Topic: 50 years of human rights
RM |
posted 12-07-98 09:44 AM ET
It is exactly 50 years ago the UN declared the human rights. Just thought that it deserved to be mentioned.
DJ RRebel
posted 12-07-98 12:02 PM ET
Here here .. Actually, here's to hoping those rights will actually be inforced in the next 50 years !!! |
posted 12-07-98 12:36 PM ET
ahem |
posted 12-07-98 12:37 PM ET
by the way what are the UN version of the rights of a human
posted 12-07-98 01:23 PM ET
The 30 articles of human rights can be found on: |
posted 12-07-98 02:34 PM ET
It was good mentioning it RM. I think that Eleanor Roosevelt was the basic motivating force behind that declaration. So it was an American! Too bad the US forget them in foreign policy.CrackGenius PS Please don't take the last comment as classic american bashing. No need to adress it. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-07-98 02:42 PM ET
Again ... LOL .. another American assumtion .. The UN charter of rights was written by a CANADIAN !!!  Although, it really doesn't matter where the person wrote it is from !!! The whole point of it is so that lines on maps are erased when it comes to basic human rights !!! |
posted 12-07-98 02:53 PM ET
I just read the UN "universal declaration of human rights" and I feel obliged to state for the record that I disagree with it.CrackGenius A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. P.J. O'Rourke |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-07-98 03:34 PM ET
Too bad, that the US doesn't follow them internally as well. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-07-98 03:40 PM ET
You just read 30 pages of legal text in 30 minutes ??? Is it all on one long web page so I could print it out ??? |
posted 12-07-98 03:47 PM ET
Yep. Check this page: according to RM. But I still disagree with it, especially with the articles from 20 afterwards.CrackGenius A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. P.J. O'Rourke |
posted 12-07-98 04:00 PM ET
That's ok we are used to America bashing. We just keep running the world our way!he hehehehehehehehehehehehehe hahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahah! |
posted 12-07-98 04:09 PM ET
sure you're running it your way - let me mention a few details..: -pinochet in chile -korea -vietnam -afghanistan -cuba and a lot more a cant remember rigth now. |
posted 12-07-98 04:22 PM ET
Which ones do you disagree with in particular, CrackGenius? |
posted 12-07-98 04:53 PM ET
Well, the Declaration has liberal origins but in many cases it endorses conservative and social democratic perspectives (I generally disagree with both). Two examples:1)Conservativism: Article 16, Paragraph 3: The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. 2)Social democracy: Article 22: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security... As for why I disagree with this see the thread about the welfare state. CrackGenius "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge where there is no river." Nikita Khrushchev
posted 12-07-98 04:58 PM ET
I dislike the one where they say you have to pu your socks on before your shoes-- the impudence! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-07-98 04:59 PM ET
Actually, CG what you call conservatism is actually liberalism. Of course, if you are talking about 19th century liberalism, then I am mistaken. Today's conservatism, in the US at least, doesn't think that everyone deserves protection by the State.Imran Siddiqui Conservative (20th Century) |
posted 12-07-98 06:45 PM ET
Well Imran, in Europe things are a little bit more comlpicated. For example in Germany the welfare state was established by the conservatives. That's why I prefer to use the original meaning of the words liberalism, conservativism, social democracy (socialism) etc. As for the US I think that the Republicans are liberals in economic issues but strongly conservatives in social issues (compulsory praying at schools, hard line on drugs etc.). CrackGenius "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge where there is no river." Nikita Khrushchev |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-08-98 06:00 AM ET
In this day and age, you people should stop looking at the names of the parties, and start looking at the issues they represent !!!These days, political parties change their policies faster than ,,, well ... fast !!!  |