, We'll set everybody free. You'll wear a Japanese (Gaian) kimono And there'll be Italian (MC) shoes for me. They all hate us anyhow. So let's drop the big one now. Let's drop the big one now. Randy Newman (1969) (just jokin' folks)
Hothram Upravda
posted 12-09-98 06:27 PM ET
Now THATS a good anthem!!hehe  Hothram Upravda TB |
posted 12-09-98 07:57 PM ET
Well, as the prowd owner of MANY national anthem .mid files (if you want a copy of your national anthem, I can e-mail it to you) and a big National anthem CD which is much better than the one described above (although it may be the same one ).Personally, this is my list of favorites: Germany (Austrian Hymn) India United States Great Britain Personally, I think the greatest anthem is the Olympic Fanfare and the Olympic Hymn, but, then again, I'm an internationalist :-). |
posted 12-09-98 08:36 PM ET
Here's my submission for the Spartan Anthen(ok, ok, I stole it from Tom Lehrer):"It Makes a Fellow Proud to be a Soldier" The heart of every man in our platoon must swell with pride, For the nation's youth, the cream of which is marching at his side. For the fascinating rules and regulations that we share, And the quaint and curious costumes that we're called upon to wear. Now Al joined up to do his part defending you and me. He wants to fight and bleed and kill and die for liberty. With the hell of war he's come to grips, Policing up the filter tips, It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier! When Pete was only in the seventh grade, he stabbed a cop. He's real R.A. material, and he was glad to swap His switchblade and his old zip gun For a bayonet and a new M-1. It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier! After Johnny got through basic training, he Was a soldier through and through when he was done. Its effects were so well rooted, That the next day he saluted A Good Humor man, an usher, and a nun. Now, Fred's an intellectual, brings a book to every meal. He likes the deep philosophers, like Norman Vincent Peale. He thinks the army's just the thing, Because he finds it broadening. It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier! Now, Ed flunked out of second grade, and never finished school. He doesn't know a shelter half from an entrenching tool. But, he's going to be a big success, He heads his class at OCS. It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier! Our old mess sergeant's taste buds had been shot off in the war. But his savory collations add to our esprit de corps. To think of all the marvelous ways They're using plastics nowadays. It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier! Our lieutenant is the up-and-coming type, Played with soldiers as a boy, you just can bet. It is written in the stars He will get his captain's bars, But he hasn't got enough box tops yet. Our captain has a handicap to cope with, sad to tell. He's from Georgia, and he doesn't speak the language very well. He used to be, so rumor has, The Dean of Alcatraz. It makes a fellow proud to be, What as a kid I vowed to be, What luck to be allowed to be a soldier. (At ease!) |
posted 12-09-98 08:41 PM ET
And here's one for the Believers(from the same source)"The Vatican Rag" First you get down on your knees, Fiddle with your rosaries, Bow your head with great respect, And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect! Do whatever steps you want if You have cleared them with the Pontiff. Everybody say his own Kyrie eleison, Doin' the Vatican Rag. Get in line in that processional, Step into that small confessional. There the guy who's got religion'll Tell you if your sin's original. If it is, try playin' it safer, Drink the wine and chew the wafer, Two, four, six, eight, Time to transubstantiate! So get down upon your knees, Fiddle with your rosaries, Bow your head with great respect, And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect! Make a cross on your abdomen, When in Rome do like a Roman; Ave Maria, Gee, it's good to see ya. Gettin' ecstatic an' sorta dramatic an' Doin' the Vatican Rag! |
posted 12-09-98 08:43 PM ET
The Morgan National Anthem (roughly to the tune of the Deadlock song if anyone played that from their CD, with a slightly changed last line per stanza)The Belivers have their religion, the Pee Kay's got their peace. But our great faction will never ever cease 'Cuz Economic freedom is the greatest happiness; and our great businesses shall safeguard our freeness: I know no mindworms that can be pacifed, Nor Gaian, Spartan, Hivester that we can ally by; It's us against the world and we'll do our very best, It's up to you and me to insure their final rest; So that our great nation will transcend the best! |
posted 12-09-98 09:36 PM ET
I always liked France's national anthem-- the U.S. one is too cacophonous-- esp. w.r.t. their old one "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean". I also like the old USSR one-- really sounds good, which it had to for all the sh*t their government forced on them. |
posted 12-09-98 10:17 PM ET
