Topic: Chronicles of Pre-Unity Comments
MikeH II |
posted 11-30-98 08:17 AM ET
I usually don't start this kind of thread but I just wanted to say, nice work guys! The story is developing nicely. I love the references to previous chronicles and posters. Keep up the good work.Oh and if you want to comment then put it in here. I figure at the moment there is a lot of work still to do on the Unity. Morgan hasn't quite taken over yet but will soon. Santiago is on board and scheming (Yeah!) and Mike Hefferan is still trying to work out what's going on.
posted 11-30-98 05:20 PM ET
And my character still doesn't realize that Santiago is his new boss.We need people other than MikeH, jsorense, and me to post. Maybe some brave soul could email the others to start posting again? |
posted 11-30-98 06:09 PM ET
Hi SnowFire,Just to remind you, Santiago is officially only a lieutenant at this time. I also have a bio of Greg Treestock if anyone is interested. BTW, any resemblance of this character to any Australian living or dead is purely coincidental.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 08:32 PM ET
Snowfire, I've posted. I might continue later as well.Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
MikeH II
posted 12-01-98 09:36 AM ET
I'm interested in the bio. I think SnowFire meant that his character doesn't realise Santiago is the new head of the Spartans. I've just got to work out how to get my character into the Spartan organisation.  I think Santiago will stay a Lieutenant for the duration of Pre Unity, after all she is in the story. |
posted 12-01-98 12:13 PM ET
Hi MikeH,Here is the bio I composed for the character Greg Treestock I created for the AFC stories in the old forum. As you can see, I placed Brother Greg among the Believers in the future. BTW, It was you in the "Live at Leeds" tee shirt and Roland in the leather jacket. Brother Greg Treestock, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate, Col. U.N. PeaceKeeping Forces, Ret. Believer Age: 72 Nationality: Australian Secondary Character Resume: Dr. Greg Treestock was one of the most distinguished scientists/humanitarians to be included on the original U.N.S. Unity roster. His early academic training at Sydney University was in clinical psychology but his graduate work focused on pharmacology. These skills were used to devise experimental treatments for various types of addiction. Dr. Treestock's true creative gifts were not manifest until the Saturated Mental Activity Compulsion Addiction epidemic swept the world in the early 2000's. This epidemic, commonly referred to as SMACA, was the world's first, though sadly not last, mass addiction to illegal software marketed over the INTERNET. Unsuspecting victims were lured to web sites and instantly entranced losing productivity, hallucinating and shunning all social contact. Working for a prestigious Scientific Institute privately funded by MegaFiraxis International, Ltd., Dr. Treestock was eventually able to develop a treatment for this inSidious disease. The result of the treatment was to actually pull the world out of an economic depression, which was caused by a SMACA enslaved workforce. For this service to the World Economy Dr. Treestock was given the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2029. Dr. Treestock donated his 10 billion-dollar prize to the United Nations in order help staff the U.N.'s Study Group for the Colonization of Alpha Centauri. For his service to the U.N. Dr. Treestock was offered an honorary commission of Colonel in the PeaceKeeping Forces. To everyone's surprise accepted the commission but only if he was allowed to join the Unity crew. How Dr. Treestock first became involved with the Believers is still a mystery. Current position: Brother Greg, as he now insists everyone call him, is New Eden' s principle, actually only, pharmacist. As such he has an extremely full schedule between his clinical and research duties. |
MikeH II
posted 12-01-98 04:42 PM ET
Thanks |
posted 12-01-98 07:29 PM ET
What was up with that Imran? An attack against one NATO member is an attack against all. While the UN may not intervene, all NATO members would be under obligation to. So France and the others would have to come along. And the UK would not split from the UN; they're not that dumb. In fact they're one of the few nations of the world that has consistently realized the fallacy of isolationism. Maybe, MAYBE, they might sit out awhile like Russia did to protest UN treatment of China.Besides, the UN is building the Unity. This clearly indicates, at least to me, that the UN increased onm power and prestige over the years and became the global power that it should have been. We now return you from a liberal ranting on a conservatiave's fear of the future to your reguarly scheduled Comments. SnowFire, UN supporter |
posted 12-01-98 09:57 PM ET
Hmmm... just so you know, I'm not completely insane: salad bar refers to all the stuff that officers wear that identify them. |
posted 12-02-98 06:29 PM ET
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey, I guess you didn't notice that I already put one Junack in the story (11/25/98). He was a sergeant drilling some troopers under the watchful eye of Lt. Santiago. Maybe he is a relative of your R. Junack, III character?
