Topic: List of Members and # of Posts as of Last Night
Arnelos |
posted 11-29-98 06:32 PM ET
As of the night of 11-28-98, this is a list of members and their number of posts: (This, of course, only concerns the new boards, so venerable souls such as Thomas A Stobie, Venom, and The Director General are not listed) 500-POST MEMBERS (3 members, 2026 posts) DJ RRebel (828) Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey (679) Roland (519)
200-POST MEMBERS (7 members, 1846 posts) DHE_X2 (289) Imran Siddiqui (287) Snowfire (285) MikeH (273) Spoe (259) AUH20 (239) BigER (214) 100-POST MEMBERS (8 members, 1193 posts) Octopus (173) DCA (170) Mortis (162) Arnelos (157) Brother Greg (156) Talon (144) BKK the Mentat (126) jsorense (105) 75-POST MEMBERS (12 members, 1001 posts) Apocalypse (94) Victor Galis (94) BoomBoom (89) Shining1 (86) Gord McLeod (84) dushan (82) DarkLight (82) Mike Ely FIRAXIS (81) CClark (80) Steel_Dragon (79) Tolls (75) Heckler (75) 50-POST MEMBERS (7 members, 413 posts) Kurn (72) Larry Boy (64) tOFfGI (61) JB (57) jfrazier (55) Tawdal (53) Tapiolan poika (51) 40-POST MEMBERS (11 members, 471 posts) Sofielisk (49) Rang (45) outlyr242 the rebirth (45) Jay (43) WCW (43) Saint Renderolf (42) Aga1 (42) Tom (41) Maya (41) Fluke (40) Q Cubed (40) 31-POST MEMBERS (12 members, 415 posts) WAS (38) OmniDude (38) Jeje (37) Zan Thraz (37) Philippe Mipz Lapage (37) Firehawk (34) Old_Guy (34) Titan (33) Pudz (33) RyanR (32) Jason Beaudoin (31) Saras (31) OVERALL: 60 members with about 85% of the total posts on the board as of last night. This may be usefull for the SMACer thread.
posted 11-29-98 07:13 PM ET
Fascinating. Don't forget to add O 242 2's post to outlyr242 the rebirth's post for a more accurate count, though. And Mike Ely has that many posts? I want to check that myself, I thought he only had about 20 on the new boards. |
posted 11-29-98 08:18 PM ET
Yout're missing me. [Although maybe I wasn't a member last night...] |
posted 11-29-98 08:49 PM ET
Mike Ely was somehow able to retain his post count from the old forums. If you checked his profile when these first started, he had something like 70+ posts. How'd you do it Mike, tell us!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-29-98 09:11 PM ET
Borodino, you had exactly 30 posts when I compiled the list last night  |
posted 11-29-98 09:34 PM ET
Great idea Arnelos. I always wondered how many regular members we had on the forums. Now I know.-Maya |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-29-98 11:45 PM ET
btw, I just entered 300 post members. Me, YYYH, DJ RRebel (double post man), and Roland. Thank you, thank you. Hey!! Start Clapping (j/k).Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-30-98 12:38 AM ET
Thanks for that little tid bit of info! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 01:25 AM ET
Kurn, sarcasm does not become you.Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Brother Greg
posted 11-30-98 02:27 AM ET
I thought it was funny Kurn.  Brother Greg. |
posted 11-30-98 02:32 AM ET
Interesting to know. Kind surprised I was 8th. |
Brother Greg
posted 11-30-98 02:37 AM ET
Hmm, I remember back to the days of the "First official members newsletter". From memory, it was me and Apoc at the top.Now we're just relegated to bit players.  Brother Greg. |
posted 11-30-98 03:54 AM ET
I just recently moved into the "200-post members" range. Becoming the spokesperson for the Hive has really paid off in the post count department. 
