Topic: Multi-Player Alliances
AUH20 |
posted 11-28-98 09:08 PM ET
Here's a place to discuss who we're going to ally with in MP. I've already set up an alliance with Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey with a Spartan-Morgan Pact. I've e-mailed Imran with a suggestion for a Morgan-UoP(UoP is me) alliance, but he hasn't responded. So SnowFire and ZanThrax may plan a Gaian/PK alliance or something. It should be interesting.
posted 11-28-98 09:44 PM ET
Hehe, setting up treachery's already. Cool. Me & Kurn started planning a league, that we might try after we get SMAC & try its multi player functions. Me & Imran also have a planned Morgan-Spartan alliance. Good old military-industrial complex.  Au, Imran probably hasn't responded because he's at home for Thanksgiving break, I think. He might be back on Monday. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-28-98 09:50 PM ET
Treachery? Oh, no, we merely want to prevent-early uh... misunderstandings... Now if none Morgan-Spartan Alliance members wouldn't read any further...All right, I pay for the singularity bombs, you use them. Those lousy Gaian's won't know what hit them. |
posted 11-28-98 11:45 PM ET
Can I get involed with an alliance where I'm Zakharov? |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-29-98 12:15 AM ET
AUH2O, I accept. As Yo as stated I'm home for T-giving break, so my school email has not been checked. Me, you, and Yo could be formidable (me-Morgan, AUH2O-UoP, YYYH-Spartans [military-industrial-science complex-or something). A tri-lliance if you will. MWAHAHAHAHA!!Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-29-98 12:58 AM ET
That alliance would be un-stoppable. I can't wait to try it in multiplayer!! Feel our wrath Human Hive!!! Stupid commie bastards!!When you getting back to school Imran, Sunday or Monday?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 10:33 AM ET
I think it goes without saying that Rollie and I will have a 8th and 9th Faction alliance !!!  But for when I play one of the 7 facitons, I'll probably stick to UoP & PK !!! I see myself also playing well with YYYH and so of you other guys !!! Any idea if the demo will have some form of multi ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 10:36 AM ET
Hmmmn ... I just thought about something ... the fact that there are 7 factions kinda sucks, that way you can't have all the factions and make it even !!!If there were 8, you could do 4-4 or 2-2-2-2 .. but with 7, you're stuck with 3-3 or 2-2-2, or 2-2-3 (with the underrated 3 being together or something) .. Why didn't Firaxis officially put 8 players (for the 8 factions ) ??? |
posted 11-29-98 06:34 PM ET
Bwahahahaha! We shall rule Chiron!Anyway, DJ, that would recquire extensive play-testing and designing to make sure that the faction was "fun" and balanced. |
posted 11-29-98 07:28 PM ET
As the Peacekeepers, I think the best alliances would be those with the following groups (in order):UofP (common interest in maintaining peaceful external relations so we can focus on internal development and UofP can focus on research. Then later, with PK development and UofP research, combination would be quite powerful. The trick with both factions, as was the case in all other type games, to be at peace long enough to obtain a development/research edge over the other players. Thus, I feel the UofP and Peacekeepers make IDEAL allies, as they have similar interests in similar parts of the game.) Gaians (would be great for the same reason as UofP. In addition, the Peacekeepers are probably the only faction the Gaians can get along with :-) ). Other factions are possible, but I really don't see alliances with either the Hive or the Spartans being too probable. When I start playing this multi-player (as the peacekeepers of course), I think I should imediately go for alliances with the UofP and/or Gaians. The three "development/research" factions should band together for mutual protection and to corner most of the good tech/societal advance/natural tech :-). So for all of you UofP people out there, the Peacekeepers are more than willing to help you out (and given the peacekeepers' development edge and political clout, it might be a good idea). |
posted 11-29-98 07:31 PM ET
AUH, you'll never have the resources to build those singulatiry bombs because your continent will be a giant xenofungus garden and you won't know how to properly use "fungused" land well!DJRR the 7 facs means that probably there won't be any pre-set alliances initially, to heighten the possibility of treachery. While we would probably try to set up allicances similiar to these pre-sets, if the game turns weird, we may see a Spartan-Hive alliance or something odd like that (neccisity is the mother of bizarreness). And admit it YYYH, if you needed to in order to survive, you would ally with them. Even if you intended to turn on them later. Considering that no one else seems to like them, I probably will end up playing the Gaians most games. I'll reserve who I intend to ally with and how I intend to betray for later. Though it would be enjoyable to set up a Gaia-PK-Believer war machine to kick everyone's butt with. Maybe the UoP too. For that matter, the Spartans and Morgans can join so we can all really stick it to Seely and Octupus and the other Hivesters. |
posted 11-29-98 07:40 PM ET
I have a proposal: Start out a six-way alliance to, as SnowFire put it "Stick it to Seely and Octopus and the other Hivesters." |
posted 11-29-98 07:50 PM ET
