Topic: Who will skip school for SMAC?
Apocalypse |
posted 11-14-98 06:29 PM ET
I was wondering, how many of you will skip school on the day SMAC is released just so you can buy and play it earlier? I probibly will if I can convince my parents that I am too sick to go to school, but well enough to go and get SMAC.
posted 11-14-98 06:32 PM ET
I can wait 'till the weekend to buy the game(assuming it comes out any time between Jan-Feb), because it's not like the store is gonna sell out in a few days, they're probably gonna stock up a lot of them because it has the Sid Meier name on it.I may just cut school for the demo day, but maybe not, most of the SMAC stuff is posted after I get home from school. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-14-98 06:35 PM ET
You have school on Dec. 20th? I thought all the schools were out for Christmas vaction by then.... |
posted 11-14-98 06:43 PM ET
My school gets out Dec 23. We don't even get a half day then. I might just skip those days. I hate the freakin superintendant of our schools! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-14-98 07:40 PM ET
I was going to fake a sickie on the day of the demo, but now that they moved it back to when I'm going to be on holidays I'm going to have to come up with another idea.We don't know exacly when the demo is going to come out, I might be on the weekend. And you must remember, not everyone of earth is as exited about SMAC as we are, there's not going to a huge line at 3am in the morning, waiting for the computer store to open, just to get SMAC. Many people wouln't have it on the relise date. And I'm not sure how fast it will be avalible down here. It could be a few days. |
Ultra SupremePaco
posted 11-14-98 07:44 PM ET
I have the talent to make myself sound really annoying... I could persuade my parents to let me camp outside of Electronics Boutique the day before SMAC is released. Then again, I could just convince them to order it online.~Paco |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-15-98 12:55 AM ET
No, I will not skip school for SMAC ,but I would sell my soul to have Zelda64 RIGHT NOW. |
posted 11-15-98 01:22 AM ET
Hell yeah I'll skip, I already know all the crap they're gonna teach me! Ok, maybe not the spanish, but who cares? |
posted 11-15-98 01:28 AM ET
I wont need to, we get out on the 18th i believe |
posted 11-15-98 06:47 AM ET
All of you poor people still in secondary education.My answer: If I was still in high school (which thankfully I am not) I very well be "sick" a few days and end up sitting in front of my machine playing SMAC (it says something about the education system when a computer game is more intellectually stimulated than one's education. . .) Since I am attending university now, I skip classes on a regular basis (something I could n't do in HS). Hey, when you have a class that you can do just as well not going to class as when going (and especially when class size exceeds 100 people), you skip it. It's the first of rule of college classes. THUS, OF COURSE I'm going to skip class for SMAC, I already do. The question is whether I will allow it to interfere negatively with my social life. Well, probably not, but it will be alot of fun (there goes another few good weeks of time I should use studying next semester, oh well). |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-15-98 03:26 PM ET
This is off topic, but I feel that it should be said. I'm finding that education no longer about learning. It's about filling out worksheets and filling in blanks. Where did the learning part go? (Not memorization, which will leave your mind right after you take the exam)
posted 11-15-98 03:29 PM ET
This question has been haunting me through school and university... |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-15-98 04:05 PM ET
I would skip school for smac,but I'd get my ass busted by my parents! |
posted 11-15-98 04:45 PM ET
I'm going to pre-order it from the Cyberian Outpost online store, and get it about 3 days after it is released (or the next day, depending if I go with UPS, or the air service). It is just easier that way. sheesh, almost 6 months to get to 100 posts, now I have to start over again. |
posted 11-15-98 11:26 PM ET
I'll download the demo right away, and stockpile my money (sucks not having a job, and having parents who believe you should work for money. What the hell is that all about? ) until it comes out. |
posted 11-16-98 11:26 PM ET
I'll probably get "sick" when it comes out... I have the same problem DHE does. My parents say I have to pay for my own car, like they did, which I wouldn't mind if not for the fact that they won't let me get a job! |
posted 11-17-98 12:16 AM ET
Hehe, my flow of money has come back in. I get $8 an hour, to work on location for my carpentry class. Heh, tech school is cool, my last year too, oh well.  I have more than enough for SMAC now!! I can buy Caesar III if I wanted too, but I really don't feel like driving that piece of scrap metal, people like to call my car, down to the computer store, but in the case of SMAC, I'll gladly get the finger from 30 angry people, while driving there!  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-17-98 03:12 AM ET
The art of the "sickie" has been passed of from generation to generation. It's a delicate prosedure that depends on many variables, how gulable and naive your parents are, how good you are a lying and improvisation and if you realy are a bit sick. Once when I faked a sickie my parent desided to take me to a doctor. I though "now im stuffed", but I turned out that I was realy sick, even though I didn't feel like it. Instead of missing out on the one day of school (which I planned to do) I got to stay home for the whole week.  |
Frank Moore
posted 11-20-98 01:13 PM ET
SCHOOL? Maybe I'm dating myself, but I'm going to blow off work to play. (cough, cough) |
posted 11-17-98 07:52 PM ET
If your parents aren't naive & gullable, you could always do this. Get up really early, so early your parents won't be able to hear a peep. Cook up some oatmeal, well nuke it now, & mix in some toothpaste. Put it in your mouth, & go throw it "up" into the toilet. Then wake your parents up & tell 'em you had to get up early 'cause of that. Unless your parents are like 18th century ones, they're going to believe you.  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-30-98 08:04 AM ET