Snowfire: We have the Haka, so it's not so bad. The current national anthem was writen by the wife of one of the Governor's, I think, back when New Zealand was just a colony of the British Empire. How it ever got adopted as the Nation Anthem remains a mystery, and says a lot about N.Z's dull witted politicians.Spoe: Are you sure you're not my father?  Knowing Tom Lehrer songs completes an almost perfect personality match. Now if you enjoy tramping and hate all forms of football, I'm really gonna be freaked out... (P.S Just kidding. ) |
Brother Greg
posted 12-09-98 10:20 PM ET
For the PKs, I'd say U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday."How long, how long must we sing this song? How long, how loo-oo-oong?" (I would post all the lyrics, but I can't remember them off by heart) P.S. I'd like to see someone post the Canadian and English national anthems, along with the Marsellei (French - sp?) if anyone knows it, or the USSR...  |
posted 12-09-98 10:22 PM ET
Well, I'm pretty much against football(with the exception of the Packers(family influence there)). Not sure what you mean by "tramping". Hiking maybe? I do like that. But I'm pretty sure I'm not your father, Shining1. |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 12-10-98 11:12 AM ET
Here is La Marseillaise1er couplet Allons enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive ! Contre nous de la tyrannie L'etendard sanglant est leve ! (bis) Entendez vous dans les campagnes, Mugir ces feroces soldats ? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes ! Refrain Aux armes, citoyens ! Formez vos bataillons ! Marchons ! Marchons ! Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons !
2eme couplet Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, de traitres, de rois conjures ? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves, Ces fers des longtemps prepares ? (bis) Francais ! pour nous, ah ! Quel outrage ! Quels transports il doit exciter ! C'est nous qu'on ose mediter De rendre a l'antique esclavage !
3eme couplet Quoi ! Ces cohortes etrangeres Feraient la loi dans nos foyers ! Quoi ! Ces phalanges mercenaires Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers ! (bis) Grand Dieu ! Par des mains enchainees Nos fronts sous le joug ploiraient ! De vils despotes deviendraient Les maitres de nos destinees !
4eme couplet Tremblez tyrans ! Et vous, perfides, L'opprobre de tous les partis, Tremblez ! Vos projets parricides Vont enfin recevoir leur prix ! (bis) Tout est soldat pour vous combattre. S'ils tombent, nos jeunes heros, La France en produit de nouveaux, Contre vous tout prets a se battre !
5eme couplet Francais, en guerriers magnanimes, Portez ou retenez vos coups ! Epargnez ces tristes victimes, A regret s'armant contre nous. (bis) Mais ces despotes sanguinaires, Mais ces complices de Boulle, Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitie, Dechirent le sein de leur mere !...
6eme couplet Amour sacre de la patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs ! Liberte, Liberte cherie, Combats avec tes defenseurs ! (bis) Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire Accoure a tes males accents ! Que tes ennemis expirants Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire !
7eme couplet Nous entrerons dans la carriere Quand nos aines n'y seront plus; Nous y trouverons leur poussiere Et la trace de leurs vertus. (bis) Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre Que de partager leur cercueil, Nous aurons le sublime orgueil De les venger ou de les suivre
I must have found the long version.  |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 12-10-98 11:18 AM ET
Canadian National AnthemO Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. ======================================= O Canada! Terre de nos a�eux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! Car ton bras sait porter l'�p�e, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une �pop�e Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi tremp�e, Prot�gera nos foyers et nos droits, Prot�gera nos foyers et nos droits. |
posted 12-10-98 12:41 PM ET
When i was in school learning history the teacher used to say that Finnish national anthem was based on old german beersongs or something like that. |
posted 12-10-98 01:39 PM ET
The Scottish one: Flower Of Scotland...O Flower of Scotland When will we see Your like again, That fought and died for Your wee bit Hill and Glen And stood against him Proud Edward's Army, And sent him homeward Tae think again. The Hills are bare now And Autumn leaves lie thick and still O'er land that is lost now Which those so dearly held That stood against him Proud Edward's Army And sent him homeward Tae think again. Those days are past now And in the past they must remain But we can still rise now And be the nation again That stood against him Proud Edward's Army And sent him homeward, Tae think again. 0 Flower of Scotland When will we see Your like again, That fought and died for Your wee bit Hill and Glen And stood against him Proud Edward's Army, And sent him homeward Tae think again. Get 60,000 Scots belting that out at once...damn fine.