Well, sounds like a good idea. Is it just me or is the Hive the ONLY faction which garners the hatred of EVERY other faction? |
posted 11-29-98 07:54 PM ET
Hey, nobody life driving along the road to serfdom, Arnelos! BWHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Aren't I funny? No. Damn. Uh-oh. I'm having a converstation with myself. Did you forget to take your medicine again, moron? Damn. |
posted 11-29-98 07:56 PM ET
Everyone hates the Hive, except the Hive. Why, because the hive just stamps on & spits on everything we hold dear to our heart, religion & freedom, freedom mostly. But the real question is, how many times have I said that? A 6 way alliance to destroy the Hive will be acceptable. As long as the Spartans get to keep all the cities No, The Human Hive will be destroyed by me to early in the game to attempt an alliance  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-29-98 08:00 PM ET
All those smiley's-Yo has been assimilated by the Canadians! AHHHH! |
posted 11-29-98 08:06 PM ET
The Hive is pleased that you all see the value of unity over going it alone, but why don't you seek TRUE unity, and join the Hive? 
posted 11-29-98 08:11 PM ET
The Peacekeepers are the ones who seek true unity. However, our unity is one that would respect human dignity, differences of perspective, and human individuality. The Hive ignores all of these, they wish to trample and destroy the grand and beautiful diversity and dignity of our race. What you call "unity" is a unity of slaves. What we call "unity" is a unity of free human individuals, each maximizing their individual potential through dignity and respect. |
posted 11-29-98 08:21 PM ET
The Spartans dislike the Hive for how the Hive destroys Human individuality and Human dignity.The Morganites loathe the Hive for how it destroys human individuality, which the Morganites hold so dear. The Gaians hate the Hive for how it would destroy the diversity of human life and human dignity. The UofP hate the Hive for how it subjugates the individual intelect and keeps it away from the free pursuit of knowledge. The Hive destroys human individuality and human freedom, which the UofP holds dear. The Believers hate the Hive for destroying religion and any semblance of human dignity or morality. The Peacekeepers dislike the Hive for foolishly attempting to destroy all the parts of humanity which the peacekeeepers celibrate: our individuality, our dignity, our rights, and individual searches for knowledge and truth. The Hive imposes its view on all and stampts out all traces of the individual and his dignity. So, all 6 factions have good reasons to want to get rid of the Hive (which would collapse on itself in reality since the whole idea upon which it is built is not compatable with human nature). We all view the Hive as our mutual enemy and no faction sees the Hive as its friend. So we do have a sense of unity, yes. Our unity comes through our respect for human freedom, dignity, and individuality. And our unity comes from our joint hatred for those who would wish to destroy the essense of humanity that we hold dear. The other six factions, to an extent, are all "human" factions, despite some of their pessimistic views of human nature. Only the Hive is completely non-human in nature and thus garners the hatred of every other faction. As George Orwell and Alduous Huxley once warned us, such societies must be stopped before the consume us all. |
posted 11-29-98 08:49 PM ET
"which would collapse on itself in reality since the whole idea upon which it is built is not compatable with human nature"Speak for yourself. You see humans as self-centered, greedy, egomaniacal, power-craving agents but that is not truly human nature. Humans are compassionate, cooperative, and understanding of each other. The view of humanity you put forward is a lie, meant to decieve the oppressed. If you can convince the oppressed to believe that they are as bad as the oppressors, then you will break their will to revolt against you. You wish everyone to believe that his desire to feed himself and his family, and provide for their safety and security, is acting on the same impulses that drive the elite to acquire for the sake of acquiring. That is just not so. Every man has certain basic needs in life, but once those are satisfied, he can show his true nature, and join his fellow man in friendship. The Hive exists as a refuge for these poor souls, a place where they can come and share in true brotherhood. The heartless, exploitative despots who run your societies need not apply. I'm tempted to continue, but I want to see how much anti-Hive hysteria you guys can drum up 
posted 11-29-98 09:00 PM ET
Serfdom? Tyranny? Compliance? Conformity? Are these brotherhood? You crush the individual, and in doing so crush rights. People only come in one pack-there is no "Family Size" for humanity. And as only humans can have rights, the only rights are individual-there are no community rights, no rights of brotherhood. Liberty can only be in the individual, and liberty(and life and property) is the only right. The Hive takes these away from those who will not comply. |
posted 11-29-98 09:00 PM ET
Every man is an island. |
posted 11-29-98 09:18 PM ET
The U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble ..."Kind of hard to assemble all by yourself, peacably or otherwise, eh AUH20? Sounds like a right that can only be exercised by a group to me... "only humans can have rights" I hope the Gaians are listening 
