Topic: New Firaxis Games: suggestions for Firaxis
Rang |
posted 11-23-98 04:34 PM ET
Well, since SMAC is almost done, I'm sure Firaixis will soon begin designing a new game. The next game will be under Sid's lead and is probably already being sketched out. But after SMAC, Brian will need to come up with a new game idea while the team is works on Sid's current project.This thread will contain our suggestions for Brian's next game. My suggestions: 1) A fantasy genre turnbased strategy game like Master of Magic. This would allow Firaxis to use creativity unhindered by realworld constraints. Since SMAC is SF, the next logical step would be a Fantasy game. A fantasy game would also increase the fan base of Firaxis, attracting fantasy lovers. 2) A game based on nearspace explorations, i.e. colonization of the moon or Mars. This would be a technical research challenge since Firaxis would need to get data from NASA, etc. The real physical landscape of the respective worlds would need to be based on existing space survey data. Such a game would also be prophetic, since we will eventually need to leave our terran cradle.
posted 11-23-98 05:01 PM ET
My vote is for a Fantasy, MOM-like game. Since Microprose shut down Simtex games, it's highly unlikely that they will be doing a MOM2. A recent poll over at Games Domain had MOM with roughly 50% of the vote when gamers were asked which fantasy strategy game was their all-time favorite. Competition included Lords of the Realm (which was a distant second IIRC). |
posted 11-23-98 05:17 PM ET
A fantasy game would also mean that Firaxis can focus more on gameplay. For instance, there might be some interesting gameplay effects that won't fit with hardscience and reality. But by adopting "magic," Firaxis can still implement these effects. Also, the structure of MoM is very similar to Civ/SMAC. Research, production, money, population growth, diplomacy, exploration, war, etc. A magic spell tree to replace the tech tree.The types of gameplay effects I'm refering to are worldspells. You can cast spells that affect all or large parts of the world, similar to global warming in SMAC. But worldspells can be more diverse than the single affect of Global warming. You can have several diff worldspells. Also, in MoM, you had to be concerned with mana accumulation for casting spells, as well as money accumulation. Thus there's an added dimension. |
posted 11-23-98 05:53 PM ET
I'd also like to see what they could do with a squad-level turn-based combat game. Nothing something mission-oriented like all the RTS games, but a turn-based, grand scale thing (like Jagged Alliance is supposed to be).That in a far-future setting could be interesting. Acutally, that would also make for a good fantasy setting. |
posted 11-23-98 07:54 PM ET
You're kidding CClark, right?I'd like to see an RPG, myself. A skill-based, non-linear RPG, now that it looks like Ultima is dead. |
posted 11-23-98 08:05 PM ET
I want to see a World War II turn based campaign game. Imagine a game where you fight from Poland, 1939-Berlin 1945. I just think it'll be cool, most of you will disagree with me though.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-23-98 08:06 PM ET
It would be horrible.The two greatest games i played in my life were Civilization and Master of Orion. Those kind of games are so rare... More game like these there will be, happier i'll be
posted 11-23-98 08:19 PM ET
Ahoy maties, avast!I be gettin' me "letter of marque" from Governor Harry Morgan hisself down Port Royale way soon. I'll then be tak'n me little barkie, and prime crew of swashbuckling scurvy sea dogs, off to Cartegena and harass the Spaniards and/or do a little trading in sugar, tobacco, rum or miscellaneous merchandise (no questions asked). Be you with me there will be plenty of rum and loot for all. Be you agin me, then its long walk off a short plank or a maroon on a desert island for any cowardly mutinous lily-livered poxed coves. I be needin' a few more able rated sailors and gunners on me ship before we set sail to fight the Dutch, French, Spaniards and pirates on our way to Sid's Island to find the long lost buried treasure of ancient Aztlan. Please file your resume with my purser, Mr. Jonathan Silver. He's the gent with one leg. Yours truly, Captain jsorense, of the privateer "Agent Scully's Revenge"
posted 11-23-98 08:29 PM ET
YYYH, it's called Steel Panthers, and it's from SSI(ok, so there are other ones out there. this is a nice, turn-based, fairly small unit(batallion size for you entire force) games covering WWII).I'd not mind seeing their take on a naval warfare game akin to Harpoon. |
posted 11-23-98 08:30 PM ET
Well, since they are so proud of their diplomatic improvements, I'd like to see a GOOD political game.Running a country is more than just fighting wars and building towns. If anyone can capture the joy of the political arena, Firaxis would be the folks. Would be near impossible to do. But if done right.... |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-23-98 08:33 PM ET
I wouldn't mind seeing what Firaxis could do with real-time strategy myself. We already know they can make incredible turn-based games, but I'd love to see them do something to take advantage of the strengths of real-time games, as long as they don't simply give us more of the same 'ole same 'ole stuff we get from everyone else. Push the envelope with it... |
posted 11-23-98 08:39 PM ET
Heh, maybe they could actually make a modern RTS that isn't an oxymoron. |
posted 11-23-98 09:23 PM ET
That would be REALLY great NotLikeTea. Really, really, really great. I'm serious. Maybe they could be the first to make an RTS game which wasn't stupid and boring.
