Topic: SoB!!!
Hey_Hey_Hey_Yo |
posted 12-03-98 12:05 PM ET
As we know I am the evil twin of the paladin YYYH. Now, I'm opening this thread to form a Cult called SoB ( Socially Outcasted Beasts ) to destroy the good YYYH and the BoS. Death of Imran Siddiqui is also a very good thing. So evryone with somthing against the BoS please join us. This is also open for CWAL members.Your unfaithful&Hellbender NYMadier sergeant who worships the NYM as a doG HHHY
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-03-98 12:12 PM ET
HHHY, prepare to die! CWAL will join us before you anyday of the week and twice on Sundays. I and YYYH, two veterns of these boards will slaughter you, and hang you on a meathook in the I Club. In fact, I coming to do it right now. Imran out.Imran Siddiqui Patriot "Sarcasm does not become you" |
posted 12-03-98 12:18 PM ET
BoS is bad for you and must be exterminated? HEIOOTS�T�YSKAHELI?NYMM�TUUNREPIISUTPALASIKSI!OOTASVAAN!!! |
Dnalor The Destroyer
posted 12-03-98 12:27 PM ET
Yes, this is the outcasts' place. Imran, make to meet your preparer. We will fight you in a defeat!BTW: I thought "SoB" meant "Sisterhood of Brian" ?
posted 12-03-98 02:02 PM ET
posted 12-03-98 05:18 PM ET
Okay, from somebody who doesn't bother reading the various club threads comes a stupid question: What doe CWAL and BoS stand for? (Being a Fallout player, BoS means "Brotherhood of Steel" to me.) |
posted 12-03-98 05:22 PM ET
Imran & Jay, You both broke BoS laws, by talking to HHHY! Remember the 'HHHY ex-communication Act', that means NO BoSers can talk with him. Just enforcing the law.No, to be hypocritical: HHHY, The jokes gone far enough, you're beating a dead horse. Please re-register your name & come post. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-03-98 05:29 PM ET
Here they are: BoS: Brotherhood of SidCWAL:Can't Wait Any Longer got it? Plug: Positions are open in the BoS. All are welcome. -Talon |
posted 12-04-98 12:24 PM ET
Where did nolaT go? Damn, he wasn't really there it was a joke by Talon. Dnalor, I've got a problem. An Ex-Communal act. DAMN! gotta get a new name to be notified. And saras, I just met rasar. Heh. |
posted 12-04-98 12:34 PM ET
Nooo!!! I died! from now on posts under my name will come from YYYH.Drat. |
posted 12-04-98 04:08 PM ET
SoB = Sisterhood of Bob? |
posted 12-04-98 09:05 PM ET
Naw, I won't be posting under your name HHHY. In fact I sent your name to some anonymous adress somewhere on the net. Hope that fool doesn't come here & post with it. |
posted 12-05-98 03:58 AM ET
Oh, I always thought it stood for "son of (a) BITCH", my bad, hehehehe.  okay, i'll do this for you DHE_X2 HE_X2D E_X2DH _X2DHE X2DHE_ 2DHE_X EHDX_2 XHED_2 DE2H_X 2HEXD_ HEDX_2 EXH2D_ E_X2DH happy? |
posted 12-05-98 12:28 PM ET
What the hell was that DHE? Oh well, you have some letters to move, the only thing I can really do is move my 'hey'. Some people aren't as well off as you. Also, some people have horrible hangovers right now...Upon closer inspection of HHHY's first post, I am NOT a paladin. Typical intelligence of a person who rips things off. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |