Topic: Star Trek Movies
DJ RRebel |
posted 11-25-98 11:45 AM ET
I just noticed that several people put Star Trek movies in their favorite movies in the "Our Profiles II" thread !!!yet I also noticed that many of you choosed different movies from the different ST movies !!! Anyways .. I was curious as to how you would rank the ST:Movies !!! And also, this would be a good place to discuss the upcoming ST movie Inserrection !!!
DJ RRebel
posted 11-25-98 11:53 AM ET
Anyways, here's my order !!!1> 2: The wrath was the best 2> 8: First Contact was a good all round movie ... it lacked a good combat scene though 2tie> 6: Undiscovered was the same as FC .. well done but lacked combat 4> 3: Search was decent except for the actual core of the plot ... Spock's resurrection !!! 5> 4: too commercial !!! Funny though .. but not a true ST film !!! 6> 1: waaazzzzooooooooo is all I have to say !!! I have terrible memories of the first one, but whenever I watch it, it all seems to make sense for a few days !!! lol 7> 5: � <<< That'll all I should have to say !!! 8> 7: It was NOT fun !!! I'll never forgive them for that one !!! |
posted 11-25-98 05:43 PM ET
The best ST movie was "Search for Spock" because of the emotion of Spock's return. Any real trekkie loves Spock. Furthermore, it had a decent combat scene with the Klingons: The loss of the Enterprise and Kirk's tactic to take over the Klingon ship. I really loved ST Generations and First Contact and I expect Insurrection to rock. The reason is that I think Insurrection will return to the core of what Star Trek is all about while gving us really good combat. |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-25-98 05:49 PM ET
The Voyage Home was easily the best - definitely the funniest of any of the Trek movies. Next would be The Undiscovered Country and First Contact. Then Wrath of Kahn, The Search for Spock, and the first movie. Finally, lagging WAY behind any of the others, Star Trek Generations, and then the worst of the lot, the fifth movie which shall remain nameless in contempt.I'm looking forward to Insurrection in a couple of weeks...
posted 11-25-98 07:16 PM ET
I didn't find Generations to be all that bad. Then again, if any of you looked at my "Profiles II", I list mostly contemplative and thought-provoking movies as my top choices.Generations' concentration on life and death was commendable. The second level analysis of this film was most enjoyable, you just had to be thinking beyond "I want to see lots of big explosions!" I find STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK to be the best and most thought-provoking of all of the Star Trek fills and is by far my favorite. So, my list (in order): 1. ST 3, Search for Spock 2. ST 6, The Undiscovered Country 3. ST 2, The Wrath of Khan 4. ST 8, First Contact (which I jokingly refer to as "the Communist propoganda film". My friend, a Russian scholar, started humming communist propoganda film music when we were sitting in the theatre and the movie got to the part where Jean Luc Piccard is describing the future to Lilly.) 5. ST 7, Generations 6. ST 4, The Voyage Home 7. ST 5, it wasn't very good, but at least it wasn't as dull as #1. 8. ST 1, it was DULL!!! |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-25-98 08:11 PM ET
Oh believe me, I don't watch movies for combat or big explosions. I agree that Generations was thought-provoking, but I'd have enjoyed it a great deal more if the writing had been better. It had good ideas in a very bad presentation... which still puts it above #5, which had BAD ideas in an even worse presentation.
posted 11-25-98 10:47 PM ET
"Generations" was thought provoking in the sense that I thought "could they have made that movie worse if they tried?!?!?". After hours of pondering, I'd have to say the answer is "no".My order: 1) 8:First Contact (would have been a good movie even if it wasn't Trek) 2) 2:The Wrath of Khan 3) 6:The Undiscovered Country 4) 4:The Voyage Home (a lot of old-Trek is funny DJ, like "A Piece of the Action"). 5) 3:The Search for Spock 6) 1:The Motion Picture 7) 5 subtitle?) 8) 7:Generations. Awful! (I'm particularly annoyed at Generations because one of my friends who saw it opening night said "Yeah, it was great!". When I confronted him with this incriminating evidence after I had shelled out good money to see this waste of time, he said "I don't know what I was thinking.").
posted 11-25-98 10:49 PM ET
That was unintentional, but I found it completely hilarious when I saw it! And you aome of you guys accuse smilies of being evil. 