Arghhhh.My last exam here at the University of Arizona is on December 18th! It will take me all day (including driving time to departure airport, driving time home from arrival airport, and layover time in intermediate airport) all day to travel back home on December 19th. My computer will remain here in storage in Arizona (so no playing the SMAC demo for me ). I will not return until January 11th. However, I, as stated before, will almost certainly skip several classes to play SMAC. Of course, I do have a heavier course load next semester and most of the courses I'm taking next semester actually count for my major unlike the really easy general education courses I've had to take this semester. So maybe I'll just do SMAC after school (you only spend about 18 hours a week in class anyways). My only problem is going to come between playing SMAC and writing the essays for my 2 political science and 2 philosophy classes. . . |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-17-98 08:49 PM ET
Here's one:Take a small handful of garlic salt and eat it. A few minutes you'll puke. Instant day off. I found this out by acting like a jackass and actually doing this for no reason at all. Stupid me ,but I found out a way to hurl in time of need. (SMAC) by the way- The next chapter in the story will be given to us on the release date of Zelda64. Excuse me, I must go the my Zelda shrine and pray. |
posted 11-30-98 04:01 PM ET
Oh sorry DJ, I already told your boss. Don't worry though, he posts on these forums under an assumed identity, so he won't mind you skipping, because he's gonna be skipping too!  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-30-98 04:02 PM ET
Hmmm, my post is where DJ's should be, & DJ's is where mine should be. Crazy forums...Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-30-98 04:04 PM ET
Jesus, now DJ's post has completely disapeared!! What is wrong with these forums!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 04:05 PM ET
Hey ??? Where did my post go ??? LOL YYYH ??? I know you want to pass me, but this is rediculous !!! |
posted 11-30-98 04:12 PM ET
I swear I had nothing to do with it!! It was the nexii & NYM in ka-hoots!! We must stop them before they destroy everyone's posts!  Your faithful & hell-bent Nexii destroyer, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 04:16 PM ET
hahaha ,,, that was really wierd eh ???If they join forces, we will all be doomed !!! LOL |
posted 11-30-98 04:21 PM ET
They will join together in 3 days!! Since we we're all gonna die, you better give me all your money, you aren't gonna need it in the next life!  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Hothram Upravda
posted 11-30-98 04:24 PM ET
Once this game comes out, i do not think i am going to be able to think about school for many many weeks .Heck for that matter once the demo comes out everything else goes on the backburner  Hothram Upravda TB
posted 11-30-98 06:30 PM ET
NoI will be on college holidays anyway  Must make more posts than Darklight! I am the CWALer who has posted the least! Must remedy awful situation by mad posting frenzy! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:12 AM ET
LOL .. I don't think I'll even get around to breathing once the demo is out !!!YYYH ... what do you mean 3 days ??? Before I get to play SMAC ??? That's not a nice thing to say !!! |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:20 AM ET
I'm fortunate enough not to have to worry much about these concerns... I'm not in school anymore, and I work, but I work for myself, at home. =) This makes it very easy to justify to my boss (me) that I do in fact need SMAC for productivity reasons. (stress relief, same tired old excuse I gave myself when I picked up a copy of Half-Life a few days ago.) |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:22 AM ET
What sort of work do you do ??? Is Half-Life any good ??? What's it like ??? |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:30 AM ET
I take odd contracts in the computer field, in the hopes of soon building it into a web design business of sorts. I do more than web design - lately I've been busy on a job that's mostly scanning and physical page layout - but web design is what I specialize in.Half-Life is really impressive... It's a 1st person shooter on the Quake 2 engine, but despite that, I like it a LOT. I never really bothered much with Quake and those games, although I enjoyed the Hexen II demo... but 1st person shooters never really engaged my interest. Half-Life is very story driven though, and extremely realistic... great animation, no jarring 'levels' in the game, it just flows from area to area, and you can go back and forth between them at will, (as can opponents,) except where it's physically impossible to do so for whatever reason. I think the best thing about it is the AI though...especially AI human opponents...they're realistic enough to be outright spooky. And heck, like I said... it's amazingly good for stress relief purposes. =)
DJ RRebel
posted 12-01-98 06:33 AM ET
Sounds good I guess, but I'm like you, I really don't have much interest in first person shooter games !!!Ever play Dark Reing ??? I got hooked on that for a while !!! I was really good !!! |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-01-98 06:38 AM ET
Looked at it in stores a few times but never had the money when I managed to have any interest in it, so I never got it. =) Right now the next strategy game I'm looking at getting my hands on is the new Populous title, but it doesn't seem to have reached Canada yet... grrrr. |
posted 12-06-98 09:00 AM ET
Oh what luck it is to go to college and study law in the 4th year.So you are not forced to go to college, you can do whatever you want. That includes working the day before and playing SMAC on the day it is released Ciao Marian Editor of the Alpha Centauri Zone |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-06-98 10:43 AM ET
Gord, a friend of mine said he saw it in FS (gggggrrrr .. I know) for $5 !!! |
Gord McLeod
posted 12-07-98 01:22 AM ET
Maybe eventually... I'm still going through Half-Life though.. 