posted 11-23-98 10:42 PM ET
Turn based fantasy from Firaxis would be great; but it'd have to be equal to or better than Heroes II (or Heroes III, coming out in Jan 1999), or else be radically different and have its own style (like Myth). Which reminds me, Myth was real RTS and all about strategy, not who can pump out the most tanks/knights fastest. An entry into this field will be great, but it already has a good bit of competition. |
posted 11-24-98 02:17 AM ET
Maybe another stab at a flight sim; I can remember when F15 Strike Eagle II and F-19 were the bomb, back in the day. :P |
posted 11-24-98 02:26 AM ET
There's a preview of a game called Braveheart on This game combines turn-based empire building with battles fought in 3D realtime.Perhaps for Firaxis' next game we'll see some kind of empire-building game with realtime battles based on the Gettysburg engine. Just a thought. |
posted 11-24-98 03:05 AM ET
WWII grand scale strategy (including Asia and the Pacific, as well as Africa and America for the raving-lunatic type of Axis player (such as me)) would be great! Purchase the World in Flames rights and just make THE greatest hard-core computer strategy game ever! Even better: include the prewar years of crazy politics and wild arms races! People would probably hate it, though... |
posted 11-24-98 06:20 AM ET
Saw that one too, Old_guy, but somehow I wasn't convinced that Braveheart is going to be anything other than a carefully executed fart. One thing I have considered is this: All (strategy) game designers seem to be very concerned with replayability. I say phuck it! Give me a TRULY epic game! A game that'll take months to play through just once. A perfect marriage of the Civ/SMAC-school on the strategic level - perhaps enhanced in some way with the versatility of MtG (does this make sense to anybody but me?) - with RTS a la WAR Inc. on the tactical level. I'm talking about a multi-CD game that you'll be proud to have completed just TWICE. And with a stats-section that'll make any soccer- or baseball-manager green with envy. Never mind about multiplayer, never mind about setting (historical, fantasy, SF, whatever as long as it's coherent).Pure gaming pleasure..... |
posted 11-24-98 06:39 AM ET
Sid Meier's Cold War: War of NervesStarting in 1945 and ending in either: Nuclear holocaust **** that we have now Global communism Nothing changes Mess with small third world coutries, practice espionage, build the war machine, negotiate peace and war, sabotage, bribe, subvert and infiltrate, threaten and bang the table with your shoe at the UN. But then again, we've seen it all and it sucked. |
posted 11-24-98 07:58 AM ET
Rang and NotLikeTea, when I first saw the name for this board, I had the same ideas the two of you had (actually, I've been working on a paper-and-pencil thing for the type of thing NotLikeTea suggested for years as a personal project that will never move beyond tinkering :-) ).My three ideas (that I've always thought would make the best strategy games ever): 1). PARLIAMENT My father and I have talked about (and tinkered with) the idea of writing an updated version of the original PARLIAMENT for years. PARLIAMENT was a statistics-model game of politics in a mythical 1920s central European state with the 7 parties loosely based on parties of the German Weimar Republic. The 7 parties were Communist, Socialist, Radical, Centrist, Conservative, Monarchist, and Nationalist. There were 5 voter groups spread differently in each region. The 5 groups were intellectuals, workers, peasants, middle class, and catholics. The nations faced delimnas that you would expect for a new and evolving parliamentary democracy in the early 20th century leading up to WWII. The game was completely mathematical and the statistics were horrendously complicated for playability (the reason it never moved beyond the dippy zines). Our initial idea was to update it to 1990s Central/Eastern Europe with appropriate changes in the parties and voting blocs to reflect the situation of the new and evolving democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. However, I've since then been working on a model for handling the politics of just about any country on Earth. One idea I had was to focus a world-wide federalist system in which you would elect officials for the world government (who wouldn't have too much authority) and officials for each state. Parties would exists on a state-by-state basis, but coalition-parties of like-minded national parties would exit at the super-state level. Obviously, this would be amazingly complex, but would be a very rich and excellent game if someone could pull it off. Conversely, I tinkered with the idea of having perhaps 7 mythical states, each with 7 parties (with variations in political culture for each state). This would expand the realm of the game beyond the domestic affairs of one state, but would involve the domestic affairs of each state and the foreign affairs that affect one another. You could even pick a real world type thing like the EU rather than a mythical grouping of states. ***Keep in mind that I am a political scientist in training, so the fact that I find this so interesting may be only shared by myself and a few others.*** |
