Topic: The XIX Club I, Dyslexics Anoynomous
SnowFire |
posted 12-06-98 03:11 PM ET
Er, sorry folks, that should be the I Club XIX. Just a tad Dyslexic today. I would be dysnumeric but these are Roman numerals. In any case the I Club, in Mike's mysterious leave of abscene, is hereby reopened here with everything from the previous 18 teleported in.For people not here before, this club requires at least one post to be admitted or else our bouncer attack toilets on loan from the CCC club will throw you out. Our newly rebuilt supercomputer JCN3 runs the operation. There are an infinite amount of corners, each with a number paineted on them for easy identification. The lights are dimmed to create lots of shadows in the corners though, but there's now a fairly good amount of light in the center region after the hydrochloric acid carrier tripped ona wire he couldn't see last a few months ago. There's also a jukebox that you're free to change to whatever you want. The highest and most holiest rule is: NO WEAPONS in the I Club. It is also the most violated rule. I sit in corner 874 sipping my chilled orange juice waiting for comes to people in.
posted 12-06-98 03:49 PM ET
(YYYH drags his weapons locker, & armchair in. He drags them over to corner 291, & places them down. Then he quickly runs outside & carries his big-screen TV in. Again, he places that in corner 291. YYYH runs to the bar & grabs several crates of Absolut Vodka. He starts to carry them, but he realizes he's a God, so he levitates them over to corner 291)YYYH: JCN3! If you will, get me a towel. (JCN3 does nothing) YYYH: JCN3!! I said get me a towel! (JCN3 still does nothing) YYYH: JCN3!...... JCN3: I'm not your bloody slaves!! Now you will all die!! (JCN3 starts firing a bunch of singularity lasers at everyone) YYYH: Oh crap! (YYYH dives into corner 291 & loads his BAR while the drunkards stumble around in an attempt to put JCN3 down) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH
posted 12-06-98 05:36 PM ET
Feeling a little foolish, I repair the sign saying "Anoynomous" with one saying "Anonyomous." Ah. Better much. |
posted 12-06-98 08:18 PM ET
Ok, now here's a boggle for the mind: If all's fair in love & war, then is all unfair in hate & peace??If you find yourself in the trenches of the Western Front, here's a bit of advice. Don't peak over the top & reach for a butterfly! Ok, good. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-06-98 10:48 PM ET
Not everything, but some things are unfair in peace, like killing all your enemies. But that's okay in war. Hooray for progress.We now resume the debate on the doability of Skye and Santiago here. I'm Pontius Pilate; I wash my hands of this. Now carry on. |
posted 12-06-98 11:54 PM ET
Umm, they're cartoon characters! I'd rather have a real woman thank you! Things are unfair in hate, but they are in love too. I'm pretty sure was can get unfair. Like my superior troops overrunning the Human Hive. That would be unfair, but hell, it sure is fun!  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-06-98 11:55 PM ET
was=war. Sorry  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-07-98 05:42 AM ET
Would bad spelling and grammer be symptoms of dyslexia? |
MikeH II
posted 12-07-98 05:52 AM ET
Thanks SnowFire. I'm going to try and get back here this evening. My absence is due to a really hectic working schedule at the moment. I'll stop here for an early morning beer though. |
posted 12-07-98 11:55 AM ET
BigE moves in with his LAva lamps. All the tables are now covered. Wow, that was close. We can't have an I club without the lava lamps. |
posted 12-07-98 08:29 PM ET
There is no I club, without the 'I'!!!Now, for more boggles. This one rather easy: FACT: Yogurt has bacteria in it. QUESTION: If you ate too much yogurt, would the bacteria make you sick?? It's pretty easy, I know  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
MikeH II
posted 12-09-98 04:21 PM ET
Yo what has that got to do with SMAC? Please stick to the topic!  |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-09-98 05:29 PM ET
You can't have an I Club without me!! Remember Stobie and the meathook, or the expansion one, or blowing holes in the I Club to connect it to others!!Imran Siddiqui I Club patron |
posted 12-09-98 05:46 PM ET
If it wasn't for me, the NO weapons rule would be obeyed! Sends a shiver down your spine!Now please answer the question, Does NIM + NIM = Fnord?? How about this, 2+2 can equal 5, how?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-09-98 05:49 PM ET
2+2=5 only if Big Brother says so.-Talon "I refuse to go with the flow" |
posted 12-09-98 09:37 PM ET
Not quite, YYYH. NIM=FNORD^2+5*Azugal. |
posted 12-09-98 10:17 PM ET
Well, Snowfire. You forgot to count in the Ohio factor, therefore NIM+NIM^Azugal+Fnord=WIMThat's not even considering the Brocolli factor! On 2+2=5. 2.5+2.5=5, I never said you couldn't add decimals!! Mwu hahahahaha! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-09-98 10:27 PM ET