posted 11-29-98 09:23 PM ET
A group which consists of individuals. You can't have a group without individuals, now can you? By your definition of a collective system, the Morgan Conglomerate is collectivized, as well as the Tri-Alliance. |
posted 11-29-98 09:38 PM ET
Hmmm... just a few posts ago you said: "the only rights are individual-there are no community rights". Are you making a retraction? Or are you saying that, since the benefits of the Hive's society are shared by all of its members, the Hive is good for each individual member of the Hive?The Morgan Conglomerate is, indeed, a group. It is a group who foolishly bases its governance on a corporate model. The Hive's position is not that groups are inherently superior to individuals, the Hive's position is that groups are made up of individuals, and that individuals who understand that and work TOGETHER within the group will achieve happiness and prosperity for the entire group.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-29-98 09:42 PM ET
Morgan Conglomerate FOOLISH!! Octo, you are a moron (sorry)! The Conglomerate wishes to be rich! Whats wrong with that, every nation on Earth wishes to be rich! The Hive is a consortum of the strong putting down the weak. Yang is strong, the peons are weak. The Hive is EVIL!! An communistic society, as President Reagan put it "The Evil Empire". DIE, HIVE, DIE.Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-29-98 09:54 PM ET
I dunno the Hive is kinda cute in a little commie conformist way. I would be happy to try and learn the way of the Hive so as to be able to control minds and thoughts at will. So long as i got my cheesy poofs. |
posted 11-29-98 10:12 PM ET
"The Conglomerate wishes to be rich! Whats wrong with that, every nation on Earth wishes to be rich!"And they did a bang-up job on Earth, too. Why don't you and the rest of your faction pack up and head back? Planet will be better off without you...  Seriously, though, you confuse a desire for safety, security, and prosperity with pointless greed. Your inability to see the difference is the source of the strife you find in your society. The Hive is the noblest example of brotherhood ever conceived by Man. Yang is strong, and the other members of the Hive are strong, and when we combine our strength, our achievements will make those of the other factions look pathetic in comparison.
posted 11-29-98 10:49 PM ET
This whole thing has lead me to an idea:Which factions do each faction they are most able to cooperate with and which factions doe each faction loathe? My thoughts: WHO THEY ARE MOST LIKELY TO COOPERATE WITH: Peacekeepers: UofP, Gaians Morganites: UofP, Spartans, Peacekeepers Spartans: Morganites, UofP, Peacekeepers Gaians: Peacekeepers, Believers Believers: Gaians, Peacekeepers UofP: Peacekeepers, Morganites Hive: none (at least the Hive Octopus has described) WHO THEY LOATHE MOST: Peacekepers: HIVE, Spartans Morganites: HIVE, Gaians Spartans: Hive, Gaians Gaians: Morganites, Hive Believers: HIVE, UofP UofP: HIVE, Believers Hive: MORGANITES, BELIEVERS |
posted 11-29-98 10:52 PM ET
Is it just me or does that set up a very uneven balance of power if everyone follows their factional ideology?You would have everyone hating the Hive and lots of people willing to deal with the UofP, Peacekeepers, and Morganites more than any other factions. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be, but it seems the Hive would not survive very long if the people playing the factions ran their foreign policy based on their ideology. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-29-98 10:57 PM ET
Well, I hate the HIVE, and so do most of the people on the board. Their Communist system doesn't work (ex.1 Soviet Union, ex.2 China). Greed is spoken of by Octo, but what's wrong with greed. Edison invented the phonograph, improved the light bulb, Bell invented the telephone for greed's sake!! You think they did it out of love for humanity? No!! They did it to make money. Which is why Democracies will always be technologically superior compared to Communist nations. End of Story!! Dwon with the Hive. Hive is EVIL!!Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-29-98 11:10 PM ET
First off, let me say that the Hive will welcome in friendship any faction that wishes to work together, because the first step toward joining the Hive is becoming friends with the Hive. Your citizens will join the Hive sooner or later, you may as well make it easy on yourselves and join en masse.  Now, the hatred on these boards aside (help stop the hate! ) I don't think that all of the factions will be so anti-Hive. The Peacekeepers, UoP, and Gaians are likely to be far too socialist for the tastes of Morgan. The Spartans are very warlike, so the PKs will not get along with them very well. I personally don't see what the Gaians would have against the Hive. If the Hive turns out to be heavy polluters, that's one thing, but I don't think the Gaians have any philosophical opposition ot the Hive. I don't think that the UoP will necessarily dislike the Hive, either. I also don't think the PK's will be too anti-Hive, since the Hive is likely to be quite isolationist, and therefore not a bunch of troublemakers like the Spartans. The Spartans are likely to dislike the PKs, as well, since the Spartans don't like to be told what to do (just read the story!). And, as a final note, "all politics are local". I think that people will be making war and peace over land and resources, not ideology.