Q Cubed
posted 11-26-98 12:54 AM ET
here's my list, decending order of goodness. (izzat a word?)�ST8: First Contact - great movie, but a little weak in space combat areas �ST4: The Voyage Home - hilarious stuff, but kinda strange in the slingshot effect �ST6: The Undiscovered Country - great plot, and show the "human" side of Klingons �ST2: The Wrath of Khan - nice combat...poor Khan, though. he was a cool badguy. �ST3: The Search for Spock - decent combat, decent fx, but odd plot, sorta. �ST5: The Final Frontier - strange plot, but not as bad as the last two �ST7: Generations - not the best plot, and kirk needs to either die or fade away like all heroes, but the effects were cool. �ST1: The Motion Picture - ???does it really need an explanation? the most boring ST movie ever made, and the plot really wasn't that great. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-26-98 03:22 AM ET
hmmn .. thinking about it, I think maybe you're right about #3 ... although it's been so long since I saw that one !!! |
posted 11-27-98 01:43 AM ET
Ok, Star Trek Subtitles for all of you who don't know them:Star Trek 1: The Motion Picture (plot concerned the Voyager probe returning to Earth) Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (plot concerned, well, the wrath of Khan) Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock (plot concerned the rebirth, search, and mental reformation of spock's sentient being) Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (plot concerned saving the whales) Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier (plot concerned the search for god. Considering it was directed by William Shatner, is it any surprise that it was really lame???) Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country (plot concerned the fear of the future and the mistrust of mutual adversaries of the possibility of a peaceful future) Star Trek 7: Generations (title was actually simply Star Trek Generations) (plot concerned a madman trying to get to the nexus, where Captain Kirk was brought back from to stop the madman for killing life on a pre-warp world) Star Trek 8: First Contact (called simply Star Trek: First Contact) (plot concerned the Borg's attempts to back in time to the mid 21st century to prevent Earth's first use of warp drive and first contact with the Vulcans) |
posted 11-27-98 01:48 AM ET
"Ideas" explored in each film:1: Electronic Sentience 2: Death 3: Rebirth, Resurection 4: Save the Whales, conservation 5: The Search for God 6: Hatred and Mistrust 7: The Fear of Death 8: No overall theme, but it did have several minor ones: Revenge and Obsession, The Hope of a Better Future (sorta main theme), etc. Personally, I liked how Star Trek 3 and Star Trek 6 handled the themes best. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 06:45 AM ET
Generations was terrible on every level !!!  And the way they killed Kirk was unforgivable !!! IT WAS NOT FUN !!! |
posted 11-27-98 08:09 AM ET
My favourite is First Contact. I think it was mainly Cpt. Picard who put on the best perfomance. I can't see a lack of fighting or combat in this film. It starts with a major space battle in which a whole fleet is devastated. And then the fighting keeps on through the whole film.Gilgamesch |
MikeH II
posted 11-27-98 10:52 AM ET
I liked First Contact best as well. Generations was a bad idea from the start, and it lived up to expectations. After that I think I liked the Wrath of Kahn second I think. Mike |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 01:06 PM ET
Gilgamech ... yes .. the battle scene was good, but far far far too short !!!  This was like a long episode !!! I paid $8 to see the movie, I expected "BANG" for my buck !!!  |
posted 11-27-98 01:52 PM ET
I disliked the role of the Borg having a queen now. I think they were better in the series. Gilgamesch
DJ RRebel
posted 11-27-98 02:11 PM ET
The whole idea of the queen was a wierd one !!! Although, I'm sure that's not the last we've seen of that !!!Anyone else know anything about the queen ??? It's obvious that she/it isn't dead, and won't be until the entire collective is gone !!! |