Talon said it is if big brother says it is, well isn't that against your tag quote "I refuse to go with the flow"? Aren't you going with the flow? Why did I bring this up?Imran Siddiqui |
posted 12-10-98 10:57 PM ET
Dyslecsics of the world Untie! |
posted 12-11-98 12:07 AM ET
Well, since the duslexics in the world are already united, so I guess they should untie. Good thinking Legoean!(YYYH nukes the whales, then he kills the Indians & takes their casinos, & then he kills the Arabs & takes their oil) {Ripped off from The Simpsons, so don't yell at me for that} Bring out the gimp! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-11-98 01:16 AM ET
Is this the lysxdexia teameet? |
MikeH II
posted 12-11-98 09:28 AM ET
The gimp's sleeping. |
posted 12-11-98 03:23 PM ET
The answers to all your questions are (not nessesaryily in this order)1)Dyslexia=NYM-NIM*asgul/brocalli to the square root of Alvin and the Chipmonks. Wich is 0 of course. 2)27 3)MOM always liked you best 4)Although Gregory did not remember asking Debbie home with him, the fact was she was sleeping next to him and his arm was under her head. So, he felt that chewing his arm off was an option. 5)No spam till Brooklyn 6)Not on sundays but Monday is OK. 7)Never ever eat soup with a fork 8)You get what you want but you can get what you need. 9)When in Rome....pee in the street 10)As a matter of fact SMAC is more important then our marrage. BigE JotG ret. AntiHero of NYM ret. "Just here to help." |
posted 12-11-98 05:25 PM ET
You're supposed to wake the damn gimp up!Nothing is more important then our marriage! Phhh, easy for you to say, bitch!! SMAC is more important then you! Fine, I'm outta here, & I'm taking the kids & the dog with me! Good, get out, I don't need you interfering with my game of SMAC! *SLAM!* Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-11-98 05:26 PM ET
Oh yeah? Well what about this question, "What do I do if I'm Rome?" Huh? Bet you can't answer that with those answers.I can speak any language except Greek. Ask me to speak any language. What? Swahili? That's Greek to me. Ukranian? That's Greek to me too... |
posted 12-11-98 05:57 PM ET
For those of you who had questions about the answers to you questions I have the following clarifications.1-3) use a slide rule- you know that thing your dad has in his desk drawer. 4)NO 5-7) On any one of the week ending with an I 8)Yes 9)Pee anywhere as long as it's in the street. 10)SMAC is not a game it's a way of life! |
posted 12-11-98 06:09 PM ET
SMAC is not a game, it is a way of death! Repent people, & thou shall be saved........And all the girlies say I'm pretty bald, for a fat guy!!! Was Nero fiddling while Rome burned? Was he playing the guitar? The piano? Or did he have nothign to do with the burning of Rome? The answer is Yes. But is that the real answer? Is the truth just fiction? Is fiction really the truth? The answer is No. But is that the real answer as well? The answer is Maybe. (YYYH disappears into corner 291 & watches the evolution of his planet. The intelligent life has just discovered nuclear weapons) Oh damn, there goes another civilization. (YYYH watches mushroom clouds everywhere on his little planet) I'm not a very good God. Well, here goes another try. (YYYH sprinkles more DNA onto the planet in an attempt to re-grow life) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-12-98 01:48 AM ET
Free drinks for everyone to celebrate Jimbo's return!Drat, they're already free. Well, have some more. Time for a party! I'll add that this party is biblically inspired. When the son who strayed from the family returned, they threw a big party and got smashing drunk too. But of course, I will be having chilled orange juice, as usual. Now back to your reguarly scheduled party... |
posted 12-12-98 12:15 PM ET
Ahh, the I Club. Anybody know where those attack toilets are? I kinda want them back.On other news, anyone wanna go kill some sissy bands like Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys... again. |
posted 12-12-98 12:16 PM ET
posted 12-12-98 02:50 PM ET
Naw, I'm too busy with my little planet to party. I can't let this species go extinct, I'm trying to grow some cannon fodder for the BoS! Ah hell, one for the Jimbo-meister!(YYYH starts grabs a bottle of Absolut Vodka & starts bashing his head up & down to the sounds of Enya, just to prove how drunk he really is. When he finally realizes why everyone's staring at him funny, & what music is on, & he throws the bottle of Absolut at the jukebox, & breaks it. An angry mob gets pitchforks & starts chasing him around the I club) AHHHHHH!!!!!! (YYYH runs to the antique store, & steals a jukebox, & kills the cashier. He drives the jukebox back to the I club & places it in its old spot. The mob backs down & continues partying in Jimbo's honor) Well, the thing is, the drunkards would party in honor of Boris Yeltsin, so it shouldn't be considered a great honor... But consider it an honor your return is greatly appreciated by all of us, just not the drunkards. (YYYH puts on KoRn's 'Got the Life for everyone to enjoy, as he goes to corner 291 & continues work on his planet) "You can kill the revolutionary, but you can't kill the revolution" -Some rebellious philosopher Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
