Topic: The Spartan Problem
Seely |
posted 11-16-98 05:50 PM ET
It seems that the Spartans have more supporters than other factions here, and that their posts are vocal and generally violent. Interestingly, a number of them seem to hate The Human Hive, berating it for its lack of individuality. This seems a contradiction as The Spartan Confederation itself is a society based on collective, with a de-emphasis on individual. I would think that to assume The Spartan Confederation would be populated by trigger-happy renegades, in whatever uniforms they wish and toting whatever weapons they wish, simply eliminating everything they come into contact with is a terrible misconception. The Spartan society will be strictly controlled, all rules strictly enforced, and assimilation into the military collective absolute. Indeed, I see little difference in the lives of those in the Spartan faction and those in The Hive. If you think the Spartans will be something like a Democracy with equal representation for all and a powerful sense of individuality amongst its members... think again. Also, judging by the aggressive nature of the Spartan supporters, it seems to me like such people are probably player-killers in games like Ultima Online. I, of course, am a Hive supporter-- I see Yang's unique vision of a selfless society based on the goals of Humanity, not an individual. Read his faction post-- that should remove any preconception of The Hive as a purely despotic society based on cruelty to and suppression of its members or of those in newly conquered territories. Of course, I'll be the first to admit that based on popular literature, such societies are always portrayed as dystopian rather than utopian, but that doesn't change Yang's vision, and it doesn't change mine. The goal of The Hive is not to suppress, and destroy the individual, but to enlighten, and transcend the feeble wants of self, to see not as an individual, but to see as a collective Humanity-- and apply all goals to that collective.
posted 11-16-98 06:03 PM ET
ahem, "brutally run atheist police-state"go for the Pks, or the Morgans, and you will be happy. |
posted 11-16-98 06:31 PM ET you suppose the Spartans are just overcompensating for the fact that Yang easily escaped Spartan imprisonment, and killed a gullible Spartan without even lifting a finger? Nahh. Heheheheh. |
posted 11-16-98 06:38 PM ET
The Hive is only seen as a "brutally run atheist police state" by those on the outside. The goal is to achieve human collective consciousness. Those who fall prey to selfishness or apathy (an aspect of selfishness) will be removed. Outside societies would only view such "removal" as brutal because it appears to be a direct punishment for individuality, which most other factions embrace. Thinking as a collective, a selfish or apathetic part of the Human Collective is removed as a diseased limb is removed before infecting the rest of the body and destroying it. Removal is swift and painless-- the Overmind must not be paralyzed or weakened by pain, so every aspect of its Body is dealt with efficiently and necessarily. Brutal? Hardly. As for atheism, such a word is used in the above quote with a decidedly negative connotation. Religion is another aspect of selfishness, and a detractor of collective consciousness. What is the goal of religion? To lead individuals to a paradise after life through living by a set of rules defined by a "moral compass" of one kind or another-- i.e. living only for future rewards for self. Again, there is no place in a Collective Human consciousness for such thought. Police state? Necessary-- all aspects of the Body must be monitored. Proper living and care of the Body is important to maintain the health and productivity of the Body. If a sickness spreads, defensive organisms must act quickly and efficiently to remove such disease as unobtrusively as possible. You must learn to see beyond the mere words as they are written and to their deeper meaning. This is perhaps the reason why so many hate The Hive- they read statements like the above quote and take it at face value, believing The Hive to be a parallel to some despotic Earth government that has tyrannized all around it. The Hive is a future society, based on Collective Humanity-- not tyranny for personal gain. We hope this explanation to those who are blinded by the ignorance of selfishness is suitable to erase all questions of Our motivations.Seely Element 394303 |
posted 11-16-98 06:49 PM ET
OK seely, back to the real world. Gamespot even posted in its preview that the Hive was a brutally run atheist police-state. |
posted 11-16-98 06:54 PM ET
So if the Hive transcends --- We are Borg. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated. |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-16-98 07:04 PM ET
Seely, were you the Dalai Lama in your past life? Just kidding� I'd have to examine your statement more thoroughly before I pass judgement. I see the Spartans as survivalists. They want control of their destiny at all costs. Or so they say�..God bless Sister Miriam and paladins willing to fight.
