Topic: SMAC League
DJ RRebel |
posted 11-16-98 01:55 PM ET
Here's a post I had in the "SMAC Multi-Player How ???" thread !!!********* Copied Post (Edited a bit) ******** Who here would be interested in joining a SMAC league ??? I'd be willing to set it up on my web-site if you guys wanted to !!! Nothing fancy though .. I would really want to keep the game fun !!! I'm the type who gets really competitive during a game, but would like to laugh about them when it's over !!! I'd probably set it up like the NFL, where each player plays once (maybe twice depending on the actual average length of a game of SMAC) a week (it would be up to the players to decide where they play). This way, people would actually have time for other leagues or solo play !!! Another key to the league would be flexibility, I'll co-ordinate it, but I don't want there to be a leader ... we would have to vote on most major issues !!! If 2 players couldn't play for some reason or another, they'd be able to postpone their game a few more days without everyone screaming that it's the end of the world unless we're in the play-offs or something !!! We could have some games of 2 players some of 3 and some of even more !!! I guess the number of point the winning player would get would depend on the number of opponents !!! EX: 2 Players (6 pts): Winner 6pts, loser 0 pts 3 players (9 pts): 1st 6pts, 2nd 3pt, 3rd 0pts 4 players (12 pts): 1st 6pts, 2nd 4pts, 3rd 2pts, 4th opts 5 players (15 pts): 1st 7pts, 2nd 4pts, 3rd 2pts, 4th 1pt, 5th 0pts 6 players (18 pts): 1st 7pts, 2nd 5pts, 3rd 3pts, 4th 2pts, 5th 1pt, 6th 0pts 7 players (21 pts): 1st 8pts, 2nd 6pts, 3rd 4pts, 4th 2pts 5th 1pt, 6th&7th 0pts or (same but 1st 9pts, 6th 0pts, 7th -1pt) or something to that effect, we'll figure it out ... but before we start !!! I hate changing rules as we go along !!!  I'd also like to keep it relatively small ... definately 20 people or less!!! If you guys are interested, let me know !!! I'd preffer people who are in the forum at this point or any point before the release of the demo !!! That way I'll know you're semi-serious at least !!! Integrity is important .. I want people who are honest and fair and who want to have fun, not people who have to win at all costs !!! There could also be team play .. wow .. the ideas are really stirring now !!! 6 players (18pts) 2 teams: 3 winners 6pts, 3 losers 0pts !!! Of course, I'd be taking many suggestions before we started and we'd have some kind of a vote on the rules, point system etc ... So ??? What do you think ??? Message me here or e-mail me !!! 
posted 11-16-98 02:10 PM ET
Hey great idea but bit early. Remember the game isn't out yet. And team play is a must (Who wants to see BoS vs CWAL). |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 02:14 PM ET
lol .. yeah, I know .. but that's my point, I want the people who were here before the game who really really care about it !!!Plus I'll need time to organize it, AND, I don't want to do that over the holidays !!! So I'd like to be ready for mid december, in case the game actually comes out in the first week of January (by some miricle) !!!  I really wanted ideas for now more than anything else .. so ??? Any ideas anyone ??? Would you be interested in something like this ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-17-98 11:17 AM ET
ok ... lol .. I guess my idea is a dud !!!  The invitation is still open to anybody who wants in or who just wants to talk about anything to do with leagues for SMAC ... what kind of ideas do you have for SMAC compititions etc ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-25-98 12:08 PM ET
Hmmmn .. you have some good ideas for in game points !!!I was thinking of really just a point system like in hockey or soccer or Formula 1 !!! Just based on the final result !!! Anyone else have pointing ideas ??? |
posted 11-17-98 05:51 PM ET
I would be interested in participating in a league. What I may suggest is that each team make one or two games on the weekend. If the idea work, you could arrange a small calendar where every team would play against every team, but what us important is that that calendar is flexible. For instance you plan a match for each team each week, then the two opposing teams discussed for the time of the games. I would also suggest three or four persons team, so if someone cant be there a week it wont be a too big disadvantage.Vive le Qu�bec! Vive le Canada! Vive SMAC! |
posted 11-17-98 06:05 PM ET
Okay... here's something to think about. What do you do about the factions? Does a player pick a faction and always play that faction so that you can have 7 "top players", one for each faction? Do you rotate who plays what faction, making sure that everyone plays each faction an equal number of times? If you enter as a particular faction, can you be in the legue multiple times under more than one faction (realizing that you can't therefore play yourself in a Deirdre vs. Santiago matchup).Just asking because some factions my not suit some player's styles. Imagine asking Yo_Yo or MikeH to play Yang? I think they'd quit the leaque on the spot! Hopefully, the factions will also be balanced, although if one has a distinct advantage over another it could throw the league out of whack a bit. What might be better is a clan idea whereby everyone who wants to join the leaque signs up for one clan/faction. Faction dominance could be determined with some kind of weighted pts/game to see which faction is ahead overall. Within each faction/clan players could be ranked by a points system (what you proposed looks fine DJRR) to see who the best "Santiago" is, etc. Just thinking...dangerous tho' it can be. |
posted 11-25-98 01:36 PM ET
