Topic: The Atheist View (nope this is not another religus thread)
Aga1 |
posted 11-14-98 10:48 PM ET
I wish not to offend anyone but only to stand up to what my views are just like some of the people on the fourms do with there quotes on why religion is bad and why a man is dumb if he beliefs in it.If You feel you will not like what I wrote don't read it!!! And don�t start to flame!!!!!!! _____________________________________________ My view of an Atheist. I look upon an atheist as a person who believes in science too much then his faith. I see this in people who think that god has given up on them or they have a high I.Q and think that science tells all. The number of these people has doubled in this century. But there are others that no matter how much there life has fallen they still believe. An atheist might call these people dumb or something else. But if you look around and actually look at the lives of people who pray an believe you can see that there life is changing for the better. If you look at atheist and there place in history you can see that they start to believe too much in themselves and eventually something happens. Maybe that is the cause of some great empires falling.The truth will only be known when we die. Some Atheist have high intellectual minds so they find there belief in science. Maybe that is why Jesus picked average ordinary people to be his followers. An Atheist also banishes the bible but if you ask the catholic church about it they will tell you that the bible is myth based on stories that they believe to be true it doesn�t have to be accurate. An atheist always brings this to discussion. even though the bible factor had been explained by the. church When an atheist looks at miracles they automatically try to disprove it. But when some atheist look at aliens they try to prove it which is kind of funny because they belive in one thing and discard the other.When an atheist talks about people and why believing is dumb they feel that they are not offending anybody. But when somebody talks about an atheist that way they feel offended. Some atheist look upon actors,celebertes,etc in a great way. So why can a person look upon some thing higher then himself like god in a great way ? Thank you for reading my views.
posted 11-14-98 11:35 PM ET
Aga1, don't allow the arrogance or elitism of some people to sour you on a whole school of thought. A lot of atheists are, indeed, too "holier-than-thou" for their own good. However, there are FAR more religious people in the world than atheists, and there are FAR more religious extremists than atheist extremists (maybe not in proportions, but in numbers). You hear the vocal minority of atheists, who's views you find abrasive. You ignore the extremists on your own side, who can be just as offensive, because you agree with their position.Screaming or preaching will not do you any good when discussing something with someone that you disagree with. Even though there are atheists who don't understand that, it is each person's responsibility to engage in debate in the most thoughtful and reasonable way that they can. That includes you, Aga1. The best way to argue with someone is by understanding their position. When you say "you have no Faith!" to an atheist, most would take it as a compliment. There are plenty of people on this board who can discuss the subject of religion and atheism in an adult manner. I suggest you try to take part in those discussions in a calm and reasonable way. If you find an atheist's arguments offensive, you should politely point it out, and point out that they are harming their own position by alienating the religious instead of convincing them. If you feel that an atheist is spouting unfounded rhetoric, you should point it out. If you can come off as a reasonable debater and cause atheists to look like ranting fools, this does far more for your position than any ranting of your own. Atheists frequently find their debates too easy because the opposition caves in to emotionalism and personal attacks. Don't give them an easy victory.
posted 11-15-98 12:00 AM ET
I cannot comment on my own postitions on religion, for I do not know it:But I do know this: This world is scary, religion is safe, if perphaps(and I do not know) blind. People who feel safe have a postive image which helps them. I have seen good christian do great things, in the name of God(but it could just be them). I've seen prayer bring cooler tempature, at summer camp, between going into and coming out of meeting, about 30 minutes( but an old saying says "Don't like the weather, wait a minute"). What we can prove of the bible is true( but it was recorded be people with less general knowlege than my grandpa, which is a truly scary thought) Thousand of people claim to have seen aliens( but not sighting stands up to peer review), which just shows how dumb we still are. In the end, I have seen nothing definitive from religion, just a bunch of (posibly over hyped, in the context of the over all average) maybe adding up to a good(?) chance of it being true. |
posted 11-15-98 01:45 AM ET
first of all, the saying, "don't like the weather, wait a minute", definaty had to originate in Cincinnati. Anyone who has been here for more than a couple of weeks can verify this.Second of all, my view on extremists. DHE's definition of religious extremists: anyone who attempts to serve their religion through violent, non peaceful methods, often times violating their own religious doctrine to punish heretics. Christian extremists claim to be Christian, but anybody who knows the true meaning of the word realizes that their claims are wholly false. I mean, seriously, there aren't that many ways to interpret "Thou shalt not murder". Third, I'm sure aliens exist (i'm not so "terranocentric" to believe that we are the only sentient race there is, or will ever be), but to believe that we've come in contact with them already is ludicrous. |
posted 11-15-98 04:06 AM ET
I'm sure that that aliens exist, but not coming to Earth. Also, an atheist doesn't nessasarily believe in science: I have a friend who doesn't believe in Theism, but also doesn't believe in science. That's what happens when you watch too much TV...--But when some atheist look at aliens they try to prove it which is kind of funny because they belive in one thing and discard the other.-- What about religious people? They try to debunk evoution, but some fight to believe in alien encounters. --But if you look around and actually look at the lives of people who pray an believe you can see that there life is changing for the better.-- Maybe. Or maybe the praying just makes them feel better. And I consider that to be somewhat bad- how many homeless people rely on God to deliver, and don't try to help themselves? How many people rely on faith to cure cancer, not chemo therapy? --If you look at atheist and there place in history you can see that they start to believe too much in themselves and eventually something happens. Maybe that is the cause of some great empires falling.-- Elaborate. You just said that atheism is responsible for the downfall of great cultures and civilizations. Do you have proof? Looking through history, it seems that RELIGION has caused the destruction of it's fair share of civs. --Some atheist look upon actors, celebertes, etc in a great way.-- What? And religoius people don't? --When an atheist talks about people and why believing is dumb they feel that they are not offending anybody.-- How do you know? Have you been in this position? I know that I am offending other people, just as I am offended whenever I see a bumper sticker which says something about Jesus or God or something. --However, there are FAR more religious people in the world than atheists, and there are FAR more religious extremists than atheist extremists (maybe not in proportions, but in numbers).-- Octopus Oh really? I have never heard of an atheist strapping a bomb to his back and obliterating a city block in the name of Science. I haven't heard of a war over atheism. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-15-98 04:12 AM ET
*sigh* ... we've got to start comming up with new subjects ... how's the weather anyways ???Aga1 .. You have no idea what being athiest is do you ??? I've never seen anyone think they know something be so wrong ... anyways ... I won't even bother responding to all this ... just read "people who think abortion doctors should be killed" and "Abortions and religion II" for the same issues ... feel free to cut and paste my responces in here !!! lol |
posted 11-15-98 04:26 AM ET
JB -- by extremists, I meant extreme in philosophy (as opposed to moderate or middle-of-the-road), not the kind of wackos that go around killing people. Unfortunately, the word "extreme" has been corrupted by our society. It seems like people only want to apply this term to ridiculously dangerous sports or to gun-toting psychos who blow people up for disagreeing. Or, if you are a Democrat, you can use it on a Republican. I meant "extreme" in the old-fashioned sense. No offense intended.What I meant by the comment is that the vast majority of atheists that I have met have been quite vocal about it, while most religious people I have known are not interested in talking about it or converting anyone.
Victor Galis
posted 11-15-98 12:41 PM ET
About miracles and alien encounters:
1)Not all Atheists try to prove alien encounters.
