Topic: episode 29 is up!!!!! what do U think?
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posted 12-07-98 08:56 PM ET
well we waited a week for it and its here, what do u think of it?
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 09:09 PM ET
It was annoying, took too long to get to the point this week.But, on that note, I loved this part... NBC/MS Integrated Optical Network : ABORT RETRY FAIL ROFL... |
posted 12-07-98 09:15 PM ET
Interesting. Didn't really match the back of the envelope calcs we did back on the old forums in the fusion drive thread(IIRC, at 0.1g it workd out to around 1 year accel, coast for 38 years, and the 1 year decel) for maximum fuel efficiency. Maybe I really _should_ go back and do some more accurate calculations.---- Yeah, the NBC/MS bit was good, very good. But with FOX offline we'll all miss the X Files _and_ the Simpsons! Argh! :P |
posted 12-07-98 09:15 PM ET
ya, the last part in red was rather amusing. FOX is OFFLINE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!  |
Brother Greg
posted 12-07-98 09:20 PM ET
I think you should stop using multiple exclamation points and question marks is what I think.  Anyway, off to read it right now... |
posted 12-07-98 09:21 PM ET
I thought it a bit overdramatic. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-07-98 09:28 PM ET
Well, I thought it was good in that it gave us an insight into the psychology of the leaders and their interaction with each other. This has to be close to the first time we see them all together, interacting freely with each other. I think if you look deeper into the story, you'll see the beginning of the Factions right here.No Garland to steer them, just the others. rather symbolic really. You can see the hope of Miriam and Lal, the disinterest of Zakharov, etc. I think there's more to this episode than meets the eye... Then again, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.  |
posted 12-07-98 09:29 PM ET
NAOL Consumer Courtesy Warning Web : OFFLINE Hrm. NAOL, N/AOL, ... , Netscape/America OnLine? |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 09:33 PM ET
I agree Brother Greg, but it seemed to me that Zakharov took too long getting to his point, and I tend to agree with Jojo that it was a bit overdramatic. It DID have some good information and a few critical elements, but that doesn't prevent it from being annoying. ;-) |
posted 12-07-98 09:55 PM ET
One interesting aspect is that this is the biggest bunch of future faction heads ever to be assembled into one room. What the heck is Capt. Garland up to? If he isn't careful he will be late for his own funeral. As said by others, there is some interesting information in this episode and a few insights on how these individuals interact. I was disappointed that the story line was not carried forward any. I guess my impression is that this episode was added in order to string the story out over more weeks than initially planned. The last bit about the networks off line is cool though.
posted 12-07-98 10:24 PM ET
I'm betting the next time we see Garland he's already be one of the dearly departed.It's the classic murder mystery - someone dies while all the main suspects are gathered in the same room (or otherwise engaged, like Corazon Santiago). In fact, the only faction unaccounted for is Morgan. In the library with a lead pipe . |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-08-98 07:11 AM ET
LOL .. this was all part of the plan .. Captain Garland set it up so these future faction leaders would start communicating with each other and working together !!!He was planning his staged death in his quarters while they all got together !!! Maybe he was also negotiating with Santiago !!! I think all in all, there is hope, in that they all were able to see past their differences to asses their situation !!!  |
posted 12-08-98 08:41 AM ET
I think that the quality and the suspense (even the length) of the episodes have declined a lot over the last few weeks. It seems to me that whoever is writing the episodes is currently occupied with something else (the demo or the manual, perhaps) and the weekly updates just have very low priority. IMHO, any writer worth his salt can pull off something like todays episode in half an hour. Of course I also like to see the future faction leaders in conversation and the network status reports. I just feel that The Game of Games deserves something better than OK.
posted 12-08-98 12:02 PM ET
One serious error in the stroy, though....FOX is listed as being offline. Everyone knows that long after a nuclear holocaust FOX would still be broadcasting quality entertainment like "When Figure Skaters Attack" or "When Buildings Fall Down". Broadcasting to the cockroaches, no doubt.... |
posted 12-08-98 01:15 PM ET
I'm surprised that you all just looked at the surface of the story and failed to see the hidden warning. It is obvious that the story was a parallel for a discussion had by the Firaxis team members wherein they admitted to themselves that the design was too ambitious. The story was a warning that the multiplayer code was just oo much to add into the already stuffed design and that odds are the game isn't going to get finished. Yes, the game is reaching critical mass and they can't squish bugs without making more new ones. Why do you think the release date keeps getting pushed back? At this point they're ready to cut their losses by just ditching the game. They posted this story to help cushion the blow of having the entire Unity explode in next week's story.I will now run away very quickly all the while yelling "I WAS JUST KIDDING!!! IT'S JUST A JOKE!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!"  |