posted 11-27-98 06:05 PM ET
was 6 the one with all the assinations? i haven't seen 1-6 in awhile now.the best though has to be First Contact with a tie with number2. the worst has to be Generations what were they smoking on when they made that! and how the hell could they kill kurk. my jugments could be off cause when i saw the first 6 i was too young to understand some of the plot. But for sure nothing is off when i said Generations sucked. anyone whatch any of the series. Generations is still the best overall with all the shows. DS9 is second just because with all the federation vs. the dominon Voyager it's pretty good but has nothing really to remember i know the origanel is probably better than DS9 and voyager but i haven't seen alot of them so i cant really say where it sould go. ah hell were talking startrek here so i might as well add this too. whats your favorite civilization in ST amd whats your favorite ship. civ: federation  ship: the vorcha if you are a major trekkie you should go check out Star Trek birth of the federation. its a TBS. theres a link to the offical site on |
posted 11-27-98 06:15 PM ET
you can also go to to go to the contact did it show how the enterprise got back? i also get confused when i count the enterprises any one know which movie each came in? two more polls here too. Unifors which is the best? your favorite enterprise. |
posted 11-27-98 06:16 PM ET
sorry uniforms  |
Q Cubed
posted 11-27-98 11:53 PM ET
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 One with the parabolic dish in the front of the lower section. Appeared in the Original Series in its original form. Appeared in ST1, ST2, ST3 in updated version with a blue sensor dish and warp nacelles shaped less bulbously in the front. Constitution-class. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A Appears identical to the updated version of the original. Appears in ST4, ST5, ST6. Constitution-class USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Excelsior-class, elongated warp nacelles. Appears in ST7. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C Ambassador-class, stubby nacelles, circular saucer, but looks similar to Galaxy-class otherwise. Appears in ST:TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise". USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Galaxy Class, oval top section, curved nacelle pylons, appears flatter than most. Appears in ST:TNG and ST7. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Sovereign-class, elongated top section, long pylons, long nacelles, flatter. Appears in favourite civ would most likely be, in decending order: Federation, Vulcan, Romulan, Bajoran, Klingon, Borg, Cardassian uniforms: the ones from First Contact and new DS9 episodes, and after that, the ones in the ST movies between ST2-ST6 i also do not like the idea of the borg queen, but the movie was decent overall. |
posted 11-28-98 03:26 AM ET
Favorite civ's (descending order): Federation (favorite races are Humans and Vulcans), Romulans, BajoransFavorite Enterprise: Enterprise-E Favorite Uniforms: ST movies 2-6 uniforms. Second would be ST8 and DS9 uniforms (these two actually look somewhat like real uniforms, unlike the bodysuits from the other series. . .) |
posted 11-28-98 04:05 AM ET
My favorite Trek civilizations are the ones that are total cliches and could never work in practise. For example, the society in the old series episode "A Piece of the Action". They had based their entire society around 1920's Chicago gangsters.My favorite uniforms are definitely the ones introduced in "The Wrath of Khan" (they actually look like they might be uniforms, so you can take the people wearing them seriously). The craziest uniform thing was in Generations. Everybody started the movie in one style of uniform, and one-by-one everybody switched to a different one. I'd like to know if there was any rhyme or reason to that, but in order to find out I'd have to watch the movie again, and that's a price I'm not willing to pay.