2)Religious people don't try to prove miracles, they just take them for reality. Atheists try to disprove them, and do so quite well because a) There is no God to create miracles b) Religious people just call us skeptics (or worse) for not believing, while not actually proving that there is anything to belive.
posted 11-15-98 01:38 PM ET
"...I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." [Stephen F. Roberts] |
posted 11-15-98 02:38 PM ET
Victor, there is a difference between being skeptical and being a Skeptic. If you are a Skeptic, you will pronounce a man a charlatan without ever having met him based solely on the audacity of his claims. Someone who is merely skeptical would be compelled to judge the claims on their merits and decide whether the man was a charlatan or not.People frequently dismiss miracles out of hand because they're too impossible to believe. The religious would say "that is exactly the point". The religious have a right to dismiss the views of a Skeptic, because he is just as misguided (he believes something with no evidence) as the "gullible fools" he is trying to protect. That doesn't mean all claimed miracles happened, it means that we have to keep open minds (all of us).
Larry Boy
posted 11-15-98 03:39 PM ET
Quickie: (Victor and others) Grab a dictionary and look up miracle. It is an event that cannot be explained by science [It apparently contradicts all know science -Webster's Collegiate]. There is no way to prove or disprove it. A miracle could violate the law of gravity and still be impossible to disprove. It is a miracle BECAUSE it defied gravity. Point: Don't try to disprove that Jesus could not have walked on water because it doesn't have high enough surface tension.Fact: Preaching can convert people either way. Preaching [Greek - to cry out] brought thousands to Christ. My belief in Christianity is the result of preaching. I think that it is ranting and raving that we want to avoid. And presenting things as blunt facts that you know people are going to disagree with, but don't back them up by anything **Cough Cough Victor Sneeze Aga1 Couch Hack JB**. Know that people are going to disagree with your beliefs so please try to back them up, otherwise it will turn into a shouting match, and not a discussion. Thanks guyz/galz! (Call me down if I make too unreasonable a statement without backing it up too. Thanks!) God Bless, Larry Boy |
Larry Boy
posted 11-15-98 03:40 PM ET
Maybe we should rename the thread? (-8 |
posted 11-15-98 03:54 PM ET
"Don't try to disprove that Jesus could not have walked on water because it doesn't have high enough surface tension."Larry, that's not the point. I'm asking for evidence about the facts of those miracles - did Jesus walk on water ? I can't prove that he didn't, I can just say I have never observed anything like this, and ask you to prove that he did. PS: A "miracle" would defy the known laws of physics - (possible) emphasis on known. An airplane would have been a miracle to a caveman. And wasn't there a point from jesus in the bible for faith should not be based on miracles ?
posted 11-15-98 04:05 PM ET
Aga1, why do you think your little rant does not constitute another religious thread ? You are attacking the views of atheists with some very - well, let's be nice and say "strange" - points. I don't know wehther you count me as an agnostic into the atheist lot, but some of those things.."If you look at atheist and there place in history you can see that they start to believe too much in themselves and eventually something happens. Maybe that is the cause of some great empires falling." Can you substantiate this ? The western roman empire, for example, fell with christianity its state religion. "An atheist always brings this to discussion. even though the bible factor had been explained by the. church" The catholic church has taken a more reasonable stand on the interpretation of the bible, but there are 1) enough peoiple who take it word by word 2) massive misinterpretations, like basing the supremacy of the pope on the bible. That's very ridiculous - if you want, I can back that up. "But when some atheist look at aliens they try to prove it..." Really ? I doubt this has something to do with atheist/religious. Can you substantiate that claim ? |
posted 11-17-98 12:01 AM ET
Roland you probably make a good lawyer.But nextime include the whole point accros. "Aga1, why do you think your little rant does not constitute another religious thread ?You are attacking the views of atheists with some very - well, let's be nice and say "strange" - points. I don't know wehther you count me as an agnostic into the atheist lot, but some of those things.."
Now if you look at mayas thread it says the same thing and it attacks the views of belivers by telling a view of an person.I am a person so i made statements on my views which made it to do the samething as mayas thread did olny attacking athiests views.
posted 11-17-98 02:49 AM ET
Maya did NOT attack views. She simply answered the oft asked question of how an atheist can live such an empty life. You, on the other hand, bluntly attacked a view. |
posted 11-17-98 07:28 AM ET
Aga, I DEFINATELY make a good lawyer.  On the rest: simple agreement with JB. |
MikeH II
posted 11-17-98 10:10 AM ET
I don't believe in god in the way you do but I don't rule out the idea of a creator of some form. I think there maybe life on other planets, I don't really think they are coming here in saucers kidnapping Mulder's sister. Being an athiest means you have to accept that when you die you die. There isn't an afterlife. Makes you think about your life a bit more carefully. In fact if you think about that too much I think you'd go mad. I don't get offended by people being religious but I think that someone trying to convert someone else or "save" them makes me sick. How do you feel when someone tries to tell you god doesn't exist? I feel the same when someone tries to convert me. |
posted 11-17-98 12:31 PM ET
JB and Roland: While Aga1's posting of this topic wasn't how I would have approached the situation, you ought to be able to understand why he did it.1) Maya starts "This Godless Universe" and says, basically, that if you don't agree you've totally missed the point (i.e. calling those who disagree dumb, from Aga1's perspective). 2) Aga1 posts in Maya's thread because he strongly disgrees, and gets a very negative reaction. 3) Aga1 says "enough of this!" and starts his own "non-religious" thread (about as non-religious as Maya's, from Aga1's perspective). While I think Aga1 would be better served by discussing the matter calmly and rationally in the appropriate topics, I can certainly understand why he'd be upset over Maya's thread. The atheist self-congratulation society was meeting there, discussing how short-sighted those who disagree are.
