Topic: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
AUH20 |
posted 11-20-98 06:26 PM ET
Has anyone else seen the trailer? This is the 3rd time I've seen it on CNN, and I have to say it's pretty spiffy.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-20-98 06:57 PM ET
AuH20, I've seen it. It ROCKS!! I recommend everyone, DL it.Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
posted 11-20-98 06:59 PM ET
That double light-saber is awesome! I'm gonna go play Jedi Knight now! |
Larry Boy
posted 11-20-98 07:01 PM ET
After SM/BR Alpha Centauri, it's definitely gonna be the coolest sci-fi thing this year. Yes. Good stuff. (-8 |
posted 11-20-98 07:02 PM ET
I'd just ike to say.........STAR WARS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
posted 11-20-98 07:05 PM ET
Get me my rope for hanging lurkers, Prime Minister Siddiqui, if you would. AUH20 President, BoS |
posted 11-20-98 07:26 PM ET
Sure, here's some rope AUH.<Snow waves his hand, and a handy coil of rope appears in his hand> Remember when you were going to give me godhood when you transcended? Too late, I got it myself already. But no, I won't holf that broken promise against you, as long as you continue not to annoy me... P.S. Warg, remember to use spaces. Please. |
posted 11-20-98 07:29 PM ET
*KICK* SnowFire! *KICK* *KICK* *KICK* |
posted 11-20-98 08:15 PM ET
Has anyone been able to download the trailer from My computer says it's constantly busy. |
posted 11-20-98 08:19 PM ET
I just got it to start downloading, and I have another half hour to go. |
posted 11-20-98 08:28 PM ET
Try in their demos section, a bit easier to get into that agreed. It rocks -- Samuel L. Jackson as a Jedi Knight -- Can't get better'n that. |
posted 11-20-98 10:25 PM ET
I got mine from I wondered how they got it to be a mere 4.24 MB, unzipped. Then I found out- it runs in the window the size of a postage stamp.I don't fell like sorting thourhg and editing this, so I'm just gonna paste in a recent converation I had on SW. It starts on ST, so feel free to scroll through that. Lord Idiom: Star Trek or Star Wars, what's your poison? Snowflame: right now: SW. Snowflame: but I'll see ST: Insurrection too, prolly. Lord Idiom: Good. Lord Idiom: Gotta support Trek. Snowflame: both have hugely inaccurate science gaps, but that's another story. Lord Idiom: Star Wars has a much larger gap, in my opinion. Snowflame: the problem is that ST makes an attempt to be realistic. SW doesn't. Lord Idiom: True. Lord Idiom: SW appeals more to the common man than ST does. Snowflame: so we expect more from ST. Also, SW added "the force" in which gave them license to do all sorts of things impossible in the Trek universe. Lord Idiom: But ST can fight the force. Lord Idiom: In a manner of speaking. Snowflame: Still, ST has a strong common person approach. I can miss entire seasons and understand what's happening in a particualar episode. Babylon 5, if you try and watch an episode in the middle, you 'll have no clue what's going on because of its tighter story arc. Snowflame: That's why I'll never watch B5, and why B5 never was terribly succesful- hard to attract new audiences. Lord Idiom: That's one show I've never gotten into, but only because I can never catch an episode of it. Snowflame: what do you mean by ST can fight the force? Lord Idiom: Well, ST introduced an element of uncertainty, not unlike the force, in the form of Q and several other different "magical" powers. Snowflame: Which reminds me, what's the deal with Mrs. Deanna Troi on ST:TNG? Isn't she a psychic or somehting? I never understood that, but she was mostly ignored as a character anyway so I never found any specific instances to make fun of her with. Snowflame: yeah. I disliked most of those episodes. Lord Idiom: What do you mean, what's the deal with Troi? She was partially psychic. Snowflame: how? Snowflame: how does ST explain psychic phonemena. Lord Idiom: They don't go into too much detail, they just write it off as an ability of her species. Lord Idiom: (She's not human). Snowflame: cop-out. Snowflame: also, I'll add that ST: Insurrection isn't really an insurrection. Snowflame: First of all: if superior officers are commiting treason there is no need to obey them, yuo are simply upholding the Constitution (or the Fed's equivalent) against them. Snowflame: Second of all: It