Topic: How big is YYYH's telepone/Internet bill?
Kirel |
posted 11-17-98 05:10 AM ET
Does anyone know,or care to guess?(Of course,YYYH knows,but it won't be any fun if he tells it.)
posted 11-17-98 06:26 AM ET
Um, local calls are free in the US, and an unlimited Internet connection costs like $80 a year. Anyway, of cause, it's not really your business... |
posted 11-17-98 08:08 AM ET
Bigger than Peg Bundy's mother ? |
MikeH II
posted 11-17-98 09:59 AM ET
What? Nevermind I don't want to know. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-17-98 10:13 AM ET
$80 a year unlimited use ??? lol .. maybe at like 1k/sec connect rates !!! It's about $20 a month for unlimited use !!!Of course in the US and CANADA, local calls are free !!! |
posted 11-20-98 02:15 AM ET
Oh, so 200k/per second insn't good enought for you HUH? Your should consider your self grateful, I've got a 28.8 with top download speed of 3k (and thats on a good day) |
posted 11-17-98 07:36 PM ET
$17.95 a month, unlimited internet access.In case you really wanna know. If you wanna know where all that money comes from, I'll tell ya. I goto a technical school, I get $9 an hour to work on location with some carpenters building the houses. I can pay the bill, & still have some after a day's work. I work during my school hours, because that is technically, a school class. So that's where my seemingly endless amount of time comes from. In case you really wanted to know. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
MikeH II
posted 11-30-98 08:02 AM ET
I think I probably use less than 50 hours a month. Mainly because of the phone bill. If I was paying it would be about �5-10 a month for most ISPs for unlimited access. |
posted 11-17-98 07:38 PM ET
Ok, if that confused anybody, like where my other classes I need are. I have 2 weeks of shop, or on location stuff now, 2 weeks of academics, 2 weeks shop(I still call it that, it's not anymore!), etc, you get the idea.YYYH |
posted 11-17-98 11:05 PM ET
Hm. I pay $80 a year... |
posted 11-18-98 04:14 PM ET
HA! Peg Bundy's Mother! |
posted 11-18-98 04:38 PM ET
T1 line and unlimited access - ah life is good! |
posted 11-18-98 04:52 PM ET
You Americans are sooo lucky. It costs 3$ an hour (local) in France... |
posted 11-18-98 05:04 PM ET
Even More in Sweden... |
posted 11-18-98 05:11 PM ET
Your right, we are lucky. I don't think I would be accessing the internet for that kind of money.I pay $40.00 a Month for a cable modem. |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 11-18-98 05:37 PM ET
It is the effect of lack of serious competition outside of the US & Canada. Rates for telecom services are very high. As they open their markets which the regulators are doing to competition the rates should drop drastically. You should also see a number of small startup ISPs (Internet Service Providers) who address only one area and provide low prices using that to attract customers. The problems the ISPs will see is the expense of telecommunication services provided to them by the monopolistic carriers, such as E1 lines (2.048Mb/sec). As competition gets facility-based networks in these should drop in price drastically as well, openning the door for ISPs to flurish. |
posted 11-18-98 10:08 PM ET
Well, in Norway I paid about $150 for a year of unlimited ISDN (128k) Internet connection, and that included the ISDN card (presumably the yearly cost would be lower this year as I wouldn't need another card?!) |
posted 11-18-98 10:19 PM ET
Thomas, you're starting to sound like Imran and me. Of course, that's because you're one of the only three conservatives on these boards. |
Brother Greg
posted 11-18-98 10:35 PM ET
I get $20 per month for 50 hours. Never managed to use it up (though I do browse from work as well, which helps). As for phone calls, $0.25 for unlimited time local calls. Woo hoo. Thomas, our market for telecomms was opened up 10 years ago (bloody uninformed Americans - joking). We only have a couple of providers for local calls though, but it has never been more expensive, nor cheaper than 25 cents from what I can remember. A couple of companies do give free local calls, but you get adds, which ain't much good for Internet. Telstra (the company that used to be our govt run telephone monopoly) tried to introduce timed charges for local data calls, but it got thrown out. Ha ha. "Aw, stop hafin a go at us Australians, wot wif yer misguided bewiefs about us, and your ignerance. Or I'll bash yer." Or boot you if you watch the Simpsons. Yes, still poking fun at the Americans. We Aussies are so dumb, once we get a thought in our heads, it is hard to get rid of it, so another can get in. Plus it is so much fun, cos they bite so easily. Anyway, I'm being a BAD boy, so I'll just go off and play with my kangeroo. Brother Greg. |
posted 11-18-98 10:38 PM ET
Duh, I'm an American, so I don't know much 'bout Aussieland. Is a criminal record still an immigration requirement? j/k |
posted 11-18-98 10:41 PM ET
And a bad one at that. |
Brother Greg
posted 11-18-98 11:21 PM ET
Well, it was at first. Then we just legalised crime, so it sorta became hard to enforce. Now we just sorta let anyone and everyone in. Even Yanks... Brother Greg. |
posted 11-18-98 11:40 PM ET
Funny thing is, in some British city(I forget which one) the punishment for vandalism is still deportation to Australia. I'd go there & vandalise just for a free trip to Australia! Even though they'd probably give me 100 lashes. Wait that's Singapore! I mean they'd just fine me or something. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-19-98 01:53 AM ET
Brother Greg What is your kangeroo's name? |
posted 11-19-98 01:58 AM ET
Hey, in Singapore you get executed for drug traficing (I used to live there for a while). And also, chewing gum is illegal, its a $10,000 fine for "smugling"/selling. When my school went on camp to Malasia everyone "smugled" some chewie over the border. Damn that was fun! |