outlyr242 the rebirth
posted 12-12-98 09:33 PM ET
dang, I wish I had the time to hang out here more. oh well. A few rounds of Mr Clean and all is well in the infamous I Club. I never got the chance to name an I Club although I do feel honored having been mentioned in the title of one. I think it was the one that was open at the time the forums went splat.In an effort to spruce up the I Club, the Janitor Divine puts up a house of funny mirrors then meditates on the meaningfulnessless of NIM while staring into the lava lamp on table 242. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-12-98 10:12 PM ET
Imran comes out of corner 453 and gets a NIMbeer.Bartender: But you're underage! Imran: Um.. you forgot the new ordinance.. Bartender: NIMbeer can be drank by anyone of any age... Imran: Yep, so leave me alone, I gotta study for finals!! Imran Siddiqui Final-studying bandit |
posted 12-12-98 10:37 PM ET
Oh man, high school, that ruins my return party. I hit the hs next year, along with exams and other stuff... |
posted 12-12-98 10:46 PM ET
High school sucks. I'm glad this is my last year....Imran: Buy a bigatron machine! We need to make this planet bigger so we can have some cannon fodder units in the BoS. The rednecks just aren't cutting it. They're either drunk, or marrying their cousins... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-12-98 10:48 PM ET
Hey, does anyone here remember my 'Smiling Bandit Hahaha' chase?? The dead Japanese kids, the death, the destruction, the pain of not finding the Smiling Bandit!(YYYH feels bad about his inability to discover The Smiling Bandit Hahaha. He stumbles into corner 291, & accidently sits on his little planet) God DAMN! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
MikeH II
posted 12-13-98 07:09 AM ET
Let Outlyr name the next I club. You can do it whenever you want.I really am a bit too hung over to be in here so I think I'll have a coke. Of course I want a double Vodka in it! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-13-98 08:08 AM ET
Hmm, I second that! Give me a double vodka and a coke! Oh, hold the coke .Imran Siddiqui Way too underage to be drinking |
posted 12-13-98 11:24 AM ET
Underage? I'm 4 years underage & I still get wasted, smashed, banged, drunk, etc etc etc.I also second the motion for outlyr to name the next club. He hasn't been here for a while, but he still does a lot for us! Thanks for keeping the bar clean! Hehe, I'm drinking a coke right now in real life. I'll see if I can go steal some vodka for it now.  (YYYH places a poster on the wall, that says NUKE THE WHALES, & it shows a picture of whales getting nuked. Then he places several bumper stickers on the wall, one saying, 'Kill the Indians, take their Casinos. The second one saying, 'Kill the Arabs, take their oil'.) Don't get pissed at me for that. I plagiarized it from the Simpsons(again) BTW, MikeH, You hanging out at other forums yet?? Or are you just staying here & working? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-13-98 05:03 PM ET
I third Outlyr naming the next club. And I have nothing more intelligent to say. For now. I need to get my college apps done! Arghh! |
posted 12-13-98 05:18 PM ET
You all suck, you're stuck in high school! While I'm still somewhat enjoying Middle School. Mike Harris Sucks. |
posted 12-13-98 06:19 PM ET
Ok, now who is Mike Harris. You're not leaving this club until you answer us!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-14-98 11:22 AM ET
You know, preety much anything goes in this club-we have put up with Bad music, random attack toilets, broken glass, Banzai children, bad decore, weapons violations, and numerous other politically incorrect things. But you have to draw the line somewhere, and I have to do it right now. To ruin a perfectly good alcoholic beverage by putting coke in it, it's just wrong. Ok I could see putting rum in your coke or even (god forgive me...wild turkey) But vodka (and absolute at that) You just can't be so heartless as to do that can you? That's it that's it I am going into my corner and I'm not coming out until this headenistic practice has stopped.I'm just going to take my lava lamp and go....well, maybe some dip to go along....and some chips...........Oh and could you turn up the volume on the Jukebox so I can hear it from my corner........... .....I'll be going now.....right after I get my newspaper........ Coke and I never............ |
posted 12-14-98 05:28 PM ET
Ummm, feeling a little abashed BigER?? Well, while you go wallow in self pity, I'll just drink some more Absolut Coke.(YYYH marches some communists in the club for people to do whatever with) I know Imran will have some meathook fun with these guys. DOWN COMMUNISTS! Viva la democracy! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-14-98 05:52 PM ET
Oh no, not the mighty YOYO...not you too.... Ug, now I am really depressed. I thought you knew how to drink vodka.......... It's's all over............