posted 11-17-98 12:42 PM ET
Nice quote WilliamC, hope Aga1 and Destrider think about that one. Or do they believe in the Hindu Gods, or Allah as well? Oh here's another quote "The idea of a good society is something you do not need a religion and eternal punishment to buttress; you need a religion if you are terrified of death." [Gore Vidal]i think that sums what religion is all about, being afraid that when you die the world continues without you, and almost no one really cares. So they make up heaven, where you can hang out with all your other religious buddies. Hell would probably be more interesting  I wonder if heaven and hell have forums where they have a go at eachother?  |
posted 11-17-98 12:43 PM ET
1. Nope, that was not what it was about. I don't check the thread now, but Maya said do not tell her/us about how empty etc we should feel. So, the people who have missed the point are not believers, but just believers who did not see the particular point, that this was about the asthetics of a godless universe one could see, not that the believers' views are "stupid" or something in that direction.2. The negative reaction... it was just the usual religious discussion. Aga1 brought it in there, and others replied. 3. This may be as non-religious in his view, I just can't follow that view. Maya's thread was about 1., Aga started with things like the belive of atheists (or agnostics) in aliens. Nothing of this was in Maya's post. "The atheist self-congratulation society was meeting there, discussing how short-sighted those who disagree are." You seem to severely misunderstand what that thread was about. Noone called disagreeers shortsighted - maybe just those who claim there can be no asthetetical etc feelings without believe. Self-congratulation ? Another thing I must have missed... |
posted 11-17-98 12:54 PM ET
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Churchill
Larry Boy
posted 11-17-98 02:29 PM ET
Roland: Do I have to repeat my statement? No, just reread it. As I specified before, you cannot prove that Jesus did not walk on water and I cannot prove that he did. IT CANNOT BE PROVEN. If you truly read my statement, how could you ask me to prove that Jesus walked on water? I don't understand.You're right, if Jesus flew an airplane, people would have considered it a miracle... But He did not. He walked on water. We have no physics that can explain that, and I would go so far as to say that it defies the physics that we do know. Therefore, if it happened, it was miracle to them, and it is a miracle to us. The New Testament is the most textually reliable ancient document that has ever existed. It is also the most unique, and supported by overwhelming prophesy (written AT LEAST 100 years before, possibly as much as 1,200). I won't go into all of it lest my English teacher come over hear and tear me away from the computer, but I have examined the evidence, and I think that it is reliable. This being the case, and since there is no evidence that says the miracle could not have happened, there is more evidence to support that it did and I accept it. Now, I ask you to bring any evidence at all that this miracle did not happen. Also, this has been shown in other forums and it would do us well that we all recognize it. The O's stand for a small fraction of the knowledge in the universe. The X stands for what we know. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOXOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO Is it reasonable to believe that a higher being may exist beyond what we 'know'? Is it reasonable to think that because we have not found certain things to be true within the past thousands of years that they cannot be true? No, that would be unreasonable. Just because we cannot see/explain/understand something, it does not begin to offer evidence that it cannot be. That applies to all sides of this discussin (including mine, yes, I recognize that.) Everyone please have a wonderful day! Love 'ya all. I really do! -Larry Boy |
posted 11-20-98 05:45 AM ET
Though this is leading nowhere, I have to point one thing: You say and are very correct about this: "The danger of communicating in a text-based medium is that you cannot use tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. to guarantee that your statements will be taken in the spirit in which they are intended. Things are very easy to misinterpret, which I think Aga1 did. " "Since you feel that my post was insulting to you, you also understand that those words can be used in an insulting manner." Don't you see the difference ? Maya said that if you come to a certain conclusion, you have missed the point. This is just saying that a certain interpretation of what she had said was wrong. The steps it takes to get what I said wrong: 1. The "rant" thing: "I don't care how many people do something that can be misinterpreted, it can still be misinterpreted." As you can't use tone of voice etc, one should look at the context in which something is said. Clearly, it can be misinterpreted, but by looking at the context it can be easily avoided. 2. I only asked Aga1 why he thinks his thread is non-religious, given the differences to Maya's thread. A question! Once again, you have to twist that to get to the conclusion that I had said "the thread should not be here." Or even: "What I thought was inappropriate were the comments by Roland and JB saying, essentially, that Aga1 didn't have a right to be offended by your thread." 3. "I can't read that sentence [strange points...]without associating it with some sort of personal attack." There is a clear difference between attacking points and a person. So far, this has always worked for me to avoid insulting people. You (and probably aga, I don't know about him) are really the first one I meet on this board after almost 2000 posts of mine to have that problem. 4. I only stated that you seemed to misunderstand it. You coined the pharse "The atheist self-congratulation society was meeting there, discussing how short-sighted those who disagree are." And therefore, you understand Aga's position. I only saiud this was not what it was about. You have to go through some steps of twisting my words or those of others to come to your conclusion. I could be insulted by giving some comments a twisted interpretation as well, I just don't do that. Your points were directly aimed at me, ad personam: "While this may be impossible for you to believe..." "don't bother" [to reply]... "if..., you've got some linguistic difficulties." "Since you feel that my post was insulting to you, you also understand that those words can be used in an insulting manner." What bothers me is: a) you accuse me of insulting people b) this is, at best, the result of misunderstandings c) and in that course, you attack me directly. This is not what I have done, and this does not go together with you taking the highground there. PS: Aga, if you took my posts personal, I have to say that it was nothing personal; if you came to that conclusion, I'm sorry about it. Again, though octopus obviously can't see it, this is not the problem.
posted 11-17-98 03:07 PM ET
"...most textually reliable ancient document that has ever existed"...?Where did you get that from? I've got copies of Suetonius, Plutarch, Tacitus...all written around the same period...which I class as far more reliable. |
posted 11-17-98 05:05 PM ET
Indeed, Tolls. Larry, I think Rolands point was that, from the scientific standpoint, the burden of proof falls on the person raising a phenomenon outside the currently accepted rules of physics. You admit that Jesus walking on water cannot be proven. You also admit that it therefore has to be taken on faith. This means that this example of a miracle _cannot_ be used as evidence of Jesus' divinity. Why? Because it is not proven, and in this case would amount to a circular argument. An argument like, "Jesus is divine(or supernatural) because he walked on water. Why does this make him divine? Because only one that is divine could walk on water.". Falls flat on its face, because it depends on the proveability of the statement "Jesus walked on water.". Most, if not all arguments I have heard as proof of God fall into this trap of circularity. Does this mean that God does not exist? Does this mean that the Bible(or any other Holy text from the Book of Mormon to the Bhagavad-Gita) is wrong? Of course not, all it means is that it cannot be used as proof except to someone that _already_ believes. What it means is that every single Christian(or follower of another religion) has taken a decision, either consciously or not, to believe in God without any sort of concrete proof. Atheists, OTOH, have take the same type of decision to only to live by concrete evidence. Both positions have the potential to be wrong.As far as most atheists believing in aliens, I would think that a fair bet, assuming you do not mean "belief in UFOs". Why? From an atheistic standpoint, life is a natural result of the nature of the universe. A basic premise of science is the universal nature of its laws(i.e. they are the same here as in the Andromeda Galaxy and the same now as 10 billion years ago). Combine these two, and it is easy to see why many people think that life must be widespread, arising wherever the conditions are right. |
posted 11-20-98 12:29 PM ET
Sorry, completely off topic, just testing how screwed up this board is... |
posted 11-20-98 05:11 PM ET
Its good to have someone like octopus defending you while you were away. Thanks Octopus |
posted 11-17-98 05:41 PM ET
Actually, I think nearly all athiests believe in UFO's.A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. I would be very, very surprised if these don't exist. You see something flying, and you cannot identify if. Thus, it is a UFO. A person who has never before seen an airplane, upon seeing one overhead, sees a UFO, per definition. Just a little detail that bugs me once and a while. I know exaclty what you mean, though. UFO has another, if inaccurate, definition in the popular culture.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled arguments.... |
posted 11-20-98 11:10 PM ET
I cloned a Thread |
posted 11-17-98 06:00 PM ET
pop culture screws everything up. thats why I stopped watching MTV. Nothing much to say on the religous matter. Nothing of interest has been presented."Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the world? Declare, if thou hast understanding..or who laid the corner stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" -Book of Job |
posted 11-17-98 09:29 PM ET
Octopus: While I agree that the posts in Maya's thread might be seen as "the atheist self-congratulation society", I still think you're being somewhat unfair. For my own part I was genuinely surprised and delighted to find that others share my "atheism for aesthetic reasons" (which is approximately what Spoe called it), giving me a reason to rant a little. However, arguing that 'the other side' is short-sighted is, to me, the only possible religious argument that exists - from both a religious and non-religious perspective. As such, I don't really think it qualifies as a non-"calm and rational discussion of the matter." Finally, I don't find Aga1's posts offensive at all. |
posted 11-21-98 12:08 AM ET
so this is what happens to a thread if I leave it alone for a while. Fascinating. |
posted 11-17-98 10:21 PM ET
DCA: I haven't really been offended by any posts about this subject on these boards. I was trying to explain why someone might interpret the "This Godless Universe (this is _not_ another religious thread)" as insulting. Basically, the premise of the thread (from the way I read it) was "see, it's obvious! If you don't agree, you didn't understand." There was also an implicit "religious believers need not apply" associated with the thread.Maybe my choice of words was a little harsh, but I think I'm basically right on this one. JB's statement: "Maya did NOT attack views. She simply answered the oft asked question of how an atheist can live such an empty life. You, on the other hand, bluntly attacked a view." If I wrote a little blurb of text on why everything that JB believed was total BS, and said "if you simply respond that some of JB's ideas are valid, then you obviously missed the point of this text" then I think it would be fair to say that I had insulted JB (no offense intended to you, by the way, JB, I'm just using you as an example). If you enjoyed Maya's thread, I'm happy for you. But, understand that saying "I'm right. If you disagree, you misunderstood. Take your views somewhere else, you're not welcome here" is a pretty arrogant thing to do. Maybe that wasn't the intention of the other thread, but that's definitely the vibe I picked up on (and I'm an atheist, so I imagine that religious people probably had a stronger reaction).
