Topic: Who killed Capitain Garland
Mortis |
posted 11-13-98 11:22 PM ET
After reading GameSpot's preview of SMAC (courtesy of YYYH) I learnt that the Captain was murdered. That's right murdered! He didn't die in some unfortunate accident, he was killed in cold blood. Which brings me to the question "Who killed Captain Garland?" There are seven suspects (who you are all familiar with) several murder weapons: a shredder pistol, a canister of liquid nitrogen (ala Kurn He He He ), a titanium pipe, a cord of copper wire, the fusion drill and any others that maybe lying around. There is also the question of where it happened, was it in Skye's gardens, the weapon bay, the cryo bay, Saratov's lab, or the bridge?
posted 11-13-98 11:26 PM ET
My personal guess is Commander Saratov with the cannister of Nitrogen. The obvious on would be Santiago, but Firaxis wouldn't make the story that predictible, after all their not Hollywood. |
posted 11-13-98 11:26 PM ET
Imran(after Morgan paid him off) with the holochess board in the hydroponics lab?Heh, heh, new game: SMAC Clue. |
posted 11-13-98 11:57 PM ET
R Junack with the gun in the den....err I mean, R Junack with the shredder pistol in the cryobays. I say Captain Garland kills himself, but all the other leaders are stupid & call it a cold-blooded murder!! I don't know, it'll probably be one of the people who recently signed up in Apoc's thread. I'm guessing Corey Mason(sorry Borodino!) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-14-98 12:21 AM ET
Your just trying to make a reputation for your self, saying you killed the captain. Next you'll be trying to upthrough Santiago and take over Sparta. He must be stopped before it's too late!!!!! |
posted 11-14-98 12:22 AM ET
I don't think that they would pick a capitain that would kill himself under any cicumstances.Mortis, Founder of The "I hate Clubs" Club (retired), Prince of Darkness, Proprietor of Hell (retired), Head of the anti-capitalist movement, Chairman & CEO of Mortis Corporations |
Victor Galis
posted 11-14-98 01:28 AM ET
First we must analyse the motive of each of the suspects.
Santiago: Quite obvious, wants to be independent, Captain Garland is in her way.
Morgan: Wants to make money on AC, Captain keeps him under guard; won't let him be a faction leader.
Lal: No reason as of yet.
Saratov: Captain is not daring enough, Saratov does not want to die in cold dark space. He will try anything to get to AC, at any cost (as evidenced by fusion drive tests he wanted to run so fast).
Skye: May believe that Garland wants to ruin the planet like all the others.
(The hive guy): I don't know
Godwinson: Believes in God fanatically, maybe Garland doesn't. May kill him when he does something that particularly offends her fate.
posted 11-14-98 09:37 AM ET
Ok, I admit it: I killed Cap'n Garland. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-14-98 01:05 PM ET
Lies lies I say !!!Captain Garland does not die !!! He stays on the ship to make repairs on that 8th "cut-off" cryobay !!! There was one 8th of the ship crew in there (the Canadian 8th faction of course), it's a worthy cause for a worthy captain !!! He'll eventually return to Chiron with the Canadians after repairing the ship (could be years) ... or just in time for SMAC II !!! |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-14-98 01:22 PM ET
Here is the linep and the possible motives:Corazan Santiago: Garland would have gotten in the way of her plans to steal equipment and land a seperate colony. Provost Saratov: Felt that Garland was more of a threat to mission that a leader that would force them into submission. Nudebudwike Morgan: Gians much needed support from crew if Garland dies. Dierde Skye:no motive Pravin Lal:no motive Sister Miram Godwinson:no motive Best eqiped to carry out muder: Corazon Santiago:has acess to weapons bays and a number of selflessly devoted nutcases. Provost Saratov:Best eqiuped to kill Captin Garland.Has access to the weapons bay has motive, possible malice, and a nuber of armed engineers who would be physicly able to kill him and who are scared out of their wit the the captian will screw up along the line and therefor just as willing as Santiago's men to mutiny. Nudebudwike Morgan:Has motive and is physicly able to get cose enogh to kill Garland, but not as likely to kill as Saratov. Deirdre Skye: Ill eqiped to carry out a murder. Pravin Lal:same as above. Sister Miram Godwinson:same as above.