posted 12-10-98 01:42 PM ET
For the UK as a whole (I got this from a Canadian site by the way...I only know the first verse and, since it's such a bloody dirge, people only ever sing the first one anyway): God Save The QueenGod save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen! God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen! O Lord our God arise, Scatter her enemies, And make them fall: Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On Thee our hopes we fix: God save us all. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour; Long may she reign: May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen. Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family, The wide world over From every latent foe, From the assassins blow, God save the Queen! O'er her thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, Our mother, prince, and friend, God save the Queen! Now, I could've sworn there was a verse about "the rebellious Scots to crush"...
posted 12-10-98 01:49 PM ET
And now Wales: Land Of My FathersMae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi, Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri; Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad, Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.<Picture> Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad, Tra mor yn fur i'r bur hoffbau, O bydded i'r heniaith barhau. (and in translation) The land of my fathers is dear unto me, Old land where the minstrels are honoured and free: Its warring defenders, so gallant and brave, For freedom their life's blood they gave. Country (Wales), Country (Wales), true am I to my Country (Wales), While seas secure this land so pure, O may our old language endure Best sung by a Welsh Male Voice Choir... |
posted 12-10-98 01:51 PM ET
And for England there are a number of candidates (including Rule Britannia, and Jerusalem)...but I prefer...Land Of Hope And Glory Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set; God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. Chiefly cos it's short...  |
posted 12-10-98 07:09 PM ET
Anyone care to translate the French National Anthem? I believe there is a bit about letting the impure blood of our enimies flow in the gutters. Should appeal to Yo Yo.I think it is the best one. Our own, Advance Australia Fair, stinks. It is based on a song called God Bless The Prince of Wales. |
Victor Galis
posted 12-10-98 08:09 PM ET
I will attempt to translate La Marseillaise, but I may screw it up (no offense meant to France, or Monsieur de l'Isle, etc.) my French is not that good. Now let's see if I can remember it...1st couplet Children of the homeland The day of glosy has arrived Against us tyranny The bloody flag is raised (bis) Lay down in the fields (Mugir) these brave soldiers They into our arms (Egorger) our sons and companions refrain To arms, citizens! Form your battalions! Let's march, let's march That an impure blood Irrigates our fields! 2nd Couplet What does this horde of slaves, Traitors, of conjured kings want What do these ignoble obstacles want These (fers) prepared since a long time (bis) French! For us what an outrage! What transports it must exite It is us they dare contemplate To render to the old slavery 3rd Couplet What! These foreign cohorts Would make laws in our hearths What! These merecnery phalanxes Would (terraserait) our proud warriors (bis) By chained hands Our forheads would under the (joug) plow Vile despots would become Masters of our destinies! 4th Couplet Tremble tyrants! And you faithless The shame of all sides Tremble! Your (parricides) projects Will at last get their price! (bis) All is a soldier to combat you, And if they fall you young heroes France produces new ones Ready to fight against you 5th Couplet French, in maganimous(sp?) warriors Deliver or retain your blows Spare these sad victims That regretfully arm themselves against us(bis) But these bloodthirsty despots, But these accomplices of Boulle All of these tigers that without pity Tear the breast of their mother 6th couplet Sacred love of the homeland Drive, sustain our avenging arms Cherished liberty, liberty Fight among your defenders! (bis) Under our flags, that victory (Accoure a tes males accents) That our expiring enemies See your triumph and our glory! We enter in the career When our forebarers won't be We'll find their dust And the trace ouf their virtues (bis) Well less (jaloux) to follow them Than to share their (cercueil) We will have the sublim pleasure To avenge them or follow them Now, if I could just find that dictionary... |
Victor Galis
posted 12-10-98 08:15 PM ET
Though not quite as bloodthirsty as I remeber it, it is still anacronistic. It was written during the French Revolution by Claude Rouget count de L'Isle. It was first sung by the Army of the Rhine, when they invaded Austria. (The origninal title is The Warsong of the Army of the Rhine.) I think it is one of the best anthems out there, not boring. I even occasionally sing it to myself (I'm not French.), but then again I am eccentric. |
