posted 11-28-98 06:00 PM ET
(Just outside Hunt Valley, a brigade of BoSers stand ready in the freezing rain, while YYYH sits in his command tent planning his strategy)Colonel K'nownothing: Sir, should we move in on Hunt Valley now, we haven't seen any Cows* in the area, they've either gone into hiding, or disappeared somewhere, regrouping. We have been beating them pretty bad.
YYYH: Bah! We've been beating up citizens, & maybe injuring a couple CWALers. These guys are hard to find. They seem to have some advanced Starcraft technology. But this will soon change, we have our SMAC technology shipping to the front soon enough!!
K'nownothing: Umm, yeah. So you want us to move in on the town?
YYYH: Hang on. I'm waiting for a shipment to arrive, not just any shipment, it's a shipment that could turn the tide of this war.
K'nownothing: Umm, what tides, we outnumber them a million to one.
YYYH: The devil on you!! Just have patience!
(5 minutes later 10 Salvation Army trucks pull up. A woman steps out.)
K'nownothing: Umm, sir. Why is the salvation army here!?!?!
YYYH: Shhh, Colonel K'nownothing, I want you to meet Major Slim Pickins, leader & founder of the militant wing of the Salvation Army.
Mjr. Slim Pickins: Pleasure to meetcha sir!
Colonel K'nownothing: Umm, yeah, pleasure.
YYYH: So major. What have ya got in your trucks?
Pickins: Well sir, in 5 o' the trucks, we got 500 troops each.
YYYH: 2500 men? Wow, that many people joined your comedic, & ripped off from Austin Powers, organization?
Pickins: Why yes, now In the other 5 trucks are the latest in military weapons. Temperance lasers. What they essentially do is tear a hole in the 4th dimension, & send whoever's getting shot, into that dimension..........and beyond!
YYYH: Sounds mighty powerful.
Pickins: Mighty powerful?? These things are beyond powerful. They make your plasma rifles, & singularity lasers look like childrens pop guns!! All my services & weapons are at a price though Mr. YYYH.
YYYH: NIMadier General YYYH to you!
Pickins: No need to get snide. Now, my price is $50,000,000, plus tax.
YYYH: Plus tax? I thought charities didn't pay taxes??
Pickins: Shutup, & pay up!!!
YYYH: Ok, I'll pay up.....just give me a sec.
(YYYH takes out his BAR & empties a clip into Major Slim Pickins)
YYYH: Hehe, looks like you won't be riding that nuke into the Ruskies after all. Hehehehe. Now, Colonel, take the 2500 soldiers 7 mindwipe them to our side please
Colonel K'nownothing: Yes sir.
(The trucks are driven into the BoS re-education center, where the 2500 Salvation Armiers(word?) began the painstaking 6 week program of converting to BoS. Meanwhile YYYH walks into his tent, & orders 150 light blue colored alpacas named 'Bob'. Then he cleans his BAR.)
Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,