Topic: SMACer Voting: Vote NOW!!!
Arnelos |
posted 12-04-98 04:17 AM ET
OK, the turnout so far was 8, we CAN do better.Please vote if you want any say on this. I will post the current list of nominations here now:
posted 12-04-98 04:19 AM ET
SMACer of the Year: Thomas A Stobie Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Brother Greg Imran Siddiqui Apocalypse MikeH jsorense Tapiolan poika The Director General Roland Brenda Spoe Venom DJ RRebel Octopus Lurker of the Year: Silent Bob Jfrazier Brenda Club of the year: Brotherhood of Sid I Club The Politically Incorrect Club XXX The Canadian 8th Faction CoFH The Centurian Award (person who has done the most for the advancement of SMAC): Thomas A Stobie DJ RRebel The Alpha Award (most ancient?): Brenda Brother Greg Apocalypse Venom Rang Jsorense LDespot Roland The Director General Spartan of the year: MikeH Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Venom Morganite of the year: Imran Siddiqui AUH20 Peacekeeper of the year: Rang Brother Greg Arnelos Hivester of the year: Seely Octopus Jfrazier Gaian of the year: Solfiesk Snowfire Believer of the year: Jsorense Saint Renderwolf UoPer of the year: JB Spoe Borodino The Director General Best on topic post: Thomas A Stobie Spoe Roland Best off Topic Post: DHE Arnelos Larry Boy Roland Best on topic thread: CoFH Faction Propoganda The various technology discussions on the old boards Alpha Centauri: The System and the Story Brain Reynolds's Biases Idealistic/Ruthless Estimates for the Unity Various Political and Diplomatic Threads Best off topic thread: BoS Myers-Briggs for Faction Leaders Religion III Capitalism vs- Socialism The fusion efficiency thread Amen Brother Greg Most Posts: Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey DJ RRebel Roland SMACer you would love to Smack: Domk Rang Red Dog Tapiolan poika Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Imran Siddiqui Conservative of the Year: AUH20 Imran Siddiqui Liberal/Libertarian of the year: Roland Snowfire Liberal (mild Socialist) of the year: Got the most people pissed off: Red Dog Domk Phillipe Ix Internationalist of the Year: Arnelos Nationalist of the Year: Imran Siddiqui Most Vocal Real-life Believer: Larry Boy DHE Brother Greg Most Vocal Real-life Atheist: Maya JB DJ RRebel Most Vocal Real-life Socialist: tOFfGI MikeH Roland Most Vocal Real-life Capitalist: Arnelos AUH20 Jfrazier Imran Siddiqui Most Offensive Non-American: Domk(?) Tapiolan poika Ix Most Offensive American: Imran Siddiqui BoomBoom Domk(?) Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey AUH20 JB Most Conciliatory Non-American: Brother Greg Most Conciliatory American: Arnelos Defenders of the Faith Awards (people who stuck their necks out a whole lot to argue their faction's ideology, even when everyone else may have gotten a little tired of it) (per faction) (Believers): Saint Renderwolf (UofP): Borodino (Spartan): Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Kurn MikeH (Gaian): (PK): Arnelos Brother Greg Roland (Hive): Octopus tOFfGI Jfrazier (Morgan): Imran Siddiqui (Overall): Octopus Arnelos Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Imran Siddiqui MikeH Most Long-Winded: Arnelos Maya Fjorxc the Maniac Most Succinct: Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey The Director General Best Tagline: The Director General DCA Brother Greg Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Most/Best Quotes: Maya Arnelos Starting the Most/Best Threads: DJ RRebel Thomas A Stobie Best Homepage: outlyr242 John Bedouin (Beyond AC) Marian (AC Zone) |
posted 12-04-98 04:19 AM ET
Cast your vote by sending e-mail to:[email protected] Thanks. |
posted 12-04-98 04:30 AM ET
Big posters who have not voted, in order of their posts (from my original # of posts thread):DJ RRebel Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey Roland Why haven't those guys voted? next: DHE Snowfire Spoe AUH20 BigER DCA Mortis Talon BKK the Mentat Apocalypse Victor Galis BoomBoom Shining1 Gord McLeon dushan DarkLight CClark Steel_Dragon Tolls Heckler Kurn Larry Boy tOFfGI JB Tawdal Tapiolan Poika And more posters: Sofielsk Rang outlyr242 Saint Renderolf Maya OmniDude Old_Guy Jason Beaudoin Saras Borodino Calculus Andrew Kasantev The Thomas A Stobie Venom NotLikeTea The Director General CrackGenius And many, many more |
posted 12-04-98 04:30 AM ET
At least guys like Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey should get around to it.thanks. |
posted 12-04-98 04:54 AM ET
