Topic: What is the greatest defect of mankind?
Q Cubed |
posted 12-06-98 11:26 PM ET
Greetings. I thought i would toss this topic out out of fascination. i honestly think that one of the greatest defects of our species is the Fear of the Other. We seem to do horrendous things to those not of our mold, like the Japanese against most other Asians, Anti-Semetism and what not. i honestly believe that this is the root of almost all evil, especially because when this fear of the other surfaces, there will be those who exploit it for their own benefit, like VW (but i can't help but love their beetles). I look forward to hearing your opinion.
Brother Greg
posted 12-06-98 11:44 PM ET
I think that Douglas Adams summed it up perfectly when he said:"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." Brother Greg. |
posted 12-06-98 11:49 PM ET
Yeah, as BG put it. The human race is capable of tremendous things, if we'd only not repeat the same mistakes. |
BKK the Mentat
posted 12-06-98 11:59 PM ET
"What experience and history teach us is this-that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principals deduced from it." -Georg Hegal |
posted 12-07-98 12:05 AM ET
I think the main problem is acting on a set of genetic responses and urges that, while essential 10,000 years ago, are now hopelessly out of their depth in the 20th century.Just my $0.02 |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 12-07-98 12:11 AM ET
The greatest defect of mankind? Hmm...I'd have to say fighting over religion. In fact, I challenge you to think of something more stupider to fight over than religion. No offense intended to someone who likes figthing over religion. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-07-98 12:16 AM ET
FJORXC: "No offence intended (etc)" - No, no offence intended, just that you like the most stupid thing in existance. lol... |
Q Cubed
posted 12-07-98 12:56 AM ET
Fjorxc: that's quite interesting, because most religions pit people against each other, wouldn't you agree? i think it's a bit related to my statement on the "Fear of the Other." Bro Greg, you're right. It does seem that humans don't give a hoot about what's happened in the past, and also seem to be somewhat fond of genocide and its p.c. term, "ethnic cleansing" (although it's not much of an improvement). |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-07-98 05:27 PM ET
Arogence, just pure belief that one is better than the other.Imran Siddiqui |
posted 12-07-98 08:40 PM ET
Stupidity. Definitively human stupidity.-Maya Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. -- Albert Einstein |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 08:45 PM ET
Hear hear... I would consider human hubris and arrogance to be subsets of stupidity in general. (Or A subset, since hubris is a form of arrogance.) |
posted 12-07-98 08:55 PM ET
"Defect" in what sense? From a biological point of view, compassion might be the worst defect. In saving another who might not have otherwise survived, one weakens the race. In not killing off a weaker group, one lessens one's own group's survival probability. In that sense, humanity's "stupidity" may well be an asset. And no, this isn't my opinion, just a comment. |
posted 12-07-98 08:56 PM ET
Alomost what Maya said, but the root of our stupidity is the greatest human failing:our selfishness. |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 08:58 PM ET
Compassion CAN be a detriment to the species in that way but in Darwinian effect it doesn't always work out that way. Humans and other higher apes work in social groups, and within a group compassion tends to heighten survival, not hinder it. If you're overly compassionate to your COMPETITORS, yes, you have a good point. |
posted 12-07-98 09:08 PM ET
Gord, its called morality. It is a detriment to survival, but would you like to live in a world where everyone had no conscience, and ruthlessly tried to get ahead? Arrogance, IGNORANCE(not stupidity), and fear. We are all arrogant in some ways(ehem, all of those posts putting down religion, quite arrogant), we are all ignorant, for we do not know everything, though we learn more every day, and fear, for painfully obvious reasons. Though, if it weren't for defects, we wouldn't be human, would we? The nature of humans is imperfect. As for the word itself, who among you can truly say what is perfect? It is an impossible question, since there will always be flaws, no matter how minute. Frankly, I think its the imperfections that make life fun...(not the big ones, I could do without societies having genocidal tendencies) |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 09:12 PM ET
Morality has no part to play in Darwinism, except in as far as it leads to compassion or hostility, which in turn affect survival of individuals and/or groups. |
posted 12-07-98 10:38 PM ET
Saying we have "defects" implies there was some sort of design...However, if stupidity and/or ignorance are our greatest shortcomings, it should be noted that all other species on the planet are more stupid and ignorant than we are. Not all that bad, in a Darwinian sense. And Gord is right about Darwinism not playing favorites with morality. Darwinism only deals with selection pressures. Compassion, morality, etc., has been on the whole a good deal for humanity, otherwise we wouldn't have evolved this way (the heartless and selfish would have had an advantage and would have thrived).