DJ RRebel
posted 11-14-98 01:38 PM ET
grrrmblll ... ok .. and in case I'm wrong ... lolSantiago ... even she understands that others hate her more than Garland .. she knows Garland is rational and will surely give her a better deal than most !!! It won't be her !!! Morgan ... We know very little of him, but again, if Garland dies, chaos will erupt, and one cannot run a successful business in chaos !!! Lal ... He has more reasons than most when you think about it !!! Saratov .. Again .. he wouldn't do it for the same reasons as the others ... it just wouldn't give him any advantage, but it would make his work harder !!! Skye ... Maybe after she smoked too many of her plants !!! lol "The hive guy" ... he would gain would move up if he secretly killed Garland, but I don't think he's the type to murder the captain !!! Godwinson ... lol .. there's no way she would do it ... she'd go straight to hell !!! Garland >>> Think about it .. he's the most logical one !!! I really like my scenerio alot though .. really if you think about it, it makes sense !!! Captain Garland secretly discovers that the 8th Cryobay is still supporting life, but is just cut off and badly damaged !!! He, along with a couple of his closest advisors stage his death, so they can stay behind to help them !!! They realise that for the sake of humanity they must make the rest of the crew go to Chiron while they still can, so they don't want to raise the issue of should they stay to save 1/8th or should they go in the interest of 7/8ths !!! The fact is, both are important, but humanity needs a large amount of the crew to go !!! Unfortunately, as captain, he cannot find it within his (Canadian) heart to leave 1/8th of the crew behind !!! Therefore GARLAND stages his own death to force the other leaders to be to compromise and make their way to Chiron !!! Garland stays behind with 1/8th of the crew (which now has alot of room to grow on the ship) for SMAC2:the return to Chiron or whatever !!! They could even make their way into SMAC after 60 years or whatever amount was said in the story ... because they now have alot of room to grow ... plus they wouldn't have any competing factions to deal with so they would concentrate on growth and research !!! They'd still have to figure out a way of keeping 1/8th of the supplies and food without the others catching on, but this chouldn't be too difficult when you think about it!!! He just has to carefully do it while he's still "alive" and in control of the ship !!! But eventually this technologically superior faction could return to Chiron and Garland ... disgusted at the war and chaos ... decides it's time for him to take over again and put things in order !!! I think that could be an awsome bonus for who ever beats all the other factions !!! I for one hate it when a good game ends ... this way, once you beat all the factions, a ship could crash land on the map (doesn't have to be too graphically appealing) .. so you'll have one more faction to beat ... it'll look easy at first because they'll only have one city to start with, but in reality their tech would be superior, and they could have 100's of units, so they could easily take a continent or two, but you'd have to make a stand somewhere and fight back !!! To me this would double my pleasure of a game !!! (admit it ... you all hate it when a good game ends) !!! WHATEVER HAPPENS ...
His last lines better not be ... IT ........ WAS ......... FUN !!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh I hated Star Trek for killing Kirk like that !!! Generations was a terrible movie !!! |
Jean Luc Picard
posted 11-14-98 01:39 PM ET
Isn't it also a possibility that there is a miss-communication with GameSpot? Wouldn't it be more interesting if the Captain is first taught to be dead, and later found alive in one of the Unity's broken piece? (a cryogenic unit perhaps?)