sounds like the officers are instigating this. That would be a barraty, or gross misconduct of officers (different from a mutiny). Lord Idiom: Yes, but the title "Insurrection" will sell much better than any of those alternatives... Snowflame: ST: Barraty. I like it. Or ST: Upholding the Fed's Constitution against Treasonous superior officers. Who says it won't sell? ;-) Lord Idiom: Executives at Paramount. Snowflame: I just wonder how they can still leave room for a ST:TNG III. either a) the crew goes into exile from the Feds or b) they are ruthlessly crushed. Snowflame: or c) they succed in their coup and overthrow the government. but it's no fun to see Jean-Luc Picard, President (instead of starship captain) Lord Idiom: True Lord Idiom: He was meant to be captain. Snowflame: though if one ship can overthrow the Feds, they are in serios trouble. Snowflame: so c's not a really good possibility. Snowflame: what is the title of the head of the federation anyway? Lord Protector? Snowflame: ah, dl of SW trailer almost done, 98%. Lord Idiom: The Chief Executive of the Federation is the President. Lord Idiom: That's a good trailer. Snowflame: ah. easier than I thought. Snowflame: I don't know what CNN did to it, but the trailer was a mere 4.24 MB and it wasn't even zipped. Lord Idiom: Oh... Snowflame: and the small version was 7.4 MB zipped at other places on the Internet. Lord Idiom: What format? Snowflame: quicktime. Snowflame: .mov Lord Idiom: Oh... Lord Idiom: The .mov I have is 25 megs. Lord Idiom: It's the full 320x240 trailer. Snowflame: this is the most pixelicious movie I've ever seen Snowflame: no wonder how they got it so small. Lord Idiom: The big one looks awesome. Snowflame: I wouldn't have minded the 120 resolution version. Snowflame: But this was about 80 Snowflame: the credits were a blurry mess. Snowflame: and I was running this maximized, letterboxed 800 resolution. Lord Idiom: Ouch Snowflame: running in the size its supposed to be it was much crisper, but it's the size of a postage stamp. which is going up to .33$, ya know. Lord Idiom: Really? When is that happening? Snowflame: and I thought Annakin never met Yoda? Obi Wan tried to train him himself and failed, as I reacll. Snowflame: I dled the super tiny resolution version. not the 320 one. Snowflame: oh, new Years. Snowflame: I think. Lord Idiom: I don't think Annakin does meet Yoda... Lord Idiom: Even in this movie. Snowflame: it sorta implied it in the trailer. though you couldn't be sure. Snowflame: you could see Yoda, and then it switched to Annakin. Snowflame: which reminds me, who put that kid in a fighter?? Was teh Republic really desperate for pilots? Snowflame: at that time the Imperial Republic, of course. Lord Idiom: Yeah, I noticed that part seemed a little desperate. Snowflame: hmph. oh well. but going on to nitpicking SW, do you remember the first scene in SW? I remember counting like 4 mistakes just in that one. Lord Idiom: The first scene in Episode 4? Snowflame: I forget the smaller ones, but the biggest thing I remember was battle tactics. Both sides were complete idiots. Snowflame: yeah. Lord Idiom: Yeah, I remember that. Snowflame: Here's an idea for the rebels: The guns they use, they really don't need human hands behind them. Put retreactable gun turrets in the ceiling and have them lower and shoot the Imperials. Snowflame: have the energy source in the ceiling so the turrets are very small and hard to hit. Lord Idiom: But that would be practical... Snowflame: and then set some for delayed lowering, so that the Imperials get shot in the back as they advance. Snowflame: yes. Snowflame: and on the Imperial side, they just charge in body after body. the ship's not going anywhere, no hurry. why not take cover around the edges and shoot in like that? Plus, the rebels stupidly clumped all their forces together. Throw a few grenades (or their equivalent) in there and teach the rebels a lesson on clumpoing your troops up. Lord Idiom: You think with too much strategy to survive in the Star Wars Universe. Snowflame: hehe. Snowflame: Or of course you could simply have Darth strangle all of them from afar. But that wouldn't be sporting. Lord Idiom: Nah... They need the battles to sell it. Snowflame: yup. especially ones with blaster fire going everywhere but into the heroes. They really need to