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  Canadian 8th Faction of Humanity

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Author Topic:   Canadian 8th Faction of Humanity
DJ RRebel posted 11-25-98 02:22 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel   Click Here to Email DJ RRebel  
OK people .. they've tryed to disuade us by clonning our threads ... but this won't work !!!

It's time for the Canadians to regroup and and solidify as a faction !!!

Reposts any pertanent info in this thread !!!

For you new comers, this is the the Alpha Centauri Project's 8th Faction .. the Canadian !!!

We stand for many things, truth and integrity being a couple of our main ideaologies !!!

Our faction is in memory of the great Canadian hero .. Captain Garland !!!

He sacrifices his life (or does he?) to save us !!!

He stays behind on the Unity to save us from certain death !!!

If you need background info on this, please by all means, look at all the Canadian related threads, and also take a peak at the "Who killed Captain Garland" thread !!!

To review the future-past, we all know that the Unity is badly damaged !!! That there is only one realistic chance to get the settlers to Chiron (Planet) ... but ...

At some point late in the mission, Captain Garland realises that the "separated" cryobay that was cut off from the rest of the ship, was actually still functional, albeit badly damaged !!! This cryobay, was full of the Canadian contingent !!! Captain Garland, being selfless humanist that he is, would NOT jeapordise all of humanity to save only 1/8th of the crew.

So .. he stages his own death so that the rest of the crew would continue the mission without thinking they had left anyone behind !!! (If they thought they were leaving people behind, many of them would want to stay to help, but this would have been to great a risk to risk the only chance for humanity) So Garland and a few of his closest advisors and loyal Canadians crew stay behind after the rest of the crew leave for planetside !!!

Once the rest of the crew is gone, they begin the long process of recovering the rest of the Canadians, many dead, yet many more alive !!! Once they completed that task, they still had the very long task of fixing the Unity ship and somehow returning to Chiron !!!

This restoration takes what seems like an eternaty, but it finally gets done !!! They now have repaired the Unity completely ... they also have their share of the supplies that the Captain secretly put aside in their name !!! They have the massive greenhouse that could support well over 8 times their numbers !!! In the time that follows, they devote much of their time to reseach, technology and growth. They have the entire ship to themselves .. they still have the entire database of humanity from which to derive new research from. They also don't have the hurdles the other factions did at first: war, conflict, learning to adapt to a new environment etc ... !!! Yet, they would get all this information first hand forom the probes, as they continually transmitted data back to the ship (no one bothered to turn them off because they thought the ship was empty) !!!

So with all this in mind, they ironicly proper in the fact that they didn't make it to Chiron first !!!

Appalled at what is happening down on the planet, Captain Garland decides to return as soon as posible ... he looks upon the warring factions with disgust .. they've only continued the problems of humanity, this was supposed to be our 2nd chance ... and they ruined it !!!

So the Canadians return ... with the mission of restoring peace and order and harmony .. yet they realise that this might not be possible without some force !!! The use of force is not the Canadians first choice, they offer all the factions a diplomatic means to peace, and some factions agree and join the Canadians ... Yet since they can't convince all the factions, they impose cease fires on all factions .. they prefer to live in harmony with the other factions who did not join them, but if the other factions ever abused their relationships with the Canadian alliance, they would be destroyed by the vastly superrior Canadian force (as I said, the Canadians were able to grow and research unhindered on the Unity while the other factions wasted resources on war and exploration) !!!

And although the means were not what they were hoping for, in the end, it took the Canadians to restore hope for humanity !!!

Eventually, Captain Garland will die, but it won't be on the Unity .. it will be on Chiron .. fighting to save humanity !!!


Ok .. so that was a little background to what the Canadians are about .. but don't join us because we are the biggest and the most powerful .. join us because it is the right thing to do !!! We beleave in humanity .. our leader sacrificed his life for only the chance that others could live !!! That's what being Canadian is about !!!

You don't have to be born in Canada to be a member of the 8th Faction ... the 8th Faction is not series of lines on a map .. it's a state of mind .. a set of beliefs .. a way of thinking !!! It's open to anyone who places the good of all humanity ahead of their own personal interests !!!

So, with that being said, welcome to the 8th faction .. our name "Canadians" is merely a testimen to our origins, if you join us, you won't have to salute the Canadian flag or have to pray to any particular god ... yet you'd have to pray and salute to humanity !!!

Other factions have joined our allience !!! The 9th faction of EuRoland, has virtually been "assimilated" (I use that term for Roland (: ) into the alliance !!! Talks are under way with the UN faction and UoP faction, the 8th Faction is now the Faction of Humanity, the true UN !!!

We have one reason for being !!!

Number 1: Mankind !!!

For you veterans here in this forum, you will notice something increadible wonderous in that statement !!! If you shorten that, the truth will become clear !!!

It's been with us from the beginning and we never knew it !!!

Number 1: Mankind
[N]umber [1]: [M]ankind
N1M ... (Pronounced nom)


Anyways, I officially invite all "Canadian", wehter born in Canada or not, to participate in the 8th Faction or any other faction allienced with us !!!

If you have any questions (I'm sure you do, as this is merely a brief review of the entire future-history), or if you'd like to join .. just post here .. and we'll take it from there !!!

WCW .. could you please post a review of our current membership !!!

Remember everyone ... N1M forever !!!

WCW posted 11-25-98 08:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
These are our ministers and our members.
Leader: DJ RRebel
Chief of Defense: Fjorx maniac
Secretary of american Defense: Kurn
Chief of Security: Qcubed
Finance minister/Deputy Leader:WCW
Public Policy Minister/Assistent Justice/ Foriegn Affairs: Victor Galis
Technology minister/Assistent Justice:WCW
Justice minister/Chief Justice: fred
Minister of Environment/Natural Resources/ Energy: Qcubed
Minister of Education: WCW
Minister of Health: fred
Minister of Social Welfare: Titan
Minister of Infrastructure: bhurak
CSA chairman: Victor Galis




Imran Siddiqui posted 11-25-98 09:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
You people are wacky !
DJ RRebel posted 11-26-98 03:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Yes we are !!! You got a problem with that ??? LOL
DJ RRebel posted 11-27-98 01:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Hey guys .. I'll be away for the week-end (working 8pm-7am Fri>Sun) so just post any developments in here !!!

For anyone wishing to discuss Quebec politics, do it in the thread Quebec .. not in here !!!