posted 11-24-98 08:08 AM ET
Arnelos, you can count me into the "few others"...  I'm just wondering how close the 7 faction diplomacy will be to the things you described at the global level? |
posted 11-24-98 08:19 AM ET
2). International Space Programme, Int'l Space Agency, whatever you want to call it.Ok, in this game, you are the head of the newly formed international space agency. The U.N. and various states have decided to invest a limited amount of funds each into your program. This program allows you to get around the limitations that individuals states typically have with such programs (including international laws prohibiting certain tests in space and the use of certain equipment. An international org. could argue in its founding charter, perhaps, to waive such restrictions if the benifits are spread evenly to all states). You receive funding from member nations of the United Nations, but you have a separate governing body and your funds do not go through the U.N., but come directly from the states (the IAEA and IMF act in a similar manner). Most of your funding comes from the major space faring nations, but a certain minimum contribution allows any state to benifit from the discoveries you make. The U.N. plan was to allow various states throughout the world some way to divert jobs and infrastructure and spending away from weapons, weapons development, and the military toward space exploration, while hopefully keeping the jobs orignially there. Now, since this is the expectation of the member nations, you have to play VERY PICKY parochial politics when deciding where mission components get built, rockets get built, where technicians get hired from, etc. You have to, in a way, greatly worry yourself with the petty politics of making sure the people who fund your program are getting benifits (and any nation that feels that it's not getting it's fare share will probably complain. If the situation doesn't improve, they may cut funding or found an independent space agency. Conversely, they may drop the whole concept all together re-allocate that labor to their weapons development programs, and arms build-up). So, politically, if you succeed, you will precariously hold the various states together for the purpose of funding the projects for your organization. If you fail politically, you not only may see the cancellation of your project, but the return to high military spending and arms build-up, since that is the industry most capable of putting the workers that used to work for you back in the labor force. If you, fail the world in fact become s more dangerous, blaw, blaw, blaw. SCIENTIFICALLY: Your mission, the official reason you were created (beyond being a chief employer of engineers and scientists and practising petty politics for funding) is to explore and colonize the solar system and beyond. You get kuddos for doing things of scientific value from the scientific community, who are your chief supporters. However, these people don't have very much political clout, and doing things that would advance the standard of living on Earth or expand the oportunites for humans in space would be more valued by your funding sources. You job then is to research technology for space travel, planetary exploration, and such, and to actually travel to and establish bases and exploratory outposts beyond Earth. Your next goal is to start creating economic gains from the solar system. Your ultimate goal is to explore and colonize the entire system. I thought about how the last step of the game (or perhaps just the lead into the next part of a larger game) would be sending exploratory craft to other systems, eventually colonizing craft to the discovered planetary systems and expanding outward. This could, arguably, be a sequal to the first, in which you don't have to worry so much about petty politics and the threat of cancellation of the project, as, by that point, the organization will be a necessity for all the people already in space and the potential seen for its future prospects. |
MikeH II
posted 11-24-98 08:42 AM ET
Ahoy Captain jsorence, avast and prepare to be boarded. This 'ere Net makes a perfect snare for multiplayer high sea pirattin'.Privateer MikeH, Captain of the AyeAyeClub |
posted 11-24-98 08:47 AM ET