posted 11-16-98 07:08 PM ET
That's actually an advantage in play. It means that the player won't have to be concerned with the riots and unrest that plague the Morganites and other factions. The Morganites need a high level of luxury to stave off riots; the Hive doesn't. We can devote the resources earmarked for luxury on other things. |
posted 11-16-98 07:11 PM ET
The Spartans aren't a brutal military society! We may train & encourage teamwork, for that is essential to victory, but we also emphasize on the individual. We teach people to try to better themselves physically, & mentally, giving them a better capacity to survive. The Spartans also train better & emphasize on well-trained armies, rather than the HH who would gladly sacrifice the all important human body in a thoughtless pointless attack to further the cause of one man. The Human Hive is run like a group of insects, a downgrade in evolution, not an upgrade. The Spartans are the only ones who contain the proper tools, & tenacity to save humanity.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-16-98 09:14 PM ET
�and then they go straight to hell. It's a shame. Ain't it?  God bless Sister Miriam and paladins willing to fight. |
posted 11-16-98 09:33 PM ET
Sigh, the common mispreception people have: people won't be revolting not because everyone accepts their place and achieves a sort of happiness, but because of the massive police precence. Your unhappy people will be the first to revolt when your dying economy, due tp the suppresion of individual enterprise, can't support all those troops anymore. |
posted 11-16-98 09:36 PM ET
And as for the "Spartan problem," they are not nearly as ferocious as they would have you believe. If they are kept contained with defensive alliances against them they will not dare attack us, and due to their deal making nature they could be persuaded to even ally with us. Another good way of neutralziing them. |
posted 11-16-98 11:04 PM ET
YYYH said: "a downgrade in evolution, not an upgrade". Evolution does not make moral judgements. Organisms thrive or organisms die. That is all evolution has to say. When the Spartans are little more than an amusing memory and the Hive reigns supreme, you will understand... The Hive will triumph.There is no need for individual enterprise in the Human Hive, because each individual understands that the good of the Hive comes before the good each member, but the good of each member also contributes to the good of the Hive. In your so-called free societies, an advance is brought forward only when it benefits the inventor, no matter the cost to the rest of society. The society as a whole is helped accidentally, if at all. In the Hive, any idea which advances the Hive will be put forward. Ideas which do not fall within the narrow scope of total self-interest will thrive, instead of being killed in your "enlightened" and "free" societies. And, as for being an atheist police-state, the Hive is quite happy that its security personnel are securing the safety of its members, and that persons preaching inefficency and obedience to some foreign power are dealt with in an appropriate fashion. You would be well advised to accept the superiority of the Hive now, and save yourelf the trouble of discovering its superiority the hard way.
posted 11-17-98 12:02 AM ET
Ahh, but with your closing of the information networks in your little faction, how can the group discover anything new. Also, disagreements within that science group, can be counter-productive. The individual has to show for something to be truly efficient, people working by themselves, or in pairs, will work better because of less agreements, therefore getting the job better.I doubt you'll be mocking us so much when are small group of well-trained soldiers mows down your hordes of soldiers like a lawnmower cuts down grass. The Spartans will survive, the Spartans will prevail! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-17-98 12:17 AM ET
Poor, misguided Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey. You have no idea how comical you appear to the Hive. The members of the Hive work in harmony. We understand that the other members of the Hive are our co-workers. You, with your emphasis on the individual, treat even your fellow Spartans as enemies. You criticise the security that we place on our information. That is because we recognize its value. You scientists will also recognize the value of information, but will only be able to look on with despair as it is spread to all corners of Planet. A secret only has value when it is known by only a few. You will learn this. I hope, for your sake, you learn it before your chance to join the Hive has come and gone. |
posted 11-19-98 10:59 PM ET
Ahhhh, the Morgan/Chiron industrial index is up another 60 points. Hehe screw your wars and oppressive societies, I'm buying myself some real estate!!! |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 10:42 AM ET
I know I've been trying to promote the intelligent aspect of Spartans recently but I am really going to enjoy busting some Hive heads when it comes out. |
posted 11-20-98 02:01 AM ET
Clearly Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey and Brother Greg have realized that the message of the Hive is too powerful to be stopped, so they engage in vain attempts to malign the messenger. Even these misguided souls would have a place in the Hive, if they would renounce their individual-ist fanaticism.Join the Hive, where you can find true peace and brotherhood.