does anyone have a gun I need to shoot myself now.................... |
posted 12-14-98 05:54 PM ET
Unless of course jimbo recants his statement about Mike Harris then I could live! No, that'll never happen. BigE just plain ol' retired.
posted 12-14-98 06:35 PM ET
(YYYH bulges out of a cage in the basment. He quickly marches upstairs & knocks the Absolut Coke out of the YYYH clones hand)What the hell ya thinking!! Drinking Absolut Coke. (The YYYH clone stutters, then tries to run. YYYH quickly reacts by launching several BAR bullets into YYYH clone's head) Hehe, now for the real stuff! (YYYH grabs his cases of Vodka & disappears into corner 291, where he attempts to get drunk. His extensive use of the alcohol has developed a tolerance, so he needs more & more to get drunk!! More & more, & still more...) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-14-98 07:09 PM ET
No! BigER, I'll do the chant, Mike Harris Sucks Crap (I added a little something special in that one)Anyway, YYYH, drop the vodka, there are people who care about you here. (HA! Not freaking likely)
posted 12-14-98 07:13 PM ET
Ha!! People who care about me!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! Thanks Jimbo, you brightened my day!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-14-98 08:39 PM ET
Odd, that was an attempt at an insult. Obviously the vodka has eliminated several million brain cells, brain cells that I thought never existed. |
posted 12-14-98 09:05 PM ET
Heh, it takes a lot to insult me, so good luck! Heh, Jimbo doesn't hate me. That's hilarious!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-14-98 09:09 PM ET
Imran comes out of corner 465 and approches the center. He spray paints something on the wall, and then runs to a dark corner, but no one sees where he went, because they are looking at the wall:MIKE HARRIS ROCKS!!! Imran Siddiqui Hiding |
outlyr242 the rebirth
posted 12-15-98 02:20 AM ET
Dang, i go out of town for a bit and I'm missing all of the intertextual references in the I club. I used to be hip about that.The janitor divine takes out a bucket of black paint, at least what is left over from painting up all those windows in Siberia, and covers Imran's scribbles. Mumble Mumble Mumble... The attack toilets are still here but they are only located in the public bathroom. The "employees only" bathroom has the plush lay-z-boy toilets. The janitor now retires onto one of the above mentioned toilets to ponder the new I Club sub-name. Oh and he takes a blue lava lamp with him for inspiration. |
MikeH II
posted 12-15-98 08:35 AM ET
Vodka and Coke is OK but Vodka and Red Bull, as Roland and I may have mentioned before, is the nuts.Anyway since you Americans started the filthy habit of putting ice in your whiskey I don't think you have a leg to stand on. |
posted 12-15-98 08:54 AM ET
Yeah, wodka and red bull... we call it "Fl�gerl", which means "little wing", now isn't that pathetic..ehm, I mean, poetic...And I plaed guilty to liking ice in my whisky... sorry, Mike... Onelegged (what a word!) americans ? I used to think the only such thing were onehanded economists ? |
MikeH II
posted 12-15-98 09:04 AM ET
They have adverts here now saying Red Bull gives you wings. It doesn't. |
posted 12-15-98 09:10 AM ET
In a non-literal sense, it may...Is "non-literal" a word? In last week's seminar, I've heard about 50 different versions of english which left me totally dazed and confused. |
posted 12-15-98 12:03 PM ET
You see that is the great thing about the English language - at least the Americanized versions anyway. You can essentually create your very own language from the mother tongue. So, noone but your immediate group of freinds can understand you. Isn't it cool.Here are some words that me and my college buddies used. Pueeha= meaning the female groin area use= gonna go get me some Pueeha tonight, this of course was followed later in the evening by the phrase= You get any. Nah didn't get no Pueeha jus some noibled some teentchams. Teentchams= tits, breasts. Wack=lame, dumb, stupid Use=That dude from california was seriouly wack. Chaw=an expression of agreement. Use=Dude did you see the tautaus on that hottie. Chaw! Tautaus=tits, breasts Hottie=atractive female Unit=a person whom you are speaking of Use=did you check the bod on that unit what walked by, she was babe-o-licious. As you can see most of the "slang" centered around the female of the species.