posted 11-22-98 04:21 PM ET
I just said "I've been misunderstood", but then I go on to say that accusations based on misunderstanding are insulting. Hypocritical, huh? The difference, of course, is that I feel the misunderstanding of my point stems from the fact that I haven't been clear enough in articulating it.
posted 11-17-98 10:34 PM ET
DCA: 'As such, I don't really think it qualifies as a non-"calm and rational discussion of the matter."'I just figured out what you meant here. I wasn't accusing the atheist thread of irrationality. I was saying that Aga1's efforts (for example, starting this thread) might be characterized that way, which would be detrimental to his cause. "While I think Aga1 would be better served by discussing the matter calmly and rationally in the appropriate topics, I can certainly understand why he'd be upset over Maya's thread" See? Aga1 should be calm and rational (everyone should be calm and rational). Aga1 should have taken up the discussion in the appropriate threads. It is, however, understandable that Aga1 was upset.
posted 11-23-98 05:23 AM ET
Octopus:Maya's quote from the godwinson thread: "Don't worry, as long as Octopus doesn't think "black" when you say "white" and "white" when you say "black", you should be just fine! (I'm kidding here Octopus, don't take this the wrong way!) =)" This has been my perception of your "complaint" as well. Just now, I think I start to see your point. The problem I have is the following: You took negative interpretations of several things. When people say someone has missed the point, it can only be the point those people thought of. Everyone can come to a different conclusion. Therefore I think your assumption: "When someone suggests that I didn't "get the point" or "comprehend" or "understand" something, I consider that to be an insult to my intelligence." is a bit unfair IMO. Even more so, if you start doing exactly the same thing that you complain about by saying those who do not understand you have "lingusitic difficulties". While different interpretations are always possible, there are interpretations I can understand and interpretations I cannot understand. That's the way it is for me. So to sum it up: 1. What I've said was not intended to insult anyone. 2. I tried to phrase my comments in a way to avoid insults. 3. While everything can be misunderstood, I fail to follow your line of reasoning/interpretation, and I get, as Maya, the impression that you take "black" for white". Any complaints about this are pointless as this is only my very personal view - my intent, my attempt, my understanding. If you don't like it, lay out your line of reasoning - fine. The only thing that bothers me is a) when you say that a certain understanding is obvious (like "I can't read that without taking insult...") - for me it simply isn't, and b) when you do the same thing you complain about. Octopus: "I just said "I've been misunderstood", but then I go on to say that accusations based on misunderstanding are insulting. Hypocritical, huh? The difference, of course, is that I feel the misunderstanding of my point stems from the fact that I haven't been clear enough in articulating it." Perfectly claer. But I do not think that I haven't been clear enough - that's all. That does not prohibit that I apologize to someone who might have taken insult, as I have done to aga. I just will continue to say that I don't understand your and (probably) aga's view/interpretation/whatever. So, if I've finally understood your complaints, it only is: "Roland should understand octopus' interpretations", is that correct ? If so, all I can offer is to agree to disagree. |
posted 11-17-98 11:01 PM ET
Ok, we basically agree  |
posted 11-18-98 07:49 AM ET
Octopus, I cannot follow your interpretation of Maya's thread, but well, everyone has to make up his mind.Larry, I think Tolls answered your question to me. |
posted 11-18-98 09:54 PM ET
No offence, but if you would be so kind as to allow me to repeat myself, "you completely missed the point" of my other thread.To begin, let's see what I really said: " Now if you reply, please don't quote me your favourite part of Genesis or tell me that God loves me anyway, for if you feel like doing this, I think that you completely missed the point of this text. And, btw, if I wanted that, I would have posted it in one of the religious threads. =)" Now, let's put that in context. The whole point of the thread was to present a text by Adrian Barnett (This godless universe). Shining1 asked me what was my favourite quote and this, while technically not a quote, was one of the text that marked me the most when I read it (and still does). I felt it puts in words what I always felt without being able to express it so admirably. People then started to reply to this, telling us that they shared (or didn't, which is perfectly fine) the view expressed in that text, and also started to post quotes that they found compelling (which was much more to the point of the thread). The "warning" quoted above and the title of the thread, "This godless universe (nope, this is _not_ another religious thread!) =)", were expected to invite people not to use that thread to start another god exist/ doesn't exist debate, but instead to share their own quotes and feelings about them. As such, and as understood by the majority of people reading the thread, the message "Now if you reply, please don't quote me your favourite part of Genesis or tell me that God loves me anyway, for if you feel like doing this, I think that you completely missed the point of this text", didn't apply at all to the fact that if you don't agree with me, "you completely missed the point of this text" (which would be wrong). It had to do, instead, with the fact that this text (while expressing an atheist point of view) isn't about telling theists that god doesn't exist and that they are wrong, but instead about what us atheist may feel, how we look at the universe around us. Thus, I was only asking theists not to start preaching to keep us from ending in hell (or whatever, depending on their religion). Most people took the hint and started to talk about whether or not they felt the same way that me after reading it. Some also started to post their own quotes, which was the whole point of the thread, even if it wasn't wrote in big red shinning letters. Then, out of nowhere, came Aga1 with twelve completely unrelated questions about science, trying to prove that god indeed existed. While I'm not going to comment here on the said questions themselves, I'm simply going to say that, as noted above, it was completely in the wrong thread (as Octopus noted himself). Thus, this is the reason why, I think, it was not very well received by the other posters. Did little Maya was clear enough this time? Let me say it again just to make sure that you all digested that: the obviously meant-to-be-funny "warning" ,"if you [felt] [�] like doing this ["quote me your favourite part of Genesis or tell me that God loves me anyway"], [�] you completely missed the point of this text", was simply about the fact that I didn't want that thread to turn into a religious thread (hence the title of said thread) and not at all about that you're dumb if you disagree with me (well, you are indeed, but that's beside the point). WAIT! Take a deep breath and make you eyes look at my last comment between parenthesis at the very end of the last paragraph. That is a little thing that I would like to refer to as a strange thing called "humour". That "thing" is not meant to be taken seriously and is even supposed to be, dare I say it, "funny". Those "things" are supposed to lighten up the mood of the discussion. Which brings me to another point: quotes. Some of them are meant to be taken seriously, to make you think, to make to wonder. On the other hand, some are meant to be sarcastic, ironic, or whatever� in short, "funny". Maybe I should include a warning before a post a quote, something like: Warning, funny quote ahead, people without a sense of humour should close their eyes, scroll down without looking and hope that they have scrolled far enough when they open their eyes again so that they won't be able to see that oh-so-very-offensive quote. Or maybe not. =) Clear enough??? You though I would be finished by now wouldn't you? Nope, here we go again� =)