posted 11-30-98 06:43 AM ET
Yess! I'm mentioned! Cool, I'm a member of the group. BTW, how the hell did DJ RRebel post that much? Can anyone good at number run a check of average time spent per 1 post? How much time has been devoted to this social experiment, otherwise called the Alpha Centauri Forums?I wonder whether any of us will meet personally? That would be some crowd. Beer drinking in the 2.1417th corner. Vodka in the pi-th corner. XX Clubs and barfights. I'm starting to cry. And rage -- WHERE ARE THE OLD FORUMS!!!!!????? |
posted 11-30-98 07:33 AM ET
Well I've been sort of the only one running around defending the peacekeepers until the recent return of a vigorous and live Brother Greg. I'm glad to see our leader from the Keepers of Wisdom days has returned.This leads me to ask, of course, how many of us peacekeepers have actually been around from back when it was called the Keepers of Wisdom. Personally, I still remember being one of the people to respond to Brother Greg's intitial "gather round children and here about the philosophers of old" posts. I recall when we were all talking about how cool it would be to have a faction of philosophers. . .Oh well, it really was sad when they changed the whole thing to the peacekeepers. However, we have adapted and our humanistic leanings have been preserved, so hurrah! The Keepers of Wisdom will live on within the Peacekeeper faction I suppose. |
MikeH II
posted 11-30-98 07:59 AM ET
Fantastic bit of work. Even with my limited presence here in recent times I am still 7th. Fantastic. Thanks Arnelos.Did you have to look through all the threads to find these people? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 03:11 PM ET
You've got to be kidding me !!! LOLHow long did that all take you ??? Ouch !!! Anyways, I'm sure it won't be long before YYYH overtakes me !!! I don't even know how much I'm at now anyways, I was hoping for 1000 before the demo as of a week ago, but now I guess I'll get that in a week or so !!! I still can't believe you counted everyone's !!! LOL As for Mike Ely, I actually posted that I found that wierd that he had so many posts !!! I thought it was maybe because there was a Beta tester forum or something !!! Imran >>> As for the double posting thing, who cares, that happens with the older threads in the nexii ... everyone has to do that so their post goes to the bottom of the thread, just ask YYYH .. seems to me I've seen you do it on more than one occation, although I could be wrong .. anyways, I actually try to stay clear of those cloned threads unless there's something important in there !!! Regardsless, it's only a number anyways, I guess I have brother Larry to thank for my high post count, our religion/atheism debates probably count for � of my posts I'm sure !!! Then another � in the Canadian 8th Faction for Humanity threads !!! As a rule, I try to keep things in balance, good topic and good off-topic threads, and believe it or not, there are actually some threads I haven't visited yet !!! (OK .. lol .. don't believe it if you don't want to .. I wouldn't believe me either !!!) Anyways, let me know when I get close to 1000 !!!  I hope I don't get the Y1K virus !!! OK anyways, I think I've written enough, now I'm curious as to what my actual post count is !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 03:13 PM ET
Help ... LOL ... I'm at 911 .. somebody call 9-1-1 !!!  I love the Simpsons !!! |
posted 11-30-98 05:09 PM ET
BTW, I don't know if this counts or not but I'm also the "Avatar of Avalon". That would boost my count ... oh ... about four. |
posted 11-30-98 06:24 PM ET
Excellent... I have the largest number of posts of any CWALer! And they didn't even mention Fjorxc! BWAHAHAHA!!!! Now, to increase my post count with pointless posts such as the ones YYYH makes, starting with this one!  |
posted 11-30-98 06:57 PM ET
Another pointless post by YYYH.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-30-98 07:09 PM ET
In contrast to DCA, who never makes pointless posts.DCA, You're twisted, depraved, and rotten to the core... I like that in a person.