Victor Galis
posted 12-10-98 08:19 PM ET
I also know the Canadian, Romanian, and first verse of the American anthems. i would post Romania's, but then I would have to translate it and after translating the marseillaise I don't think I have the time.Oh yes, at times I have also attempted to write variations of the Marseillaise: one directed at tyrannical teachers, and one directed at Quebec separatists(the Montrealaise) both attempts were mildly succesful though never completed. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-10-98 08:51 PM ET
Cool. It is interesting how many of them are based on warfare, no?I gotta admit that I like it when I watch rugby, and the Poms at Twickenham (or a soccer international at Wembley), or the Welsh at Cardiff, or the Scotts at Muirfield (Damn, can't remember if that is the home of Scottish rugby - must be going senile) bash out their national anthem. Or 1000 Aussies belting out "Waltzing Matilda" at Eden Park after beating the Kiwis. Hmm, is it just me, or does Rugby tend to attract more boisterous singers than any other sport? (I don't imagine too many Americans would have seen too much Rugby, so you may not be able to comment.) |
posted 12-10-98 09:14 PM ET
BG: I'd broaden 'Rugby' to football in general, in that 60 000 scousers (spelling?) singing 'You'll never walk alone' would have to be one of the most emotional scenes in world sport.Tolls: Do you know where I could find the words to 'Scotland the Brave'? I've only ever heard it once, but it struck me a great ol' tune and I can't seem to find it anywhere. |
posted 12-10-98 09:23 PM ET
Only rugby I've seen were a few University of Kentucky club matches. Don't remember singing, though I doubt I was in much of a condition to remember any it there was. |
Q Cubed
posted 12-10-98 09:45 PM ET
hey! Korea's isn't that bloodthirsty... :-)��First Verse & refrain in Korean with MOE romanization: Dong�hae�mul�gwa Paek�tu�san�i ma�ru�go dal�to�rok Ha�nu�num�i Bo�u�ha�sa U�ri�na�ra man�se Mu�gung�hwa sam�chol�li Hwar�yo gang�san Dae�han�sa�ram Dae�han�u�ro ki�ri bo�chon�ha�se ��First Verse and Refrain (Underwood Translation) Until the East Sea's waves are dry, and Paektu Mountain worn away, God watch over our land forever. May Korea last 10,000 years. Rose of Sharon, thousand miles of range and river land! Guarded by her people, ever may Korea stand! ��Verses 2-4 Like that South Mountain armored pine, standing on duty still, wind or frost, unchanging ever, be our resolute will. (R) In autumn's arching evening sky, crystal, and cloudless blue, Be the radiant moon our spirit, steadfast, single, and true. (R) With such a will and such a spirit, in loyalty, heart and hand, Let us love, come grief, come gladness, this, our beloved land! (R) written by Ahn Eak-tae (or for you westerners, E.T. Ahn). |
Q Cubed
posted 12-10-98 09:51 PM ET
Notes:����Verse 1: �Paektu Mountain is the highest mountain on the Korean peninsula, but it is currently within North Korean borders. Traditionally viewed as the place where the founder of Korea came down from heaven. �Manse literally means ten thousand years. The Japanese term "banzai" is a corruption of this Korean word. |
posted 12-10-98 09:57 PM ET
Spoe: It's a well known fact that Americans can't play rugby, and are totally incapable of understanding cricket (at the genetic level, I suspect. "Prithee, sir, we must away to the new world before this by-our-lady game gets the better of us!".)I suspect some American networks carry the occasional game of Rugby League (known as League), which is much easier to understand than Rugby is at first (although ultimately not as good, IMHO). |
posted 12-10-98 10:20 PM ET
Eh, I rather enjoyed cricket(both times I played, both times with archaeologists in Wales), much more so than baseball. If my lack of understanding of the rules is due my small amount of experience with the game or due to, as you say, some genetic defficiency is unknown to me. |
posted 12-10-98 11:03 PM ET
Interesting. The only real difference is that you get to hit the ball more than once before the next batsman comes in. Which makes the game MUCH more fun to play, though longer and possibly less interesting to watch (though I don't find this at all. How anyone can sit through an entire game of baseball sober is beyond me.)I could try posting the main rules, but I suspect Brother Greg would be a much better person to ask...  |
posted 12-10-98 11:12 PM ET
Heh. My father to a Swiss friend of his to a baseball game. After the game, he said than now he understood how Americans were the first to the moon. Any nation that could come up with and enjoy such a dull, methodical game must have the perserverance to go through with a project like that. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-11-98 12:56 AM ET