recalibrate the sights on those things. Snowflame: that or the stormtroopers need more time at the target range to work on their aim. Lord Idiom: Yeah, I'll say - they couldn't hit a rebel if he was two inches in front of them. Snowflame: it sorta works against the rebels though. Because the stormtroopers never learned to shoot properly, they never learned to take cover. They just knelt and shot, like they were afraid their knees would go bad if they went down any farther. They should have been sprawled on the floor. Lord Idiom: No strategy at all. Snowflame: this is so easy to do. Why didn't the st's shoot Luke&Leia in the feet in that exciting scene with them jumping across the chasm, and the st's trying to open the door in back of them? They got the bottom of thje door open. Just put a blaster next to it, and watch them dance. Lord Idiom: hehe Snowflame: and don't even get me started on the st's armor. While it may make them look cool and scary, it serves no purpose at all- if they're hit with a blaster, they fall over and die. If it reflected the shots or something, I'd understand, but... Snowflame: that's enough SW nitpicking for today. |
posted 11-20-98 10:30 PM ET
Anakin Skywalker was very powerful with the force, and what seems to be some sort of messiah figure based on the trailer, so I could see how he could be flying ships. Obviously he didn't grow up to be a messiah. |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-20-98 10:46 PM ET
Not so AUH20... The phrophecy spoken of in the trailer says, 'The one who will bring balance to the Force.' If you know anything of the back history of the Star Wars universe, the light side has dominated the galaxy for thousands of years... Balance, therefore, means a period of dominance by the Dark Side. I think we can all agree that Anakin did fulfill that prophecy quite nicely, if not in the way that the Jedi Council hoped for, perhaps...
Gord McLeod
posted 11-20-98 10:49 PM ET
Oh, and as for Anakin flying ships... well, in the original trilogy, Obi-Wan did tell Luke that 'When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot, but I was amazed at how strongly the Force was with him.'
posted 11-20-98 11:02 PM ET
Sorry, Gord, I've only seen the first three movies  He DID fulfill the prophecies. Kind of like B5-the Shadows and Vorlons had to balance each other. |
posted 11-20-98 11:39 PM ET
I will say this, however. "The Phantom Menace" is not a Star Wars title. It sounds like the title of a bad Star Trek episode(perhaps a remake of one of the better TOS episodes, "The Balance of Terror"). |
posted 11-20-98 11:59 PM ET
That's what the first episode of Star Wars is called. Sorry. |
posted 11-21-98 12:53 AM ET
Yes, The Phantom Menace is not a very good title. But they can always change it, after all, SW VI was "Revenge of the Jedi" for a while before they thought "Gee, good jedis... taking revenge... hmmm." Return of the Jedi was the result. So I'm confident they'll change it. |
posted 11-21-98 01:04 AM ET
I'm afraid that title is going to stay. It's a bit late now. It's been publicized too much. Not just the movie trailer and Star Wars magazines, but also the upcoming video and computer games (which will be based on the racing sequence that you see a bit of in the trailer). I'm afraid you'll have to grow used to it. I hated it too, but it's beginning to grow on me... |
Ultra SupremePaco
posted 11-21-98 03:53 AM ET
I saw the trailer on good old TV, and I found out my friend taped it. I went to his house and we spent a good deal of time just sitting there and watching it... occasionally muttering 'cool'.~Paco |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-21-98 04:44 AM ET
The Phantom Menace didn't strike me as great either, but when you think about it it matches the rest of the movies quite well. "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back" aren't great names either, but they fit, as does this one... in fact, 'The Phantom Menace' is almost a *perfect* title, if you know anything about the Emporer's history...  For the record, that 'Revenge of the Jedi' mistake they made is a publicity story Lucasarts used to hide the real title of the film from people until they wanted it known. There was a glitch though - Fox didn't realize it wasn't the real title so they actually did print T-Shirts and posters using it.