Aga1: "I look upon an atheist as a person who believes in science too much then his faith. I see this in people who think that god has given up on them or they have a high I.Q and think that science tells all." [Aga1]
I would just like to say that your definition of atheism seems flawed to me. An atheist is no "a person who believes in science too much then his faith" or someone "who think that god has given up on them". An atheist is someone who doesn't not believe than god does even exist. Thus he has no faith (in god) and does not think that god had given up on him, since he does not even believe that god exist. "But there are others that no matter how much there life has fallen they still believe. An atheist might call these people dumb or something else." [Aga1] Nope, we call them "theist", but "dumb" is a good equivalent. =) (Humour, remember?) =) "But if you look around and actually look at the lives of people who pray an believe you can see that there life is changing for the better. If you look at atheist and there place in history you can see that they start to believe too much in themselves and eventually something happens. Maybe that is the cause of some great empires falling.The truth will only be known when we die." [Aga1] I don't think the obvious flaw in that arguments needs to be pointed out. "An Atheist also banishes the bible but if you ask the catholic church about it they will tell you that the bible is myth based on stories that they believe to be true it doesn't have to be accurate. An atheist always brings this to discussion. even though the bible factor had been explained by the. Church" [Aga1] I'm glad that you see the Bible that way and do not take it literally. As for why us atheists always brings that up, well, it's because the masses of believers who take the Bible literary reach a very high number, and most of the theists who end up in religious debates are among them. "When an atheist looks at miracles they automatically try to disprove it." [Aga1] Of course we do. Science thrives on sceptical inquiry into new ideas. If not, it would never advance. When new theories are presented, scientists fall on them like a pack of ravenous hyenas, looking for weak spots and problems. Every time something new happens, scientists try to see how it fits into the accepted theories and laws of science. If it does not, then it may be two things. Either that event is not what is seems to be, or the theories must be changed to reflect reality. Thus, it's only natural from us to look at those so-called "miracles" or any other "supernatural" events that way and, like it or not, what we have found doesn't fall into the "theory must be changed" category. "But when some atheist look at aliens they try to prove it which is kind of funny because they belive in one thing and discard the other." [Aga1] It depends on which aliens you refer to! =) If it's about that fact that intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe, well, yes, most of us believe that it does. However, it is just that, a belief. If you are talking about the (grey or green, I don't remember) aliens that are supposed to visit us, abduct people, in short, those Area-51 or X-Files kind-of aliens, then you will find that we look at them in the exact same way that we look at miracles and other supernatural events. "When an atheist talks about people and why believing is dumb they feel that they are not offending anybody. But when somebody talks about an atheist that way they feel offended." [Aga1] I never said that "believing is dumb". You are free to believe in whatever you wish, and I respect your right do it, for who am I to tell you what to think, just as you should (and I guess you do) respect my right not to believe in your god. "Some atheist look upon actors,celebertes,etc in a great way. So why can a person look upon some thing higher then himself like god in a great way?" [Aga1] There is, I believe, a big difference between something that exist, and something that may or may nor exist. But of course, that does not in anyway refrain you from looking "upon some thing higher then [yourself] [�] like god in a great way" if you believe than said being (in this case, god) exists. "Now if you look at mayas thread it says the same thing and it attacks the views of belivers by telling a view of an person.I am a person so i made statements on my views which made it to do the samething as mayas thread did olny attacking athiests views." [Aga1, on a reply to Roland] I hope that by now you have seen that my thread was not in anyway attacking "the views of believers". " Thank you for reading my views." [Aga1] Thank you for reading mine. I hope this cleared the confusion you had with my previous thread. JB: "Oh really? I have never heard of an atheist strapping a bomb to his back and obliterating a city block in the name of Science. I haven't heard of a war over atheism." [JB] LOL Roland: "Aga, I DEFINATELY make a good lawyer." [Roland, in a reply to Aga1] LOL I would hope so! =) Octopus: "Basically, the premise of the thread (from the way I read it) was "see, it's obvious! If you don't agree, you didn't understand." There was also an implicit "religious believers need not apply" associated with the thread." and " If I wrote a little blurb of text on why everything that JB believed was total BS, and said "if you simply respond that some of JB's ideas are valid, then you obviously missed the point of this text" then I think it would be fair to say that I had insulted JB. [�] But, understand that saying "I'm right. If you disagree, you misunderstood. Take your views somewhere else, you're not welcome here" is a pretty arrogant thing to do. " [Octopus] As I said to Aga1 I hope that what I said above cleared the confusion you had with my thread. Done�
-Maya Surgeon General's Warning: Quitting Religion Now Greatly Increases the Chances of World Peace. (Sorry, I couldn't resist!) =)
posted 11-18-98 10:03 PM ET
The long-winded Canadians strike again!:P |
posted 11-18-98 10:05 PM ET
"The long-winded Canadians strike again!" [Spoe]LOL *Hugs* -Maya
posted 11-18-98 11:59 PM ET
Maya: Until I read the beginning of the next paragraph, I honestly had no idea that you intended "you're dumb if you disagree with me (well, you are indeed, but that's beside the point)" to be humorous. The danger of communicating in a text-based medium is that you cannot use tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. to guarantee that your statements will be taken in the spirit in which they are intended. Things are very easy to misinterpret, which I think Aga1 did. What I thought was inappropriate were the comments by Roland and JB saying, essentially, that Aga1 didn't have a right to be offended by your thread.I don't think you had any conscious intent to offend anyone, but I suspect that the comments you make, even the ones with humorous intent, could be found offensive by some believers. Does this mean that you shouldn't say things that someone might find offensive? Of course not! What it does mean, though, is that nobody should be surprised or angered when somebody IS offended by them. Religion, as I'm sure you understand, is a very touchy subject for a lot of people. Also remember that in any debate, each participant inherits the past deeds of the side that they join. Atheists frequently use intellectual elitism to try to make believers feel foolish. While I'm not accusing anyone on this board of that specifically, it is an activity that occurs, and even a hint of it can be very offensive to people (I personally find this offensive, because I think it betrays the position, since atheism can easily be argued on its merits). So, Maya, I'll say in closing that anytime you post something on these boards, you risk having your intentions misunderstood. Of all people, you should understand that, going back to the old boards and the little flap over whether or not you really were who you said you were. That question was offered in what the poster thought was a harmless way, and you were deeply offended by it.