posted 11-18-98 11:48 AM ET
Ah, the eternal debate between those who cannot think for themselves and those who will not see beyond their own nose. One type ripe for fundamentalist movements and another living in permanent selfinduced existential solitude, both driven by fear. One part representing the inevitable future of humankind and another the indisputable past. What kind of moron would you like to be?I guess we PK'ers are going to have our work cut out for us, keeping Hive and Spartans out of eachothers hair. Come now, children, fighting isn't nice  |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 11:52 AM ET
We will not accept external bodies interfering with Spartan politics and security. Please leave us alone. |
MikeH II
posted 11-20-98 05:57 AM ET
I think we are testing them to destruction. |
posted 11-18-98 11:54 AM ET
If you keep warmongering with the hive, that is a PK problem. One day you shall see the light, and join the PK.We are the peacekeepers. We will assimilate you. Resistance is fertile (oooops!). |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-22-98 11:41 PM ET
WHAT?!?! A Spartan/Gaian alliance? C'mon yyyh. Warriors fighting alongside killer 'shrooms and weeds.What you need are paladins willing die and (even better) kill. Take the hand of Sweet Jesus ~Saint Randerolf God bless Sister Miriam and paladins willing to fight. PS I don't have anything really against the HH, just thst I hate the tree hugers of today. |
posted 11-23-98 02:02 AM ET
FIRAXIS says it is a "brutally run wrong police state," and they are hardly outsiders. A society without individuals cannot flourish, cannot progress. People don't come wrapped in 12 packs-they are only available as individuals, and can only function as individuals. Individual initative is needed for science, for proseperity, for freedom. The Hive will fall behind in these, while the freer governments of the Morgan Conglomerate, the Peacekeeper's, the UoP, and yes even Gaia's Stepdaughter's will rule Chiron.AUH20 President, BoS Peacekeeper Morganite |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 12:01 PM ET
Listen PK's this is none of your concern, there's no oil here! |
posted 11-18-98 12:05 PM ET
No oil ?! Darn... |
posted 11-23-98 05:32 PM ET
The Gaians and the Spartans could ally. The Gaians and the MORGANS, though, that'd be a strange match. Maybe we won't ally with the Spartans until they cancel their alliance with the planet killing Morgans. But alliance or not, we will take out the HH with you, except that instead of working with you, it'll be a competition to see how much former HH territory we can scoop up for ourselves. Sorta like Russia and US/Britain competing for the lands of Europe to hold after the Germans were defeated.Speaking of that, anyone see the X-Files last night? |
posted 11-18-98 12:06 PM ET
Ah, the Peacekeepers. The Hive is amused by your policies as well. You would force nations to have peace with each other, but you force each of your own citizens to cheat and exploit his or her fellows, treating them as enemies. Time will demonstrate your foolishness, but you would be wise to understand it now, while you can still join the Hive.And for the Spartans, the Hive can understand your hostile attitude as well. It is common to lash out at what you fear, and it is common to fear what you do not understand. Unfortunately, since the Spartans understand so very little, they lash out at almost everything. You would be wise to join the Hive now, while you can still benefit from the enlightenment that only the Hive can bring you.