Thanks .. Your temporary leader with temporary insanity !!!

DJ RRebel posted 11-29-98 11:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Hello ??? Fellow Canadians ??? We aren't on holiday here .. lol .. so feel free to post !!!
Cyren posted 11-29-98 02:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
WOW. How long did it take you to type that. I was actually thinking of forming my own faction but now i see how much work it would take.(My fingers just aren't cut out for that
LOL). Anyways i would like to join your faction.


WCW posted 11-30-98 02:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
Cyren, what kind of job would you like?
would you like a civilian job, than try to take a job that a person has more than one(ie: ME)
Or would you like a Military job, like General of the 'Army', 'Navy', 'Air force' or 'Space forces'.




Brother Greg posted 11-30-98 02:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Brother Greg  Click Here to Email Brother Greg     
Hmm, sounds like the PKs by another name. Apart from the story, you've just described them perfectly.

As strangely enough, N1M could be NIM by another name.

Brother Greg.

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-30-98 12:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
That's the thing Brother Greg!! The Canadians think they're an autonomous faction, but in reality they're only a puppet government of the evil PK's!! Join me, & we will free the Canadians of their oppresion at the hands of the evil PK's. We must uphold Monroe Doctrine!

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

Roland posted 11-30-98 12:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Monroe doctrine: "Gentlemen prefer blondes."

Amen, sister Marylin!!!

DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 12:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
We are very similar indeed, yes, but there are also several differences !!!

Oh yes ... welcome to the 8th Faction Cyren !!!

Getting back to the point, Canada is a peace keeping nation, we rarely get involved in forein affairs, unless something is irrifutably wrong .. then we do our best to make things right !!!

And by the way, your statement should have read, the PK sound alot like the Canadian 8th Faction for Humanity !!! It was in fact a Canadian who actually wrote the UN charter of rights !!! So indeed we are alike, it is the PKs who copied us !!!

No matter, the more people like us the better the world will be ... you can all copy our moral values if you like, it will only make the world a better place !!!

Cyren posted 11-30-98 01:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
WCW: i think somthing in the military would be pretty cool. I like the sound of General. How many members you guys have anyways?
DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 02:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Too many to count ... LOL .. we're still in the development stage though, I recomend to you that you take a peek at some of the older threads, then come back in here and add your ideas to our own !!!

Some of the old threads were >>>
"Canadian 8th Faction Conspiracy Theory III"
I & II were in the old forum !!!

"The best Faction: 8th Canadians"

Imran Siddiqui posted 11-30-98 03:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Wait!! The Canadians have a military? When did this happen? I'm so confused.

Imran Siddiqui

DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 03:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
LOL .. that's the point !!! You'll never see us coming !!!
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-30-98 03:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
The mighty BoS army can easily squash your Canadian army. Now, if I can only find those guns I was supposed to equip them with...

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 03:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Bos is an inter-faction allegence ... kinda like NATO !!! It isn't an actual faction, it's above that !!!

Speaking of BoS ... there's a thread that good way too big way too fast .. lol .. I remember I was working one week-end, and came back a few days later to find it in it's 3rd thread !!!

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-30-98 03:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
No, the BoS is a faction hell-bent on destruction of CWAL. Though not too much anymore, oh well.

Death becomes you CWAL....

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 03:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Why is that ??? What is so bad about CWAL ??? Why can't we all just get along ???
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-30-98 03:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
Because we don't want CWAL to release SMAC from FIRAXIS too early. That way we get the best game possible. We can't get along because we're mortal enemies. But that's only in the stories, in ICQ we're friendly.

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

Imran Siddiqui posted 11-30-98 03:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
DJ, you've been away from BoS for a while haven't you? Do you want to come back and learn the ways of BoS once again? You need re-training.

Imran Siddiqui
President of BoS

DJ RRebel posted 11-30-98 03:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Imran ... ssssshhhhhhhhh ... don't blow my cover, I'm still working on the ultimate supreme weapon ... it's just taking me longer than I thought !!!
Imran Siddiqui posted 11-30-98 04:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
DJ, come into the BoS 3, we'll discuss progress and technology.

Imran Siddiqui
President of BoS (again)

WCW posted 11-30-98 08:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
Where did the Canadian 8th faction stop?
nowhere, since the BoS was talking about stregthening their ties with us, right?

Cyren can be General of the Army, if he wants it.




WCW posted 12-01-98 02:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
DJ, fred, Qcubed, Victor Galis, what factions will you play in the real game?
I'm thinking of these assuming no user-defined)
1: UoP
1: PK
3: Morgan
4: HH
4: Gaians
6: Spartans
7: Beleivers
I'm just wondering for MP games for a 'unofficial' alliance of Canadians. Canada would be #1 but I don't think that user-defined are allowed in MP.
Please don't flame me for HH as 4th, I like their efficiency only and I would try my best to promote all good values like Individuality and Freedom.

I also belive it is 825/1000 in the budget.
See you either tommorrow or Wednesday(today is monday where I am).




DJ RRebel posted 12-01-98 06:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
WCW .. LOL .. don't worry, the 8th Faction will be here forever !!!

BoS is actually a union of Sid followers .. it is beyond faction borders, kinda like NATO !!!

8th Faction Forever !!! =)

DJ RRebel posted 12-01-98 01:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Hey !!! I just checked my post count !!!

I'm at 994 !!! Almost there !!!

Cyren posted 12-01-98 01:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
General sounds good. Might i suggest a homepage explaining the 8th Faction.
Now all i have to do is think of a quote for myself.
DJ RRebel posted 12-01-98 02:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
I'm going to have a site ready in the new year, anything you'd like to do for the 8th faction yourself is welcome !!!

You really don't need a quote if you don't want, we are the 8th Faction, our actions speak for us, so we have the greatest quotes with having to say a word !!!

Once again, welcome aboard !!!

WCW posted 12-02-98 01:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
1)DJ, don't you mean withOUT saying a word?

2)This is the updated list of jobs:
Leader: DJ RRebel
Chief of Defense: Fjorx maniac
Secretary of american Defense: Kurn
General of the army: Cyren
Chief of Security: Qcubed
Finance minister/Deputy Leader:WCW
Public Policy Minister/Assistent Justice/ Foriegn Affairs: Victor Galis
Technology minister/Assistent Justice:WCW
Justice minister/Chief Justice: fred
Minister of Environment/Natural Resources/ Energy: Qcubed
Minister of Education: WCW
Minister of Health: fred
Minister of Social Welfare: Titan
Minister of Infrastructure: bhurak
CSA chairman: Victor Galis

DJ says that future decisions will be made by all. I would like you to submit ideas about how that would happen with our current and future membership in mind.