posted 11-29-98 11:17 PM ET
"but what's wrong with greed"?Every brutal dictator who has ever seized power and oppressed his people also did that out of greed. Every corrupt factory owner who has forced children to work in dangerous conditions did so out of greed. Do not confuse the good that coincidentally resulted from some actions with the selfish motivations of those actions. Greed is not the sole motivator of humanity, nor will it necessarily motivate it in the right direction.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-29-98 11:17 PM ET
Greed is good!Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Brother Greg
posted 11-29-98 11:29 PM ET
Love is good. All else is pointless without it.Greed? Greed is but loving oneself overmuch, and not any other. Brother Greg. |
posted 11-29-98 11:46 PM ET
Concerning both the Hive and the Morganites:"The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never appealed to me; a system of ethics built on this basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle." -Albert Einstein The peacekeepers have an inherently humanistic system of ethics. "Humanism is a philosophy of joyous service for the greater good of all humanity, of application of new ideas of scientific progress for the benefit of all." -- Linus Pauling (BTW, thanks for the quote Maya) |
posted 11-29-98 11:56 PM ET
Well, if you replace "humanism" with "the Hive" and "humanity" with "the Hive's members" (since all humanity will eventually see the light and join the Hive), then the Pauling quote seems to be quite right.
posted 11-30-98 12:07 AM ET
As ashamed as I am to admit it, there might not be as much hate between the Gaians and the Hive as, say, the Hive and the Believers. It depends on if the Hive recognizes that to preserve industry best, they save and conserve. If they ruthlessly industrialize like the Soviets of old, then they will certailnly gain special enimity.Still, even if the Hive is nice to the Enviorment, the fairly democratic Gaians would never feel comforable with the Hive. And the UoP would, just like the Gaians, dislike the Hive's form of government, but not enough to have a huge vendetta against them (like the Believers and Morganites would). Arnelos's chart is extremely correct (one dispute: The Spartans willing to co-operate with the PK's. While this would be the best for them, the PK's hate the Spartans, as mentioned lower in the chart. So some weird relations): The Hive would probably have an exciting and short life on Chiron. The UoP would have people batting down its door to be friends with them. The Spartans would have to play expert diplomatic pool to overcome their initial diplomatic disadvantage, but they could do it. Then would come a bizarre series of entangling alliances for survival more complex than in the decades before World War I, insured because any unallied faction would be a prime target for occupation by another alliance. You might end up with the Believers declaring war on the Morganites. The Morganites have an alliance with the UoP, who has an alliance with the PK's, who have an alliance with the Gaians, who have an alliance with the Believers. The PK's are now bound by 2 second hand alliances to enter a conflict on both sides! Or they could break both alliances and piss everyone off. Fun games of diplomacy. P.S. Interestingly enough, in the RCFH, I played the Gaians and Believers off one another, even though I would normally see them as potential allies. Odd. |
posted 11-30-98 12:17 AM ET
In fact, Arnelos, your chart has given me a new idea. I'll post it in a new thread, "Pre-set Diplomatic Bonuses/Penalties." I always assumed that the Spartans would get a diplomatic penalty, now I have an idea for refining that even more. |
posted 11-30-98 12:20 AM ET
