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Author Topic:   Preparing the Altar.
SnowFire posted 11-14-98 03:09 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire   Click Here to Email SnowFire  
It should be noted that this is my 145th post. It should also be noted that I had exactly 855 posts in the old forums.

But unlike some others who transcend as soon as they hit 1,000, I am waiting a bit. Why? Because SOME of them (hint hint hint) did some repeat or even dishonorable posts, that included polluting the nexus or accidental doble posting. While there is nothing shameful about some of these posts, transcending on shaky post ground makes a weaker new god. So I am shoring up my post count, and for every honest post I make right now, that one less double post, or nexus polluting post (I'm ashamed to say I did a few of them.) that I need to use to transcend. If no profit is gained from them, there is no shame in them.

So upon this altar, after accuring a suitable number of posts to prepare it better, I will transcend and become a more powerful god because of it. And then NYM will truly have somehting to fear! <maniacal laughter echoes wildly everywhere>

Ah, I need to work on that laughter more...

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-14-98 03:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
Hey, I got to 2000 without any dishonorable posts! So I will still be & always be the most powerful God!!!!

Mwu hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier g.....Wait I forgot something.

Snowfire, tell me before you exorcise NYM. My powerful godly status could prove useful in overpowering it!

(Now I can do the ending)

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

SnowFire posted 11-14-98 03:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Gee, do you remember MikeH's review commision to tell if you and JB ever polluted the nexus?

Eh, 'tis okay. I just want to avoid the dishonorable posts adulterating my power, so I will be an extremely powerful God.

With my current demigodly powers, I set up wards against NYM to give a short exciting life to any who try to channel its forces within the area protected by the wards.

SnowFire posted 11-20-98 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
<SnowFire, clad in his best toga, stands in the very center of the platform's area.>

"Hmm, it's a good thing the forces of NYM never tried to disrupt the altar. Soon I now be one of the most ppowerful gods on AC. Now where's that enchantment."

<Shuffles through suitcase, looking for a book.>

"Ah yes, here it is. "And Billy went down and played in the roses with Mary, and everyone lived happily ever after. The end." Um, oops, guess that was the wrong book. Ummm... okay, let's try this one. "?pot no ragus htiW ?esaelp ytterP .doohdog rof siht tnarg esaelp ,nairB dna diS"

<A giant explosion from the very depthes of Alpha Centauri sends a spurt of lava carrying the altar sky high into the atmosphere>

<several minutes later, a shower of debris, rubble, and cooled lava lands back on the ground>

"Ouchhh!!!! That smarts! Good thing I'm a god now, and can heal myself easier..."

<narrotor's voice from nowhere>
"Thus began SnowFire's life as a god. He quickly..."

Snow: "Hey! No narrating! I'll do that! I never ordered one anyway!"

This is beginning to degenerate into bad stand up comedy. If anyone wants to congratulate me or give me gifts (hint hint hint) to celebrate, come here to this thread. And BigE can hopefully do some good jokes, I command him to come out of retirement for this, temporarily at least.

DJ RRebel posted 11-20-98 05:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
I can't remember how many posts I had in the old forum .. I think it was like 400 or something .. now here, I'm at over 600 !!!
not too many multi posts from what I recall ... except for an accidental 2 or 3 I guess !!!
DJ RRebel posted 11-20-98 05:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
I can't remember how many posts I had in the old forum .. I think it was like 400 or something .. now here, I'm at over 600 !!!
not too many multi posts from what I recall ... except for an accidental 2 or 3 I guess !!!
DJ RRebel posted 11-20-98 05:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
LMAOROTF .. make that 3 or 4 !!!

That was one scary coincidence !!!

CClark posted 11-20-98 06:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CClark  Click Here to Email CClark     
'Tis not a scary coincidence DJ. It is the powers of NIM sending a very clear warning to Snowfire that he is not as powerful as he would like to believe.


And now, the evil, manical laughter as required... B'wah ha ha ha ha hah...

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