posted 11-23-98 04:33 PM ET
Yeah, AUH20, I wasn't saying that it wasn't the title, just that it isn't(or perhaps "shouldn't be" would be better) a Star Wars title. Ah well. It's in the trailer, so I guess it's the real one. I had some hope when they posted the posters and all they referenced was "Star Wars Episode I" with no other title. |
posted 11-30-98 08:11 AM ET
Id just like to say "GO TO HELL AMERICA!", as Australia is still waiting to see the trailer....On a more positive note, thanx for telling where we Aussies can actually get a look at it, to tide us over until Australia catches up to you guys  Burns ( oh yeah, that go to hell thing was a joke ) |
posted 12-01-98 01:55 AM ET
Oh, good, we don't have another Ix. And ruining one of my threads, too. Lousy Ix. I'm glad he didn't wreck my thread. Of course, the Hiver's wrecked my thread. Damn. |
Brother Greg
posted 12-01-98 02:14 AM ET
Actually, I saw it on tele the day it came out Burns. And as everyone knows, I'm a fellow Aussie. And coincidentally, a fellow programmer.Teach you to watch the news occasionally.  Brother Greg. |
posted 12-01-98 08:53 AM ET
I think Anakin Skywalker has all the makings of a literary "Crist Figure". He is strong with the forces of good, he sees things clearly, and he meets a tragic end. |
MikeH II
posted 12-01-98 09:41 AM ET
And he comes back? |
posted 12-01-98 10:13 AM ET
Yes: At the end of ROTJ he converts back to the other side of the force... |
The One And Only DarkStar
posted 12-01-98 11:46 AM ET
To all who hate SW or the title Phantom menace, you cant change anything millions of people will go see that movie. And it will just be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 12-01-98 03:12 PM ET
Can anyone list the novels available for Star Wars, episodes 1 through 9? (Titles and all?) |
posted 12-01-98 05:49 PM ET
Except that Jesus didn't go on a bloody rampage and conquer the world and have a son himself before going to heaven. |
MikeH II
posted 12-01-98 06:23 PM ET
I've read the three books of the movies (called the same names as the films) and several other trilogies and further follow up books. The first sequel trilogy is by Timothy Zahn and is terrific, unfortunately I don't have the books here and I read them so long ago I can't remember their names. I suppose they would be episodes 7, 8 and 9. After that there is a Corellia triligy a Jedi search trilogy and a Han Solo prequel trilogy. At least. There is also a set of three books of tales of extras from the three existing films. Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Tales from Jabbas palace all of which I consider a must for Star Wars fans.If you want I'll go and look up all the names but I can't do it today. |
MikeH II
posted 12-01-98 06:24 PM ET
Sorry I forgot this thread was messed up. Should have put carriage returns in.You Rebel Scum! Most overacted one liner ever. |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-02-98 05:20 AM ET
The novels and comics that follow Return of the Jedi are regarded as official material by Lucasfilm, but they aren't regarded as Canon material, and the Zahn trilogy (great was it was does not comprise episodes 7, 8 and 9. 7, 8 and 9 will be written by Lucas again, if anyone ever DOES write them, and to extrapolate from the restrictions that the various novelists operate under, they will happen a generation after the destruction of the second Death Star, and will involve Luke's heirs. But so far as I know, there are no plans to make the sequel trilogy after the prequel films... so we'll have to hope. The main arch of the story will be finished anyway, the rise of Anakin Skywalker, his fall from grace, and his ultimate redemption at the hands of his son. It'd be interesting to see what happens next, but it's not really necessary from a dramatic standpoint...