Unfortunately for the Hive, we can do no such thing. This is because the Hive doctrine can only apply to ants and other Hive-society forming insects. Humans are not pre-disposed toward this form of society and artifical means must be used to bring humans about to a uniquely non-human state. Thus humanism, the cherishing of those things that make us human, is fundamentally opposed to the Hive. So while the Hive's philosophy can only apply to an artificial creation for a limited portion of humanity, the peacekeepers' philosphy is capable of reaching all humans in all situations of life. This, above all else, is the principal strength of the peacekeeper ideology, there are large parts of it that just about any human can agree with.The pluralistic nature of peacekeeper society then allows for divergence of opinion amonst all those who can agree with peacekeeper thought. In addition, the peacekeepers really don't see the need for conquering all of the other factions since they recognize the various manners in which those factions are pursuing their own ideal of human potential (especially the UofP). Obviously, the peacekeeping faction might go about many of these things differently, but are capable of accepting the views of other factions. Thus the peacekeepers are much more able to both get along with other factions and to absorb the members of other factions (the Hive is going to have a big problem with this, since people devoted to non-Hive ideals are going to be real sticky about giving up their rights and individuality. In the end, the Hive will be forced to become a brutal police state whether its planners had seen it that way or not). This may be the reason the peacekeepers get inherent population bonuses. Perhaps the designers are working in the broader apeal of the peacekeeper ideology (afterall, capitalists, socialists, believers, atheists, industrialists, and environmentalists could all work and live in the peacekeeper community, where many of those groups would have a problem in other factions). It must also be said that Octopus seems to be assuming that all non-Hive societies are completely obsessed with greed and have no other values. . .Is it just me is such a view WAY off the mark? |
Brother Greg
posted 11-30-98 12:43 AM ET
Personally, I'm not going to form too many pre-arranged alliances in the game, unless I join a "tribe" (or whatever the heck we are going to call SMAC clans). Then I'll ally with them (Duh!).Especially if we have leagues. Though I suppose it could be useful to have permanent alliances with some of the better players. Hmmm... As for the whole Hive thing, I think the whole point of the hive is to do away with Greed. Thus I believe they will be the most opposed to the Morganites and the Spartans, both of which use greed as the basis of their faction. I also believe that looking at the Hive as the Borg is fundamentally wrong. I see them as more the utopian Socialists (or is it communists, I always confuse the two). From each according to his abilities, to each, according to his needs. I don't see them as suppressing individualism, more as supressing greed. Could be wrong, but I'll have to wait for the game to be sure... Brother Greg, Peacekeeper. |
posted 11-30-98 12:49 AM ET
".Is it just me is such a view WAY off the mark?"It's just you . Seriously, though, the Morganites (if Imran is to be believed) value greed above everything, so my comments definitely apply to them. To the extent that each of the other factions distance themselves from the Morgan philosophy, they distance themselves from the brunt of my attack. However, unless someone renounce that philosophy completely (i.e. joins the Hive) they are still implicated, just to a lesser extent. And, as for those who do not believe in the Hive's philosophy, we don't want them. It is our goal to enlighten everyone, so they give up their misguided resistance to the Hive's way. If someone refuses to be enlightened, they would not benefit our society, and our society will not waste time or resources on them. However, our complete devotion to humanity compels us to show you the error of your ways, and give you every opportunity to seek the truth, and join the Hive. In the Hive, every individual contributes in the best way that they are able. While many of you seem to feel that this is the worst possible hell, it truth it is the optimal way for a society to function.