posted 12-07-98 10:46 PM ET
Guilt, compassion, "morality" (an overloaded word at the present), etc are all essential survival trains for a species as interdependant as ours - you can't make the simplest technologicial instrument (say, a pencil) without a huge amount of cooperation; and cooperation requires the ability to get along.It's a good question whether we do in fact have a specific defect - we know we're not perfect, but then we're a quantum leap better than the next thing available. |
posted 12-07-98 10:53 PM ET
On second thoughts, maybe politics is our biggest flaw. Humanity is dependent upon teamwork, teams are dependent upon leadership, and leadership naturally begets politics. And you can trace most of the major catastrophies in life to jealously, pride and selfishness rather than stupidity. I mean, stupidity is cancelled out by teamwork (i.e you know stuff I don't, and vice versa, so the team makes fewer mistakes than either individual would). But the other things all interfere with the team. So thats it. Politics. "Mate, at the end of the day, mate, when the chips are down, the only thing you've really got is your mates, mate..." |
Q Cubed
posted 12-08-98 12:08 AM ET
i've read what many of you have said, and it's quite interesting: �1) perhaps i phrased it wrong in saying "defect", but in a sense, mankind was created by design, be it by a deity or by evolution or whatever you wish to believe. �2) i think that ignorance and greed also may be some of the worst aspects of our species, because it can lead to what i said and what some of you have also said. fear of the other may well be based on the above two, or on some other irrational fears, and it does lead to terrible things. �3) as for compassion being a defect...humans are social animals. if only the strongest survived, our species would not have survived beyond the dog-eat-dog phase when the strongest battle each other for dominance, forgetting about those who are weak but may have a beneficial trait. i'm not saying we've completely moved out of this phase, but compassion, i believe is one of the strongest advantages we have - it has helped us become a dominant species, and many very successful species also have social orders and altruism such as ourselves. |
posted 12-08-98 02:08 AM ET
I'll have to go with Imran and say arrogence. I have American's arrogence it just pisses me off! They all thing their so good. (That dosn't aply to everyone, so don't go flaming me). |
Brother Greg
posted 12-08-98 02:34 AM ET
I still think it is the inability to learn from our mistakes. Hell, we have detailed histories for hundreds of years, and some even dating back thousands of years, and what do we learn from it? Nothing.On another note I think that our most unfortunate trait is that our capacity to hate outweighs our capacity to love. |
posted 12-08-98 02:40 AM ET
There are 7 basic, and greatest, defects of mankind: the seven deadly sins: Hate Greed Anger Gluttony Envy Avarous Arrogance(?)WCW N1M chris |
Hothram Upravda
posted 12-08-98 02:45 AM ET
Well personaly i think we are learning from our mistakes.Take a look at how much America has changed in 30 years. Desegregation, womens rights, less political curroption. The young are always better and more advanced then the old. I have fath that the next generation is going to be even more addcepting and socialy advanced then my own... Hothram Upravda TB
Brother Greg
posted 12-08-98 02:46 AM ET
I think you have a few of them wrong. Lust is one. Sloth is another. "Avarice" is the spelling I think, but I can't remember if it is one of the seven deadly sins. |
posted 12-08-98 03:16 AM ET
I agree with Maya and Jojo: stupidity and selfishness. And what is the result? People die because there isn't enough food. Actually there is, it just seems to be impossible to spread it somewhat equally. Pasi I'm not saying that I'm any better.