posted 12-02-98 06:53 PM ET
And a second cousin of the guy in the I club who's related to the soldier on Mars.The US left a mere 3 years ago? I was thinking more like 30 years ago, if this is 2070 and the Sino-US war was in 2040. Or maybe the US is really slow to anger, and only for a year before rejoining under the guy I mentioned. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-04-98 02:19 AM ET
Well, welcome Personal Assistant Cindy Crawford to the stories...  I mentioned an affair with Greg Treestock. Hope you don't mind Jsorense. After all, it is me we're talking about. Um, I mean, of course it is not me, but you know what I mean...  Brother Greg. |
MikeH II
posted 12-04-98 05:52 AM ET
I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've been extremely busy. I might not be able to post anything this weekend but I'll try on Sunday. I'm enjoying reading your efforts though. |
posted 12-04-98 01:10 PM ET
Welcome Brother Greg.When I saw your comments that you were bored I meant to suggest that you write a little SMAC related fiction, but I see you already have. Thanks for acknowledging your namesake in your episode. I am a little torn about the character "Greg Treestock" now that you are a regular back on the forum. I am inclined to retire him in the face of the real thing. Accept no substitutes.
Brother Greg
posted 12-06-98 06:34 PM ET
That's fine, leave him there. It is actually quite fun reading about "myself". When I first read it, I actually skipped over all the other posts, and just read your ones on me. I like them.  Now that I have introduced Cindy, I fotta figure out what the heck to do with her. I was all inspired last Friday. Now my mind is blank. *SIGH* Brother Greg. |
MikeH II
posted 12-07-98 08:07 AM ET
Don't give up Greg, I think Cindy and Greg might have an interesting future ahead of them. I finally caught up with the whole story. It's great. Everyone is writing such great stuff! Well I've posted my next installment and linked my character with the old one from the Club of the Future although he is lucky to still be alive.  Jsorense: The linking in with the posters on this forum is great. |
posted 12-07-98 01:23 PM ET
Thanks Brother Greg, thanks MikeH,We will keep Greg Treestock in the game and see what happens. At this rate there will be more Spartan Federation conspirators on the Unity than anyone else. I am pleased that The I Club at Tyco Base is such a popular place. I want to pick up on something SnowFire wrote concerning the IIIS. I hope I have some time today to figure something out. Vamos a ver.
