posted 11-17-98 04:49 PM ET
To call the Uranium Flatlands flat, is a great misnomer. Stretching for over 2000 miles north and south, east and west it is an area of great diversity. For the most part it is as flat as the Great Plains back on the mother world in a country called the United States. It is rent by great fissures and chasms coupled with vast plains and small hillocks. In other words a great playground for the many malcontents of the various factions, pariahs, and renegades of Chiron. It is also a vast treasurehouse. Scattered throughout are unfound seed pods from the starship Unity and the enigmatic Monoliths. Yes the Monoliths, the future and the bane of Humanity on Chiron. This is where my story begins...It was on the 28th decurn of the year. Three days following the "Earth Day" festivities that the 1st Cohort of the 10th Spartan Legion received orders to deploy to Camp Corazon. Camp Corazon was located 200 miles deep in the "Flats". It was the largest base of the Federation. Outside of the Federation itself. No one nation claimed the Uranium Flats. Each nation, or "Faction" claimed a certain amount of territory surrounding its outpost or base within the Flats. CC as we legionaires fondly called Camp Corazon was the forge from where the multitude of recruits graduated or were "tempered to perfection". It was also the home of the 5th Legion and the temporary quarters for whichever units happened to be stationed there for training.
In was the first deakarch of the 1st platoon of the 5th company of Cohort 1 Legion 10. This was my second time to CC in my six years in the Legions. Every cohort came back every two years for training in the Flats. Many times we didn't train we might find ourselves hunting insurgents or skirmishing with the Hive or Gaians or "dwellers". The "dwellers" was slang for those who made the Flats their home. What there numbers were no one knew. They are a tight and clannish folk. They trust no one just themselves.
On the seventh day of the 28th decurn we arrived in CC. It was an 18 hour flight, or one full day, from Camp Leonidas our Legion headquarters. Little did I know I would never come back. The following decurn was spent in acclimatizing to CC and getting our gear. Our second decurn there we got our first mission. Boarding the helos we took off to out launch point. From there we'd be hoofing it to our destination. Mt Skala was our first way-point, although not a true mountain in the sense of the word, it was 500 hundred feet high and steep, but flat at the top.
Upon arrival we dug in. Everything went by the book. The centurios got there orders from the tribuno and they dessiminated it down the chain of command. My job was to make sure my pentarch and tetrarch did their jobs right. The fox-holes had to be properly dug. Lines of fire properly delineated and dead space covered. That night patrols went out. They were the luckiest ones. Deep in the night an earthquake hit our position. We were shocked and astounded. Who had ever heard of earthquakes out here. Half of Mt. Skala was sheared away. Two companies were decimated and there were countless injuries. My company was on the north side of the rim. We were unscathed. Just a little bruised and shaken.
The night was spent reorganizing and evacuating the injured. That morning when the sun came up it revealed a tremendous sight. Deep within Skala was a Monolith. Only the very tip was showing. What little was revealed was about 10 miles wide at the base. Thus did the end begin...