I'm thinking that it will be a council of sorts in which each person is responsible for one to three jobs listed above and decisions are made by the group with the people trying to keep their own ministry in mind when voting. ie:// finance minister tries to keep the budget balanced and remain non-partisan and make sure that Canadians get the best deal possible.




Arnelos posted 12-02-98 02:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     
Canada doesn't have Ohio in it, therefor this thread must die.

The "America" thread just won't die (I've tried to kill it several times) and I have decided to attribute this to the fact that there is way too d*** much Ohio in America (both meanings intended).

Canadian threads are doomed to die without Ohio.

DJ RRebel posted 12-02-98 03:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Yes WCW .. I meant without !!!

As for the voting, all major decisions will be made by ALL eligible 8th Faction members !!!

In order to be eligible, you must inform yourself on both sites of the debate !!! I will not tolerate people who just vote for the sake of voting, they must understand the issues and the concequences, aside from that though, any 8th Faction member may vote !!!

It is wrong to let all the decisions of one nation be decided by one man !!! Amyways, all this will be sorted out soon enough ... all you ideas are more than welcome, as I said, I want advice from everybody !!!

jfrazier posted 12-02-98 03:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jfrazier  Click Here to Email jfrazier     

The 8th stands for humanity. That is noble. I like your story of Garland. It should inspire Firaxis to print it. In the SMAC game, I am sure we could set up an "8th" Faction with the "cheat" mode. Anyway, what better power to have than an advanced space ship that gets repaired and then can chose where to help, where to destroy, etc, etc.

I think Garland's real name is James T. Kirk. You know, I love Kirk so much, that I got in a big fight at the time of delivery of one of my kids over the name. I wanted my son named Tiberous. It is a great name!! Captain James Tiberous Kirk Garland????

Anyway, long live the 8th. I hope we can do something with the splintered factions of Chiron. Question: What do we do if the warring factions do not want to take our advice and interference for peaceful nature?

Ceasar of the Stars
Long Live the 10th
Long Live the 8th

Roland posted 12-02-98 03:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
We'll pacify them for their own good!!!

BTW, isn't that "Tiberius" ?

Titan posted 12-03-98 02:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
To all members of the 8th faction, I need you for an important task. I may have recruitedTheone and Only Darkstar as our official clown or public happyness minister. He hesitated to propose himself,so I made it for him. Show him your support here to make Darkstar join our wonderful faction.

Darkstar thanks you for your support in advance.

Titan posted 12-03-98 03:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
To all members of the 8th faction, I need you for an important task. I may have recruitedTheone and Only Darkstar as our officialclown or public happyness minister. He hesitated to propose himself,so I made it for him. Show him your support here to make
Darkstar join our wonderful faction.

Darkstar thanks you for your support in advance.

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-04-98 10:11 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Well, it seems Titan is back to its old tricks again...(TOAODS smacks Titan on the head with its Physics book, an misses).

Damn, he runs too fast. Hell, tomorrow ill get my shotgun.

Well, considering you posted this yesterday, well no one saw it (exept me HAHAHAHAHAHA).

Don't discourage yourself, they will one day realize that they need me. (OK, that I may be intereted).

OK, well i got to go, 18 minutes till physed...


Titan posted 12-04-98 10:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
A TOAODS get away, he feel something heavy falling on his head. He turn back to see Titan walking slowly away with his math books.
DJ RRebel posted 12-04-98 11:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
C'Mon guys ... Darkstar is a Canadian, so can't beat him up alot !!!
We should just beat him up a little bit !!!

Actually,he is ok in my books, he hates Future Shop as much as I do !!!

DarkStar, what sort of position did you want with us ???

Titan posted 12-04-98 11:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
DJ RRebel, I dont have anything against DarkStar, he tried to hit me, so I had to take my revenge. I dont think it will degenerate much. We know each other, and we were just having fun. I had to work a lot to make consider TBS as potential good games, and I couldn't persuade him of joining the faction, so I asked your self. There was no mean intentions in my posts.
DJ RRebel posted 12-04-98 11:36 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
LOL .. I know .. anyways, if you were just fooling around (as I thought), then it's ok !!!
Remember, if we start fighting amungst ourselves, then what hope do we have of winning the battle to get global peace ???

Anyways guys, I'll be back in 2 days, after my work week is over (Sun morn)!!!

If there are any new people with questions or would like to join, please refer to WCW, Victor, Titan, Kurn or any of our other members !!!

Take Care fellow crusadors of peace!!!

Titan posted 12-04-98 02:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
As TOADS approach, Titan is waiting for him with his Iraki Scud Launcher. When Titan was preparing to hit, TOADS took out his gun and shot the camel. The Scud fell down. As Titan, and TOADS were running for cover, a message appears on the missile : ''Explosion failed''

So seriously TOADS, will you join us.

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-04-98 02:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
DJ: Thanks for defending me against Titan...but I think I can take care of myself against his futile attempts at my life.

Well, I am not like him, with his public happiness minister thingie (which is not so bad after thinking about it )
I realised you had no Head of Scientific Research. I think I might fit in as it pretty well. You wouldnt want to let others discover a new element before we do, wouldnt you?

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-04-98 02:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Titan: Im not TOADS, but TOAODS. Im not some green jumping amphibian creature. And your camel was pathetic!!! Try a Canadian launcher next time.
Titan posted 12-04-98 02:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
In the name of the eight faction, I accept you in the faction. As for the post, I don't know if it is taken by WCW as the industy minister. I think you should try to arrange something with him.
Titan posted 12-04-98 03:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
If I used a Canadian launcher, the risk of it working would have been to great. I didn't want you to die, just to be a little scared. If I had used a Canadian Launcher (if it had existed), you wouldn't be there. Remember that the 8th faction seeks peace, and has no need of such weapons as missile launchers.
The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-04-98 03:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Look at your left. Im looking at my right. And laughing. Well, I dont know whats with technology and science, but anyway we should wait to see whats the similariest (sp?) post available. Breakthrough Propulsion Physics is surely not of the technology concern, more of the scientific concern. A tech guy cant just pop-up with an Alcubierre's warp drive anyway.