3). Human Interstellar Space Exploration, Fragmentation of Human Society, and eventual First-Contact with Alien LifeOk, the idea here is that Humanity has already moved far out into the imediate area of interstellar space and has many colonies in the local area of stars (for simplicity and realism, you could use an area no larger than about 20 light years already inhabited so that all inhabited stars fall within real known space). Humanity's discovery of near light-speed travel has now been surpased by a method of exceeding light speed by getitng around it somehow (I don't care how, just make something up just like every other sci-fi game of this nature). The various colonies are highly accumstomed to their isolation and don't like the idea that they can now much more closely be controlled by Earth, whose government has grown corrupt and decadent. Within time, groups of colonies begin rebelling against central authority, being lead by ideological zealots of various forms. The various colonies allign themselves to particular movements based upon political culture, history, and in some cases geography. Most colonies choose to remain independent, although continue to trade as independent states, from the various ideological movements that wish to reunify humanity under their particular ideal. With a wealth of independent states (AI controlled) that can ally and fight one another if disputes evolve and the ideological movements that wish to reunify humanity in their own vision (of course seeking through diplomacy or force to conver the people's of the various independent states). Earth falls into internal turmoil and is unable to put down the sheer amount of revot (while what there was of a "fleet" is mostly left to defend Earth from the various groups of rebels). The various independent states are mostly not interested at all in taking control of Earth (or the trouble it would be), but with simply maintaining their own indepenedence (unless persuaded by diplomacy to join one of the ideological movements, something harder to do as an independent state becomes more set on independence). The ideological movements, however, wish to take control of Earth, passify it, convert it to their movement, and use it as the central base to reunify humanity in their image. MEANWHILE, various independent states or ideological movements can use exploration and colonization at new levels with the new found beyond light speed technologies. But this will be limited to nearly nothing as most resources will be concentrated on the war effort between states. While the civil war is being faught (at a different time for each level, perhaps even after the civil war is over), an alien race will make first contact with humanity. There should be more than one alien race, but perhaps only one alien race that is a high-tech space faring one. Humanity may, in fact, encounter several alien species, but most will probably be pre-space faring. How humanity deals with the aliens will probably reflect the political situation at the time of first contact and which ideological movement (faction) makes contact or gains control. The rest of the game would be affected by the dynamic of attempting peaceful relations with the alien neighbors (or warlike if that is the view of the ruling faction). I would think the game would be much more provocative and enjoyable if the aliens are at first peaceful and still below above light speed technology. It would be known to this civilization that other beyond light speed civilizations do exist, but it does not know too many details. In this manner, humanity would have to develop a regional leadership position, but at the games end would encounter one of the elusive above light speed races that don't consider the area humanity inhabits very important and exists mostly some distance off. There are a myriad of ways one could take a concept like this, but it bears an interesting look at what it might be like if Earth survives (rather than is destroyed in SMAC) and this is A LONG TIME AFTER SMAC. In addition, you could conceivably make this the sequel to the game mentioned in #2, the one concerning the space agency and it's end game attempts to explore and colonize the real local area of space around us. |
posted 11-24-98 09:59 AM ET
How about just getting them working on SMAC2. Better graphics, more techs, better game (ab it like civ and civ2). After they finished Sid's game, and then work on that, it should be 2002 and SMAC1 would be getting a bit long in the tooth. That is if the world hasn't ended by then. |
posted 11-24-98 12:19 PM ET
Arnelos, I gotta tell you: I'm amazed! Those are truly exellent ideas! Please, make at least one of them go beyond the tinkering level. Maybe you could set up a website and call in additional ressources - human and financial - to make your dream(s) come true? Naive, perhaps, but who dares wins....Keep it up, dude! |
posted 11-24-98 06:21 PM ET
Fraxis needs to make colonization2. if not c2 they should make a RTS game. possibly about WWII or mabee a fantasy RTS like Myth. but the sould make it like AoE or one of the C&C games. |
posted 11-24-98 06:32 PM ET