posted 11-23-98 06:48 PM ET
At the end of the game, there can only be one winner. Will you backstab the Morganites, or wait for the Morganites to betray you, Yo-yo? Be not hasty to make alliances that you cannot keep. :PAnd this inherent instability of any alliance will doom the PK's misguided efforts at keeping peace. In a world of instability and chaos, there is only one haven -- the Hive. Join, or submit yourself to the ravages of chaos. |
posted 11-23-98 07:57 PM ET
Spartans are a military nation, a kind of post-modern Nazi country without the racist part.There is absolutly no individuals liberty in the Spartan nation. You are a soldier, and all soldier are the same, dress the same and obey the same order. Soldiers eat the same food. Soldier only have to obey, not to have any critic sense. --- When People talk about the HIVE, you have to think that everybody in the HIVE want to live in this kind of society, it wasnt an obliglation for them to join this faction. And future generation will be educated in this mood. A society where everybody works for each other can evoluate faster than, by example, in the Morgan Industries. In a capitalist nation, people wont share their discoveries with others because the want to keep the glorie for themselves. And this stops the evolution. P.S. sorry for my english, i'm french speaking
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 12:15 PM ET
Agreeing with the hive? Santiago will kill me. |
posted 11-18-98 12:34 PM ET
Oh, little does the hive know."you force each of your own citizens to cheat and exploit his or her fellows, treating them as enemies" From your perspective, we may look like Morgan industries, but we balance individuality and the collective. The hive and Morgan, both are trying to run with only one leg, and you will fall on your pathetic noses soon! "It is common to lash out at what you fear, and it is common to fear what you do not understand." Ah no, we do not fear the hive as we understand it very well, we just gotta subtract individuality from our believes to get the picture - not a nice one, btw. "To find yourself, think for yourself." (Socrates) |
posted 11-23-98 10:37 PM ET
Arghh, another one of my posts got eaten. Note my post in the middle of the thread, which SHOULD be after Rang's post. |
posted 11-18-98 05:09 PM ET
It is unfortunate that you choose to fool yourself into believing that a curse in really a blessing. The Spartans say "We will kill you". The Hive says "Join with us and share in our brotherhood and prosperity". The Peacekeepers say "No, we wish for balance, so we will wound ourselves, and maintain a respectable distance from success and happiness".Only one with a feeble mind would attempt to balance wisdom and foolishness. Find enlightenment with the Hive.
posted 11-24-98 05:42 AM ET
Hive ? Economic planning ?Replacing the market with a planning authority is like replacing the human brain with microsoft software! |
MikeH II
posted 11-19-98 06:25 AM ET
We will help you survive. |
posted 11-24-98 12:24 PM ET
The scientific retardation of the hive makes it fail to see that chaos is the prerequisite of an emerging order!!!  |
posted 11-24-98 08:02 PM ET
And do tell how you will overcome human laziness and greed without any individual protif motive? Most people will not work merely for the good of society, but instead for their own personal gain. Why not take advantage of that, when one's personal gain and the soceity's communal gain are linked? Just check out the productivity of communal farms in the old Soviet Union for the effectiveness of the Hive's style. |
posted 11-19-98 06:11 PM ET
Hearing this Octopus guy blabber on about the Human Hive just makes we wanna bust their heads even more once I get the game. Fear me HH, for I am Spartacus, errr, YYYH!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-24-98 09:08 PM ET
The assembly line may have been efficient for mass production, and in industrial production/commercial production. However, not everyone cooperates even with corporations. Corporations compete with each other for profits, and thus become more efficient. That's why we have anti-trust laws. And a committee writing a report is going to take much more time than the individual.Hothram-what's the matter with fanatics? "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."-Barry Goldwater(AuH20) |
Brother Greg
posted 11-20-98 01:05 AM ET
Octopus, what the hell is this BS you are spinning about the PKs forcing their followers to cheat and exploit each other???Talk about the ravings of a madman. Me thinks his mother found enlightenment with her brother, and Octopus was the result!  Brother Greg. |
posted 11-20-98 02:08 AM ET
Woah, things seem to be getting pretty freaked out on these boards. My response to YYYH and Brother Greg just wound up in the MIDDLE of the thread, before MikeH's 11-18-98 11:52 AM ET post. I don't recall freakishness of this order, even right before the old forums went down. What's going on?
posted 11-25-98 05:26 AM ET
"Once the result is achieved, the prerequisite is irrelevant."Again, the hive is wrong. A society is not static, the "result" has to be achieved again and again, and doing away with the prerequisite will make the once achieved result more and more wrong over time. Example: Heavy industries build up in the USSR worked pretty well. When it was time for the next economic stage, the consumer industriy, things got messy. When it was time for the information revolution, the USSR collapsed. GOSPLAN worked like a microsoft program... bugs and crashes galore. |
posted 11-25-98 06:14 PM ET
"And do tell how you will overcome human laziness and greed without any individual protif motive?"Easy, the Hive brainwashes them with mindcontrol technology. Nice? No. Effective? Yes. And effectiveness wins the game. |
posted 11-20-98 04:59 PM ET
My newfound godhood is simply messing with your head. Your post is where its supposed to be.YYYH, how 'bout a Spartan-Gaian alliance to take out the HH? |
posted 11-23-98 12:08 AM ET
Morgan-Spartan-Gaian partnership treaty. we can overcome differences to eradicate the hive. The bastards wouldn't buy my goods, and now they will pay. Dearly. Muahahaha |
posted 11-26-98 01:25 PM ET
Choosing an inferior society over a superior one because the superior society is not infallible is an indication of your foolishness. The Hive makes no pretense of infallibility, the Hive merely demonstrates its superiority to all other systems. In other systems, you rely on each individual to solve the problem by themselves, and hope that luck will allow at least one of them to arrive at the right answer. In the Hive, we pool all of our abilities, and all of our knowledge, and all of our talent to come up with the right answer.You remind the Members of the Hive of someone lost in a maze. You wander around aimlessly, in hope of stumbling upon the exit, while the Hive rises above the walls around them and sees where to truly go. You criticize the Hive for not stumbling blindly like you do, but setting aside wisdom so that we can be in the company of fools is not the nature of the Hive. The Hive values brotherhood, but it is a brotherhood of the enlightened. All Detractor societies are at heart the same. All make the same mistake in not joining the Hive. You may delude yourselves into thinking you are not like the Morgan Conglomerate, but delusions are all that they are. Seek enlightenment, and join the Hive.