posted 11-30-98 07:29 PM ET
I never make pointless posts either."This sentence is false." -Someone |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 05:39 AM ET
Brother Greg, it seems to me that most of the really early enthusiastic posters have slacked off of late and are now bit players... maybe we've matured (HAH!!) beyond the need to post so much? ;-) |
posted 12-01-98 05:43 AM ET
I think it's just a matter of getting tired of reading through 100's of posts every time you get on. After a while, you just sort of say "**** IT!" and ignore everything but what interests you enough to actually respond.To a large degree, this is what I've always sort of done on the forums (the reason why I had so few posts on the old forums, despite having been there for many months). |
posted 12-01-98 05:44 AM ET
Oh, BTW, 214 posts! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 05:59 AM ET
Arnelos ... LOL .. get a grip !!!  As for useless posts, I really don't have an opinion unless the forum colapses again !!! remember, the more we post, the more we feed the evil Nexii, it's ok if we have something to say, but deliberately posting for the sake of posting (on many occations, we all've done it a few times) is only going to hurt us later on down the road !!! Does anyone actually know what sort of limits the forum actually has ??? I've been fairly liberal with my posting, but after the problems I just encountered tonight, I beginning to have 2nd thoughts !!! It's probably just me bring paranoid ... lol .. I'll probably post 50 more posts tomorrow !!! OK all ... I'm off for a little while .. I'm actually continuing the game of Civ2 I started 2 months ago !!! .. I'm in 1880 !!! |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:06 AM ET
You Know You Post Too Much When:... you feel the need to explain why you won't be posting for the next two hours. ;-) (Sorry DJ, couldn't resist. =)
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:09 AM ET
Touch� Gord !!! LOL ... and point taken !!! I have to find something better to do on my nights off !!!Anyways, what are you doing up so late tonight ??? |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:11 AM ET
I have to admit I did the same thing once in the early days of my invasion of the forums. ;-) I'm always up this late... normally get to bed about 5am. I just usually do my posting earlier in the day, mid-afternoon or so... I'm bored tonight though. =) Don't have any work to do for a change. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:15 AM ET
Gord ??? I thought you had a regular day job ???What do you do to be up every night till 5am ??? You're almost as bad as I am, but not quite, I normally hit the sack at around 9am or 10am or so !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:17 AM ET
Arnelos ... are you still around ???I just realised it was you who made the post count list !!! LOL How long did it take you to get everyone ??? How often do you plan to update your list ??? |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:23 AM ET
Nope, I have an irregular day job, which is only partially done during the day. =) I sleep from about 5am till 1pm, and then work from about 2:30pm till about 4am. This of course varies depending on my workload and stuff, but that's not uncommon. |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:50 AM ET
You make enough money to live by just designing web pages ???What do you use to make them ??? Flash ??? Or do you simply use HTML ??? |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:58 AM ET
You can make insane amounts of money doing web work. =) But the truth of the matter is I'm one of the increasingly common people who has a big student debt hanging over them, so I live at home for the time being. I simply can't afford to move out at home reduces my expenses a great deal, so while I work at trying to GET some of that insane amount of money, I can still eat. ;-)Now I'll take my turn at explaining why I'm not posting for the next two (or eight) hours - this web designer hasta get some sleep, as it's just about 5am here in Eastern Standard Land. 'night Forums. ;-) |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 07:05 AM ET