Titan posted 12-04-98 03:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
Sorry about the spelling mistakes in your name TOAODS, it wasn't intended, even if afterthought it may be a good idea to call you Toad.
WCW posted 12-05-98 12:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
News Flash!!!!!!!!

News from the education department:

1) Teachers now three times as proficient as they were before.
2) Average student average: 99.2% ; raising difficulty by 62% ; expected new student average: 78.3% P1, 84.5% P2, 91.8% P3.
3)University enrollment 99% of high school enrollment, unitversity average 97% ; raising difficulty by 68% ; same expectations as high school.

News from Tech deptartment:
1) Research efficiency and amount is at a new all time high!!!!
2) In the last time period, 24 new technological discoveries and 89 technological advancements have occurred.
3) One half of the new labs have been completed and are in use. Technology will advance much faster when the other half are completed.

News from the finance deptartment:
1) Monetary reserve steady at 2.25 trillion credits.
2) Unexpected revenue of 300 billion comes in to be used for foriegn aid and to help keep the peace around the world.
3) Loans now have 2% interest instead of 2.5%, deposit interest remains steady at 1.8%
4) Taxes have been reduced to 5% of gross income, down from 6%.
5) Increased economic strength has allowed the finance department to provide at least $45,000 of guarunteed retirement income.
6) Inflation remains at a low 1.2% because technological advancement incurs deflationary symptoms, while the labour market grows at the same pace as population but wages do climb because jobs are more advanced.
7) Gross GNP is 10.8T and rising at3% per Period (P)

I would like similar news reports from the other departments ASAP. After these news reports, ALL decisions will be made in the council still to be finalized in form.




DJ RRebel posted 12-06-98 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Wow .. .WCW .. Great news !!!

You guys are doing an excellent job !!!

WCW .. is there a spot open in R & D for DarkStar ?? I'd like to start getting some of his input on things too !!!

Anyways, I've been thinking some thoughts for what to do when SMAC comes out !!!

Could you all leave me your ICQ #'s if you have one !!!

Or just ICQ me with "8th Faction"

DJ RRebel ICQ#: 5677827

WCW posted 12-06-98 05:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
There is plenty of roo in the technological department especially since i am considering stepping down so my Financial bias is even less , if I have one. TOAODS can now have the technology ministry.
Leader: DJ RRebel
Chief of Defense: Fjorx maniac
Secretary of american Defense: Kurn
Chief of Security: Qcubed
Finance minister/Deputy Leader:WCW
Public Policy Minister/Assistent Justice/ Foriegn Affairs: Victor Galis
Technology minister:TOAODS
Justice minister/Chief Justice: fred
Minister of Environment/Natural Resources/ Energy: Qcubed
Minister of Education\Assistent Justice: WCW
Minister of Health: fred
Minister of Social Welfare: Titan
Minister of Infrastructure: bhurak
CSA chairman: Victor Galis

News from the foreign aid windfall:

Canada's international stature is now second in the world, up from 4th, only behind that of Euroland and ahead of America and the New British commonwealth. Our only stumbleblock is lack of funds ssince Euroland has over three times the population and about twice the economic output.

//World News:

PK's and Gaians have experienced a huge Flood, Earthquake and/or volcanic eruption.
200B credits are requested.

The 8th Canadian Faction of Humanity pledges 150B credits in releif.\\


Reserves now stand at 2.275 trillion credits.




Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 12-06-98 08:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
Where are you guys getting all this money?? 2.275 trillion credits!! The most credits I've seen, from preview pics, is about 1000. I don't know where you guys are getting all these, with pretty much every faction still on the planet. I'd say you're stealing them, & using your so called "good-guy" 8th faction premise to cover your illicit dealings!! LIARS!! You're cheating the world out of money, & it's your fault the poor Human Hive is starving!! Or is that my fault?? I did burn all their crops! I'll still blame it on you anyway!! Murderers!

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

WCW posted 12-06-98 10:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
We do not steal. We are truthful and honest.
We have so many credits for two reasons:
1) We have a strong economy and make 1T credits in taxes per year, and for the last 10 periods we only spent about 100B credits leaving us with 900B in surplus to pay of debts and establish a reserve.
2) It's a game, it is not real.


Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 12-07-98 12:10 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
A game?? Man you guys are crazy! This is no game, this is real. A Simpsons episode comes to mind. You guys all know what I mean

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

Q Cubed posted 12-07-98 01:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
Damn! That must have taken a helluva a long time to type, DJRRebel! Here's an herbal salve from my newly created EnviroRangers to heal those aching fingers and to heal arthritis...just don't ask what it's made out of.
It's been a while since i've been on the forums, but i'm back, and i was our military large and powerful enough to -ahem- assimilate the other factions? perhaps we would be able to turn them all into Canadians...just a thought.
Anyway, getting back to the EnviroRangers thing... I was thinking of a group of paramilitary troops who protect the environment within our borders against complete destruction. Also, a special Toxin division would be given training to wreak havoc with another nation's environment ...Agent Orange in their Palace Gardens or what not <evil grin>. After a certain amount of damage occured, the Sweeper division would drop in, clean it, and eradicate any hostile life forms, including opposing military forces. There will be more moderate, protective divisions, but...:-) this paramilitary organization might require a budget of over 5 million for R&D and Training.
As for energy, i don't think we'll need nuke fission, but cold fusion, if we ever do find it, may prove to be a boon. Otherwise, we may just use hot fusion, geothermal, wind, hydro, and solar with a tad of combustible fuels. I suspect that this might get expensive...
And finally, for Security, we might "resocialize" some criminals and subject them to chemical alterations to have them as special ops. This would prove helpful, seeing as these alterations would give them unswerving loyalty to our faction and free them from any personal bonds. Hopefully, these treatments would be reversible after their tour of duty and make them productive members of society. As for'll take awhile to have them at a peak level, but i suggest a high black budget for surveillance, r&D, and agent recruitment and training.

I almost forgot...without user-defined, i'd chose UoP, PK, HH, or Morgan, depending on my mood. I might generally pick the UoP or Morgan, though.
CIAu for now! -Q^3

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-07-98 03:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Thank you WCW for giving me the tech ministery, even though I wasn't asking that much. I'll try to make you, and the 8 faction in general, proud of me.

I have a question for you, and since you are in finance you should be at ease with it. Are there subdivisons to credits, as in the ancient uses of "pennies" "quarters" and "dollars"? How much costs a pound of sugar, for example?