posted 12-07-98 01:49 PM ET
Although I have been out for about two weeks-Phoenix then Houston. I have added my character to the mix. Hope this fits in. Thanks guys this looks like one of the best threads yet. |
MikeH II
posted 12-08-98 08:01 AM ET
Please feel free to start a new thread if you think the current one is too long. If you do can you post a message about it here and at the end of the chronicles of Pre-Unity so that everyone knows. Thanks, good to see you BigE. |
MikeH II
posted 12-08-98 08:35 AM ET
I've posted the next thread under: Chronicles of Pre-Unity Part Two. |
posted 12-08-98 05:10 PM ET
Yeah. Santiago took that awful bumpy shuttle down to the surface just to have dinner with Mike down there at the I Club! Must be really popular not to eat at the Unity's cafeteria on the Unity with Gaia's All Natural Health Foods... |
posted 12-10-98 12:33 AM ET
NOTE: I am sorry for my prolonged absence. My computer was broken, and the library only had a few 'netted computers, and they were always taken. And the post from 12-04-98 12:16 AM ET wasn't mine-- I made the mistake of leaving the computer for a second and letting my "friend" use it (While I still had a message screen up) He decided it would be "fun" to type that out and see your reactions.I noticed that I didn't really give any background on Jonathan Sagan in the CoFH, so I was basicaly free to develop. Name: Dr. Jonathan Sagan, PhD, Nobel Laureate Age: 43 Occupation: Tech at Unity Infirmary Nationality: American Degrees: Trauma Doctor (By need only) PhD- Infectionous Disease Research PhD- Exobiology Jonathan Sagan could never really decide what profession to take- at first, he trained to be a researcher, and completed a PhD at age 24. A gifted child, he skipped many years of classes, and skipped his masters, going directly to PhD. But, after the discovery of life on other planets, he traied to be an exobiologist, getting his second PhD at age 30. At age 32, he did ground-breaking research on exo-diseases which might affect humans, combining his two PhDs, and earning his team a Nobel Prize in Medicine. For this, he was chosen for the Unity mission, provided he acted as a doctor for the construction phase of the starship. He readily agreed. He has one child, James, 9 years old. He was married once to Denise McDougall. |
posted 12-13-98 06:00 PM ET
I decided try posting based off MikeH's suggestion in my short story. SnowFire, would you mind if I developed the psionics stuff a little bit before you use it too much more? It's my intention to make it look like a combination of excellent psychological observation and really good hypnotism, leaving open the question of whether there are any "psychic" elements, so there is always a bit of mystery surrounding Yang.
posted 12-13-98 06:08 PM ET
I hope y'all don't mind, but Unity's going up in smoke! Mwu hahahahahahaha!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Brother Greg
posted 12-13-98 07:31 PM ET
YYYH, if the Spartans are about survival, why the heck would they blow it up (or other)?Sorry I haven't posted another story people, just don't have the time to think one up right now. Maybe at lunch today (assuming I get lunch - just sneaking on for a post or two now ). |
posted 12-13-98 09:35 PM ET
I'm sorry to tell you that I will not be contributing to this Chronicle. The excitement just isn't there without the option of war.Frankly, I also need to watch YYYH a bit more closely, he may pull another Spacestation Athena stunt. Wait was that YYYH or JB? I think it was JB, anyone wanna confirm that? |
posted 12-13-98 09:47 PM ET
Yo! I hope you're joking YYYH. This story is continuing to Chiron, and it's all part of Santiago's master plan to create a soceity ruled by her on Chiron! She'll execute you on the spot if you even think of messing that up!Octopus, sorry I haven't read this thread in awhile. Um.... I sort of have to control the meeting with Yang, or else my character will never write his memoirs once he reaches Chiron and they won't become a bestseller. But sure, after I'm done my meeting with him, feel free to take over Yang's character. JB, what post are you refering to? I forget... the moonbase alpha one? Kind of odd for a moonbase to be building on the Unity. Don't forget how little time is left before we blast off. Less than a week now, they're just double checking everything, as almost all the construction is done, and they're in a hurry to leave.
posted 12-13-98 10:12 PM ET
SnowFire, do whatever you want, I'd just appreciate it if you left things a bit mysterious with Yang, to make it more suspenseful.
posted 12-13-98 10:53 PM ET
Remember people, my charachter was reluctant to take the bombing job from the mobster(secretary general), he could always back down, & stow away on board. Or maybe he'll go through with it, follow my stories closely....Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-14-98 12:49 AM ET
Octopus: I really liked your posts! I hadn't read them before. Though I doubt you need to be told, just remember that even weak psionic powers are still very powerful and more realistic, and in fact create far less suspicion then a fantasy type "snap my fingers and everyone in the room falls to the ground and becomes my personal slave" deal.I won't reveal anything much about Yang in the meeting with Legrand. I briefly considered an apocalyptic confrontation that ended in Legrand running out of the room yelling "the real Legrand is dead, and you'll never figure out who I am!" to end the meeting and throw Yang off the scent, but I have something far better and more subtle in mind. |
posted 12-14-98 01:36 AM ET
Octopus: You aren't chained to investigating me, I only said probably. But if you want to...P.S. Nice pet. |
posted 12-14-98 12:21 PM ET
Grrr, stupid typos. putting "He's" instead of "He'd" in my latest installment makes me sound like such a fool...Anyway, The Investigation begins! If you want me to find out anything specific, let me know, SnowFire. MikeH, if you want me to do anything with my characters to further your plotline, I can arrange that too. SnowFire: If you've got any interesting background info on Legrand that might appear in some kind of dossier, I could easily work that in, as well.