DJ RRebel
posted 12-08-98 05:09 AM ET
In one word or less >>> GREED !!!  |
posted 12-08-98 09:52 AM ET
I think Q Cubed got it right from the start: Fear of the Other. Most of the other suggestions can be derived from this.As for religion, I'll risk my neck and say that when people declare and practice holy wars they have misunderstood the basic concept of any religion: To NOT Fear the Other. Christians had crusades, muslims have Jihad, but just as a crusader was not your average believer but rather a fanatic, the same applies to muslim fundamentalist. I'll refrain from commenting on other religions in this context because I don't know them sufficiently. A similar rationale can be applied to capitalism as a ideology: The basic idea of valuation and trade is good, but when it perverts into "My product is worth what I can get people to pay for it", reducing the buyer to a source of wealth, the balance between the seller and the buyer is ruined and the basic idea is lost. Oh..just thought of another suggestion for greatest defect: the mismatch between our ability to get ideas and our ability to realize them. A great source of frustration, anyway. |
posted 12-08-98 12:55 PM ET
"The young are always better and more advanced than the old." Oh, brother; what optimism! I wish it were so, but as was said earlier, one of humanities failings is an inability or unwillingness to learn from the past, whether in part or in full. The young believe they are better; are they truely, or are they simply making different mistakes? The statement is predicated on the belief of "progress". Does history exhibit progess or simply change? Is the atomic bomb better than a musket? It depends on one's POV. If humanity blows itself up with the bomb, is that better than the previous generation's pollution? |
Krikkit One
posted 12-08-98 02:18 PM ET
I would have to say pride. Not fear of the other, but the belief that you are better than the other. Not the greed for more, but the belief that you deserve more. Since it is listed as the most fundamental sin-wanting to be God- I would say it is the most fundamental defect |
Krikkit One
posted 12-08-98 02:18 PM ET
I would have to say pride. Not fear of the other, but the belief that you are better than the other. Not the greed for more, but the belief that you deserve more. Since it is listed as the most fundamental sin-wanting to be God- I would say it is the most fundamental defect |
posted 12-08-98 04:46 PM ET
Biggest defect? Mankinds ability to give up on its wildest dreams. To put forth the energy to overcome many problems. To search the heavens; to find cures; to spread the wealth; to get rid of all ideologies that repress advancement of progress for the betterment of humanity. ********** Biggest defect: Lack of a soul for dreaming and then making the dreams come true. Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 12-08-98 05:09 PM ET
I think krikkit as something here. Pride is mans biggest problem. When you or others, and groups start to think there better than others then your setting yourself up for a fall and a hard one at that. Pride is the killer of teamwork and it is with teamwork that we humans do so much. Without it we are sourly equipped to get along in this world. |
posted 12-08-98 05:27 PM ET
Mankind's greatest weakness is Mankind. The problem is, Mankind's greatest quality is Mankind also. Calculus --------------------------------------------- A book was written in Nazi Germany entitled "100 authors against Einstein". Einstein replied "If I had been wrong, one would have been enough". |
posted 12-08-98 05:29 PM ET
I still think it is our broad capacity for stupidity that causes our problems. All the other suggestions that have been given can be traced back to the fact that someone "chose" (in a loose sense of the word) to be such. The stupidity involved is the fact that they believe their choice is intelligent.The rationale is "I make this choice because I believe it will somehow better my situation according to parameters that I believe make myself better." It seems like pride, but pridefulness in itself is a decision to somehow make oneself better. If people would understand that, no matter how smart they are, they still aren't a whole heck of a lot smarter, in the scheme of things, and instead would admit that "I am stupid," things would be nicer. People would then band together to reduce stupidness, for the stupidness of one is not always the same flavor as the stupidness of a another, and create a nice _human_ society... Hell, why not a planetary society (including "lower" life forms). of course maybe I'm just stupid in bringing this up...  -Bok |
posted 12-08-98 05:41 PM ET
Mankind has the ability to "free will", therefore, the decision to do something or to ignore it totally lies in mankind. I agree, stupidity is a problem, but I have a problem believing that it is the sole problem. "Stupidity" is so general. Sometimes, stupidity results in revolution for betterment. Whether fate or not. I still think it comes down to everyone being able to "trust" everyone else. I know it would be a kindler, gentler world if I knew I could get out of my car and not have to lock it. If worry over physical assault was not a problem. Does anyone know how to get everyone on the same page? And, if you did, there would always be some wisecrack or jokester that thinks they are too "unique" to have to think like everyone else. Race, nationality, etc, there is always someone out there to take in the kill for there own self enjoyment. I think it is trust. Big, big problem and will get worse as crime gets worse. We are defective in that we cannot forgive and trust.Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 12-08-98 05:47 PM ET