The rules of cricket? Cripes, you must be trying to get me back for us beating you in the Bledisloe . Oh well, here we go, the rules for international crieket (I'm not going to cover local cricket, cos they vary):The game is played on a round or Oval field. Note that the field is not required to be perfectly round or oval, and in fact there is no pre-defined size nor shape for a ground that I am aware of, other than through convention. There might be in the ICC (Internationsl Cricket Council) rules for all I know. The edges of the field are referred to as the "boundaries". In roughly the centre of the field is an area of grass which is compacted with very heavy rollers, until it is very hard (so hard that until it cracks from drying out, it can be almost impossible to push a key into the pitch). Pitches vary in the way they are prepared. "Greentops" have a lot of grass, and tend to be more bouncy. The drier pitches of the subcontinent (India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka) are much drier (duh), have a lower bounce, and take more spin (which I will explain later). On the pitch, 22 yards apart, are three "stumps" set upright in the ground, with "bails" (imagine a square "M" with very long legs - the stumps are the legs, the bails sit accross the top, one between the middle stump and each out side stump. Stumps and bails are made of wood, and there is a groove in the top of each stump for the bails. Marked out aprox 1.3 metres in front of each set of stumps is a crease (a line marked out on the ground), running perpendicular to the pitch. Marked out parralell to the pitch, approx 1.25 metres metres either side of the middle stump is another crease, termed the popping crease (don't ask, cos I don't know). This runs from the crease backwards for a couple of metres. The ball is round, very slightly larger than a baseball, made from a cork inner, wrapped in string and something or other else, and covered in leather which has been dyed red for test matches and white for one day games. The leather is in two parts, each forming half a sphere, and is stiched down the middle. The raised stiches form the seam. The bat is traditionally made from willow (a wood ), and is mostly rectangular in shape, with a round handle sticking out the end. Imagine a baseball bat made of wood where the end was rectangular and had a flat face. The back of the bat is generally shaped like a very shallow "V". Anyway, there are 11 players per side, plus a twelfth man, who can field for another player if injured, but cannot bowl or bat. A coin is tossed, and the winning captain can choose to field or to bat. One team takes the field (all 11 players), while two players from the opposition bat at any one time, each batter being replaced by another batter when they are out until 10 players are out (leaving one poor bloke who ends up being "not out"). On the fielding side, there is a wicket keeper, similar to a pitcher, who takes the ball after the bowler has bowled the ball. there is a bowler, who has to "bowl" the ballto the opposition batsmen, and attempt to get them out. the other 9 players take varying fielding positions, set at the whim of the captain of the fielding side. The bowler has six balls in an over, except for wides or no-balls which must be bowled again. A wide is a ball that is so far away from the stumps that the batsman in his normal batting position has no hope of hitting the ball. A no-ball is a ball that is delivered with a bowler's front foot wholly over the crease, or with his back foor wholly outside the popping crease. Or a ball that is "thrown" rather than bowled. The definition of bowling is that during the delivery of the ball, the arm must remain in a locked position. This, if bent, it cannot straighten, and if straight, it cannot bend. Normally a bowlers arm remains straight, apart from a notorious Sri Lankan cricketer.  The ball may bounce only once between the bowler releasing the ball, and it reaching the batter, or a no-ball will be called. Note that at one stage this rule was not in effect, and the Aussies bowled a ball along the ground in a one-dayer on the last ball, to make it almost impossible for the Kiwi batsman to hit a six. Heh.  Another rule is that intimidatory bowling (bowling with the sole purpose of intimidating the batsman) is also not allowed. This was made infamous during the "Bodyline" series, when English bowlers bowled at the Australian batsmen's bodies to attempt to get them out. This caused what is probably the only time a British flag has been burned in Australia. The decision of what is intimidatory bowling is up to the umpire I think, as I believe there is no hard fast rule to try and enforce. Anyway, the bowler bowls (or delivers) the ball, and the batsman has to avoid being dismissed (getting out), and try and score runs. A batsman scores runs by hitting the ball with the bat, and runnign between ends as many times as he can before a fielder returns the ball. Note the run-out law below as well. Runs may also be scored if the batsman plays a shot, misses the ball, the ball strikes his body, and they decide thay can get a run. This is termed a "leg bye". A more proper term would