Topic: our faction leader quotes
Jimmy |
posted 11-25-98 04:25 PM ET
I thought it would be fun to come up with our own faction leader quotes."Mankind must strive for true peace or we are no better than these mindworms." Pravin Lal. Peacekeeper's "We will survive no matter what." Santiago. Spartan's "Life is meant to search for pure knowledge." Zhakarov. UoP "The Planet is alive!!" Skye. Gaian's Stepdaughters "Only fools think that we can go to another planet and escape our own sin." Godwinson. Believer's "Transcend the individual and you find utopia." Yang. Hive "I have something you need, and you have something I need. Let's make a deal." Morgan. Morgan Conglomerate
posted 11-25-98 07:50 PM ET
Or how about quotes after they take some sodium pentochlorate (sp?)?"Ruthless Capatalism, yes!" -Morgan "I crush my people under my boot. And it's fun! Hahahaha. And soon I will crush you too. Hahahah! Hahahahahaha..." -Yang "I made trouble on the Unity, I made trouble on the Unity, haw haw." (to tune of child's taunt) -Santiago "I really hope that the Hive doesn't attack us, we set up a volunteer army, but no one joined up! What are we to do without violating our principles!" -Lal "I want to go cuddle a mindoworm... all of the other factions are so cruel to them. They never found their kind, gentle side." -Skye "I rest easy in knowing that all my opponents are going straight to hell. Unfortunately, according to our beliefs, hell is in a pit on earth, and it may not be left. Where will they go if that is so?" -Godwinson "Where's my science kit! Giving quotes is boring, just like building borings. We should just play with our chemistry labs all day." -Saratov |
posted 11-25-98 08:10 PM ET
I hope this doesn't offend anyone. It's all in the spirit of fun.  "My gun is bigger than your gun! Now, if only I can find that darn gun..." --Santiago "Oh, no! I stepped on a leaf!" --Skye "I think God likes me. He is soooo cute." --Godwinson "The Spartans are coming! The Spartans are coming! Run, run, run." --Pravin Lal "You are getting sleepy. Very, very sleepy." --Hypnotic command of Yang "Hey! If you're going to use our lab equipment to make vodka, at least give me some!" --Zhakarov "What do you mean the mindworms won't take cash?" --Morgan |
posted 11-25-98 10:22 PM ET
I meant sodium penethol, sorry.I like Rang's quotes. Some more: "Remember, the 1st commanment comes before the sixth, so it's okay to kill the infidels. Now do it!" -Miriam, before executing some spies "Today's experiment, is, uh, whether better science can be done after consuming huge quantities of vodka. Let's begin. Where's my goggles go anyway?" -Zhakarov, after said consumption of vodka "That man just killed a fly! I saw him! Guards! Get him!" -Skye "No dissent will be tolerated, since that decreases our efficency. Rule 1 of Hive soceity is that the boss is always right; Rule 2 is that when the boss is wrong, refer to Rule 1." -Yang, at a City Pride Celebration "Our new tradding agreement with the Peacekeeper's is great. They will not discover that the goods are hopelessly defective for 2 or 3 years, long after we have already reaped the profit." -Morgan, to his Foreign Relations Counsel "Our singularity artillery can destroy anything, anywhere. Now if only the underground factories could produce enough ammunition." -Santiago, to her Industrial Advisor "Aieeeeee!" -Lal, after watching the invading troops taking over UN Headquarters and being in a building just about to be hit by a singularity missle. |
posted 11-25-98 10:34 PM ET