posted 11-23-98 04:48 PM ET
I doubt the Gaians would ally with the Spartans, not after the tangle b/n Deirdre and Santiago in the Firaxis story. So I guess it's just the Morgan-Spartan alliance against the HH. Looks like the Morganites and Spartans are out numbered  |
posted 11-27-98 05:18 AM ET
Mmmhmm...medicine... yummy..."In other systems, you rely on each individual to solve the problem by themselves, and hope that luck will allow at least one of them to arrive at the right answer. In the Hive, we pool all of our abilities, and all of our knowledge, and all of our talent to come up with the right answer." Ah, my poor little Hiver. Don't you see that the peacekeepers are also pooling their resources, just by a different method ? We are open for the benefits of a market, for the benefits of a free scientific community, while the hive seeks to replace the human brain with a Microsoft beta version of GOSPLAN. "The Hive values brotherhood, but it is a brotherhood of the enlightened." It is the brotherhood of a nomenclatura, doomed to fall for decadence. "All Detractor societies are at heart the same. All make the same mistake in not joining the Hive. You may delude yourselves into thinking you are not like the Morgan Conglomerate, but delusions are all that they are." From the perspective of an ant, the midget and the giant may both be giants. Your ideology is already blinding you. Now, where will this post end up ? PS: Where have you got the "detractor society" from ? Nice term - your invention ? |
posted 11-23-98 05:33 PM ET
Gaians would never be able to do anything for us!!! well, trapping the mindworms can be cool. I just wanna see the PK's ally with the HH once!  Morgan Conglomerate-Spartan Federation alliance would be unstopable!!! I can't wait to try it in Multi player!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-23-98 07:22 PM ET
It's not a question of conservatism(Morgan Conglomerate, Spartan Federation) vs. liberalism(Gaia's Stepdaughter's, Peacekeeper's) but a question of freedom vs. serfdom. In the free societies, you have a choice to live where you want, to do what you want(unless the Spartan's draft you!), to buy what you want, to think what you want, to believe what you want. This is not a choice in the Hive. In the Hive the individual is wiped out. You cannot be free as a part of a group; how many times have you tried to be part of a comittee writing a group. The group, the collectivized mass, is inherently less efficient than the individual. A corporation is individuals guided by enlightened self-interest, re:Adam Smith and the baker/butcher. There is no liberty of the group. There is no liberty without the individual. Death to Hive! Viva la Spartans! Viva la Peacekeepers! Viva la Morganites! And yes, Viva la Gaians.
Yo-maybe after I get good at SMAC in single-player, that multi-player Morgan/Spartan alliance could be between us. |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-23-98 10:29 PM ET
And yet again then Believers are neglected. And some of you ask why the believers are so fanatical? Let us huddle round God's warm enlightenment as the cold, carnal world around us comes and goes as winter. Yet, the rock of my salvation stands firm through out the stormy midnight. As Sister Miriam's fist words on Planet, "Let His Kingdom Begin!" Find solace. (God bless Sister Miriam and paladins willing to fight.)
posted 11-23-98 11:14 PM ET
"The group, the collectivized mass, is inherently less efficient than the individual"Yes, this explains why the assembly line was such a collossal flop when it was introduced. It's a miracle that any companies were able to survive with their hideously inefficient groups. Join the Hive, where true efficiency is realized.
posted 11-24-98 12:17 PM ET
"Replacing the market with a planning authority is like replacing the human brain with microsoft software!"No, replacing chaos with order is a good thing. It is interesting, however, that you attempt to compare the glorious Hive to the ridiculous product of your "free" markets... Maintaining emphasis on the individual at the expense of society is like letting Microsoft design the life support system on your spacecraft.
