Topic: SMAC needs your vote!
CClark |
posted 11-20-98 03:15 PM ET has a poll (left-hand side of main page) asking what the true sequel to Civ2 is. You can vote for SMAC, Civ: Call to Power, or Civ: Test of Time. Right now, SMAC is only leading wit 75% of the votes. So go vote for SMAC! (Feel free to post here once you've voted to keep this alive.)
P.S. Don'thca just love these silly online polls?
posted 11-20-98 04:07 PM ET
That's very, very easy. SMAC! |
posted 11-20-98 04:18 PM ET
I have exercised my privilege to participate in a meaningless poll.SMAC on you crazy diamond. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 04:34 PM ET
What bloody section is it in ??? |
posted 11-20-98 05:10 PM ET
The front page of Gamespot. AC pushing 80% now... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 05:17 PM ET
wierd .. it lets you vote more than once, but it doesn't register more than once !!!it's at 79% |
posted 11-20-98 05:52 PM ET
Was there ever a doubt?SMAC Still at 79% |
posted 11-20-98 05:59 PM ET
Done!Still at 79%... -Maya |
posted 11-20-98 06:32 PM ET
Damn, still 79% :-)We have to get it up to at least 90% ;-) |
posted 11-20-98 06:39 PM ET
SMAC< SMAC< SMAC<go, did it. done! Thanks CClark Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 11-20-98 06:41 PM ET
I wander how much Activision and Microprose paid those who voted for them... |
posted 11-20-98 07:10 PM ET
At 80% with 905 votes last I checked. Which was 1 minute ago Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-20-98 07:49 PM ET
I'm sending an exec. order my cabinet should agree with lending official support of the BoS to SMAC. |
posted 11-20-98 08:13 PM ET
Alphacentauri 80% and hopefully climbing. I mean, come on? Evangalist and lawyer units? Green Nukes? Goddamn MicroProse have got it wrong again. |
posted 11-20-98 08:14 PM ET
STILL at 80%. Damn. |
posted 11-20-98 08:17 PM ET
Even worse: Activision.I was going to buy CTP to kill time until SMAC's release, but now that it's been delayed, I'm not going to bother. I'm going to be to busy with a real game, SMAC. |
posted 11-21-98 06:28 AM ET
79 % at the moment!!!!VOTE, PEOPLE, VOTE!!! |
posted 11-21-98 06:28 AM ET
79 % at the moment!!!!VOTE, PEOPLE, VOTE!!! |
posted 11-21-98 01:22 PM ET
For me it was on the right side. Still 79%...-Talon |
posted 11-21-98 01:56 PM ET
80% of 2500 who responded... Who are these people who keep voting for those other two who-have-names-that-I-would-not-even-allow-to-enter-my-mind-or-maybe-i-just-have-a-really-bad-memory? I really wish they would stop. |
posted 11-21-98 02:07 PM ET
OK, We are doing fine2595 votes and SMAC has 80% BUT, WE NEED ALL VOTES!!!!!! |
posted 11-21-98 06:48 PM ET
posted 11-22-98 07:34 PM ET
78%4561 votes counted |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-22-98 08:54 PM ET
I just voted for SMAC for the 2nd time, and it's still holding steady at 78%. But when you consider it, that's still far beyond a two-thirds majority vote.
posted 11-22-98 09:01 PM ET
Heck, it's beyond a three fourths majority vote, or a 77.9999 % majority vote. |
MikeH II
posted 11-23-98 06:13 AM ET
78% still. 5500 votes so far. |
posted 11-23-98 07:42 AM ET
Still 78%, damn don't these 22% know what's good for them? |
posted 11-23-98 05:50 PM ET
Still at 78%. It was the 10th time I voted as a point of fact. If you care....which you don't....I don't understand how ANYONE can vote for Test of Time. CTP I can understand, because they got brainwashed fanatics on all their forums, but ToT!?!?!?!?!? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-23-98 05:56 PM ET
Hmmm, brainwashed fanatics... why does that ring a bell? Oh well, no time to think about that, have to go vote again... <eyes blank, finger clicking mouse button...> |
Gord McLeod
posted 11-23-98 05:58 PM ET
Ugh, they have a new Instant Poll up... do they have a section somewhere to take a look at the final tally for the SMAC vs. Civs vote? |