OK .. good night then ... oh .. and welcome to the Centurian Club !!!  It would be nice to be back at home ... lol .. I'd be saving a fortune !!! Would you mind listing some of the sites you build, along with what you made for them and how long they took ??? I was thinking of getting into that myself .. I'm learning slowly, but I haven't got the motivation because I don't know if I could really make money with it !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 04:19 PM ET
Hey ... lol .. I made it to 1000 !!!  |
posted 12-01-98 04:32 PM ET
DJ - get a life!  There, my first ever completley pointless post. I feel dirty now.  |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-02-98 04:45 AM ET
hahaha .. ok CClark !!!Where could I find one ??? I'll buy one anywhere except for future shop !!! |
posted 12-02-98 06:28 PM ET
Try the KoRn CD. They have "Got the Life" (NAME: Follow the Leader; a pretty funny cover for it ).Another pointless post in my futile attempt to regain my role as highest poster in the forums! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Victor Galis
posted 12-02-98 10:17 PM ET
I made 50 posts in my first 4 days, but then I slacked off. Now, I'm back and... i'll be leaving again soon, but you haven't hear the last from me!That was a pointless and meaningless post (#97) |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-02-98 11:51 PM ET
Hahahaha ... until you get a cable modem YYYH, I think you'll have a hard time keeping up with me !!! Mind you, I'm working the next 3 days, so you still have a chance !!! I was surprised to be the first New Olympian though !!! And I'm ultra suprised to see my lead widden ... off all people who should be leading, it is you !!!So hurry up and get cracking !!! Um .. no .. uhh .. get posting !!!  |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-03-98 12:43 AM ET
I'm over 400 now.Imran Siddiqui Patriot "Sarcasm does not become you" |
posted 12-05-98 08:38 PM ET
The famous "just one more turn" thingy has been resurected in theses forum. "Just one more post"  |
posted 12-05-98 09:36 PM ET
Just ONE more post? Not in some people's cases.(Many glares are directed at Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey.) YYYH: Ummm.... I'll be leaving now... (The glares follow him out of the room.) |
Q Cubed
posted 12-05-98 09:59 PM ET
wow. i didn't really notice and i didn't really count, but man, some of you have a lot of posts. to the top three: are you always on here (almost like a second home-type thing)? oh well. this is one of the more entertaining sites anyway, cuz then i don't have to browse so much.-Q^3 ;-) |
posted 12-06-98 06:21 AM ET
The other cool thing is that for once I've been reconised.  I feel so special.  |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-06-98 10:57 AM ET
Q^3 >>> What are you talking about ??? This is my first home !!!  |
posted 12-06-98 11:28 AM ET
Hey I'm already past 50! Do we have any volunteers to update the list? Just thinking someone with too much time in here could do it. YYYH or DJRReb? |
posted 12-06-98 02:07 PM ET
I would update the list, but it would be too much work. If there was a thread in which everybody posted exactly once, then the job would be pretty easy. I'd start the thread myself, but I think that it would quickly attract a lot of silliness, and would then be rendered worthless.
posted 12-06-98 03:16 PM ET
Actually, I just thought of a much simpler way. This should only take a couple of mintues. |
posted 12-06-98 04:01 PM ET
Okay, I've just taken Arnelos' list (+Borodino).1130 DJ RRebel 896 Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey 636 Roland 467 Imran Siddiqui 334 MikeH 327 Spoe 306 DHE_X2 294 AUH2O 275 Arnelos 267 Octopus 256 Brother Greg 225 Mortis 224 DCA 215 BigER 173 Talon 138 CClark 131 jsorense 129 BoomBoom 128 Gord McLeod 127 BKK the Mentat 109 DarkLight 107 Shining1 103 Steel_Dragon 102 Victor Galis 97 Tapiolan poika 96 dushan 94 Apocalypse 94 Kurn 84 Heckler 84 Rang 82 Tolls 81 Mike Ely FIRAXIS 80 tOFfGI 76 Saras 69 jfrazier 67 Jay 65 OmniDude 64 Larry Boy 62 Sofielisk 58 JB 55 outlyr242 the rebirth 53 Tawdal 49 WCW 49 Titan 48 Aga1 48 Maya 46 Tom 46 WAS 42 Saint Randerolf 42 Jeje 41 Fluke 41 Q Cubed 41 Old_Guy 40 Borodino 39 Jason Beaudoin 37 Zan Thrax 35 Pudz 34 Firehawk 33 RyanR (???) SnowFire (profile seems to be busted) (???) Philippe Mipz Lapage (not sure of spelling, can't find a post)
posted 12-06-98 04:13 PM ET
Guess I should have tried a little harder...380 SnowFire 37 Philippe Mipz Lepage