Anyway, Im off to repair that damn levitation pod, who broke again when the frog felled on it after a power failure. It was a nasty mess...

TOAODS, new minister of technology

WCW posted 12-07-98 08:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
1: credit=dollar
(Ami )greenback=penny

You can just use the dollar side of the equal signs in asking for money. The other side is the actual names. Notice our international roots. We are not just Canadians, We are also all of those who beleive in our philosophy.


Q Cubed posted 12-08-98 12:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
you know, reguarding the currencies...
�Euro = ?
�Won = 700-1300W to the US$1
�Yen = 115-150Y to the US$1
�Mark = 1.3-2.3DM to the US$1
there are plenty more, but i don't think one should arbitrarily assign equvalencies to currencies. no offense intended.:-)
WCW posted 12-08-98 01:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     

This is a new planet. The old currencies no longer mean anything. The names are just there to denote percentages of our faction people on chiron in that certain nationality. ie:// we have approx. 25% british people in our faction, 10% german, 6% japanese, 2% American, 10 % other(brazilian, african, french, russian,chinese, etc.) 47% is canadian. ALL approximations.
The dollar has a dove and a maple leaf on it and the 50 cent peice has a mesh of our many other cultures and a dove on it. the rest of the currency have doves on them. The dove is a sign of peace.
The larger bills(2-100) have one of the major founding people on it. ie://the $100 bill has CAPTAIN GARLAND on it, the 20 or 50 has Lestor B. Pearson on it, etc.


Q Cubed posted 12-08-98 01:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
thanx for clarifying that. anyway, are there going to be any other symbols on the currency bills? and what of e-currency and smart cards? just out of curiosity... i know that we won't be making these, but still... :-)
Cyren posted 12-08-98 02:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Hello, this is your General ( I think?)
WCW, i wasnt too sure if you just forgot to put my name on the jobs list or what. So could you please just clarify that for me.


General Cyren(Hopefully)

by the way dj my icq# is 23450651

WCW posted 12-08-98 02:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     

Other symbols will be used. The new symbols will be decided upon by the council to be formed soon. The current symbols might also be changed.
Money has many more security features now, such as bioelectric scans and finger printing(please don't ask me how that works, too complicated for now)

Q^3, where are the news reports for your dept.('s)?


WCW posted 12-08-98 02:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
Leader: DJ RRebel
Chief of Defense: Fjorx maniac
Secretary of american Defense: Kurn
General of the army: Cyren
Chief of Security: Qcubed
Finance minister/Deputy Leader:WCW
Public Policy Minister/Assistent Justice/ Foriegn Affairs: Victor Galis
Technology minister:TOAODS
Justice minister/Chief Justice: fred
Minister of Environment/Natural Resources/ Energy: Qcubed
Minister of Education/assistent justice: WCW
Minister of Health: fred
Minister of Social Welfare: Titan
Minister of Infrastructure: bhurak
CSA chairman: Victor Galis

Cryen, you're up there now.


DJ RRebel posted 12-08-98 05:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Hey guys ... I need some help on setting things up for our faction ... please ICQ or e-mail me or WCW for details !!!
Cyren posted 12-08-98 02:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Thanks WCW.

Hey guys i hope you dont mind but i put up a military recruiting post. Im just gonna see how many people are interested in getting into the military in the 8th Faction. I've already got a couple of guys interested and I'm gonna post up a list of jobs in the military, if thats ok with you guys.

Your General

WCW posted 12-08-98 05:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
Cryen that's ok.

DJ, how do you like my council idea- with informed people of course?
How about my currency ideas?


bio_spacer posted 12-08-98 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
this is spacer here and i want to join the Canadian Faction. i want to be the General of the Space Corps. (if there isnt already one)
if there is then i want to be the highest ranking officer possible after the leader.
thanks a bunch!

i think i should be the General anyways because of my name --> bio_spacer.... Space Corps hint hint

N1M forever!!

Cyren posted 12-08-98 05:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Current list of Military Jobs:

Canadian 8th Faction of Humanity Military

General of Army: Cyren
Colonel: bio_spacer

Anyone else interested let me know

Your General

fred posted 12-08-98 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for fred  Click Here to Email fred     
N1M for life!

heath is up to standards as long as no one starts a war.

more prisons! prisons! prisons!
with a large faction as ours theres going to be some trouble makers

for the 50 bill- John A. Macdonald

WCW as soon as the tech comes for space ships i'll need a fleet of medical ships. also i'll need a massive ship to return to earth.

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-08-98 06:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
fred: More prisons...well, I would say we are intelligent and civilized enough to need a minor number of prisons. We are not Spartans.

Also, I'm the new tech minister. Unless you are asking for finance, I can help you with it. But for a massive ship to Earth, I would wait to see if it is useful to return to Earth. I have scientists on Breakthrough Propulsion, and well try to create some kind of teleportation system that could move an entire fleet to the Earth in no time. But of course, it might take some time. A fleet is A LOT of atoms...


WCW posted 12-08-98 08:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
bio can be the GENERAL of the space corps.
fred, you will have to wait for cash for prisons, even though we don't need them. hint hint

Leader: DJ RRebel
Chief of Defense: Fjorx maniac
Secretary of american Defense: Kurn
General of the army: Cyren
General of space corps: bio_spacer
Chief of Security: Qcubed
Finance minister/Deputy Leader:WCW
Public Policy Minister/Assistent Justice/ Foriegn Affairs: Victor Galis
Technology minister:TOAODS
Justice minister/Chief Justice: fred
Minister of Environment/Natural Resources/ Energy: Qcubed
Minister of Education/assistent justice: WCW
Minister of Health: fred
Minister of Social Welfare: Titan
Minister of Infrastructure: bhurak
CSA chairman: Victor Galis

council to be formed soon!!


fred posted 12-08-98 08:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for fred  Click Here to Email fred     
sorry i didn't mean prisons for our people but for the other factions (spartans and gians).

teleporting long distances is risky. just a fast ship to see whats left. also we might bump it to a plant on the way that is colonizable. doesn't need to be a big ship just a fast abile ship.