sentience. If we weren't sentient we would have no problems whatsoever, since we wouldn't realize that we had problems. Seriously, I do think that the Bible does list our defects rather thoroughly... |
posted 12-08-98 05:49 PM ET
But DHE, what causes that lack of trust? Certain (dare I say, stupid, or at least sub-optimal) decisions, that cause people to be desparate enough to do such things. The lack of trust isn't the cuase, but a self-propogating symptom, IMHO at least. -Mike |
posted 12-08-98 05:51 PM ET
Oops, my message isn't in response to DHE, but to jfrazier. -Bok |
posted 12-08-98 06:07 PM ET
true, a self propogating issue like the lack of trust is more a result, but wouldn't it be nice if our fellow man said, our gov't, our neighbor, overlooked our shortcomings and we worked together to be a better person/nation? We spend way too much time not trusting people. It is a ever-worsening situation. The distrust only heightens the fears which cause more distrust which cause people to act in accordance with there own selfishness. Imagine, Bok, you are walking in a downtown back alley in NYC at 2 in the morning without the fear of the being mugged? Imagine, if you hurt your leg and you absolutely knew some nice and kind person would come up to help you and not rip you off? What a different world it would be. You or I would be more so inclined to return the favor. I am firm believer in what goes around comes around. Call it fate, call it coincidence, call it religion, but if we could trust one another without fear of reprisal or leaving ourselves open for attack, people would let there "guard" down and begin to work in unison more often than fight. You have heard of the Carrot or the stick syndrome? I find that if I use the carrot it pays higher dividends. Give someone the right away on the way home and see if someone gives it to you when you most need it?Trust. I know it sounds rediculous, but if people could be honest and trust, then the unity I was talking about earlier would come about. Selfishness would cease. Empathy for the pain and suffering of third world or the impoverished reduced. Bread instead of guns, etc. Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 12-08-98 06:57 PM ET
jfrazier, I agree with your sentiment completely, I just was arguing your point from a logical stand-point  I am more or less socialist for all the reasons you said. People say that capitalism "is the best there is," even while admitting its problems. People look at a socialist/anarchist (anarchist in the sense of no higher structure of govt, other than one person one vote, not "let's blow **** up!!!") and say, "How quaint, but it would never work." The reason is that lack of trust, as you have noted. They don't mind berating people for not taking resonsibility for themselves and doing good (as if that's completely possible under capitalism anyway), but fall short of saying, that we can also collectively take responsible for everyone else, to some extent anyway. I feel that at the current state of development we are at as a species, we have no reason NOT to provide as many people as possible with some form of basic needs. To not to is shameful. -Bok |
posted 12-08-98 08:19 PM ET
my brither is the greatist defect of mankind  |
posted 12-08-98 08:20 PM ET
sorry i meant brother 
posted 12-08-98 09:20 PM ET
It could also be argued that the French are mankind's biggest defect.  |
Q Cubed
posted 12-08-98 10:59 PM ET
no offense, fred and shining, but i'm serious here. it may well be that you find your siblings or the french the greatest defect, but shingings distaste for the french...fear or arrogance may apply here...Shining, if you say it could be argued that the french are defects, you're automatically placing over 60 million people as defects - and it's also a racially and ethincally based generalization. from there, you could go out and say that it's the germans, the swedish, the russians, the indians and pakistanis...eliminating groups of people until no-one but yourself and your clone are left. What was that quote? "When the Nazis came for the Jews, i didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. When they came for Gypsies, i didn't speak up because I wasn't a Gypsy either...and when the came for me, there was no-one left to speak up." Shining, if you're serious about what you said, you're beginning to go down the path the Nazis took. As for fred: you may hate your brother, and if that's true, i grieve for you. the world's not a friendly place, especially noting most of the things said in here, and your siblings and blood relations will be the only ones aside from your spouse that will hopefully stand beside you should things go wrong. My advice here is: Treasure this relationship, no matter how many times he will do you wrong - he may well be your saviour when you are in trouble.Whoever brought up the point that mankind fails to bring to reality its best dreams, you really have a point there. Communism and Socialism were great on paper, and may have worked wonderfully - but those dreams were corrupted by Stalin's lust for power, who murdered millions to secure power and benefit his twisted vision of perfection. That itself, and the fact that this version of Communism is the one that spread throughout the world, is the worst part of that mess. Hothram: What you said about Amis learning from the past? maybe you're right. But we're also making newer mistakes. Pax Americana is growing more corrupt today, and the society may be more accepting of somethings, including race, sexuality, and what not, but every