posted 11-20-98 05:36 PM ET
<SnowFire, clad in his best toga, stands in the very center of the platform's area.>"Hmm, it's a good thing the forces of NYM never tried to disrupt the altar. Soon I now be one of the most ppowerful gods on AC. Now where's that enchantment."
<Shuffles through suitcase, looking for a book.>
"Ah yes, here it is. "And Billy went down and played in the roses with Mary, and everyone lived happily ever after. The end." Um, oops, guess that was the wrong book. Ummm... okay, let's try this one. "?pot no ragus htiW ?esaelp ytterP .doohdog rof siht tnarg esaelp ,nairB dna diS"
<A giant explosion from the very depthes of Alpha Centauri sends a spurt of lava carrying the altar sky high into the atmosphere>
<several minutes later, a shower of debris, rubble, and cooled lava lands back on the ground>
"Ouchhh!!!! That smarts! Good thing I'm a god now, and can heal myself easier..."
<narrotor's voice from nowhere>
"Thus began SnowFire's life as a god. He quickly..."
Snow: "Hey! No narrating! I'll do that! I never ordered one anyway!"
This is beginning to degenerate into bad stand up comedy. If anyone wants to congratulate me or give me gifts (hint hint hint) to celebrate, come here to this thread. And BigE can hopefully do some good jokes, I command him to come out of retirement for this, temporarily at least.