probably be a body-bye, but there you go... Runs may also be scored if the batsman plays a shot, misses the ball, the ball misses him, and the batsmen decide they can score a run. Note that once the ball has been "returned" by a fielder safely to a player near the stumps, and the batsmen have stopped running, the ball is considered to be "dead", and no further runs can be taken (like when it is being thrown to the bowler. Ah yea, ball crosses the boundary, it is four runs. Ball crosses the boundary on the full it is six runs. A batsman may be dismissed by: - The ball striking his wicket after the bowler bowls the ball. This is called being "Bowled". Note that there has to be a direct path to hit the wicket, ie the bowler can't bowl it to a fieldsman who throws it at the stumps. - The ball hitting the bat or the gloves of the batsman, and a fielder catching the ball before it bounces, or crosses the boundary. This is called being "Caught". - If the bowler bowls a ball which pitches in line with the stumps, and the act of the ball striking the batsman on the body prevents the ball from striking the stumps, the batter is given out "Leg before wicket". This is due to the fact that the stumps are probably only 80cm tall, and normally the ball would have to strike the legs for this to happen. However, if a batsman attempts to duck under a ball which stays lower than they expects, it is possible that it might even strike their head, and they can be given out LBW. A slight variation on this rule is that if a batsman is not attempting to play a shot (hit the ball) when struck, the ball only has to be more likely than not hitting the stumps, and it is not necessary to be pitching in line with the stumps. Or something. I think they changed this whole law recently, I forget. - A batsman may be given out run-out, if when attempting a run, a fielder hits the stumps witht he ball, causing the bails to be dislodged, while the batsman is short of the crease. This means any part of the batsman's body or bat (while being held - you can't just throw it) being grounded behind the crease (note, not on the crease - you're out if only on the crease). - Similarly a batsman may be given out "stumped" if a bowler bowls the ball, the wicket keeper takes it while standing just behind the stumps, and removes the bails with the ball (or his glove, if the ball is in that glove) while no part of the batsman's body is grounded behind the crease (note, not on the crease - you're out if only on the crease). Ah, crap, that's most of it. Six ball overs. Five days for test matches, 90 overs per day, no limit on no overs per innings. One day matches, 50 overs per side max. Now I'm gonna go get physio fortypers cramp. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-11-98 01:03 AM ET
Ah, crumbs, forgot:In test matches, each side gets maximum two innings. In order to win, you have to dismiss the opposition twice, and score more runs in total then them. Note that it is possible to "declare" an innings closed before all batsmen are dismissed. Obviously you try not to do this in the second innings unless you think you can win, and time is running out. Note it is also quite possible for a draw in a test match if the team batting fourth lasts until the end of the 5th day, yet are not all out, and have not gotten enough runs to win. In one dayers, one side bats for 50 overs, or until all out, then the other side bats. Most runs wins. Obviously you don't declare in a one-dayer, unless you're batting second, and you pass their total. then you just win, you don't actually declare. P.S. Australia is currently the best team, followed by probably South Africa and the West Indies. Currently the aussies are playing the Poms, and are 1 for 125 in the first innings of the third test. We lead the series 1-0 so far. A good score is 300+, which the aussies are well on the way to getting. 100 is the magic score for a batsman (very good score), though 50 is pretty good to. Phew.  |
posted 12-11-98 01:51 AM ET
Maybe the Canadians aren't so long winded after all :PThanks, BG. Now that I think of it, I also played cricket once about 10 years ago, in the Bahamas. |
posted 12-11-98 08:01 AM ET
Shining1: First place I looked! |
posted 12-13-98 01:16 AM ET
Victor Galis. Thanks for the translation and the background info. |
posted 12-13-98 02:17 AM ET
The perfect Morgan anthemPink Floyd, "Money" Money, get away get a good job with more pay and you're okay Money, it's a gas grab that cash with both hands and make a stash New car, caviar, four star day-dream Think I'll buy me a football team Money, get back I'm alright Jack keep your hands off my stack Money, it's a hit don't give me that do goody good bull**** I'm in the Hi-fidelity first class traveling set and I think I need a Lear jet Money, it's a crime share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today but if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're giving noe away (background: I don't know, I was pretty drunk at the time...)