now and then there are huge setbacks...consider the torture and murder for a gay college student who never did anything to anyone out in Wyoming. Consider the race riots that exploded after Rodney King, the racial split that occured in many places for the OJ Simpson trial. The media is also playing a part in this, pandering to the lowest common denominator of sex, drugs, power, and money. The proliferation of violence in the entertainment sector alone is shocking. Unfortunately, it does sell. Calculus may have summed it up rather well with "Mankind's Greatest Defect is Mankind." I just have one problem with it: it's too broad, in my opinion, without a better explanation. So, Calculus, if you're out there, could you explain it a little better? As for greed, avarice, selfishness, they're virtually the same thing, but can't that be traced down to fear and resentment of of the Other? would those thing be based on the urge to be equal to your competitors and then one up them? i think that has a large part of it. Stupidity: i don't think that's the root cause. fear of the Other not only means strangers, but also connects to fear of new, strange things. the fear of learning new things that might possibly overturn your beliefs and perceptions might lead to overt or covert ignorance in the refusal to learn new things. Arrogance and Pride may stem from the fact that one refuses to know, understand, or learn about the Other. i think that's fostered from the ignorance and unwillingness to learn in our species. |
posted 12-08-98 11:08 PM ET
I've already committed a serious answer to this discussion. And there are some things I think the French IN GENERAL could do better, like nuclear testing somewhere other the pacific (or the planet, for that matter).If you're looking for a single defect responsible for most harm done, I would say that politics is a good place to start. But if you consider Calculus's answer to be too broad, it may in fact be that your question is too narrow - all defects contribute to the worsening of the whole. |
posted 12-08-98 11:13 PM ET
But Q3, can not the "fear of the Other" be rooted in something else? In my opinion that fear of the other is merely another stupid choice a person(s) makes, thanks to our propensity to do so...As for Communism(ick)/Socialism being impossible, so some countries have tried and failed. Lot's of democracies have failed... The French Revolution gave us Napoleon, for instance, although it tried to implement democracy. You can't say something is impossible for all time, just because of past failures... I could bring up many examples of this. -Bok |
posted 12-08-98 11:37 PM ET
Our failure to realize outselves as a species and not 200 divided and different nations and theologies. I dont want to sound like a stupid peacy, but why cant we all just get along? |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-08-98 11:41 PM ET
Communism is EVIL!!! (I'll elaborate later)Imran Siddiqui Capitalist |
Q Cubed
posted 12-09-98 12:44 AM ET
Bokonon, i didn't say that Communism was impossible. I simply stated that Communism was corrupted - there is a difference.As for Communism being evil, i don't particularly care for it nor love it, but the one i believe you hate is the twisted Stalineque version. I don't like it either, with my homeland being split along the 38th and the North under a repressive regime. And maybe there is a deeper root than Fear and Hate for the Other. I just haven't been completely convinced...i eagerly await your view on this subject. for Shining1: i'm still not convinced that the French are the problem...experimenting in the Pacific? We did it in Arizona, the Chinese in Xinjian (i think), the Russians all over the place, and the Indians and Pakistanis real close to each other...perhaps you could explain your argument better. no offense, but do ou have some deep seated hatred for the French? i can't say that i know many, so i can't really say they're that bad. Also: i appreciate your explanation of calculus's answer. it makes sense, and i agree with it somewhat, actually. |
posted 12-09-98 12:59 AM ET
Along the lines of communism, there's a Christian group in the PRC, name that translates as something along the lines of "Jesus' Family", that has been outlawed and persecuted since 1948 because they're better communists than the communists. No personal property. None of the power struggles. Etc. Right now they're running one of the best hospitals in the PRC, where all the staff(doctor on down) make the same amount and work on the hospital farm to boot. |
posted 12-09-98 01:25 PM ET
This is a endless discussion if I ever saw one! Time for some greatest hits among the posts so far:Q3: Fear of the Other Shining1(paraphrased): A set of genetic responses and urges 10,000 years old, hopelessly out of their depth in the 20th century Imran: Arrogance, just pure belief that one is better than the other Jojo: Selfishness Q3: Greed OmniDude: the mismatch between our ability to get ideas and our ability to realize them (well, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it, right? ) Krikkit 1:I would have to say pride. Not fear of the other, but the belief that you are better than the other. Not the greed for more, but the belief that you deserve more. (Selfcontradicting, yeah I know, but as I started out saying, endless discussion) Calculus: Mankind's greatest weakness is Mankind. The problem is, Mankind's greatest quality is Mankind also. (The closest we'll get to a final conclusion) and the duds (no personal offense intended):
Fjorcx: Fighting over religion Maya: Stupidity Vega: Compassion Shining1: Politics Just my humble opinion....