Hey, how did I make it into the ontopic and the socialist category ? LOL!Can you vote for yourself ? |
posted 12-04-98 05:16 AM ET
You can vote for yourself, sure (although many souls have not done so, normally the ones who were absolutely sure of winning ) |
MikeH II
posted 12-04-98 05:55 AM ET
I might even have nominated myself for a category. |
posted 12-04-98 07:42 AM ET
Thanks, Arnelos. I'll try to cast my vote today. I'd just say leave it open for a while, many people are not around every day. To increase the turnout, maybe you could send the "ballot" by email to the people you sent emails to some time ago ? |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 12-04-98 10:05 AM ET
Somehow... I didn't make any category. I guess I have to make a greater contribution, or was I forgotten? |
posted 12-04-98 10:34 AM ET
LOL!"Best Homepage: outlyr242 John Bedouin (Beyond AC) Marian (AC Zone)" Isn't that you there in the middle, though a bit... ehm... mutilated ? BTW, Arnelos, I've voted. How many have by now? |
posted 12-04-98 12:51 PM ET
Just bringing this thread back up.Arnelos - what's the vote count now? |
posted 12-04-98 02:56 PM ET
This sounds a lot like a popularity contest. I doubt that I'll vote, especially since I have a test I have to get to in 6 mins! Heheheh. But have fun. Oh, and I find it strange that I was nominated for PK of the year, considering that I'm a Hivester. heheheh. |
posted 12-04-98 03:28 PM ET
Rang: There aren't enough good candidates in the PK:s. That's why they chose candidates from the best faction. (The Hive can only have a certain number of good candidates. Rest are still so good that they can be voted on other factions lists ) lol |
posted 12-05-98 12:17 PM ET
We should update the voting regulary to get a more exact rating. I may do some of them in my quizzlet in the Alpha Centauri ZoneCiao Marian Editor of the Alpha Centauri Zone |
Brother Greg
posted 12-06-98 07:47 PM ET
And I get a nomination for best real-life believer. Funny, seeing as I am an agnostic. ROFL... Brother Greg. |
posted 12-06-98 07:59 PM ET
And why am I offensive? Because I'm a vocal conservative and this board is dominated by liberals? And why is JB offensive? He stands up for his beliefs? I've noticed the only two conservatives are considered offensive. |
posted 12-06-98 10:11 PM ET
OK, to dispell voting myths:I think a number of voters must just be pernicious little buggers or something. Because a lot of people have been nominated for stuff (and voted on for stuff) they had nothing to do with. This means that people are either purposely voting for these people that way (LOL) or they have very bad memories (which I suspect). I think it's really odd to have Roland with 4 votes for best socialist! (LOL) Ok,the total vote count right now is 17 and most awards are VERY closely contending each other right now. There are some, however, that are pretty much beyond conclusion. BTW, sorry for mispelling Jason's name. The person who originally sent in that nomination mispelled it that way and I really didn't notice (John/Jason, close enough). sorry. |
MikeH II
posted 12-07-98 08:35 AM ET
Roland would probably be considered slightly left of center politically which in US terms seems to relate to extreme left wing. I am slightly left of Roland with Tap but very close on most issues. So it's not that surprising that Roland got 4 votes for best socialist because there is a real US bias on the internet. I think. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-07-98 04:49 PM ET
Actually I don't consider Roland a socialist, and I don't know why others would also. Of course, I am Mr. Right Wing. I bet if people knew who I was across the pond, they'd scream and run when they saw me. Fortunetly, when I go to Europe, they have no idea who I am: Espionage, my man!!Imran Siddiqui Secret Conservative Agent, polluting European values |
posted 12-07-98 05:02 PM ET
I would like to thank you all for this award It pleases me mightily that I am the only one Not on any list. It's just wonderful really. I'm so happy. "You hate me, you really hate me". sniff i'm so proud.BegE JotG ret. Not on anyones list and the presitgious No Award winner. Leader of the none of the above coalition. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-07-98 05:05 PM ET
BigER, who the Hell?Imran Siddiqui |
posted 12-08-98 12:27 PM ET