posted 11-28-98 05:04 AM ET
How about your favorite Star Trek Sound Tracts, if you know them (the movies only):STAR TREK II: The Wrath of Khan (music by James Horner) STAR TREK III: The Search for Spock (music by James Horner) STAR TREK IV: The Voyage Home (music by ???) STAR TREK V: The Final Frontier (music by Jerry Goldsmith) STAR TREK VI: The Undiscovered Country (music by ???) STAR TREK VII (Star Trek Generations) (music by Denis McCarthy) STAR TREK VIII (Star Trek: First Contact) (music by Jerry Goldsmith) Personally, the one major redeeming characteristic of the otherwise rather dull Generations was the musical score. For this reason, I bought the soundtrack, but not the video :-) My favorite: 7 (Generations), with 8 (First Contact) right behind. |
posted 11-28-98 09:28 AM ET
I like the new uniforms (ST8 DS9) best. Lots of black in them. Suits to the atmosphere. My favourite spaceship is probably a Bird of Pray. I like their design and their name ;-)Gilgamesch |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-28-98 11:11 AM ET
I like some of the older Cardasians the best!!!Who was it Evek I think and Dukat !!! The guy on DS9 is good too !!! Anyways, the Ferengi are the most useless civ !!! They had so much potential .. and actually, they were supposed to be really evil, but a script writter mistook evil for greedy of something like that, and all was lost !!!
Anyways, back to my question ... what was the whole point of the Borg queen ??? Anyone have any info on this phenominon ??? |
posted 11-28-98 11:48 AM ET
is there any good ST site just on ships?and to answer my two questions Uniforms- ST2-ST6, then TNG. i hate the uniforms with the gray on the top and a colour under shirt Enterprise- D and E. Q Cubed soveriegn class larger or smaller than the Galaxy Class anyone see the ship for the new movie on the site. i'm scared cause it looks like voyager and i personal don't like the look of voyager all blue. just one question left in my head, why have all the Federation ships got darker like Enterprise E and voyager? the federation always had gray ships, cardassins orangey colour, romulans green, klingons dark colours, and farangi had the little red ships. |
posted 11-28-98 02:32 PM ET
The ship in STAR TREK: INSURRECTION (ST9, which comes out in 2-3 weeks) is the Enterprise-E (sovereign class), the same ship as in STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT (ST8). It is a gray ship, but the sovereign class was designed to look something like a large intrepid class (Voyager is an intrepid class vessel). The Intrepid and Sovereign classes are supposed to be the future of Federation designs. |
posted 11-28-98 02:46 PM ET
DJ: Don't be too down on the Ferengi. In the first season on TNG, nobody in the Federation had even seen a Ferengi, and now they have more or less taken over the Federation economy. They're insidious! (or maybe the writers just have no sense of continuity...)My favorite ship is the Romulan Warbird from TNG.
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 11:33 AM ET
Yeah ... those warbird are pretty cool !!!Anyone know if there is any site where I could download ST shows ??? |
posted 11-29-98 11:07 PM ET
Download a 45 minute episode?? I hope you have a T3 connection or you don't mind a 3 day download! And have fun finding someone with them in the first place!I think that the ST characters have something obsesive compulsive about wearing their uniforms. At a CIVILIAN funeral in a ST:TNG episode, the main cast was all wearing their cheerily colored uniforms while everyone else was wearing black (it was the episode about the alien that lived off the Crusher family and was really weird). Don't they have another set of clothes? |
posted 11-30-98 01:19 PM ET
As a rule even #'s are better than odd's. My preference: ST2, ST6, ST4, ST8, ST7, ST1, ST3, and finally ST5. Not really sure why ST5 was ever inflicted on non-believers. Hopefully I will be plesantly surprised in a week and a half. (Actually 7 wasn't that bad, even considering the ignoble way Kirk was removed -- but hey, we can download him from the nexus anytime and kill him better in yet another episode.) |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 01:54 PM ET
Yeah Orsic, I thought of that too, in theory he's in there forever !!! Really stupid scenerio if you ask me !!! Why did you place ST3 so low ???As for my connection SNOWFIRE, I have cable, I D/Led something the other month, that ended up being the first hour of a movie, and it was only 10megs !!! (10 megs is less than 5 minutes for me) |
posted 12-01-98 03:09 PM ET