Q Cubed posted 12-09-98 12:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
���Classified: Most Secret���
Report 001, 2142.3.342.1998CE
Archon Q Cubed of the Canadian Faction

���MoENRE (M�nre)
��Subministy of Energy (Sm�):
�research on advance fusion technologies progressing nicely.
-Tokamak reactors are above 88% efficiency, prefabrication of necessary materials is continuing at maximum pace.
-Ultrasonic heavy water fusion devices currently under research, four prototype reactors ready and undergoing rigorous testing.
-Laser compression fusion under research, seven prototypes completed.
-Cold fusion research proceeding. No major breakthroughs.
�Other sources
-Two solar/microwave satellites prepped for launch, energy reception dishes have been prefabricated. site locations are being located.
-Geothermal plants have been completely prefabricated. possible site locations are being analyzed.
-Wind power and hydro power plants under construction by advance engineer elements.
��Subministry of Natural Resources (Smonar):
�Resources are being not being depleted at an appreciable level. Sensor scans indicate resources within our territory may last for over 500 years. Advise stronger emphasis on recycling and nanotechnology research to extend or eliminate this timeframe.
��Subministry of the Environment (Smote)
�Environmental controls are in place. Tax incentives in place for corporations to utilize "greener" production techniques. No significant loss to productivity has been noted as of yet.
-Suggest that CSA launch site be placed well away from civilian locations as well as protected nature sites.
-Suggest that infrastructure construction be done with the utmost care for the environment.
-Suggest that Ministry of Technology assist with the development of more efficient power systems and greener technologies.

���Ministry of Security (MiniSec)
��Training and R&D progressing well. Suggest increased resource divertion to black budget operations. Recruitment is proceeding within expected parameters.
-Suggest limited restrains to be solidified in writing.
-Suggest that Counterintel and Foreign ops be closely involved with military cooperation, but not under direct control above field level.
-Suggest that political officers in military units only be recruited from military officers so as to not degrade military efficiency.

��This concludes the report. Apologies for the late report are in order.

Archon Q Cubed


DJ RRebel posted 12-09-98 01:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Wow .. great report Q3
WCW, I like your idea of having different generals for each branch of the armed forces !!!
Together, those generals could form an Armed Forces council !!! Cyren, I trust you to do a good job at forming this council !!!

Remember, this is our security, please be selective on who you guys choose for these ministries !!!

Yes, I like your council idea, we have to lay the groundworks and infrastructure of our government first ... hopefully, that'll be done within a few weeks at the most !!!

Welcome to the 8th Faction Bio_Spacer !!!

Where is JFrazer ??? Wasn't he going to be part of our Faction ???

Fred, we have no need for prisons at this time, as we are not at war with anyone !!!

The 8th Faction is all about peace, we will go to war as a last resort only !!! Or in defence !!!

Anyways, could all you Ministry leaders please prepare reports for me, I need an ouline of your budgets, I need to know what you need, what benifits your Ministry will provide for the 8th Faction!!! In the military, please do an in depth sugested budged so we can all get together and see what we can and cant afford !!! Some catagories might not be needed for certain ministries, and your need to add new catagories for others, but all in all, include a general outline of your plans for the ministry ... please do not print them here ... e-mail them to me ... that way we'll have time to edit things (with all of us together) before we print our reports !!!

Great work so far guys ... keep up the good work !!!

WCW posted 12-09-98 02:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
/Dep. LeaderOne tech dept. lab dedicated to recycling, nanotechnology, and other environment saving technologies.\
Expected revenues for P3 1.25T credits
Revenues for P2 1.15

going into P3 but using P2 money to ensure a surplus.

Budget 1.15 trillion\
/Education minister
200 billion of budget requested and approved.
25 billion allocated to primary(age 4-7) school teachers and equiptment. This amounts to 1 console/students and 1 teacher /10 students.
45 billion allocated to middle(age 7-12) school teachers and equiptment. same ratios
50 billion allocated to high school(age 12-16) school teachers,equiptment and enrichment. same ratio
50 billion allocated to undergraduate university(age 16-24) teachers, equiptment,enrichment, and labs. same ratio, 12 students/lab.
15 billion to master's university(age 24-27) for same things as undergraduate unveristy
5 billion to PhD university, the highest and most difficult to get prestige of the universities. all ages, as long as you have a masters degree.

you must stay in school from 4-24

'Call us great, but we already knew that!'

WCW posted 12-09-98 02:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
that is age 4-24, ok

'Call us great, but we already knew that!'

bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 02:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
im not a minister, just General of the Space Corps, but i would like to request some scientists and funding to develop superior offensive and deffencive ships and weapons.
this will enable us to defeat our enemies incase of an attack.
i thank u for all the funds and personel u can spare.
also i want to know if i would be working with the scientist involved with space research that isnt nesecarally military related.
i think that i should have some say in what would go up in orbit of Chiron.
another thing i would like so request the research and development of orbiting stations to train our Space Fleet for any sort of combat that would be able to range from 0-.... g's.
thank u for your time and consideration.

N1M forever!!!

DJ RRebel posted 12-09-98 02:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Bio ... Do you have ICQ ???
Could all 8th Faction members please list their ICQ#s here !!!
Thanks !!!

Bio, make a proposed budget to WCW listing your needs, and we'll see what can be arranged !!!

Cyren posted 12-09-98 02:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Armed Forces Council:

Head of Council: Cyren

Military Advisor(s): bio_spacer

I would like to know what my spending budget is because i've already prepared a list of weapons and equipment to purchase. (By the way, might i suggest everyone who doesnt have icq get it because it really is a lot easier to talk, and those who have it to post them on this page)

Your General

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-09-98 03:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
bio_spacer: Just tell me what kind of weapons you would like. I will research on many fields and ill try to get some working for you. Or I can spare you scientists if you want to direct them personnaly.�

DJ RRebel: My comp is in the shop, Im writing from school. Ill try to post my ICQ as soon as I can.

bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 03:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
TOAOD--> thanks ill get back to u when i need weapons developed.
to anyone --> is ICQ free, cause if it is then ill get it but if it isnt u can use my email address, its in my profile.
The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-09-98 03:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
bio_spacer: Yeah, ICQ is free. Go to and get the 98 version.
Titan posted 12-09-98 03:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
As social welfare minister, I am proud to anounce that with my new special inspection service, the number of frauds done to the system has dropped by 50 percent. The job creation program has also showed some progrees. The unemployment rate has dropped from 10 to 6 percent. Since TOADS should soon hire his tech personnel, it should drop by another 2 percent I hope.
bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 03:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
i propose a $50 or $100 billion budget for all military divisions combined with 10-20 billion going to each of the different divisions:
Space Corps
NOTE: Spacial could be anything like genetically engeniered beasts or humans.
or it could be the Special Research Dept. that develops unique things for the military.

your faithful general, spacer

N1M forever!!!