posted 11-30-98 12:55 AM ET
Bravo, Brother Greg . I feel the same way about the Hive (although I wouldn't use the word utopian since it implies that it can't be achieved). And "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is Communist (Marxist). |
posted 11-30-98 01:07 AM ET
"Every man is an island." I think that Chairman Yang would respond with "Thats why we have bridges" Kurn and his pathetic sense of humor strike again! |
posted 11-30-98 01:39 AM ET
This conversation is why I formed the faction based on classical liberalism-I forget the name-on the old boards. I believed in the sancity of the individual and protection of rights of like the Peacekeeper's, but they were too socialist for me and I liked the free market of Morgan, but thought he was a bit too brutal/greedy. I wanted a society dedicated to philosophy and erudite knowledge, with a strong liberal tradition, while keeping a libertarian market system(Adam Smith). So I formed the liberal faction. So if I formed a custom faction, it would have a science value choice, a free market, free market, and delibrative democracy. It wouldn't be a pure democracy, not even to the point of the US being a pure democracy because there would be no universal sufferage. There would be some sort of test citizens are recquired to take to vote. And as far as societal structure? Class differences are present-we ARE a free society. The wealthy are those who have earned their wealth-the poor the unskilled labor and those who squandered their wealth. I still have trouble sympasizing with the Hive. "Atheistic Police State" and "Culture of Serfdom" sound pretty nasty to me. Also, I still maintain that only individuals can be free-the first amendement garuntees the right of individuals to assemble, and 99.9% of assemblies are going to have dischord within. Remember, boys and girls: Chaos is our friend. |
posted 11-30-98 01:59 AM ET
"The wealthy are those who have earned their wealth-the poor the unskilled labor and those who squandered their wealth"So, AUH2O, in your society would you outlaw inheritance, since the person on the recieving end didn't "earn" it? (or, conversely, so children don't pay for their parents' financial blunders). "There would be some sort of test citizens are recquired to take to vote." Sounds to me like an invitation for somebody to rig the test so that only the "right" people voted. "I still maintain that only individuals can be free" But before you said that only individuals had rights. Are you conceding that you were wrong? An individual can't assemble, and the right of assembly is guaranteed by the United States. I maintain that a group can be deprived of freedom (for example, lock up every member of a particular political party), and therefore that same group must be able to posess freedom, collectively.
posted 11-30-98 07:48 AM ET
Have no fear, Octopus Communicus, noble defender of the faith. Knight Omnibus McDude - "The Scarlet One" - coming to your aide.This anti-Hive thing is getting more and more like a witchhunt. There are entirely too much attention on rights and too little on duties in the individual contra community debate. It might be that liberalism maximizes the scope of individual rights that can be held (most of which will only be exercised by those lucky few who have the dubious ability to outsmart the rest of us), but at which expense? The prize a truly liberalistic society pays is the that the privileged are under no obligation to make provisions for those less fortunate in their society. The samaritan, driven by compassion is a endangered species here, since using your ressources for anything other than promotion of your own cause is putting yourself at a disadvantage competition-wise. Though the inefficiency of large bureaucracies can make anyone sick to their stomach, at least here the problem is at system level: Bureaucracies inherently accumulates inefficiency with size, because the individual loses sight of the cause-effect chain in the bureaucracy as a whole and become selfish. Communism and other large-society ideologies biggest problem is a practical organizational one. However their biggest force is the fact that the very system is founded on duties before rights rather than the other way around. This seems to me to be the way to go if you have ambitions on mankinds behalf as well as on your own. A liberalist society is fundamentally based on an each (wo)man for himself. The fundamental idea is pretty much like a pyramid games/organizations that have haunted western societies for decades now and almost provoked a civil war in Albania: You know that your fortune must somehow somewhere be based on somebody elses misfortune. You get around this by saying: "The unfortunate people are as free as me, have had the same chances as me and therefore are at their own fault for not getting as far as me. This gives me the right to use the ressources I've gained to whatever I deem reasonable.". Not a single word on intentions - right or wrong - and not a word about what duties are to be served in exchange for all that liberty. The ideology is fundamentally flawed, which IMO is more problematic and harder to work around in the long run than the practical difficulties of making big bureaucracies efficient (a problem that relly large companies are also facing, BTW) So, though both individualism and collectivism (in a general sense) have their disadvantages, I'll stick to the latter one, because I fundamentally like my fellow man and would like a open and trust-based relationship with him, even if it means that I'll get disappointed once in a while. I think Hive will get along well with UoP, Gaians and Believers due to the emphasis on the needs of the community before the needs of the individual. For the same reasons Spartans and Morgans are not likely allies with the Hive (at least not without the PK to act as mediator) |