Larry Boy
posted 11-19-98 01:39 AM ET
Spoe: I think that you took the meaning of my argument one step further than I intended it to be used. I was not trying to show that because Jesus walked on water, He must be God. I was merely using an example to further my argument that miracles are unexplainable things. People can do unexplainable things, so can God, thus my argument was not that because walking on the water in unexplainable (Let me clarify my usage of unexplainable before I go further: What I mean is that it cannot be proven with any current means whether they be scientific, or evidential.) Jesus must be God. One last time: The only thing I was trying to show with that example is that miracles cannot be proven either way, so the burden of proof lies on no one, you can simply accept that it happened or not, but either way you are uncertain. I PERSONALLY think that because the New Testament is a very accurate (as far as ancient documents go), and because my own personal experience with religion viz. Jesus shows that something is definitely beyond anything worldly, then it is acceptable to believe that He walked on water. That thing about the New Testament leads into this:Tolls and Roland: My guideline for saying that the New Testament is textually accurate to the originals is defined by the bibliographical test for the reliability of ancient documents. If you have another test for determining reliability of such literature (and there are a few more, all of which the NT does very well in) please bring them up, we'll compare the reliability of the NT to your ancient literature. The bibliographical test works as follows: It is not intended to prove that one ancient text is more reliable than another, but just to show that the odds of it being reliable are much better. The bibligraphical test compares the time from when a book is finished, until the time that the first full manuscript copies of it are made (obviously less years is better as there is less time in copying for there to be a mistake), then counts the number of manuscripts from that time (if there are lots of copies that are similar, it shows that the copies are more reliable than if there were only a handful.) So you have a certain number of manuscripts a certain amount of years after the book was finished. You mentioned Suetonius, Plutarch, and Tacitus. Let's compare them with the NT by the bibliographical test: BOOK: YEARS AFTER FINISHED: # OF COPIES IN THAT YEAR: New Testament 25 years(AD 100 - AD 125) over 24,000 Suetonius 790 years (AD 160- AD 950 8 copies Tacitus 900 years (AD 100-AD 1000) 20 copies (I sure hope that looks right!) I don't have the data for Plutarch, but I guarentee that the NT whoops some on it. ("Tacitus" by the way includes his Annals and his minor works. I took the best of both worlds to give his workings the benifit of the doubt... didn't help much.) Clearly, the bibliographical test shows that the reliability of the NT is hundreds if not thousands of times greater than the other ancient texts. If you have another test, I'm confident my NT will excel at it as well. Until then, consider your ancient texts worthless compared the New Testament in their odds for reliability. Kay, I must attend to the other threads. It's been wonderful and I love you all! Oh hey, one last thing: Maya: You rule! I think you should get an award for longest post that actually said something. Congrats! God Bless, Larry Boy |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 03:51 AM ET
So this is where Maya's thread went to !!!Speaking of Maya ... Maya .. were those "LOL"'s I saw back there ??? LOL OCtopus had a good point about the textual nature of forums .. that's why SMILEYS help !!! See they are actually useful sometimes !!! Anyway .. Back to the quote .. I stated some of my point in that thread, which is now completely messed up (I'll admit adding oil to the flames) .. So anyways .. the point of the quote was to express MAYA'S views on life, the universe and everything .. she didn't say anything about how that everyone should believe in her quote/text .. Admitedly, even some Athiests didn't feel anything for the quote as I had predicted in the original thread !!! As for athiests all being devoted to science, this isn't the case either, although there is a strong co-relation (for more details, look at my posts in that thread) !!! Athiests come in different varieties just like religious people !!! We all dont' believe in a higher being, but that is where our similarities end !!! Personally, I don't even think I could say that God doesn't exist 100% for sure .. but I don't know if God does either .. and in the end, he was created by some sort of unexplained random force .. the argument God has always been there just doesn't hold any water for me at all !!! I personally don't want to waste my time in something I don't believe or can't rationalize !!! It's just a waste of my time !!! It may even be true that we were created by something, just as we create living things in labs every day .. but ultimately, whatever might have created us was created out of randomness !!! Those were posibilities that I can't rule out, but I personally don't think they're likely .. the evidence I have been presentated in my life leads me to think that we grew from the evolution of simpler organism from a long long time ago here on Earth .. and that there is nothing that created us !!! I believe there is no God, but as Larry can attest to, I respect your decisions to believe in God !!! I don't agree with it and think it is a waste of your precious time, but that is your decision to make !!! Anyways, I have really said all I had to said in the other threads on abortion and religion etc etc .. and I think this debate has worn thin due to inability to accept others for who they are and what they do or don't believe by a few fanatics on both sides !!! Some of you are so blinded by your stand (both Athiests and Religious people) that you can't bring yourselves to understand the other perspective !!! Just browsing through this thread, I know LarryBoy and Maya for example both put their points in calm rational ways .. they are both well spoken and theral with their arguments .. some of the others on the other hand, don't see this as a debate, but more as a personal attack on them .. this it just unfortunate .. I personnaly couldn't be bothered with the debate anymore because it just started to become a yelling match: -I'm right -No I'm right -No me -You're wrong -blah blah balh !!! well .. I'm really sick of it .. for every one great post, there are 2 other I have to go through that are total nonsense .. and then 5 more that are exact duplicates of things that were said in other threads !!! going to watch a movie now .. bbl to finish my post !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 05:02 AM ET
Just re-read my previous post ... most of it doesn't make much sense .. lol .. but I think you all get the idea .. don't take things too personally .. anyways, that's all I have to say about that ... this whole debate is being fought on two levels, and as much as I enjoy participating with LarryBoy and others who are rational, I just don't have the energy to read all the emotional name calling posts !!! I might participate every now and then, but this whole issue is getting annoying because everyone just keeps saying the same things over and over again !!!I hope you all realise the level of your arguments ... please .. try to be rational and constructive in your debating ... noone will ever understand you if all you do is rant and rave !!! Look at the debates Brother Larry and myself had in "people who think abortion doctors should be shot" (terrible title) and "abortion & Religion II" .. I think Larry will agree with me that we both put our points across in a clear mature manner, and in the end, even if we didn't agree with each other, at least we understood each other .. and that's what it's all about !!! Right Larry ???  |
posted 11-19-98 07:02 AM ET
Gee, what a mayan rant! Very enjoyful, I may say, on behalf of the atheist self congratulation society...  Maya: "No offence, but if you would be so kind as to allow me to repeat myself, "you completely missed the point" of my other thread." Does that mean we did a bad job defending your position ?  Octopus: "What I thought was inappropriate were the comments by Roland and JB saying, essentially, that Aga1 didn't have a right to be offended by your thread." Could you please say where I wrote that ? All I said was I can't understand the reason why he is offended - if I may quote myself: "This may be as non-religious in his view, I just can't follow that view." And I tried to explain what was a misunderstanding of his IMO. Larry: "My guideline for saying that the New Testament is textually accurate to the originals..." I don't know about Tolls, but this is not the problem I have. On the accuracy about the FACTS (my problem) as well as on the accarucy of "copying:" It is very unclear how the four evengelia originated. Some say the synopticists had a common masterdoc, others say they copied from one another. The origin of Johannes (what is he called in english ?) is unclear as well. There are many non-canonical texts (apocryphs or so). So it is not that clear that the new testament is an accurate translation of the original texts. Even more so, I wonder whether they are describing what has happened correctly. With "reliable", I mean reliable on the facts. You can check roman historians vs one another, foreign historians (eg greek, later persian, for example), check with archeological evidence, with inscriptions etc. The story about Jesus is, however, almost exclusively described in the new testament. In other works, eg Flavius Josephus, there is only a short note on him - or nothing at all. The Quumran documents have lead a jewish scientist to an interesting hypothesis: The "true" description of Jesus was with the Essanians, but they (and their side of the story) perished in the judean war in about 65/70. Some of those documents refer to the keeper of truth, maybe a brother of Jesus, and the evil liar, which may be Peter or Paul. That scholar concludes that Paul, as a roman citizen, had drawn up the image of a conciliatory jewish leader (jesus) in support of the roman authorities. Whether that theory is correct or not, it shows how little we know whether the story of the new testament is realiable on the FACTS. PS: Did Jesus have brothers ? Qumran and the apocryphs say so, the new testament doesn't IIRC. What's your view, Larry ? |