DJ RRebel posted 12-09-98 04:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Bio, I would think military budget would be a little higher than that, but we'll have to sit down together see make an overall budget !!!

For those who don't have it, my ICQ# is 5677827, if you don't have ICQ, get it at, it'll be alot easier to communicate with each other !!!

As for what will be included in the Armed Forces, there will be several devisions, we need more recuitment first before we go ahead with these plans !!! For now, I suggest you all take some time to plan what it is you would like to do with each of your divisions/ministries, make detailled budgets of what you'd like, and we can work from there, please try not to post anything too security sensitive in here, e-mail them to me and/or WCW, I'll try to get an 8th Faction mailing list by next week so we can all make suggestions for each other !!!

I'll have a temporary list of current members up on my site by this week-end !!!

As it stands, I'll be at work the next 3 nights, then I'll be off 3 days, then back at work for 3 more nights, I'll be doing some work on our site in my 3 days off, if you have any ideas, please e-mail or ICQ me!
Do the same if you have any content you'd like to add !!!

After my 2nd set of 3 days off, I'll be off for 9 days, so that's when I plan to really get some work done, by then, I expect all your reports/budgets will have final drafts so we can all work them out together !!!

We also have to develop our policies on social issues, this will be a complicated process, but once we have it established, 90% of our work will have been completed !!!

Remember, on this new mission, it is us who is paving our own destiny, the strong foundation we lay at the beginning will ensure our future success !!!

See you all soon, and once again, keep up the good work !!!

For those who haven't done so yet, could you please give us a little background into yourselves, your background, your age, your favorite movies ... etc etc etc !!!

I'll repost mine to give you all an example of what I mean !!!

Take care everyone, and see you in a few days !!!

bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
for everyone included in this faction my ICQ# is: 2530382. i just got it so please excuse my mistakes if i make any.

ill have my budget expectations in a couple of days, probably by monday (that gives me the weekend to iron out any details)
till then i probably wont be posting any messages except ideas for research projects

this is General Spacer signing of for a few days!

N1M forever!!!

DJ RRebel posted 12-09-98 04:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
OK guys, I'd like a profile for each of you for the web site ... here's an example of mine, feel free to add anything else you want, the more details the better, if you don't want to post them here, that's ok, just e-mail them to me !!!

My e-mail is: [email protected]
Note, the 0 after rebel is the number zero, not the letter oh !!!

************ Copied Post **************

Also .. I think it would be appropriate if we all said a little bit about ourselves .. I'll start if it'll help !!!
DJ RRebel >>> 25, male, Montreal, CANADA
Stats >>> Who cares, we'll probably never meet !!!

Interests: Global politics, science & tech, strategy games, music & DJing, Sci Fi, meeting interesting people, learning new things and helping to make this world a better place in general !!!

IQC# >>> 5677827 (get ICQ at or at my website)
e-mail >>> [email protected] (it's a zero after rebel)
web page >>> (just started it though)

Occupation >>> Dealer (croupier) at the Montreal Casino, work crazy hours (8pm to 7am), also DJ from time to time.

Personal beliefs: Atheism

Favorite Factions:
1> Canadian 8th Faction
2> United Nations
3> University of Planet

Favorite Leader: None, my idea of an ideal society is one where an educated population votes on all important issues! To be eligible to vote, one would only need to understand both sides of the argument (not as simple as you might think)! I fear anyone who would want to impose his/her views on others .. I only hold the role as Faction leader on an interum basis, as soon as we set up the infrastucture for a leaderless society I will completely resign my position !!! I was supposed to cede my temporary leadership role to Canadian hero, Captain Garland, but he's running a little late!

System >>> Out of date Pentium 166MMX!
(gonna upgrade in Jan or Feb in time for SMAC)

Availability >>> 3 days out of 6, work rotation: 3on/3off

Some Favorite Movies:
-Saving Private Ryan
-Star Trek II
-others I'm forgetting

Fav type of music >>> House & Dance

Fav TV shows >>>
-Star Treks
-X-Files (did anyone catch the premiere ??? Awsome)
-Babylon 5
-Drew Carey
-Most Canadian comedies (Air Farce, Red Green, Hour has 22mins etc)
-Simpsons & South Park (of course)

Fav game >>> Civilization II
(also liked simcity & Empire on my 286)

Preffered life 20 yrs from now >>> To be a U.N. mediator !!!
Or to be temporary ruler of the world, until I made myself obsolete of course !!! (Read above for reasons why)

Feel free to add or delete any catagories depending on your interests !!!

DJ RRebel posted 12-09-98 04:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
I just had a thought in a discussion with Bio on ICQ.

For the budgets, as we haven't really got a solid idea of the actual value of all our good and things, when you make your budget drafts, just list your needs for now in terms of equipment, manpower, resourses etc ... we'll assign values to them later on !!!

The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-09-98 05:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
OK, since you will evaluate our needs yourself, here are my needs.

Technology Minister needs:

300 scientists for diverse research fields

-viral studies (both alien and human)
-longevity treatments
-artificial tissues
-brain research
-cybernetic augments
-zero-gravity effects on humans
-chemical studies and weapon applications

250 scientists for diverse research fields

-classical propusion physics
-breakthrough propulsion physics
-spacial physics
-synthetic ressources development
-nuclear studies
-new elements research

150 scientists for diverse research fields

-memory storage
-CPU development
-graphics and sound
-computer communications: planetary&spatial
-neurological computers
-navigation computers
-teleportation of numeric information

material for 200 computers

That should be all for now. If I come up with something else, Ill inform you.

TOAODS minister of technology

Cyren posted 12-09-98 06:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Here is my icq#23450651.

I should have the Military and Armed Forces Council reports posted by Monday.

Your General

fred posted 12-09-98 07:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for fred  Click Here to Email fred     
TOAODS I can not promite animals or humans as test objects or weapons. I think I should join the military council just because if a war starts you are going to be putting people in my hospitals. Also I'll have to supply your ships with medical officers.
TOAODS I'll need some new medical tech. Hipo(spelling) sprays for all. Oh, yeah TOAODS you can have those 300 scientists for other things. How is that space ship coming along.