posted 11-30-98 07:50 AM ET
Oh, and a final salute:Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten. --The Cree People |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 03:41 PM ET
However, the Hive has been called a police state in previews. This police state mentality I believe will make the Hive the extreme enemy, especially to the Peacekeepers and the democratic UoP and Gaians. They'll be put off by this putting down of the individual for the benefit of the state (seems Nazi-Like).Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 03:41 PM ET
However, the Hive has been called a police state in previews. This police state mentality I believe will make the Hive the extreme enemy, especially to the Peacekeepers and the democratic UoP and Gaians. They'll be put off by this putting down of the individual for the benefit of the state (seems Nazi-Like).Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 03:41 PM ET
However, the Hive has been called a police state in previews. This police state mentality I believe will make the Hive the extreme enemy, especially to the Peacekeepers and the democratic UoP and Gaians. They'll be put off by this putting down of the individual for the benefit of the state (seems Nazi-Like).Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-30-98 03:45 PM ET
Hmmm, triple post....  |
posted 11-30-98 03:45 PM ET
Hmmm, triple post....  |
posted 11-30-98 03:45 PM ET
Hmmm, triple post....  |
posted 11-30-98 05:06 PM ET
In response to Arnelos's list and comments about gameplay balance: I don't think that the attitudes in this Forum reflect the attitudes of the game. Judging strictly by the Story presented by Firaxis, the alliances in the game (at least according to the AI) would be...Spartans: Morganites(both are renegades), Believers (Message that Santiago sent by to Miriam) Hive: UoP(Saratov's comments to Raymond), PK(both are extremely loyal to Garland's authority) Morganites: UoP(Morgan's bribery of Imran), Spartans(both are renegades) Gaians: Believers(one exiting the other's room at beginning of scene. I forget for what reason), Lal(amiable working relationship while monitoring ship at beginning of story) UoP: Hive(Saratov's comments to Raymond), Morganites(Morgan bribing Imran) Grudges according to the story would be... Spartans: Almost everyone- Hive(Yang's Imprisonment), Gaians (Santiago's taking Diedre hostage), UoP (Saratov armed his men against the Spartans), PK(conflicting aims of war and peace) Believers: UoP(the conversation about faith), Hive (atheist) UoP: Gaians(dislikes Diedre usurping his authority in science division), Spartans(Saratov armed his men for the purpose of killing Spartans), Believers (faith conversation) PK: Spartans(conflicting aims of war/peace), UoP(Lal disliked Saratov's arming his men) Gaians: Morganites(conversation about the promise of a new planet), Spartans (Hydroponics bay fiasco) I'm probably missing stuff, but the story's not finished yet. |
posted 11-30-98 05:34 PM ET
I can't believe you've never considered the Hive in any potential war machine alliance. The Hive has the best military defense--FREE base defense! I remember the good old orginal CoFH days when my Labyrinth(Hive) Minotaur Guards and Venom's Spartan commandos joined in META. META was unbeatable! Even against Imran's guerilla tactics, Raymond(DG)'s mindwalkers, Thomas A. Stobie's New Hope, and Johnathan's killer Space Station. Ah, that was a dream alliance... |
posted 11-30-98 07:19 PM ET
I believe the Hive will be the only faction to be self reliant upon itself as much as any faction can be. We will have free base defense so as to not waste our resources for controlling our own masses. Our people will willingly follow us in the true pursuit of life , to truly understand and use the full potential of the human mind and free ourselves of selfish attributes. This will give us the societal benefits of no other faction. And also will allow us to send even more forces out to bring more into our collective.
posted 11-30-98 08:34 PM ET
If I remember rightly the gaian disadvantage is that their citizens are faster to riot. Despite my attempts I find it hard to find a group that could counteract this deficiency. I think maybe a Gaian/Believer alliance may work well (better troops backed up by native fauna), or if you want a great force for happy peaceness a Gaian/PK alliance. But are there any groups that would counteract the gaian penalty?Outpost DL, outpost DL... |
posted 12-01-98 01:39 AM ET
You don't need a triple post to note a triple post-just more e-mail for me to read. |
posted 12-01-98 06:06 PM ET
Hey, I just thought of a neat multiplayer trick. The Hive has the fastest population growth, right? The Gaians have the slowest population growth, right? In a mulitplayer Hive/Gaian alliance, the Hive player periodically cedes cities to the Gaians to help them grow their population. In exchange, the Gaian player gives the Hive empathy tech/troops to negate the Planet's adverse reactions to population growth. |
posted 12-01-98 06:12 PM ET
Similar interdepndency arrangements can be made for other factions. The Hive has the slowest economy, and the Morganites have the largest. But the Morganite citizens are spoiled, demand lots of luxury, and will riot if not given them. The Hive has the best mind control techs. The Morganites can give money to the Hive in exchange for mindcontrol tech to quell the spoiled masses, instead of paying for costly luxuries. I got this idea from the lone Brian Reynolds post in the original CoFH, in which Morgan employed much hated nerve-staplers for crowd control. |