Hey, what a nice debate! Well, in US terms, I may be part of the loony left, but that would go for 90% of Europeans. Maybe Arnelos would have to make two counts on the subject, one for US and one for european voters ? BTW, what about the result ? If it's in another one of that million threads, forget that question... |
posted 12-08-98 04:59 PM ET
You can call me Ray. |
posted 12-08-98 04:59 PM ET
or you can call me Jay. |
posted 12-08-98 05:02 PM ET
But ya doesn't has to call me Johnson.Johnson, Magic Johnson. Who was that guy that talked about drugs all the time? No not Dr. Leary the guy who used to post here. Before the crash. |
Tapiolan poika
posted 12-09-98 05:53 AM ET
Hey, BigER: _I_ like you! (But then again, someone seems to think I'm the most offensive non-American around, so maybe you don't need that...)Emulating Goldwasser - I'm sort of curious as to how I managed to acquire the nomination... I suspect it's connected to the American faction thread. If that's true, I suggest the person(s) who nominated me read through the thread in question, to see just how offensive my posting was (and don't mix in any other posters' posts with what I wrote - that happened a LOT in the reactions to the lone post which I suspect rendered me the dubious honor of nomination as most offensive non-A.) If I've offended people in other threads, I'm curious as to how that happened. I hope you don't mind my using this thread for this query, you see I do care. I have this ridiculous idea that people on this forum are smart, generally good people who (again generally) only want the best for us and everyone else... |
MikeH II
posted 12-09-98 11:24 AM ET
I actually made a comment about you being in the most offensive non American in my vote but you can't really un-nominate someone if we are going to do this democratically. |
Tapiolan poika
posted 12-09-98 11:54 AM ET
Thanks, Mike. |
posted 12-09-98 01:40 PM ET
Unless something really weird happened while i was away, I am still Dutch, and not american. Thank god. (gotta keep offensive, actually, I don't remeber being offensive just once, I just tell the truth how i see it, and if that offends people, tough luck) |
posted 12-09-98 07:00 PM ET
Boom: Weird things happen all the time, especially when you are away.... |
posted 12-10-98 03:25 AM ET
Voting's been open for a week now. How about some results?
posted 12-10-98 09:33 AM ET
At least an update on how many people already voted... Arnelos? Are you still with us? |
posted 12-14-98 06:49 AM ET
Been gone for a week. sorry.I'm with you now. Voting. . .Get back to you on that. I have to go to bed. I'll post the turnout so far (turnout, not actual results. If enough of you say you want results, then I'll post results). Arnelos |
posted 12-14-98 11:01 AM ET
Hey thanks Tap. I appreciate your support. "Dying is easy. Comedy is hard."
posted 12-14-98 02:46 PM ET
BigER!!! My reflekses may be a bit slow, but I did notice that! And somehow I didn't like it! |
posted 12-14-98 10:39 PM ET
Arnelos: How many votes are still coming in? I'd suggest just mailing the preliminary results to those who have voted already if you are concerned about influencing the still-undecided.
posted 12-15-98 11:49 PM ET
That's an idea. However, it would be good for everyone to just discuss it online.Given that I haven't received any votes in over a week really, I'm going to go ahead and post results. (this will take awhile to set up). Arnelos |
posted 12-16-98 12:03 AM ET
My bad, haven't had time to vote. I've got An earth science presentation for half my grade and a thesis paper on the effect of the internet on global commerce worth roughly a third of my english grade, so I can't get around on the forum as much. I was lucky today in that I got a few hours to post. I'll try to get around to voting. |
posted 12-16-98 12:42 AM ET
This really pisses me off Arnelos, after all my contribution as one of the first and biggest posters, wan't even nominated for 1!! I for one won't vote and don't give a rat's ass about you're voting.***sobbing*** |
posted 12-16-98 01:54 AM ET
Sorry Jimbo. Not my fault. If all they "old guys" who knew who you are didn't nominate you, then I didn't write your name down. I only went off of what people nominated. If you didn't make the list, complain to the people you think should have known to nominate you.Arnelos |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-16-98 03:55 AM ET
Come on, will more of you vote? 23% only have voted? I voted! So have some others. Do your part, and lets get more representative results by the time the demo is up.Imran Siddiqui |