"It has been said that the free market, and those of us who advocate it, oppress the working classes, the proletariat. This is the greatest judgement failure in history, either as gross misunderstanding or intentional distortion. The free market is exactly that-free. Freedom from government, freedom from interference, freedom from intrusion. If you seek oppression, go to the states which followed our counterparts at Mother-countries where the greatest and oldest civilization, which some of my fellow leaders should be familar with-where culture was destroyed in a "Revolution" designed to end dissent, go to a nation where yet another of our great leaders should be familar with, a nation with the greatest natural recourses on Earth went from an Industrial Nation to a 3rd world country with 1st world weapons, go to a continent I am familar with and see the land where humanity arose starving, chaotic, desperate, torn asunder by conflict. See then, who the true opressors are, and who the true supporters of the individual and liberty are." Chairman Morgan, 5th annual speech to Planetary Council |
posted 11-25-98 10:49 PM ET
"A civilization cannot thrive without freedom; peace cannot flourish without freedom. Freedom is the ultimate value of those who follow us...We have created a society where artists are free to create, where musicians are free to perform, where writers are free to write, and yes where scientists are free to research, Provost, and merchants are free to trade, Nwabudike. For this reason, we shall be the greatest on Chiron. Restriction of information, of freedom was the downfall of the American Empire, the reason the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China could not survive, and why those factions-no vassals, cannot survive." Pravin Lal, 5th annual speech to Planetary Council"Freedom. Liberty. Those who have spoken before me have held these values to be great. But what do they have with all their freedom and liberty? Chaos. Disorder. Conflict. We of the Hive have created a society where there is no chaos, no conflict, no disorder. We all contribute equally, we all serve the society for the greater good, whether it means entering the recycling tanks or being a great scientist. We provide material comfort for those around us-there is no suffering, no pain. I live in the same accomodations as the lowest factory worker. We are a faction of equals." Dr. Sheng-ji Yang, 5th annual speech before planetary counsel "Squabble for your territory all you want. Remember, however, you can never win. Because you may claim that part of Planet is yours, but it is not. It is itself-if it belongs to anyone it belongs to Xenofungus, Mindworms, Isles of the Deep, and Locusts of Chiron-intergral parts of Planet, which your scientists call Chiron, but ours have a more accurate name: "Daisyworld" This is Lovelock's world; the planet is a living organism, with feelings of its own, with it's knowledge, it's experience, it's feelings-and yes it's instincts. Instincts which include self-preservation. So remember, while you may fight the other's all you wish, Planet, "Daisyworld" will respond with all its might-your petty conflicts are moot, all your force will be erased at the full rage of Planet!" Lady Diedre, Gaia's Stepdaughter's. "BANG, BANG, you're dead!"-Corazon Santiago, after being removed from 5th Annual Meeting of the Planetary Council
posted 11-25-98 10:57 PM ET
More sodium penethol quotes:Shenji Yang: "NEVER FORGET: WHO IS THE BOSS OF YOU? ME!! I AM THE BOSS OF YOU!!" Pravin Lal: "Nuclear missiles? What Nuclear missiles, sahib. Oh, those ones... no, they are just for show. Heh heh. " Santiago: "And don't forget to pull the wings off every Gaian insect in your way! Now march! (long pause) No! The other direction!" C.E.O Morgan: "The free market? I AM the freakin' free market!" Zhakarov: "Oh, just put everything into a big beaker and see what happens for ****sake." Godwinson: "Peace on Earth? Sure. But there's nothing in the bible about peace on Alpha Centauri." Deidre Skye: "No, the real question is: "If a tree falls in a forest, who's responsible and what sort of punishment should they receive..." |
posted 11-25-98 11:04 PM ET
The meek shall inherit the Earth-the strong shall inerit Chiron!-Miriam Goodwinson |
posted 11-25-98 11:12 PM ET
Miriam: "The meek shall inherit the Earth. We left Earth because it was such a colossal mess. It doesn't pay to be meek anymore."
posted 11-25-98 11:14 PM ET
Wow, I must have started posting before AUH20's was registered. Pretty freaky.