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-24-98 06:09 PM ET
Yo, you will have the chance to try out your Spartan-Conglomerate alliance soon. I shall join you and keep this great alliance intact.Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Hothram Upravda
posted 11-24-98 09:03 PM ET
Have you noticed that all the Factions are one type of Fanatic or another? There does seem to be a lack of moderate people. Even the Peacekeepers are fanatical in there own way. From what i can see they seem to believe that Democracy, Freedom, and peace are the future of humanity and its there duty to make sure that future happens no matter who or what they have to destory to allow it to happen.My top 3 factions are the Hive(who does not like being a total ruler?), Peacekeepers(fanatical democratic federalists), and the Lords Believers(always nice to play crazed zealots from time to time . Either way this is going to be fun. Hothram Upravda TB
posted 11-24-98 10:44 PM ET
"The scientific retardation of the hive makes it fail to see that chaos is the prerequisite of an emerging order!!!"Once the result is achieved, the prerequisite is irrelevant. The order offered by the Hive is real. Keeping the chaos of the Detractor societies may be nostalgic, allowing us to dwell on the past failures of humanity, but it is counterproductive. Break free of your individual-ist brainwashing and see the light. Join the Hive.
posted 11-25-98 12:23 PM ET
If you're going to debate the Hive, you should post at the end of the thread, not use these guerilla tactics.  "A society is not static, the "result" has to be achieved again and again, and doing away with the prerequisite will make the once achieved result more and more wrong over time." Again, the Detractors are confused. The Hive is adaptable. The Hive transcends any society that you have known before. Changing times will not cause the Hive to collapse, they will cause the Hive to adapt. The Hive is able to use its collective talent to predict and anticipate change, and work to make the transition a smooth one. When change cannot be predicted, the Hive will still adapt, with careful and able direction. The Detractor societies rely on Darwinian selection to adapt them to new environments. The danger of relying on that mechanism is that extinction of species is fundamental to Darwinian thought. If you wish to avoid the untimely demise guaranteed to you by "economic selection", join the Hive. The Hive will prosper. The Hive will triumph.
posted 11-26-98 05:36 AM ET
Sorry, I'm an oldfashioned guerilla style debater..."The Hive is adaptable. The Hive transcends any society that you have known before. Changing times will not cause the Hive to collapse, they will cause the Hive to adapt." Adapt ? Maybe. Adapt in the right way ? Sometimes. Avoid failure in the end ? No. "The Hive is able to use its collective talent to predict and anticipate change..." The collective is falible (failable ? what's the bloody word ???) as well. "The Detractor societies rely on Darwinian selection to adapt them to new environments..." That's the description of Morgan industries, maybe. The peacekeepers do not throw themselves to the mercy of darwinian laws, we just use them as a tool. We see these things pragmatic. Ideology is another word for refusal to accept the reality. "The Hive will prosper. The Hive will triumph." Hey, your mind police may come after you for that political joke!
posted 11-26-98 01:27 PM ET
Now I've posted in the middle. Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine, Roland! 
posted 11-27-98 10:48 PM ET
No, foolish peacekeeper. You glimpse some of the benefits of the Hive, but you choose to pollute your society, opening it to all the weaknesses of the other Detractors. These will be your undoing."From the perspective of an ant, the midget and the giant may both be giants. Your ideology is already blinding you." Looking down from space, both a giant and a midget are insignificant. Do not confuse transcendant realizations with blindness. Your arrogance prevents you from seeing the truth, you cling to your lies as a security blanket, not wanting to be left alone in the cruel world that your society has built for you. But you do not need to be alone. Join the Hive, where we welcome all who seek enlightenment. "Where have you got the "detractor society" from ? Nice term - your invention ?" Glad you like it . It's more-or-less my own invention, although it was evolutionary not revolutionary. I started using it in "Hivespeak". |