Topic: New Vessels coming from Earth During Game
Ix |
posted 11-23-98 05:07 AM ET
New Missions should come from Earth on AC during the game. Factions would be able to capture them or allied with them (depends of the size of the earth mission). Factions would be able to grab technologies on those missions. It would be cool because If Earth one day Colonoize a Planet, It is shure that other missions will follow in the next years on the same planet.
MikeH II
posted 11-23-98 06:03 AM ET
The Earth is supposed to be out of action after the Unity leaves. We don't know why yet I don't think. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-23-98 10:05 AM ET
But the 8th Faction will return on the fixed unity after a few years !!!  |
posted 11-23-98 10:17 AM ET
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Heeeeelp!!! The ghost of DJ RRebel past!!!The earth destruction thing is not entirely clear, but very likely. Otherwise, you could benefit from earth progress by simple transmissions (40 or 50 years of cryosleep - just think what they might have invenetd in that time on good ol' earth). And if the UN is still in place on earth, this should benefit the peacekeepers - as the other factions are all traitors and mutineers! Hmmm... hey, all of a sudden I want contact with earth!!! |
posted 11-23-98 11:04 AM ET
Maybe, but what if on Earth there is a terrible change after the launch of the mission, the UN is no-more on earth...Like everyone is dead, exept the Iranians, and hundreds of fundamentalists are coming to AC and have to be massacred
posted 11-23-98 11:12 AM ET
Brrr... a disgusting idea... an invasion of ayatollahs...But any way you look at it, contact to earth would spoil the game balance. Except for the unlikely case that earth splits into 7 blocs, where each of those blocs shares the idea of one faction. That could be fun... |
posted 11-23-98 12:41 PM ET
There won't be any further missions from Earth oh wait. Yes, because: - Due to the split into factions, Earth receives no news from AC and presumes that the mission failed - Morgan's disappearence from Earth throws Morgan Industries into complete disarry. Due to their size, this causes an industrial collapse on Earth which prohibts the building of any future spacecraft. - the Unity wasn't filled with the best and brightest. Instead, it was filled with a bunch of troublemakers that were sent off to make things more stable back on Earth. Once the ship departed, Earth had a big celebration to commemorate getting rid of all those annoying people and life has been fine ever since. The last thing they want is to get in touch with all of those "uppity, self-centered, navel-gazing losers". |
posted 11-23-98 02:12 PM ET
One of the ways of finishing is to rule the Council isn't it? Well imagine SMAC2 (Ahhh)? You have an existing infrastructure on Chiron and you are the boss over all the factions, they are united under your rule. Now in SMAC2 the Earthlings come to exploit your planet (everyone's gone evil on earth), and you have to defend your planet and the ecosystem against more technically advanced earthlings, with your superiority of numbers and your knowledge of the planet. Patent pending  |
posted 11-23-98 02:27 PM ET
Hmm.. a new version of "war of the worlds", just with no aliens in leading roles.Chiron vs Earth. Sounds interesting, just what is your story of "what happened on earth in the meantime" ? |
posted 11-23-98 07:48 PM ET
Meantime, Earth is dominated by Super-Multinationals that are more powerful than states. There is no more mineral on Earth and they want steal every minerals on AC.A different scenario could be created for what happened on Earth for each of the different factions. By example, for the Capitalists, Earth could have become a ultra-communist planet. Or for the Evangelist Earth could be an Atheist planet For Environmentalist, super polutting capitalists... i really dont know...
posted 11-23-98 10:49 PM ET
Sounds more like an expansion pack than SMAC 2, though. SMAC is based on open ended gameplay, and specific scenarios would be in an expansion pack. |
posted 11-23-98 11:10 PM ET
There's something in the story where a character mentions that "Things got quite messy towards the end", when referring to the launch. There's also subtle clues given, like Pravin Lal's comment about American fundamentalism in the faction bios. It seems pretty clear that earth goes to hell soon after the launch.On the other hand, I suspect that SMAC, like CivII, must have some kind of spectacular finish, other than just kill everyone or be elected supreme governor (huh Brian? Huh?) It would seem natural that this might gravitate back to earth (though the idea of building a spaceship and sending a mission there is perhaps just a little TOO unoriginal). And with a communication time of only 4.5 years, there's little to stop communication over the span of SMAC. I kinda like the idea of ending up fighting for the fate of the earth, though maybe a very different earth to the current one. Certainly there's a mountain of room for expansion when you conquer Alphacentauri - taking your advanced faction - xenofungus and all - back to the devastated homeworld to face a host of new enemys - Allah's faithful, the NATO compact (europe), the Lion conferacy (africa), Red China, and the pacific conglomerate (for example). With a simple addition, a communicator to Chiron, allowing construction of space freighters to bring reinforcements/trade, as well as some home treachry (Morgan indusrties doing a deal with the Lion Confederacy, perhaps), there could be a lot of scope to it.
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-24-98 09:48 PM ET
There probobly will be refugees from Earth coming during the game. |
posted 11-25-98 06:06 PM ET
How come do you know this, is it true infromation?
posted 11-25-98 06:33 PM ET
If I had to guess, he's making it up. I'd be willing to bet that there will be zero contact with Earth at any point in the entire game.The reason for this is simple game-play. The focus of the game is on Alpha Centauri. The planet Chiron. The focus isn't on Earth and it isn't on space. Apart from launching a few satellites that just "exist", I'm guessing that there won't be any orbital stations or other such stuff. Like everyone else, this is just a guess. But everything we've seen has been either in the oceans of planet or on the surface of the planet. Of course, Sid and Brian may be keeping these things as surprises for us. |
posted 11-25-98 07:18 PM ET
Yeah, and what the hell is the space elevaotr for? |
posted 11-25-98 07:33 PM ET
CClark & DHE_X2The Space Elevator and the Bulk Matter Transmission secret projects will probably give the building Faction a number of economic/industrial/upgrade advantages. To my knowledge none of the screen shots we have seen has indicated action in outer space. What we have seen are cut scenes illustrating the results of the completing secret projects. And, no, I don't think that there is room in the SMAC story for the incorporation of additonal boatloads of refugees from Earth. IMHO
posted 11-25-98 07:35 PM ET
Come on guys. Bill gate takes over the earth after the 2020 crash. Over companies rally to get a postion in the global market and he. "release a fix pack to deal with the minor glitches in the system."