Topic: Explanations of Faction Symbols
Rang |
posted 12-02-98 06:19 PM ET
I'm aware that Firaxis may still be tweaking the symbols. But I wish to see an explanation of each symbol in the manual/game. A symbol is not just a pretty picture; it has underlying significance. (e.g. the 13 stripes in US flag= 13 original colonies; the British symbol in Australia's flag indicates commonwealth status). And this added dimension makes the game more interesting. I really hope Firaxis doesn't just include a symbol w/o explanation.
posted 12-02-98 07:11 PM ET
So, Rang, you think the Spartans symbol might be a dagger in the middle of shield, or something like that? I like the symbols being explaned too. Makes it seem more real. My idea of the Hive: a row of people with words under it saying "unity" Gaians: Two dolphins or some type of dippy plant UofP: International flags of old Earth??? Peacekeepers: Some type of "Sun" symbol Believers: The Christian Dove??? Or a Cross??Maybe a Zia sign??Jeff Ceasar of the Stars Long Live the 10th Long Live the 8th
Brother Greg
posted 12-02-98 07:59 PM ET
Well, the PKs symbol represents the following:It is a changed version of the current UN symbol, two olive branches surrounding the Earth. In the SMAC symbol, it is two Olive branches surrounding the three suns of the AC system. So, it is really symbolic of the link to the UN that it is named after. All the others are far more abstract, so I'm glad I could take an easy one.  Oh, and the Olive Branch is of course representative of Peace...  Brother Greg. |
posted 12-02-98 08:42 PM ET
I have repeatedly requested a description of the Faction symbols too. Here is my take on the Spartan symbol that I originally posted on the short-lived Beyond A.C. forum.In Episode 22, Part 2 the significant elements of the symbol are listed: 1. arrow 2. arrow pointed down 3. hexagon Arrow = militarism/offense and/or possibly royalty (i.e. king's arrow on English munitions) Arrow pointed down = sovereignty; the arrow is planted in the ground enforcing a territorial claim. The arrow overlays the hexagon. Hexagon: possibly a shield = militarism/defense or, more abstractly, (and the gamers at Firaxis might think it funny) symbolic of all the hexes on all the war game boards ever printed. How's that?
posted 12-03-98 02:52 AM ET
considering that Brian seems to favor a checkorbord design, i doubt that he would have thoght of that. its probably just a coffeestain off of a hexigonal coffemug that someone set on the sketch.
posted 12-03-98 06:03 AM ET
Greg, I rather think it's the two suns and the planet Chiron. One version I saw, the third thing had no rays. But you may have a different source; where did you see the olive branches ? |
Brother Greg
posted 12-03-98 06:31 PM ET
You could be right, it could be two suns and the Planet.  The olive branches I have seen on the PK's background, and I think also on IGN.COM's preview. Brother Greg. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-03-98 06:32 PM ET
You could be right, it could be two suns and the Planet.  The olive branches I have seen on the PK's background, and I think also on IGN.COM's preview. Brother Greg. |