Or perhaps he and a couple people were saved by the native and make them representatives. It would be an interesting twist in the story line woudn't you think? |
posted 11-14-98 02:47 PM ET
Everyone blames everyone else, probably. Frames and counter-frames galore. I doubt we ever find out, until the closing victory sequence with the proper faction. |
posted 11-14-98 07:22 PM ET
I bet you, I will be either Miriam or Lal. And when asked why they'll say "I wanted to do something diferent for a change." Mortis, Founder of The "I hate Clubs" Club (retired), Prince of Darkness, Proprietor of Hell (retired), Head of the anti-capitalist movement, Chairman & CEO of Mortis Corporations |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-14-98 07:38 PM ET
Haha! I did it... I mean, umm.., the Canadians did it, Yeah. |
Ultra SupremePaco
posted 11-14-98 08:34 PM ET
How about my little thought: Everybody starts quarreling. Everybody pulls out pistols, and nobody gets hurt. But words get thrown. Garland gets mad. Garland flicks off the factions leaders and then leaves. He later fakes his own death. You find him later on in the game in one of the colony pods (mentioned in the Gamespot review - they are like the goody huts). You recieve a message. "You find Capt. Garland in his private hermitage! He threatens you and then goes away..."~Paco |
Ultra SupremePaco
posted 11-15-98 05:16 PM ET
Maybe the people at Gamespot assumed that he was murdered... he could die a heroic death saving the Unity, or he could just slip and fall down a stairwell and break his neck. |
posted 11-15-98 05:26 PM ET
Months and months ago I read a preview where they told who killed Garland. I'll tell it to you, but incase you don't want to be spoiled.... *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** *******Spoiler******** It was the Spartans. Brother Will Moeller, Peacekeeper, Gunman of the Apocalypse, Verge of Wraith, Phalanx of Forums, Prophet of the Servers
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-15-98 05:31 PM ET
Suddenly seven people, who never liked each other anyway, got mad at each other. Shedder pistols were aimed. Captain Garland tried to break up the fight, but all the bullets went in to him, standing in the middle of all of them.Seriously, FIRAXIS wouldn't let anyone kill Garland, because that leader would be vilified, and it'd diminish the faction leader in a way, causing less people to play as him. |
posted 11-15-98 07:03 PM ET
Here's a thought... in the 'backstory preview', we find out that Garland dies in a traditional 'locked-room' mystery, and that all 7 faction leaders had motive, means, and opportunity... but the game itself starts before we find out whodunnit. Then, at the end of the game, the killer is revealed... the leader of the winning faction, whichever it may be.
(Then again, it may just be the Spartans. <shrug> ) |
posted 11-15-98 10:43 PM ET
<<Seriously, FIRAXIS wouldn't let anyone kill Garland, because that leader would be vilified, and it'd diminish the faction leader in a way, causing less people to play as him.>>Agreement. Aside from that, the only ones whom I see no motive for are Lal and Yang who are both loyal to the mission. Maybe since they are the ones that no one expects to kill Garland... IT WAS THE BUTLER! |
posted 11-16-98 02:04 AM ET
Foxtaur - that's quite the idea, they should make a cut-scene of it. |
MikeH II
posted 11-16-98 09:57 AM ET
They wouldn't have to let on but in the Club of the Future there was a shadowy figure Mike Hefferan who worked hard to get the Spartans onto the Unity. He is one of Santiago's most trusted advisors and is basically a glorified hitman/spy but he has been notably absent from the story so far so perhaps it was him. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 10:11 AM ET
DO you guys not understand English ???Garland kills himself ... ummm .. but doesn't really !!! |
posted 11-16-98 10:55 AM ET
Mike there was another that got onto the unity-B**E, and he was there to, youknow. Perhaps It was he. Or perhaps it was them! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 11:11 AM ET
Perhaps Garland wasn't even alive to begin with ... maybe the UN programmed the ultimate negotiator android !!!hmmmmn .. now there's a thought !!! |
posted 11-16-98 01:43 PM ET
My vote goes for a mystery assassin. I like Foxtaur's idea of it turning out to be the victor in the ending cutscene, although some people might be a little ticked to always be a murderer if you win!They could also make it a mystery within the game. Randomly select a leader as the murderer at the start of the game but keep it secret. As the game progresses, make clues available in the wreckage. It may or may not be the player. By the time it is discovered though, most factions would be at a point where it was old news and nobody really cared anymore. It wouldn't do to give one player an unfair disadvantage. As far as motives: I think it'll boil down to a faction leader seeing Garland as an obstacle that must be removed. The instability that would be caused by the Captain getting offed would be good for any leader as they would have an opening to push their agenda. Even Godwinson, who, as a Christian, should be opposed to murder would stand to gain. Let's face it, with the Captain murdered the crew would have a big morale problem--you couldn't ask for a better bunch of leaderless sheep for somebody charismatic like Godwinson to step in and take control of. The only person who I can't really see having much to gain is Deirdre. Wanting to push an environmental agenda, it would be better for her to have the Captain around as somebody who is willing to listen and negotiate--unless she is SO fanatical that she fears the results of possible negotiation? |
posted 11-16-98 01:54 PM ET
It was Garland's cat, Freckles. Really, I saw him. He hadn't been fed in 30 years... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 02:02 PM ET
No offence guys, but I really don't want Garland to have anything to do with the game ... the story is great ... the game will be great ... let's not try to put the story into the game though ... the story is there so we have an idea of what each faction represents .. nothing more !!!SMAC is a strategy game not a murder-mystery-who-dun-it !!! If Garland makes it into the game, it should be as a faction leader or in the form of a (secret project: Garland Ressurection) ... I don't want to wonder the world for clues ... it would be detrimental to the game !!! SMAC = Global conquest !!! Not Sherlock Holmes !!! Please don't do this FIRAXIS !!!