posted 12-13-98 02:18 AM ET
I love Dark side of the moon.... |
posted 12-14-98 06:21 AM ET
Anthems ? Really funny...Arnelos: "Germany (Austrian Hymn)". Yeah, they stole our song "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" (God bless emperor Franz) and added crappy lyrics, like "Deutschland �ber alles". But the third "couplet" they use now is rather good. Austria's anthem is based on A mozart piece (what else ?) for his freemason brothers, with lyrics drawn up in the late 40s. It was written by a woman, but says "You're home to great sons" - got the feminists pretty angry, and in that regard I understand it. Some great daughters, too. Maybe I'll bring a translation later. And I love the european anthem (yes, it exists!).
posted 12-14-98 09:13 AM ET
Who needs national anthems? Everyone should sing the Interantionale instead....Anyway, here's my favourite national anthem which has a simple, yet interesting melody (Maybe that's why it's used by 4 different countries with different lyrics...). It's the tanzanian one (I like the Marseillaise too...): Mungu ibariki afrika Wabariki vizongozi wake Hekima, umoja na amani hizi ni ngao zetu, Africa na watu wake, Ibariki, Afrika Ibariki, Afrika Tubariki, watoto wa afrika (Ooops, no time. I'll write the second verse later) |
posted 12-15-98 09:41 PM ET
Heh. I remember my father singing the Tanzanian anthem while standing on a table after one too many White Russians at a cousin's wedding. Nice country, too. I'd recommend a trip there to anyone. Here's the whole thing(with translation, for the no Swahili speakers here). 1. Mungu ibariki Africa Wabariki Viongozi wake Hekima Umoja na Amani Hizi ni ngao zetu Afrika na watu wake.(God Bless Africa. Bless its leaders. Let Wisdom Unity and Peace be the shield of Africa and its people.) Chorus: Ibariki Afrika Ibariki Afrika Tubariki watoto wa Afrika. (Bless Africa, Bless Africa, Bless the children of Africa.) 2. Mungu ibariki Tanzania Dumisha uhuru na Umoja Wake kwa Waume na Watoto Mungu Ibariki Tanzania na watu wake. (God Bless Tanzania. Grant eternal Freedom and Unity To its sons and daughters. God Bless Tanzania and its People.) Chorus: Ibariki Tanzania Ibariki Tanzania Tubariki watoto wa Tanzania. (Bless Tanzania, Bless Tanzania, Bless the children of Tanzania.)
posted 12-15-98 09:57 PM ET
Anybody ever heard "welcome to the occupation" by R.E.M.? Personally, I think it'd make a pretty good hive anthem, though its pretty mellow. |
posted 12-18-98 06:45 AM ET
Here's A cool Believer Anthem. Her=Miriam Love=of God I'm A Believer
by Neil Diamond I thought love was only true in fairy tales, Meant for someone else, but not for me, Ah, love was out to get me, That's the way it seemed, Disappointment haunted all my dreams. Then I saw her face, Now I'm a believer, Not a trace of doubt in my mind, I'm in love, I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried. I thought love was, more or less, a giving thing, Seems the more I gave, the less I got, What's the use in trying, All you get is pain. When I needed sunshine, I got rain. Then I saw her face, Now I'm a believer, Not a trace of doubt in my mind, I'm in love, I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried. SOLO Ah, love was out to get me, Now that's the way it seemed, Disappointment haunted all my dreams. Ah, then I saw her face, Now I'm a believer, Not a trace of doubt in my mind, I'm in love, Oh, I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried. Yes, I saw her face, Now I'm a believer, Not a trace of doubt in my mind, Said, I'm a believer, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, Said, I'm a believer, yeah, fade out... |
posted 12-18-98 08:44 AM ET
Oooh... And for Morgan, the ABBA classic:Abba Arrival Money Money Money I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay Ain't it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me That's too bad In my dreams I have a plan If I got me a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball... Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man's world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich man's world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money It's a rich man's world A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind Ain't it sad And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me That's too bad So I must leave, I'll have to go To Las Vegas or Monaco And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same... Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man's world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich man's world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money It's a rich man's world Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich man's world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich man's world Aha-ahaaa All the things I could do If I had a little money It's a rich man's world It's a rich man's world |