Yes, excellent, excellent ideas.I would want Parliament to be highly hackable so I or other internet users could set up their own political systems in various real and historical and imaginary countries. The 2nd one looks interesting, but I don't think it could ever have widespread appeal. Petty Politics tinkering can be fun, but a whole game on it? You make it seem like the space program part is tacked on. If it focused more on space it could be more viable. The 3rd looks excellent as well. Having the aliens come after the civil war would be silly though, there'd be nothing to do except monitor all your planets, sort of like playing Civ after all your opponents are dead. Otherwise, a fantastic game possibility. Email it to Mike after the demo comes out. Naive? There's nothing naive about it OmniDude. After all, Bungie had about 6 programmers and made the award winning Myth, so there's nothing to fear. |
posted 11-24-98 10:06 PM ET
Interesting.Too bad my plans include finishing out college and going to grad school :-) (Speaking of which, I should get back to my term paper due tomorow :-)) All I hope for is to push the right ideas in the right directions in the hope that someone who does have the time and resources may be listening. |
posted 11-25-98 12:02 AM ET
It would be interesting to see someone do something along the lines of a half-life type RTS - no missions, no levels, just continuous play. The current RTS formula leaves sooo much space for improvement its not funny.T.A kingdoms should go a long way towards this "next step", but I would like something along the lines of Civ - start up and just play the same game continuously for 20 hours or so. I envisages something along the lines of Starcraft (DON'T mention the A.I), but with many more options, both in construction and design of units and diplomacy. I just mention this to set the scene for ideas to come. Set in the future, with aliens, like. While ultimately an RTS, in the sense that you need to react to events immediately, there needs to be many areas of influence rather than just the actual game map. Something along the lines of privateer/Civ, with a weapons/personal market, research tree, dipomacy interface, allowing you to fully interact with the environment, both physical and political. In the beginning, you start out with a fairly small force, and only one planet, distant and isolated, to explore. The planet has numerous areas of interest, each of large, but limited size (your can't escape having a set mapsize), and with a few access points/dropzones/harbours/whatever. Each area may have numerous features, such as rival troop locations, mineral resources, water, access to merchants, etc. Your interface allows you to move from location to location, according to your units present, so you are simultainiously managing mining, building and combat on many fronts at once, and defeat in one area is not necessarily a disaster. (You can also try to retreat if the situation turns grim, or beg with your rivals for mercy). This would necessitate a good A.I, allowing you to leave your soliders alone for periods of time to follow your orders (or defect if overwhelmed with low morale...), as well a sophisticated command list, e.g give Alert if encountering enemys, do not engage, fight to the death... Population is extremely low, so purchasing new equipment and personal is difficult, even finding a few marines can be a tough exercise (Thus you get personality). Each solider has his/her own set of skills, namely footspeed, weaponskill, engineering, piloting, leadership and so forth. So you could hire a team of elite commandos, but don't expect them to be any good behind the controls of a gyrochopper or Mechanoid. And if you leave a poor leader in charge, don't be surprised to find your troops engaged in a full-on charge at an overwhelming enemy. With longer building times and more individual emphasis, you get the ability to fit weapons and special equipment to individual units and vehicles (though you have to steal or pay for them), so a large degree of customisability enters the game. Once you conquer your first planet, or simply gain enough money and prestige to negotiate with the space merchants, you can begin to expand into the wider universe. Hire your forces out as mercenaries, find new isolated worlds to pillage, and begin to enjoy a small measure of fame and influence in the cluster. Purchase a harvester at a space station and mine the asteroid belt. Not really a very original idea, if you've played Civ or any similar game, but with the whole thing set in real time you get a huge leap in gameplay.
Brian, if you've got another three years handy... |
posted 11-25-98 12:18 AM ET
Sid Meier's Universe. Create your own reality. Basically, you would start out at the Big Bang, and have a certain amount of matter and energy to distribute and create stars planets, etc. You'd be able to change the laws of physics for your liking. The object of the game would be to develop advanced systems within a 100 billion year span. This probably should be rts, as it would be fun to see your own universe expanding.
