Topic: Faction no. 13: The Ohioans
DHE_X2 |
posted 11-25-98 07:45 PM ET
Yes, thats reight, the ohioans. Led by Jerry Springer(former mayor of Cincinnati), or, if you prefer, the infamous DHE himself, the Ohioans are bent on colonizing Chiron and making a better life. Some other goals are: 1. Establishing the New Rock and Roll hall o fame. 2. defending against faction no. 14, the Kentuckians 3. Increasing industrial base to be able to turn out massive amounts of Cincy style chili.
posted 11-25-98 08:58 PM ET
Ooooo, unlucky 13!!! You're unlucky choice number for a faction must be due to the fact that Ohio is nothing more than a singularity void! Your forgot about Drew Carey! You forgot as establishing the song 'Cleveland Rocks' as your national anthem!!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-25-98 09:10 PM ET
Not to mention setting up WKRP as the first radio station on Chiron! |
posted 11-26-98 12:32 AM ET
I am now certain that Ohio does not exist, because I went there over the weekend.Coming south on I-75, I approached the so-called border. I pulled out my passport and wallet, fully expecting to spend an hour or two in customs, changing my money to Ohioan currency, having to haggle with the local peasantry, and probably bribe the costubulary. Instead, the wasn't even a checkpoint. Now, if Ohio did exist, then surely such a backwards place would require me to go through the rigamorole commonly associated with other third-world dictatorships: Cuba, Uganda, Iran, Libya, Indonesia .... Instead, I just entered a place that claimed to be Ohio. But since that isn't possible, I figure I must have made a wrong turn and ended up in Wisconsin. |
posted 11-26-98 01:32 AM ET
hmmm, I-75. Orange barrels? had to be some somewhere along there. "Cleveland rocks" is the factional(?) anthem Ohio Players are the official band No spoe, WEBN will be the first radio station W-E-B-N, the lunatic fringe of Chiron FM also, WEBN fireworks day will be a national holiday. |
posted 11-26-98 01:34 AM ET
Now join me in praising the Leader! All Hail DHE!!! |
posted 11-26-98 02:35 AM ET
Might emmigrate if you open a Bogart's. |
posted 11-26-98 02:39 AM ET
Actually, Borodino, if you ask some of the more liberal members of this forum they'll tell you that Cuba isn't the dicatorship; the US is. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-26-98 03:07 AM ET
the 13th Faction is like the 13th floor, it doesn't exist !!! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-26-98 03:46 PM ET
I don't think this faction exists!! |
posted 11-27-98 02:02 AM ET
Na, it doesn't exist. It was created on the 13 hour, of the 13th day, of the 13th month(they were using faulty calendars ), therefore cannot exist. That is the cursed time, when everything created, disapears forever! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-27-98 06:13 AM ET
Reminds me of a question no one could answer to me:Where did the lizard king hide the 13th month ? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 06:50 AM ET
Roland ... the 13th month is actually still there, it's just that the whole world drinks too much on New Years and ends up passed out for the entire month !!! |
posted 11-27-98 07:02 AM ET
Hey, that's exactly my theory. But still, it's all the lizard king's fault. And why did he have to go to Paris ? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 07:03 AM ET
Because that's where the lizards live !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 07:04 AM ET
Oh ... and there are some lizards in Ohio also, but they are imaginary !!! |
posted 11-27-98 07:10 AM ET
I always used to think the lizard king went to Paris cause that's where the 10ft women lived... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 07:12 AM ET
The 10ft women are from the Amazon !!! The women in Paris are short ... except for the models, who are mostly international anyways !!! |
posted 11-27-98 07:26 AM ET
Thinking about it, the 10 ft women were only a wish. The lizard king may have hoped to find them in Paris, but he may have failed ?"Build me a woman, maker 10 ft tall don't make her ugly don't make her small build me a woman, maker 10 ft tall!"
posted 11-27-98 03:02 PM ET
There aren't any lizards in Paris! There are frogs in Paris, maybe the lizard king wanted to eat frogs. But T-rex only ate Brachiosaurs, & other dinosaurs of that kind!I wonder if T-rex could of bred with a Brachiosaur, if he wasn't always eating them... Why would you want a 10ft woman. I got perfectly good 5ft women wight here!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-27-98 03:03 PM ET
wight here?? I'm starting to sound like Elmer Fudd. I meant 'right here'. How the hell did I do that!?!?!?!?Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-28-98 11:15 AM ET
YYYH .. I've done worse typos ... trust me !!! LOLAnyways ... I was just going along with what Rolland said !!! Personally, I don't care how tall a woman is for me to be interested !!! Well, let's just say between 4� & 6� feet !!! Just to be on the safe side !!! LOOL |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-28-98 11:15 AM ET
LOOL ??? LOL .. there's another typo for you YYYYH !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-28-98 11:16 AM ET
LMAO .. and now I've got you with 4 Yos !!!I'm going to bed now !!! |
posted 11-28-98 01:22 PM ET
Wow, I'll never complain about another one of my typos again! Good night DJ Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 11:43 AM ET
LOL .. oh thanks .. Now it's 24hrs later, and I'm going to bed again !!! YYYH, is it just me, or was yesterday (saturday), like one of the quietest days this forum has seen to date ??? Actually, that question was to YYYH, but anyone can answer it ... I really was amazed to see such a small about of posting !!! And is it just me, or have alot of people taken what seems like short vacations ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 11:45 AM ET
DJ RRebel SMACs himself on the head when he realises that most of them are on vacation !!! ooops .. umm .. lol .. happy thanksgiving guys !!! Do they have thanksgiving in Ohio ??? I was just wondering that, because if Ohio doesn't exist, then it doesn't have anything, and in turn doesn't have anything to be thankful for, so in turn shouldn't have thanksgiving !!! Just a thought !!! :P |
posted 11-29-98 03:25 PM ET
Just wait 'till Christmas! No one will be here. Well, except for me. I'm staying home most likely, because my aunt, who we usually goto for Christmas, is going on a skiiing trip, & we spend Christmas Eve with the other side of the family, soI may be here. Or I may be out with my girlfriend, if she's home, or maybe I'll stay home & play some computer games. Whichever, any suggestions?? Wait, I don't want you guys planning my Christmas day. Well, that's what I get for posting in the Ohio faction thread. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-02-98 05:41 PM ET
I am the LIZARD KING, I CAN DO ANYTHING(yeah, the doors rock, and Morrison was high as a kite) |
posted 12-03-98 04:49 AM ET
...stoned.... immaculate!!! |
posted 12-03-98 05:57 PM ET
Kites don't go that high. Well mine don't. Haven't been able to get them off the ground more than 2 feet. Strangely, the packaging said made in Ohio. Coincidence?Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-03-98 08:30 PM ET
Eh, Christmas? Well, I might be here a bit Christmas eve(before 5 or so EST) because I have to work. Christmas day though, I'll not be seen(well, I suppose I _might_ drop in, seing as I can connect from my parents). |
posted 12-05-98 04:02 AM ET
Yes, he was Immaculately Stoned. Kites around where I live don't work, partly because of 100+ foot trees. The only place I've been able to fly a kite was at the Outerbanks, NC. |
posted 12-05-98 05:08 AM ET
Hrm, bringing up an old Ohio topic(or was that OTT? Ah well, no matter.)... What the hell is up with gas prices? Stop to fuel up today here in KY and it was 81 cents/gallon? I know there's some wiggyness with OPEC right now, but isn't this a tad ridiculous? |