posted 12-14-98 01:20 PM ET
Well, there is getting to be quite a crew in here. Great! Is everyone having fun? Good, I'll meet you at the Tyco Base I Club. First round is on me.Salud!
posted 12-14-98 01:31 PM ET
Hey Octoguy, I hope you don,t mind but I have been working the psionic think since the first round of "club" stories and wanted to continue with them here (same character same abilities). i just wanted you to know that I am not trying to tread on your work here. Although I did have plans to interact with Yang so......let me know if this complicates things for you. |
MikeH II
posted 12-14-98 04:39 PM ET
Great party in the I - club, I'm off to perform Born to Be Wild in the Karaoke. Things are moving quickly now. Glad to see you here Octopus. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-14-98 07:42 PM ET
Just thought I'd join in the party.  |
posted 12-14-98 07:50 PM ET
Brother Greg,What are some of your favorite verses of "Waltzing Matilda?" I want to make sure that Greg Treestock wows the audience at the I Club. Thanks. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-14-98 10:39 PM ET
Hmm, you might wanna read my post first, unless you intend to post a "prequel".  I'd have to drag them up anyway - I only know a couple of verses, and they're not real inspiring ones.  |
posted 12-15-98 12:14 AM ET
Okay, I've identified one of the saboteurs. MikeH, feel free to somehow steal this info if you want. If you don't, I have some ideas about how to get it to some characters who might be able to deal with the problem... And nobody worry, with my anti-sobotage team on the case, I don't think YYYH will have any luck .BigER: just make sure to keep it tasteful. Yang is very understated about everything, and will never reveal more of his hand than he needs to. I want to avoid the same kind of stuff that SnowFire was afraid I was going to get into (and I was afraid he would get into ).
posted 12-15-98 06:17 PM ET
Don't forget Octopus. I'm being smuggled on board, by order of the Secretary General(mobster, whichever), so your tactics to find me will prove hard.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-15-98 06:32 PM ET
I have a massive dialouge with Santiago that reveals much of the Spartan strategy and gives Octpus something to look at, but I've been sick and really busy lately. 'll try and post today, if not then tommorow. |
posted 12-15-98 06:39 PM ET
The air burst over NYC did not destroy the UN or any particular character. It was meant to illustrate the growing anarchy on earth while the Unity prepares to leave the solar system.And that was suppose to be EMP not emc. Communications are disrupted only temporarily.
MikeH II
posted 12-16-98 09:37 AM ET
Michael Moore? Nice. I'll wait for SnowFire's post before I do more. |
posted 12-16-98 05:46 PM ET
I hope the Martial Law announcement doesn't mess up anyone's story. Again, this is only a temporary situation until communications with earth can be restored. Anyone can restore 'normal' if it helps their story line. |
posted 12-17-98 12:22 PM ET
I thought Yang might look pretty lame if he didn't do anything worthwhile during a period of martial law. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot to work with right now. So, I turned it into special UN-flavored martial law .
posted 12-18-98 01:20 AM ET
Hehe. Yeah. Just one disclaimer: I didn't mention where he hid the CD intentionally. So no one accidently finds it, okay?. Not for awhile, at least. |
posted 12-19-98 08:31 PM ET
I was never involved with the chronicles on the old forums, so I never really read them in depth, although I did watch the debate which caused the splitting into the AFC and the RCFH. I assume that once Mike Ely sets up the even newer forums, we'll begin a new chronicle of what happens on Chiron. Are we going to set up any ground rules or anything to cover this, or is it going to be anything goes?