posted 11-19-98 10:01 AM ET
That was my interpretation as well, Roland. I would have to look at the dates you provide for the historians texts, but they're probably correct. I don't know about the numbers of copies of the NT you ascribe to AD125, though. Without printing, producing 24,000 copies would've taken an awful lot of literate people...Now, as to historicity, I have to say that the gospels aren't much cop, but the letters and Acts are quite handy, but not as good as a proper history. Not surprising, since they were not intended as history, but as religious texts. As for being mentioned by Josephus, there is a strong view that that part was a forgery. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 10:27 AM ET
Roland !!! LOL .. The only problem I have with Maya's rants, is that there aren't enough of them !!! =) !!!LOL .. I personally think that the sexiest trait a woman can have in my perspective, after integrity, is rationality !!! =) again !!! Hey Roland ??? How are the borg anyways ??? |
posted 11-19-98 10:36 AM ET
I'm not sure about more mayan rants... who'd have the time to read'em all ???DJ: "I personally think that the sexiest trait a woman can have in my perspective, after integrity, is rationality !!! =) again !!!" Ok, let's try this: I am not!!! sure about this =) For me (!!!), intellectual capability (?!?!?!) may come first !!! Or what ???  (I really think intelligence makes a woman attractive; If I look at the majority of men, however, that makes me feel like a pervert...) About the borg: What are (!!!) borg ??? We assimilited canadians =) have never!!! heard about the borg(TM) ...!!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 10:51 AM ET
LOL .. you nut ... take a look at the Borg = Canadian thread you started !!!I have posted the evolution of a smiley in there !!!  |
posted 11-19-98 12:43 PM ET
Roland: 1. "why do you think your little rant does not constitute another religious thread" 2. "let's be nice and say "strange" - points" 3. [JB] "Maya did NOT attack views" "simple agreement with JB" 4. "You seem to severely misunderstand what that thread was about" [directed at me]1. Describing something as a "rant" can easily be understood to have negative connotations. Implying that Maya's "non-religious" thread was okay but Aga1's is not says that you thought the thread should not be here. 2. I can't read that sentence without associating it with some sort of personal attack. 3. Aga1 (as I explained before) obviously DID think that the other thread attacked his views. 4. While this may be impossible for you to believe, it is possible to completely understand someone's position and still disagree with it. I understand both the intention AND the way the thread could be read. So, in closing Roland, I'll say "If you're just going to post 'I don't see it', don't bother, because that just shows you completely missed the point of this post". If you really can't understand why that sentence can be read as if it had an insulting intent (whether I meant it or not), you've got some linguistic difficulties.
posted 11-19-98 01:10 PM ET
Ok, let's have a look at those points:"1. Describing something as a "rant" can easily be understood to have negative connotations. Implying that Maya's "non-religious" thread was okay but Aga1's is not says that you thought the thread should not be here." It is usual on this board to refer to long or opinion-loaded posts as rants. I have done that for posts I agree with. So given the context, I say YOU imply that meaning. If you understand it that way, fine. It's not the way it was meant. And again, I can't follow your logic on this: I just said that Aga's post was (directly) religious - it therefore is in contradiction with his title, but I've never said it shouldn't be there. I enjoy opinions that I do not share. "2. I can't read that sentence without associating it with some sort of personal attack." I said his points are strange. I did not say HE was strange or anything like that. I claim the right to attack other opinions in a discussion - as everyone has the right to attack mine. But there is a difference between attacking the opinion or the person - have I said anything "ad personam" ? "3. Aga1 (as I explained before) obviously DID think that the other thread attacked his views." And I obviously think that this is NOT the case, and Maya has explained in detail why. "4. While this may be impossible for you to believe, it is possible to completely understand someone's position and still disagree with it. I understand both the intention AND the way the thread could be read." Ah yes ? And what you say there is not ad personam ? I'll stay with dealing with opinions, and I gotta say: From my view, though it is clearly spoiled with linguistic problems, I can understand someone's position, but it may still be a misunderstanding. There can be comprehandable and not comprehandable misunderstandings, is that right from a linguistic point of view ? "So, in closing Roland, I'll say "If you're just going to post 'I don't see it', don't bother, because that just shows you completely missed the point of this post". " Now this is very interesting. I say to aga and you in essence, you misunderstood what Maya said. You tell me if I misunderstand what you say to shut up. Apart from that, I decide for mayself whether I bother to reply or not. Who are you to tell me not to post a certain reply ? From my view (spoiled with linguistic failures, I know), you are denying to me what you want to see granted ( and which I never wanted to deny) to aga and you. "If you really can't understand why that sentence can be read as if it had an insulting intent (whether I meant it or not), you've got some linguistic difficulties." Again, you are telling me there in essence that I'm stupid if I do not understand your glorious words. My understanding, of course. What if I had said to aga or you: "If you don't see the point in Maya's thread, you got some linguistic difficulties" ? In the end your post is a lot more insulting and ad personam than anything I have said. One can come to different understandings of things without having linguistic difficulties. I think I had clarified that I cannot understand aga's interpretation. You tell me that you can't understand my position. That's perfectly fine, but keep your highground out of this. |
posted 11-19-98 05:08 PM ET
Roland, I think you make my point for me. I used the words I did in my post because the "completely missed the point" is taken from Maya. Since you feel that my post was insulting to you, you also understand that those words can be used in an insulting manner. Therefore, Aga1, or anyone else who read them, should be just as free as you are to be insulted by them."If you don't see the point in Maya's thread, you got some linguistic difficulties". My point is that this has more or less already been done, except the implication is a lack of reasoning power, not a lack of linguistic facility. I understand the philosophy of those who find Maya's quote to be fulfilling or uplifting or whatever. I disagree with it. I do not disagree with it on religious grounds. I disagree with it on "aesthetic grounds". I have no interest in attacking you personally. If you read my posts in this thread and the other religious threads, I think you will see that I have been a proponent of open debate on this issue, and debate on the issues, not the people involved. I don't really have any interest in continuing these sorts of posts, either. I posted because you "cannot follow your interpretation of Maya's thread" and "can't understand the reason why he is offended". I thought that I would try to help you understand. Obviously, I've failed. As for this: "This may be as non-religious in his view, I just can't follow that view". No, it's NOT non-religious in his view. It is as non-religious in his view as Maya's thread was, i.e. not at all. He felt that Maya's "non-religious" thread was religious, and insulting. "It is usual on this board to refer to long or opinion-loaded posts as rants". I don't care how many people do something that can be misinterpreted, it can still be misinterpreted. If you want to keep discussing this, feel free to keep on posting. I am not really interested anymore (I was never interested in the first place, but I feel it is my obligation to my fellow atheists to point out when they are acting in a way which is counterproducitve to Atheism), but if you want me to keep responding to you, I will.