posted 11-25-98 11:15 PM ET
Great minds think alike, Octopus. |
posted 11-25-98 11:22 PM ET
Yes, I think that Santiago would be a little unruly at these councils. I suggest lithium and lots of it to keep her from standing up and shouting "We will bury you!" as the guards come to take her away back to Sparta. She could get Zakharov to fill out the prescription, in fact. |
posted 11-26-98 01:43 AM ET
"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small, and the ones mother gives you don't do anything at all. Go ask Alice, when shes ten feet tall." Deidre Skye, after ingesting some halucinogenic Xenofungus. |
posted 11-26-98 02:03 AM ET
Yang convincing the undecided crew members to join the Hive:"My friends, let me tell you about Planet. Planet is not a friendly place. When we arrive, Planet will do everything in its power to remove us, as a body would remove an unwanted infection. Making a home for ourselves there will not be easy. That is why we must work together. By working together, we can thrive on Planet, building a better future while the others waste their time trying to recreate systems that have already failed on Earth. The time has come to move beyond the mistakes of the past. The time has come to build a new future, a better future. The time has come to join the Hive. The others will tell you that the Hive will fail, that the Hive goes against human nature. But what do they know of human nature? They tell you that humans are selfish and greedy. This is not so. Who among you wants more food than he can eat, or more water than he can drink? No, that is not human nature. It is human nature to desire safety, security, and the assurance of continued existense. By keeping these things beyond your grasp, the others may have fooled you into believing that you desire simply for the sake of desiring. But that is not so. The leaders of the other factions want you to believe this, so that you will overlook their greed, their lust for power, and their corruption. Now it is time to look past their lies and see the truth. The things that you truly desire can only be found in the Hive. The truth is that you should join with me, and together we will build a new society, stronger than any in the past, guaranteeing your safety, your security, and your continued existense. In the Hive, we work together. Each member of the Hive makes a valuable contribution to the entire society. As a member of that society, you will share in the benefits that only the combined talent of thousands can provide. In the other societies, it is every man for himself. In the Hive, every man will truly be working for your benefit, and you will be working for theirs. Join the Hive, and together we will make Planet our new home."
posted 11-26-98 02:09 AM ET
"heh heh heh, FIRE FIRE FIRE, HEH HEH HEH!!!" -Santiago, giving orders to raze Eden, a Gaian settlement. |
posted 11-26-98 02:25 AM ET
Whoa! Get a load of those clouds! Look at all the colors of the sky!Provost Zhakharov, after putting on those rather strange glasses of his, not after consuming the hallunigenic xenofungus |
posted 11-26-98 01:00 PM ET
"Go hug a tree!!!!!" -6 faction delegates to Deidre Skye, 5th council meeting, after Skye refused to let us melt the ice caps."What's the deal with toothpaste, why don't they call it toothglue, & speaking of glue, who's this mysterious Elmer guy, I wanna know!" -Yang, attempting comedy on 'Worship the great comic leader Yang day' Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-26-98 02:19 PM ET
o/~ We love our rose, but you better not pick it, o/~ it only grows when it's on the vine. o/~ Head full of holes and you know we've missed you, o/~ You lose your life when you say the word 'mine'. --Skye, trying to write the Gaian anthem  |
posted 11-26-98 02:24 PM ET
Pravin Lal gives a reading from 'Mindworm, Mindworm: a young person's introduction to the Peacekeeper philosophy':"Manny Mindworm, you can't bully the other children and have the toys all to yourself! You need to share, so that everyone can play together!" said Blueberry in the Blue Beret. " When we all plays nice together, then EVERYBODY has fun!" "You're right, Blueberry in the Blue Beret, it's no fun playing all alone," said Manny Mindworm. Manny Mindworm was happy that he had made a new friend. [note: Morgan Industries analysts predict that Manny Mindworm dolls are going to face stiff competition from the Spartan Martin action figure in the fast approaching Planetfall Day shopping frenzy]
posted 11-26-98 03:54 PM ET
Great quotes !!
posted 11-26-98 04:04 PM ET
The End IS NIGH!!! -MIRIAM, after spotting Spartans on the horizon. "Uhh, go dump that waste over there, yeah, over there, near the Gaians." -Morgan, giving orders to dump unused Mindworm entrails. "Bitch!!!" -Catfight between Deidre Skye and Corazon Santiago(ten bucks on the Spartan!) |
posted 11-26-98 04:26 PM ET
"Because, Doctor, the paste in toothpaste doesn't refer to the adhesive we all enjoyed eating in kindergarden, but rather a smashed up mushy substance, while glue is strictly an adhesive." Provost Zhakarov, in response to Dr. Yang"Whoa! Look at the clouds! I see the Morgan Stock Excange tickers flowing across them!" Chairman Morgan, after consuming hallunigenic xenofungus |