posted 11-25-98 12:55 AM ET
Sounds like an even more dull version of SimLife. However, I trust Sid alot more with a plan like that than I would trust Maxis :-) |
posted 11-25-98 01:15 AM ET
I think Firaxis ought to do a real time strategy game. Sid & Co. have set the standard with turn-based games. I think if they did a RTS they could give that genre a good shake up. It needs to be shaken up, there has not been any good, original RTS games in years. As for subject I am in to WWII history, I'd like to see something along that line. But whatever it is, I will reserve a copy right now! Sid is that good! |
posted 11-25-98 05:33 PM ET
Yes, Sid is very good. But we should include the whole Firaxis crew in our praise. After all, SMAC is the brain-child of Brian Reynolds. If I'm not mistaken, Sid already has an idea for the next Firaxis game sketched out. After SMAC, the Firaxis people will work on Sid's idea while Brian searches for a concept for the game after the game after SMAC. Thus, the ideas posted here are really for Brian. (I might be mistaken about Sid already having a concept in mind for the next Firaxis game. If that's not the case, then these ideas will be for Sid.)I think I'd like either a realtime game or a fantasy genre game. I'm not sure that I would want to see a historical genre game. I prefer either science fiction or fantasy. |
posted 11-26-98 07:25 AM ET
Why not a mix of Turn Based and Real Time strategy, a focused game on a particular period in history Check my full idea (submitted on the Open Forum for Gaming Ideas) at
posted 11-26-98 07:34 AM ET
WELL, why not alpha centaury II ?Beyond the first planet colonization of the whole sistem each planet or asteroids , even beyond the sistem or why not come back to earth or why not enstablish a link between several colonized planets and new alien races or the earth itself? |
posted 11-26-98 12:09 PM ET
Excellent ideas everyone!Arnelos: The Parliament idea is great. Different parties with different goals in the same nation could give very interesting diplomacy. fred: Colonization 2 would be very welcome. Or at least a game with a similar economic system. I loved the ways you could choose how to specialize the cities on different production. DCA: I agree that a world war II game should definitively include some of the years before the war as well, with the early expansion of fascist states, like the Japanese occupation of Manchuria, the war between Ethiopia and Italy, and the Spanish civil war. That would give time to change strategies in good time and maybe choose a very different strategy when the war begins, or change the starting conditions. All nations should be represented in the game,(even neutral nations) not only seven. It was annoying in the civ scenario that you automatically started a war against Sweden,Iran and Yugoslavia when you invaded the Netherlands. |
posted 11-26-98 12:58 PM ET
In games like SMAC and Civ II, after your empire reaches a certain strength threshold it is frequently a foregone conclusion that you will win the game. This, to me, takes some of the fun out of the end-game. I think that the solution to this is to make a game in which you can't ever hope to be the "biggest kid on the block".Here's my idea: Conspiracies and Secret Societies. The premise is that you run some sort of secret organization (like a government conspiracy from the X-Files, or an acient order like the Millenium Group, or some other group that doesn't have a series on Fox...). This organization can do all sorts of subversive things like blackmail, assassinations, bribery, kidnapping, etc., all to further their own ends. But the trick is that if you do too much, you risk exposure and the populace will turn against you. Since your organization is small, you could never hope to defeat the entire population in open warfare, so you've got to make all your moves behind the scenes. Stuff like rigging elections and having your agents infiltrate other secret organizations would be commonplace. I think it could be quite a bit of fun. I think the strategies would be a bit more abstract than in Civ and SMAC (since geography wouldn't be as much of an issue) so it might be an interesting change. About the RTS suggestions: RTS games are sometimes fun, and they have their place. However, for a really fun game I like Turn-Based, because I can sit and think and ponder at my liesure. That is why I buy games, so I can have fun, not so I can engage in frantic clicking when things go wrong and I need to use a clunky interface to recover from a bad situation. Sid and Brian have proven that they can make really fun turn based strategy games. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'd also like to see what Firaxis could do with games like MOO or MOM.
posted 11-26-98 01:10 PM ET
Also, in my "Conspiracy" game, you would get extra points for "zany schemes". Example:Mundane plan: Assassinate the US President. Zany Scheme: Assassinate the US President, and frame one of your opponent organizations for it. Implicate the Vice President by planting evidence to connect him to the organization you've framed. You arrange for one of the Secret Service agents near the VP to take him out because of his "loyalty to the president" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). The Speaker of the House (who does what you say because you've got pictures of him with a woman other than his wife) is now in charge.