posted 11-20-98 12:16 PM ET
In response to Roland's 11-20-98 05:45 AM ET post (lost in the middle of the thread due to the quasi-nexification):First, you are right that context can frequently be used to give meaning to ambiguous words or phrases. However, when I read your posts in this thread I put them in a context of hostility towards Aga1's position (whether you intended it or not, that is how it came across to me), and therefore the context makes your position more "insulting", not less. Even if a misinterpretation of your words is required to have a negative reaction to them, it is still possible. I believe that you said a couple of times that you didn't understand why Aga1 had the reaction he did. I suggest that he DID make that misinterpretation. It is an UNDERSTANDABLE misinterpretation to make. ' "Since you feel that my post was insulting to you, you also understand that those words can be used in an insulting manner." Don't you see the difference ?' Frankly, no. I used the words I did specifically because I was TRYING to provoke a reaction from you, saying almost the same thing that Maya did. Saying "you missed the point" of something implies that you are incapable of understanding that thing. I found that phrase of Maya's to be insulting in the context I read it in. I don't think Maya intended it that way, but humor is a dangerous business. Since you seem to enjoy how I need to take a "tortured" interpretation of what you say to make my points, I'll show you some of your own: "While this may be impossible for you to believe..." Since "may" is not a certainty, I allow for the possibility (even probability) that you will believe it. "don't bother" [to reply]... This was more or less taken from Maya (with a bit of artistic license), so complain to her, not me, if you find the idea offensive. "if..., you've got some linguistic difficulties." In a conditional sentence, if the condition is not true then the other part does not hold. It was my hope that you WOULD understand, and I conditioned the "insult" on your lack of understanding. Since you can at least start to understand how that language can be insulting, the "linguistic difficulties" part wouldn't apply. So, does that pedantic BS convince you not to be insulted? It probably shouldn't. You've got just as much right to be offended by my posts as anyone has to be offended by anyone's. That's my point. |
posted 11-20-98 12:42 PM ET
Octopus, you add a new dimension to the word "misunderstanding"; or "interpretation"; seems you enjoy the "bit of artistic license" too much. If I try to see (or here, read) the world with your eyes, yes, I finally make it to see what in the world can be interpreted as attacking, insulting etc pp..."So, does that pedantic BS convince you not to be insulted?" Maybe it's a professional desease of mine to look at words too exactly. For example, I have said you could have been insulting etc; to get it clear, I am NOT insulted by your statements, I'm just bothered. I have also said your comments are more direct than anything I've said; I can very well see the meaning of your conditional statements: not _entirely_ direct, but still _more_ direct. Again, I've never before run into someone with your interpretational skills on these boards (this is just a bit sarcastic, to make it clear, as is this very part in brackets - ah yes: ), but I agree with you on one thing: I stop the pedantic BS here. Weekend, here I come...  Bye, everyone... |
posted 11-20-98 11:08 PM ET
umm how come there are two athiest views started by me i could of sworn i started with 1 ? |
posted 11-20-98 11:27 PM ET
Aga1: "Its good to have someone like octopus defending you while you were away. Thanks Octopus." No problem."how come there are two athiest views" Look in "The Double Nexus Nexused" (or something to that effect).
posted 11-22-98 04:17 PM ET
Maya's little barb in "Messing with Godwinson's head..." has been annoying me for a while, because it demonstrates that I have been misunderstood. I'm going to explain my position one last time, and then I hope that this issue will just die.Some quotes from "This godless universe (nope, this is _not_ another religous thread!) =)": Maya: "... I think that you completly missed the point of this text." Roland: "If it just makes you feel lonely and nothing else, you have, as Maya said, (almost) "completly missed the point of this text"." DJ RRebel: "...religious people can sometimes not comprehend..." DJ RRebel: "You guys bring up good points, unfortunately you can't speak on behalf of all athiests though ... not even all athiests truly understand Maya's quote !!!" [Aga1 enters the debate] DJ RRebel: " If you have to ask those questions, then you've completely missed the entire point of the text !!!" DJ RRebel: "My point is that religious mind is normally one who will not seek scientific enlightment !!!" [Octopus enters and suggests that religious debates be carried out in the "Religion" threads, where there are well understood ground rules. Octopus also points out that he doesn't find Maya's text compelling.] Maya: " Well, I guess the title of the thread wasn't clear enough..." [maybe we should judge a thread by its contents, not its title, eh Maya?] DJ RRebel: "Octopus ... lol .. I guess you didn't read my other post then !!!" [indicating the post I have above about "not even all atheists"] [DJ RRebel then goes into a discussion about how more intelligent people tend toward atheism] Okay, so what's my problem? I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent person. When someone suggests that I didn't "get the point" or "comprehend" or "understand" something, I consider that to be an insult to my intelligence. I feel that if someone suggests that someone else didn't understand something, it is insulting to their intelligence. I feel that I also have a responsibility to the cause of Atheism to prevent our school of thought as coming across as a bunch of intellectual elitists (which happens all too often in debates about atheism). I consider the quotes above to be be insulting because they indicate that disgreement comes from a "lack of understanding". Personally, I find that form of argument to be highly inappropriate, and I never engage in it (at least not consciously). I consider it good argumentative form to point out flaws in others reasoning. I consider it good form to show a logical argument for why one side's position is the correct one. I don't find it good form to be insulting to the opposition. I consider ineffective arguments to be pointless (no religious person is ever going to be convinced to abandon his or her religion because of atrocities carried out be other people who claim to be religious). I also find it unpleasant when arguments are not carried out in the appropriate places, because the venue frequently affects the debate. I would have preferred if Maya's text had been put into one of the openly religious threads, so that anyone would have felt completely free to post their responses to it. Failing that, I would have preferred it if Maya's thread had remained a quotes thread, and a separate "commentaries" thread had been started, where again anyone would have felt free to contribute. As it happened, I think that Aga1's reaction to Maya's thread was completely predictable (even if it wasn't what the people in "This Godless Universe" wanted), given that the thread HAD turned into another religious debate. Now if any of you think it takes an extreme twisting of words to find "completely missed the point" insulting, then I guess I disagree with you. To me, that is insulting on its face, unless it is patently obvious that it wasn't intended. From the quotes above, I believe that the phrase was used by several people in a completely serious way. I can certainly understand why. I am a rational and reasonable person who has come to the conclusion that atheism is the correct philosophy. Therefore, that conclusion MUST be a rational and reasonable one (since a rational and reasonable person like myself arrived at it). In all my debates with religious people, I fight to keep those sorts of preconceptions from infecting my arguments. Now, in fairness, some of the things I have said were a little harsh as well. "The atheist self-congratulation society was meeting there, discussing how short-sighted those who disagree are" was meant as a humorous exaggeration, and several atheists (I believe) didn't see it that way, but took offense at it. That is certainly their right, and I take full responsibility for what I posted. I, in fact, pointed this out to DCA in this thread. Now, if any atheists who posted in the other thread want to say "but that's not what I MEANT", feel free to. But my point is: that is not how it comes across, at least to me. I don't think any verbal gymnastics are required to understand that. You will be a more effective advocate for your cause if you can understand the philosophy and potential reactions of your opponents. |
posted 11-22-98 04:23 PM ET
Repost, so this shows up at the end, where it's supposed to be:I just said "I've been misunderstood", but then I go on to say that accusations based on misunderstanding are insulting. Hypocritical, huh? The difference, of course, is that I feel the misunderstanding of my point stems from the fact that I haven't been clear enough in articulating it.