I am very interested in the Smac league, although everyone would probably want to get familiar with the demo and base the league on the full release. I could see a game every week to two weeks. As for points how about a standard point system much like SD said above, and give bonus points for Transendence (which as I understand it, wins the game). The value of points would be based on how difficult this is to acheive.Bonus points could also be given depending on how well a player followed their faction's doctrine (ie. did the PK's win by attacking every one or did they only defend themselves and win by diplomatic skills) Another method would be to award points for the categories above, but to take points away for things like breaking treaties, attrocities & withdrawing from the Planetary Council. WAS |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 11:50 AM ET
You guys got me thinking again !!! (Uh-oh)As for the schedule, that was exactly what I had in mind .. lets say bob and jim have a game scheduled for week 1, it would be up to them to decide when to play it !!! You clan idea is good, but what I had in mind, was that there would be a preference (home team type of advantage) for each match, like bob (1) vs. Jim (2) .. where Bob would be the first to choose his faction .. and jim would be second !!! At the end of the season, everyone would have the same # first picks, the same number of 2nd picks and so on !!! It would really depend on the number of people in the league !!! I guess maybe 20 people might not be enough for some ideas !!! I guess we can keep the number 20 flexible depending on the ideas that come up here !! Keep up with the ideas ... this could be really fun !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 09:53 AM ET
Resurrected for Kurn !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 11:51 AM ET
Titan take a peek at the 2 "Canadian" threads!!! Your imput is needed !!!  |
posted 12-01-98 05:50 PM ET
Can two people play the same faction, in the same game?Would, should we allow it? |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-02-98 05:21 AM ET
What flowers ??? Huh ??? Now I'm lost and confused !!! LOLHow could you have started when the game isn't even out yet ??? Are you a BETA tester ??? LOL |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 11:57 AM ET
I might be interested but I think the time difference problems could be difficult. Also I couldn't realistially commit to a game a week. Average once a fortnight on weekends I could do though. I'm also not sure I want people coming here posting "I beat MikeH!!!" not that that would happen of course  |
posted 12-02-98 06:21 AM ET
Yeah, I just registered a few hours ago on Marian's site.About setting up a multiplayer game: I think the coolest thing we could possibly do is have a few games running where people from the SMAC forums played the actual factions they've been tirelessly arguing the ideology of for months. Since there are mostly more than one person for each faction in this regard, it wouldn't be too hard to put this together (thus having "teams" per faction of the various SMAC members) So Brother Greg, myself, Roland, RyanR and Maya could all be a peacekeeper team. Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey, MikeH, Kurn, and company could be a Spartan team, AUH20, Imran Siddiqui and company Morganite, etc. Then we could run different combinations of team members from each faction. The problem would be finding Gaian players. . . (well, I suppose there will be no shortage of lurkers and other people excited about the game willing to play the Gaians, or our extra team members that couldn't fit into one of the games as their faction). |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 12:02 PM ET
lol ... what is a fortnight again ??? 40 nights ???Anyways, you're probably right about not being able to commit to a game a week .. that'll probably be something we judge when the demo comes out !!! If a game is typically under 2 hours, I see no problem in it !!! But if it's 5hrs+ .. then we're going to run into difficulty .. but we could always make things bi-weekly or something !!! Let just keep the ideas going ... I don't think anything will be fully commited too until the demo is out, and then it would take a few weeks to get things started !!! Probably in time for the full release !!! I couldn't imagine basing a league on a demo !!! lol |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 12:17 PM ET
They said somewhere you could play a multiplayer game in half an hour. I know what you mean about the demo. I can't imagine spending so much time on a game which isn't even out yet.  |
posted 12-02-98 07:12 PM ET
I like the teams idea for play, but I would think that the SMAC leauge would not be a point-based league type thing at first, more of an organization that set up matches between members. Members would give their available times, and then a game would be set for a date inbetween 7 available players, hopefully with a continuation date available as well. Eventuallly the League could move up to holding tournaments, but that's in the future (49 players+ alternates = a time limit of 4 hours on 7 matches of 7, after which SMAC's ranking are used to determine the 3 of the 7 who advance. The losers can then be alternates in the other games in that round of tournament to sub for no-shows. The 21 who advance hold 3 games of 7, with 4th place finishers from the previous round as alternates, this time with only the top 2 from each round advancing. One 3rd place 2nd round player chosen by vote would then join the 6 finalists in one massive finals match of SMAC that has no time limit.)In tourneys any custom faction could be used; in regular for fun games, you'd decide pre-game if custom facs can be used or the original 7 will be used. And, alas, I'd probably end up playing the Gaians in most of these games, since I've been their defender as no one else was there for them. |