Even the Stupid Alphacentauri Video has 20Megs but that took me just 3 or 4 minutes to download. And that was transatlantic travel. So who cares for size??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 04:11 PM ET
LOL ... my hard drive cares !!!  |
posted 12-01-98 05:55 PM ET
He he heUniversity provided T1 LAN connection  |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-02-98 04:53 AM ET
Anyone know if there is such a thing as a SCSI-DVD rom ???How fast is T1 ??? |
posted 12-04-98 03:40 PM ET
The fastest thing I ever saw was about 350k per second. Some of our local university accomodation do hardware testings for the industry. They get the best equipment which is not on the market yet!Gilgamesch |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-09-98 04:21 PM ET
OK people ... the movie comes out this week-end !!!  Who thinks it'll be a good one, and who thinks it'll be another trek dissapointment ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-16-98 10:47 AM ET
ok, so most of us who was going to see the movie, probably already have, what are your new orders ???Mine is now 2,8,9,3,6,4,1,5,7 !!! I won't talk too much about the plot for the sake of you people who have not seen it but plan to !!! |
Q Cubed
posted 12-17-98 12:32 AM ET
fred...sorry it took so long to get back to you, but i haven't been to this thread in a while...The Galaxy-class starships are around 500-600m long...big, with capacity of over 5000 or so according to the ST:TNG Tech Manual (yes, i bought that thing ), but the Enterprise only had 1014 or would assume that it had lotsa empty space, then. The Sovereign-class, however, are around 700m in length, and their capacity has never been defined, but the increase in size brings one to the conclusion that it does have more room. As for the ships getting darker, it's just a trend... Also, regarding Sovereign- and Intrepid- class ships looking flatter and more elongated...supposedly in the ST Universe, it's supposed to be because of an advent in warp drive technology, but the series editors claimed to make them that way to look "more muscular, sexier, and more powerful looking" - and that's a direct quote. The Intrepid-Class starships are based on designs named the Nova-Class in the ST:TNG technical manual...if any of you have that book, look in the back, and read the descriptions and look at the'll see that it combines many of the features in each. If you don't have the book, get it, or at least thumb through it. Also, in ST:8 First Contact, Picard says to Lily that in the future, money doesn't exist...yet in the episode where Ensign Ro Laren joins the Maquis, Picard says he doesn't have enough money to pay her...curious...don't mind that last comment, i rarely nitpick with Star Trek or Science Fiction in general unless it is atrocious.  1001100110001 |
Tapiolan poika
posted 12-17-98 07:17 AM ET
First off, I think you have to differentiate between cinema and TV productions. Having said that, I can now say what I think of the ST films:The only one worth seeing in a cinema is ST: 8, First contact. It's the only one with enough plot not to be just a bloated TV episode. The other ones are OK on TV, if no real quality SF is being shown (and then I'd still really prefer being with my family, playing computer games, or reading, to watching any of them...). Of course, I'm a cineast and science fiction aficionado, rather than a trekkie... In fact, I think it more important to list a number of REALLY good SF movies here, to offset all the stuff on ST (So, I'm going off-off-topic? Sue me.). In no particular order: Stanley Kubrick: "2001 - A Space Odyssey", "A Clockwork Orange", "Doctor Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying, and start to love the bomb" (or sth. along those lines) Terry Gilliam: "Twelve monkeys" "Brazil" "Time bandits" (if it qualifies as SF, that is...) Ridley Scott: "Blade runner" "Alien" Andrei Tarkovsky: "Solaris" "Stalker" Sadly, I haven't seen his "Offret"/"The Sacrifice" which can be seen as SF (Off-off-off-topic: SEE his "Ivanovo detstvo"/"Ivan's childhood" and "Andrei Rublev", non-SF, but among the absolutely best films ever made! Better than the above SF stuff...) Kathryn Bigelow: "Strange Days" Umm, and quite a few more. Get back to you later. Of course, there are a number of SF films I enjoyed a lot, which are quite good, but not really in the same league.
posted 12-17-98 08:09 AM ET
Tap: Yup, that is an excellent range of movies. I particularly like Kubrick and Gilliam.  DCA, I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. |