posted 11-27-98 02:36 AM ET
Arrrr, yer retched sea dogs will never compare to Capt'n Mortis. I'll get my flagship and give yer some cannon fire. A bit for port and a bit from starboard. And then I'll jump aboard and but yer down right where yer stand with me rusty cutlas. And then I'll be sailing off to plunder Panama.  |
posted 11-27-98 02:49 AM ET
I just uncovered a huge historical find...In the Pirates! manual there are little bits and pieces called "The Memoirs of Capt'n Sid"  Here is a little extract form one of them... "Capitains todays are all lily-livered cowards! In my time it was the mark of a capitain that he could take a Galleon with a pinnace. Aye, I did it me slef off Yucutan. 'Twas a laggardly galleon from the treasure fleet, beating upwind to Havana. We took the weather gauge, danced around her broadsides, gave her a few cannonades around the stern, and boarded 'em. Our firen' had the Dons half demoralised already - I bloody'd 'em some, and the battle was done." It's cool looking back at it now. |
posted 12-02-98 06:31 PM ET
How about a nearspace Sf revolution?Scenario: Humans have colonized most of the solar system (asteroid belt, other planets, etc), but have not achieved interstellar travel. Thus, the game would be limited to one solar system. The solar system is polarized and a revolution is in progress. Basically, Earth-Luna and it's loyal colonies against the rebel colonies fighting for independence. In multiplayer, it would be a 2 player game. You can either choose to control Earth and loyalist colonies against the rebels, or choose to fight for the rebels against Earth. |
posted 12-05-98 03:06 AM ET
I hope Firaxis will talk to R.E.Fiest and Jenny Wurtz and get the rights to Kelwana. The world for the Daughter of the Empire is military and politically complex, with assasins, aliens, Assembly of Magicians, backstabbing and honors thrown in.It will be great material for a empire-building game. Not to mention the fan base. Osmanthus - revived (this article only) |
posted 12-05-98 06:43 PM ET
I really hope Firaxis makes a MOO type game. I have yet to see a really good empire building in space, and I know that Sid can do it. |
posted 12-06-98 01:33 AM ET
I was sort of thinking of a near future tatical space conflict. Where you had to side the Offenders trying to raid and or take over a planetery system and the Deffenders. Orbital management would be key in this game. My though is a massive battle the defender wins but he has to spread out to cover multiple planets giving the offerders a chance to pick off lone defenders.As for the player we would assend the ranks starting as firigate captian and moving up admiral with increasing input to the overall tatics used. |
posted 12-06-98 07:07 PM ET
Osmanthus, we all know what a huge smash Emperor of the Fading Suns was. I think it's selling for like 5 dollars now. Ultra complex games based off an obscure series do not profits make. |
posted 12-06-98 11:12 PM ET
Just had an insperation. A Real Time Strategy game based on the internet. A sevrer has game world(s) continuosly running. The players do not directly affect the game but write the AI of one game group. Any comments, suggestions or critism?
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-06-98 11:15 PM ET
Hmm, how about a game where you must post the most messages on a game forum, before a time limit or a demo comes out??  Imran Siddiqui Satirist |
posted 12-07-98 12:41 AM ET
Hey, I'm winning that game right now Imran!! I love it, the game just eats up a lot of your time.  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-07-98 02:00 AM ET
Is SMAC2 just a remur or have i missed something??? |
posted 12-21-98 11:36 PM ET
Ah yes, nothing like bringing up classic threads. |
Victor Galis
posted 12-23-98 04:56 PM ET
I want something like Pirates, but with more options. Set either in space or the carribean as before. |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-24-98 04:45 AM ET
SMAC2 isn't really rumor, it's more of a suggestion/assumed eventuality at this point. In other words, it hasn't gotten to the point where it's a rumor yet, it's pre-rumor.I've never played Pirates, but if Firaxis were to do a similar game, I'd love to try it. (Heck, I'd like to try the original, but I don't know where I'd find it.) Brian Reynolds did mention in a post somewhere that a MOO-2 style space-empire game was a possibility... that's something I'd dearly love to see. MOO-2 was great, but there were serious deficiencies in it that I'm sure SM/BR could do wonders to improve.