Some things about my self
real name: Matt Hawkins
E-mail: [email protected]
Hometown: Burlington Ontario
T.V. shows: Basicaly everything DJ said exept the X-Files (I know you all think I'm crasy but I don't really like the whole F.B.I. thing)
Movies: all Star Trek movies exept Generations, Three Amigos, and some others but i forget there names.
Music: rap, house, and some techno
Favorite game: Lets see now, Civ2
Intrests: Traveling, politics, history, Star Trek, SMAC, CCTP(i know CTP I'm getting it free so I have to show some intrest but really it looks pretty good), and cars
Coomputer: a PII 350 a 4mg video card and a 32x cd rom
ICQ: don't got one. I tried to get it to work but I'm not sure of some of the information they ask because I've got the internet running over the network
Favorite Factions: 8th Faction the Canadians,
the University, and the UN
Books: Dune, and The Oddyesy(spelling)
Car: Porshe 911 GT1

Minister of Health and Justice
N1M forever

WCW posted 12-09-98 08:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
How about we get a list of all our needs together and when we get a constitution/ social policy/charter we start all our budgeting afterwards. we give basic services now and start up complex services then. No factions are near us now, so we have time to prepare. I say we should stave off major spending until we have a policy to follow.

We are nearing 100 posts, so I will start a thread just for Ideas for our policy.

'Call us great, but we already new that!'

Q Cubed posted 12-09-98 11:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Q Cubed  Click Here to Email Q Cubed     
greetings again. our friend Victor is out sick, and let's all hope that he gets better soon.

anyway, if you want, get ICQ99 Alpha - it's nice, but my one gripe is that it's way too similar to AIM, which is also figgers, cuz Mirabilis is owned by AOL.

anyway, my ICQ# is 5470568.

btw...Victor has set up another forum for us to use in privacy...but the link on his page is wrong...use this one:

btw...were all of our profiles on the other thread lost?
just asking.

and i'd love to help with the constitution. i can maybe draft one up soon, using a template for one i had to do for civics class.

bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 11:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
its Spacer again, i got a few ideas that id like to toss around for armor and misalanious things

the first would be for the navy and can be adapted to the armor suit me and cyren thought up in the "policy" thread. it can also be a dedicated system.

its a "Underwater Breather Unit." u have to have a tube connecting the suit to your coratid artery. u put on the suit and it takes over your breathing so u dont have to carry air down with u. it takes the O2 out of the water like fish gills and devilers it to your blood directly.
the combined suit devolped in the "policy" thread can also be adapted to underwater and it could therefore encase your entire head.
it could respond to voice commands to increase thickness to any part of your body and change shape around your eyes to allow u to see clearly underwater and to magnify to see father (therefore seeing the enemy before they see u)
i also have an idea for communications. its called a "BP" or body phone it is surgically implanted under the clavical and all u gotta do is touch a small button, tell it who to call, and it does it automatically.
a minor idea is a "BC" or body clock --notice the connection- BC (the province) hehe
its connected to your brain and all u gotta do is think at it and it thinks back at u the time

well thats it for now signing off your faithful general spacer

N1M forever!!!

bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 11:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
about that body clock..... its like a stud earing but is implanted in your ear
bio_spacer posted 12-09-98 11:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
DJ RREBEL---> when u get back u or someone else can repost this in the upcomming military thread right now i dont know how to repost things so i just posted it here and am leaving it to someone who knows how to to repost it.
WCW posted 12-10-98 12:07 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for WCW  Click Here to Email WCW     
You can help with the policy in the POLICY thread of the canadian 8th faction.


The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-10-98 10:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Hi all. Here online I give my Christmas present to Titan: a 40$ mail-rebate coupon for Diablo AND DiabloII at Future Shop. No Titan, dont run away!!! Damn Im all alone with my stupid coupon now...

TOAODS eats the stupid coupon...

Titan posted 12-10-98 10:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
TOAD, I know that you dream to have DIABLO 1, all the expansion sets, and DIABLO 2, most importantly before everybody, but you should not think that everybody is as stupid as you.
Nobody exept you that has enough brain to be here can not imagine to buy DIABLO 2.
DJ RRebel posted 12-10-98 10:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Guess, write all your reports/budgets/ideas in word, the n e-mail them to me, I'll send everyone a copy of everything, then leave a few days for us all to comment on each others works !!! I think this will be the best way to have many diversified point of views !!!

Anyways, I'll be around this week-end a bit, then the following weekend, I'm off for 9 days, it's around then that I want us to together work on all our policies and budgets !!!

Anyways, take care, and see you in a few days !!!

bio_spacer posted 12-10-98 01:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
WCW---------> whats your icq#?
i want to know ot send u our military reports etc....

thanks in advance


The One And Only DarkStar posted 12-10-98 02:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The One And Only DarkStar  Click Here to Email The One And Only DarkStar     
Titan: At least I only dream to own them, I dont have THEM myself, unlike a certain SUMMON i know...
bio_spacer posted 12-10-98 02:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for bio_spacer  Click Here to Email bio_spacer     
Q Cubed-->
i tried to go to that site u posted but geocities says it doesnt exist, whats going on.
what is "victor"'s site address? so i can go there and see what happens when u use his link.

General Spacer

Titan posted 12-10-98 03:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Titan  Click Here to Email Titan     
TOAD : I must tell you that I only know three person who actually have or enjoy playing Diablo. One has moved to Belgique, the other don't play since this one has left, and the other is a certain Physics teacher, that is a bit weird. As for the SUMMON who plays it, maybe it is the TOAD KING! LOL
Cyren posted 12-11-98 02:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
The Ten Commandements of the Military:

-All Canadians part of the military must obey these 10
commandements as a code of conduct-

1. Never leave a man down in the field
2. Never disobey and order from a higher ranked officer
3. Trick the enemy into being the agressor
4. Always be more than prepared
5. Know your enemy
6. Never misuse your firearm
7. Divide and Conquer
8. Try to subdue your enemy with soperior force
9. Always use force as a last resort
10.Always seek a peacful solution

*This code of conduct must be followed. Failing to obey these
commandements will result in punishment

Your General

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 12-11-98 06:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
Ummm, is it really neccesary for you to post those 10 commandments in EVERY Canadian thread? I'm pretty sure they saw it in the other 1000 threads you posted it in.

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

Cyren posted 12-11-98 06:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Cyren  Click Here to Email Cyren     
Hey im still a junior member. The more posts the better.
DJ RRebel posted 12-16-98 10:55 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
LMAO @ YYYH's frustrations toward the ever more powerful 8th Faction !!!

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