posted 11-19-98 03:00 PM ET
I'm not sure if there are secret projects that are not specific to one faction. If there are generel secret projects, then here is my idea.At the begining of the game, randomly decide who is the real killer. Then at some point allow each faction to research the murder as a secret project. Once the real murdered is discovered you can either reveal the information or bribe the other faction leader as appropriate. If the information is revealed, then that faction gets some type of penality. The effect of bribery is up to the negotiations. If you are the real murderer, then you can bury all of the evidence and no one will ever really know. Another possiblity is framing someone else for the murder. I think that would include the murder as a sort of random element, without really changing the nature of the game. |
posted 11-20-98 09:02 PM ET
******For those who would like to know**** otherwise, DO NOT READ BELOW:Garland will die in the attempted landing. Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 11-21-98 03:58 AM ET
Maybe someone put a tiny hole in the heat shield of his lander |
posted 11-21-98 02:16 PM ET
The first thought that I had when I heard Garland was to be murdered was that Miriam would be a pain and provoke Santiago, Garland steps between and gets splattered instead of Miriam.PS Secret project for The Lord's Believers (the Conclave): Miriam Gotfriedson photoshoot. Her portrait is replaced |
posted 11-21-98 02:59 PM ET
To me, there are four possibilities, which I'll rank in order of probability: 1. You find Garland dead. No one knows who assassinated him, but the leaders each accuse someone else, which provokes the break of the crew in factions. They all have motive in this case, which is how they blame each other for his mysterious death. 2. The ship's situation is critical. Everyone tries to escape. Aha, but a good Captain goes down with his ship. Garland may be dumb, but he's a Hero. And he will go down with his ship, in extreme sadness because he knows the factions will kill each other. 3. There's a shoot out, and since there are tons of people, it is unclear who killed Garland. A little like 1. 4. There's an accident. He dies. Point.To me it is impossible any faction killed him at all. Even though I said (see "Opposing Factions" thread) the Spartans stand out as the ultimate evil (hated by everyone and vice-versa) the SMAC designers can't make it that obvious. |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-21-98 04:10 PM ET
Maybe this advent will be the turning point of Sister Miriam. She doesn't have that (excuse me for being for placing every one in a group) Muslim -esque jihad, blow people up for God personality. As of now, I could see her going to my church. That would look bad on the part of fraxis if she isn't changed some how. She just hasn't shown to be a short fussed fanatic. God bless Sister Miriam and paladins willing to fight. |
posted 11-21-98 06:18 PM ET
I certainly agree with you, Saint Randerolf. Although I am not Catholic (as Godwinson seems to be), Sister Godwinson seems to be a very respectable character. I thought at first she would be a crazy terrorist type, but she seems very smart, and nice. I also thought Morgan would be much worse. Same goes for Yang, which has impressed me. The only one I'm disapointed about is Zakharov. I was UoPer at first... |
MikeH II
posted 11-22-98 06:51 AM ET
Garland dying in an accident wouldn't really satisfy me. The problem is killing him off without making one faction the favourite by giving them all the credit so it's probably the best solution. |
Manny Calvera
posted 11-22-98 07:53 AM ET
Captain Stubing in the closet with a dildo. DX.U know who I am WIKKY! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-19-98 06:54 AM ET
We'll find out soon !!!I really don't think we will get any tangeble evidence ... at least I hope not !!! That would really make the factions rather lopsided with favoritism and anti-favoritism in multi-player !!! |
posted 12-21-98 02:11 PM ET
If you want my opinion, he's already dead. That's why he hasn't responded to Lal's wakeup call yet. |