Brother Greg
posted 11-19-98 02:09 AM ET
My kangAroo's name (sorry, I made a typo before)?Bob. And my platypus' name is Bill. Actually, does anyone realise how big the Red kangaroos of the outback are? They're that big that if you hit one with your car, doing 100 klicks or so, you'd write your car off, yet the Kangaroo would most likely just get up and hop away. They're tough bleepers, lemme tell you. That's why we close the Harbour bridge down every day from 1pm to 2pm to let them cross. No-one is game to try and stop them. Brother Greg. P.S. Well, okay, the part about hitting them with a car is true. The last part slightly less so... |
MikeH II
posted 11-19-98 10:05 AM ET
My ISP is totally free!! How good is that? I have to pay local phone calls which are about 1p/minute for off peak and weekend calls. As I only use it evenings and weekends anyway that's fine. ($1 per hour?) |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 10:18 AM ET
Well !!! Looks like I have the best deal so far !!!I live in Montreal, and I'm paying $45/month for a cable connection !!! That includes the modem rental, the connection, and the internet service !!! $45Can = ~$30US !!! 45+tax=~$52Can In Canada, we pay a flat monthly fee for phone usage !!! |
posted 11-19-98 10:55 AM ET
DJ RRebel How do you like the cable connection? Do you feel it is worth the extra cost? Would you ever go back to a telephone modem? How fast do you download? I have a cable modem too, but I'm curious how you like yours and how fast yours is. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 11:05 AM ET
It's not as fast as I thought it would be, but it is definately worth the difference !!!Before I was at 33.6 and could D/L files at around 3 k/sec on average!!! Now with cable, I have reached a max of 320 k/sec (only once) .. it varies alot though .. sometimes I get as low as 5 k/sec ... typical connection for FTP with a fast site is around 175 k/sec !!! I was spending $25/month for 33.6 access, plus around $20+ per month for a 2nd phone line !!! So it really was completely worth it for me !!! The normal cost is $40 for cable connection + $20 for modem rental, but because I work at the Montreal Casino (government run), I get a package plan for $45 combined !!! How is your connection ??? |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 11-19-98 12:54 PM ET
Sorry, Greg, I know there are a few other places with competition, most noteworthy is Australia of course. I was speaking primarily of the European and third world situation. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 01:43 PM ET
But TAS .. the telecom companies need the guarantee of a long term temporary monopoly to build the massive amount of infrastucture in those non hi-tech nations !!!If there were no posible monopoly, alot of telcom companies wouldn't even bother building lines !!! |
posted 11-19-98 01:50 PM ET
DJ RRebel I also love my cable modem. I feel it is worth the extra cost. When I started looking into internet service a 33.6 connection over the phone line was going to cost $20.00/Mo.(ISP) and $18.00/Mo. for the second phone line. The second phone line would be a must at my house. The cable costs $40.00/Mo. To me it was a no-brainer.My download speed varies greatly just like yours. I am very fortunate in the fact that I share my node (hub) with 2 other people. Usually its 100 users to a node. This allows for faster speeds. Generally I download at speeds of 500 k/sec. My top speed was 712 k/sec. A lot depends on the site you are downloading from. My general rule of thumb is if I am downloading at less then 200 k/sec, I will cancel out of the download and try and find it somewhere else (like with a demo). I will generally not keep things on my hard drive. If I want a game demo I will D/L it. When I get tired of it, I will dump it. If I find I want to fool with it again I will go out and get it again. I recomend a cable modem, if available to everyone. Well worth it. WAS |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 02:04 PM ET
HAHAHAH .. you gotta get a CD-R like me !!! |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 11-19-98 02:25 PM ET
DJ Rebel, having government support (not money) to build the infrastructure is important. These means loose regulation, non-prohibitive taxation, protection for nationalization.For third world countries, the typical citizen can not afford service even at US prices. This means the focus must be geared towards serving business, with residents served as available. By wiring up the business centers and msartly interconnecting them, you open up service to a lot of the individual people as well. Now a provider does not need a monopoly to be successful by building infrastructure. I feel that a handful, such as 3-5 licensed competitors, who are allowed and encouraged to joint build interconnection facilities, joining major population centers, would provide a better long term solution than a monopoly. |
posted 11-19-98 02:27 PM ET
I just got CD-R/RW about 3 weeks ago. I am still in the "fooling around with it" stage.So far I think it is the best $225.00 I've ever spent! WAS |
MikeH II
posted 11-19-98 03:40 PM ET
I don't know about lack of competition I could have chosen any of at least 20 ISPs. I'd say that's competitive. |
posted 11-30-98 07:44 AM ET
ummmm, kangaroos on the harbour bridge?? i dont think so... anyways, where i am in Australia, we havta pay the $0.25 local call, and the best server at the moment is $45 a month, unlimited. on our 33.6 we can get about 3k/s on a good day, but on bad days, our speed is measured in bytes/sec... hopefully with the 'privitization' of telstra, our costs will go down and our access speeds will improve. btw Brother Greg, how could you NOT use up that much in a month, mate?? we use up 50 hours in, well, the first 50hours each month hehehe Burns |
MikeH II
posted 11-30-98 08:05 AM ET
Managed to post in the middle of that one. |