posted 11-18-98 01:23 PM ET
Fortnight = two weeks (although I think I've also heard it defined as 20 days...)Depending on what options there are for multiplayer, victories could be based on who has the most "points", the ranking on the Faction Dominance Graph, etc. You'd probably want to sort out some things so that games are consistent. Like whether or not people will play using the "accelerated research" options. (This may or may not adversely affect the University faction...) Oh well... long time until January. |
Ultra SupremePaco
posted 11-18-98 05:46 PM ET
I believe I said this already, but, I would wish to join up on any league that is formed.~Paco |
Brother Greg
posted 11-18-98 07:52 PM ET
Yeah, maybe. I'd really have to see how much I like multiplayer before I commited though. Maybe I won't like the fast-paced frantic action of a two hour game. lol.  Don't know if I'd agree to a set schedule of games (like, you must play once per fortnight). Might get hard if most live in the US or Europe, and I am expected to play at 3am.  Brother Greg. |
posted 11-19-98 01:29 AM ET
I would like to do it. However I would need to get an idea of how long a game is(play the game), and get a firm play skedule, with a forfit for not showing unless both parties argree to reskule. I could not commit to find time for each player at differant times. So the rule would have to be day x time y EST unless everone agrees to a differant time. Just my thought on how to prevent a future conflict.I had an idea: each person is set on a differant team(2 to 3 members+ AI) each week(or two) and gets pionts if he wins, say 6pts and 2pts if someone on his team wins in that world. Although all scores would be indivdual. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 02:35 AM ET
I agree with all of your ideas so far ... I think most of us would need a flexible schedule .. as I said before, I would set the rules very losely in terms of scheduling .. if 2 people couldn't play a given week (or fortnight or whatever) .. they it could be delayed a bit without any problem .. the only problem would be in the playoffs ... but that if too far down the road to plan for now ...I'd like a few more ideas on infrastucture and point systems if you guys have any !!! |
posted 11-19-98 12:36 PM ET
I would love to be fexible in my skedule but it would be very hard. Where as telling my boss I want this night off(two weeks notice) I could be really easily get it. |
posted 11-19-98 01:50 PM ET
Home field advantage= who gets to play at a decent hour. Or maybe American league and Europe league that meant the Big Game |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 02:02 PM ET
SD >>> I'm liking your ideas !!!Different leagues might not neccisarily be geographical in nature !!! I work nights, and therefore find myself on line during Auzzie evenings !!! But anyways, I'm sure 2 or 3 people could find a 2-3 hour span to play a game at some point over a 2 week span !!! What kind of ideas do you guys have on a point system ??? Think about it for a while and give me detailled plans !!! |
posted 11-19-98 02:44 PM ET
1pt for every special project built 1pt for every special project owed (built + captured - stolen)1pt for every city 1pt for every city over 3 1pt for every city over 10 1pt for every city over 20 1pt for every five advances 50pts 1st 25pts 2nd 10pts 3rd 5pts suriving 10pt for long standing allainces(mim 10 to 20 turns old at the end of the game) -5 pt for using nuclear(OR what of they call it) -5pt for using Biolical attacks -1 pt per polution All numbers based on Civ2 game experience. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-25-98 12:10 PM ET
I hate this out of place posts thing !!!  --------------------------------------------- Hmmmn .. you have some good ideas for in game points !!! I was thinking of really just a point system like in hockey or soccer or Formula 1 !!!Just based on the final result !!! Anyone else have pointing ideas ???
posted 11-25-98 01:44 PM ET
That's weird, it put my post in the middle of the thread!?!?! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-29-98 09:53 AM ET
Resurrected for Kurn !!!  |
posted 12-01-98 08:05 PM ET
Whow,thank you for the flowers. I already started a multiplayer league at the Alpha Centauri Zone. Quite a few already have registered. Go and register yourself too Ciao
Marian Editor of the Alpha Centauri Zone |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-02-98 05:22 AM ET
What flowers ??? Huh ??? Now I'm lost and confused !!! LOLHow could you have started when the game isn't even out yet ??? Are you a BETA tester ??? LOL |
posted 12-02-98 06:21 AM ET
Yeah, I just registered a few hours ago on Marian's site.About setting up a multiplayer game: I think the coolest thing we could possibly do is have a few games running where people from the SMAC forums played the actual factions they've been tirelessly arguing the ideology of for months. Since there are mostly more than one person for each faction in this regard, it wouldn't be too hard to put this together (thus having "teams" per faction of the various SMAC members) So Brother Greg, myself, Roland, RyanR and Maya could all be a peacekeeper team. Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey, MikeH, Kurn, and company could be a Spartan team, AUH20, Imran Siddiqui and company Morganite, etc. Then we could run different combinations of team members from each faction. The problem would be finding Gaian players. . . (well, I suppose there will be no shortage of lurkers and other people excited about the game willing to play the Gaians, or our extra team members that couldn't fit into one of the games as their faction). |