posted 12-09-98 03:54 PM ET
OD: Hey, why aren't I on your dud list???  Q3: You implied that communism/socialism were dead ends when you described them as "they were good on paper", the "were" above implies that we have reached a final state. If you had said "are" (which I now believe is what you meant), I would agree with you, more or less. As for my thoughts on 'greatest defect', I think it's the 'free will'/stupidity duality of humans. And its inherent in the fact that we have incomplete (or even erroneous) knowledge of the world and ourselves. Therefore all choices we make have a fair chance of being very stupid ones, objectively, while seeming okay at the time. When I say stupid, btw, I don't mean bad choices, plenty of stupid choices have been good. I just wish there were a way to only be stupid in the good direction (by somehow finding a way to minimize the bad results of a choice, even without full knowledge)... Well, that's my opinion, take it or leave it.
-Bok |
posted 12-09-98 07:26 PM ET
What I meant by the "Mankind is Mankind's greatest defect, and Mankind is also Makind's greatest quality" was simply that our free will allows us to do anything, and there really is no defect *in* mankind, but in our actions. Only an action can be truly evil or truly good. Mankind, or a man, cannot.Calculus --------------------------------------------- "Impossible? I don't know that word." Napoleon |
posted 12-09-98 07:55 PM ET
Spoe, I'm assuming the PRC is the People's Republic of China, if, in which case, I'm not surprised at all. Christians have been running communes for ages, one would think that Marx would have gotten some help from some friars or monks, etc. Then again, one who thinks religion is the opiate of the people might not be inclined to ask help from a holy man... |
posted 12-09-98 08:29 PM ET
Well, there are several:1. "The Narcisim of Mankind" -term coined I believe by Freud. It refers to the Human propensity to separate into self-defined groups based often on very minute and miniscule differences. Groupthink type mentality and belonging to the group foster antagonism for *other* groups. 1. The "Tragedy of the Commons" -The propensity of individuals to take more resources than they really need. All individuals take as much as they can get away with, thus there are never enough resources for all. Socialism has been unable to correct this, it appears that only individual human restraint is effective at limiting this. |
Q Cubed
posted 12-09-98 10:11 PM ET
hey bokonon - thanx for catching that, because that is what i meant. i do not like the stalinesque version of communism, but the theory of communism hold great promise...and so does capitalism.Omni: greed was not one of my ideas or greatest "hits"... a few people mentioned it before. anyway, this thread's given me quite a bit to think about...calculus, your posts fascinate me, especially about you splitting the difference between a person and his or her actions. why do you see it that way? i think that for an action to occur, it has to be processed somewhat by the human, conciously or subconciously, and therefore his or her persona, mindset, ignorance, greed, or what have you would play an integral role in his or her performing this action |
posted 12-10-98 10:04 AM ET
Calculus:"..our free will allows us to do anything, and there really is no defect *in* mankind, but in our actions. Only an action can be truly evil or truly good. Mankind, or a man, cannot."[Tooot!] Wrong!. An action is by definition amoral and cannot be good or evil. It is the _intentions_ or the will behind the action that give the action its moral valor. At best, actions can be considered messengers of good and evil intentions. However I share your view that talking about a general defect in any particular person or in humankind does have a hollow ring to it because both are very dynamic concepts, highly variable from person to person and time to time. |
posted 12-10-98 01:18 PM ET
So, OmniDude, If I mean well and my intentions are good when I inject you with a virus, even if you die horribly and infect your loved ones, it is not an evil act?"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." |
posted 12-10-98 03:28 PM ET
NIM,of course!  |
Victor Galis
posted 12-10-98 06:17 PM ET
there is no true "greatest defect of mankind." There are many things. Two main categories are ignorance and greed. 1)Ignorance- by this I also mean fear of the other and the desire to rermain ignorant. 2)Greed- pretty straightforward. |