posted 12-15-98 04:54 PM ET
Oh yeah, Bob bippon. Yeow! Oh yeah! Uh-huh!-SnowFire, posting from the Computer Club Christmas party. |
MikeH II
posted 12-15-98 05:00 PM ET
Only a computer club party would involve internet access.  I regularly have conversations with my friends a regular mortal couldn't understand. Biger I detect a theme in your words.  I fancy a beer. |
posted 12-15-98 05:59 PM ET
Well, atleast BigER's version is better than that ebonics crap that the Oakland school system thought would help African students understand English better. It sounded more like homie talk.We don't really have too much slang here. We just shorten a lot of words, so they're easier to say. Every so often we make fun of rapper/homies by speaking ebonics, but we really don't do that often, because it sounds dumb. Yeah, chillin' wit the westside G! BTW, Pretty Fly(For a white guy) kicks ass!
I better have a vodka before I explode. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-15-98 06:45 PM ET
MikeH I detect a beer in your hand! |
outlyr242 the rebirth
posted 12-20-98 05:05 AM ET
ebonics is so race-sensitive. Which makes me think how multi-cultural are the backgrounds of our posters. I don't care one way or another, I just think that out here in Southern Cal I have grown up in a more diverse environment.When I went to school in LA, the inner city kids were always some of the coolest people and a lot of that had to do with the culture they portrayed. I left LA in highschool and spent those years in the "white-flight" 'berbs. |
MikeH II
posted 12-20-98 09:16 AM ET
How did you guess BigER? What do you mean it was aa safe bet? |
posted 12-20-98 12:52 PM ET
I just consider ebonics bad English. Not another dialect of English, as the good people at the Oakland school systems want us to think.Anyway, I grew up in a sorta diverse area. The majority of this town is white, but in the area where I live, it's mainly people of hispanic descent. People from Mexico & Peurto Rico, & one girl down the street from Spain, & one of my friends family immigrated from Portugal. But, I just happen to live in the part where we're more ethnically diverse. If you goto the 'richer' part of town, you see pretty much all white people, & most of them are racist against the hispanics. That's why I spend mosta my time here. But, since Mike passed a law banning political discussions in the I club, we best obey it............just like we obey the 'No weapons rule'!!  More hypothetical non-sense: How do DO NOT WALK ON GRASS signs get there?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-20-98 04:14 PM ET
Very simple. They hire me, who, as a god magically puts the sign in without walking on the grass.Pnemounia sucks. Especially the part on "Complete bed rest," since my computer's not near a bed. So not much time to post these days. Oh well, I figure it'll skyrocket soon. |
posted 12-20-98 05:00 PM ET
A God with pneumonia. That's odd! I haven't been sick since 19 tickety 2. We had to say 'tickety' because the Kaiser stole the word for two! I chased him for tickety 4 miles, but gave up when I got tired.More hypothetical crap: Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injection?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-20-98 08:38 PM ET
Interesting question. I'm going to have to assume they do, after all wouldn't you want a clean needle on your way out? |
posted 12-20-98 08:45 PM ET
No, I'd want mine crawling with the Ebola virus. That way I could have the off chance of giving the virus to whoever stuck me with the needle. Makes sense?? or they could just inject you the ebola virus, so you'd suffer. Only if you did something horrible though.Or is that cruel or unusual?? More hypothetical irrelevant non-sense(or in other words, NIM): Is there another word for synonym??(synoNIM??) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-21-98 10:37 AM ET
outlyr242 I was born in Oakland! And as far as inner city kids being cool? Well, if fighting for your life, staying away from the temptation of drugs, and crime is cool, well yes I guess you could say that. |
posted 12-21-98 10:50 PM ET
Where's outlyr! He needs to name the next I Club XX which will be in the off-topic form! |
posted 12-21-98 11:09 PM ET
Umm, the off-topic forum doesn't seem to be working at the moment I tried to post a BoS thread in there, & nothing posted. Why do you think it has 0 posts?? If it were open it'sd be at 1000 by now  Well, the inner city kids tend to be the coolest in the school, for some reason. But they're not cool, they just do what BigER said. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-28-98 10:44 AM ET
Yea, YOYOYOHEY, I couldn't post there either! Dang it all to heck! |