Topic: Beta Testers !!! :)
DJ RRebel |
posted 11-13-98 10:13 AM ET
OK folks ... here it is ... the one you've been waiting for !!!Who are the BETA testers !!! I can't beleive we haven't tryed to work on this one yet !!! OK, we know there are 25 of them (Is this fact???) OK .. so #1 has got to be TAS !!! TAS >> Started off in the begining with a supreme # of posts ... but now they've been cut to the occational trickle !! He's got to be one ... I'd be willing to put my house on it !!! YYYH >> For the inverse reasons, it's also a fact that YYYH is NOT a BETA tester .. he just has way too many posts !!! Imran Siddiqui >>> Is the fact that he has an extensive role in the story coincidence, I think not !!! He has to be one of THEM !!! Brother Larry >>> Seeing as he could never call the gang at Firaxis his true gods, he'll never be given the BETA !!! Zanthrax >>> I think he was falling behind on his BETA 'reports", and decided to leave the forum to catch up on some of his work !!! MAYA >>> Med student or BETA student ??? Is there a difference ??? I also think she has a 2nd job with firaxis!!! I'm fairly sure she was the one who researched all the faction's quotes !!! Jason of >>> I wouldn't think I'd have to give you guys the reason he's a BETA tester .. that one should be blindly obvious !!! I'm going to sit back now and watch the rumors fly, I left alot of "big names" out of this list to leave room for some of you guys to come up with some ideas !!! 
posted 11-13-98 10:38 AM ET
Maya and the faction quotes.. of course! How could I have been so blind!Another tip: Brother Greg - he may be married to the beta version in reality, what do you think ? And Venom: he keeps disappearing for long time. I think he's testing the combat systems. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 10:50 AM ET
Yes .. good point !!! Maybe they brought in Larry after all to consult with the believer's faction .. I might have over looked that one !!!As for BGreg .. you do have a point there .. I do remember him posting something about Sci-Fi games and his marriage all in the same post !!! Roland .. I'm guessing you are safe out there in Europe, as are most overseas people for the plain fact that it would be hard to file a lawsuit against any of you in case you decided to break your code of silence !!! So we can scrap most Europeans of our list !!! I'm guessing Jason Beaudoin ( would be one of the few if any Canadians doing testing for the same reasons !!! This lead me to think that maybe Maya isn't Canadian at all !!! Things that make you go hmmmmn ?!?!? |
MikeH II
posted 11-13-98 10:53 AM ET
Venom claims he is busy with college, a likely story. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 10:55 AM ET
MikeH ???? Hmmmmmn .. where have you been lately ??? Seems to me your frequency of posting has gone down as well !!!Where were you on the night of August 26th 1998 ??? |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 11-13-98 11:00 AM ET
Beta Tester... ha... I wish!  I didn't even apply for the Beta Testing position because I didn't have many qualifications. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 11:06 AM ET
lmao@Jason ... hey guys .. lok at how long it took him to come in here to deny it !!!  I think we just found our 2nd certain BETA tester !!! Jason, you just did too much work in support of the game with your web-site not to be a Beta tester ... sorry to tell you, but you ARE A BETA TESTER !!! You lucky bug-knucker !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 11:08 AM ET
Notice how has said >>> "I didn't have many qualifications" as opposed to: "I didn't have any qualifications" !!! |
MikeH II
posted 11-13-98 11:13 AM ET
I've been busy at work. I did mention that I'd be away most of the time. |
posted 11-13-98 11:27 AM ET
Ha, but can you PROVE it ? |
posted 11-13-98 11:31 AM ET
MikeH=Brian Reynolds? na, couldn't be. Could it? |
posted 11-13-98 11:45 AM ET
From the posting frenzy in which Mike engaged, I wouldn't think so. But may have stopped his 100-posts-a-day to to becoming a beta-tester. Also, he's a computer guy/worker/expert - very suspicious... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 11:52 AM ET
Bingo .. lol .. we just found #3 !!!Unfortunately, I think it'll get harder and harder with each new BETA tester found !!! We've got a couple of the obvious ones!!! You guys were here a little longer than I was, who do you remember being on alot, and then suddenly disappeared or almost disappeared almost overnight ??? |
posted 11-13-98 02:08 PM ET
It should be rather obvious that DJRebel is a beta tester. Why else would he have started this other than to draw attention away from himself?And no, I'm not one. At they time they requested them I was WAY too busy. I could now, except for Fallout 2 and Shogo, and Warhammer: Chaos Gate when hits shelves and Baldur's Gate when it hits shelves... Darn. Good thing that SMAC isn't coming out until the end of January! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 02:24 PM ET
Nice try CClark ... in factI think the only thing my post count (400 already in this new forum) can show is that I'm not a BETA tester !!!  I'm too busy posting !!!  Too bad though, I thought I would have made a good one !!! I loved CIV2, but noticed many bugs and other anoying things that could have been easily made clearer or better !!! The fact that I tought myself Pascal in high school goes to show that I understand the principles of programming and algorithms, but the fact that I haven't programmed in 7-8 years would make my approach that of a typical gamer, not a programmer, but still a gamer that understands the limits of reason when it comes to what is possible to improve and what is too far fetched !!! (Is it too late to apply Mike Ely ???) As for you CClark .. you fit the mold perfectly for being a BETA tester !!! Where have you been these last 2 weeks since the forum went back up ??? Only 17 posts ??? You must be #4 !!! (Gotcha) Your silly reverse psychology tricks won't work on me !!! To think you tried to name me before I named you so as to not have your name put up as being a BETA tester ... lol .. what's worse is that you told me the reason I should suspect you by saying that I name others so as to deflect attention from me .. but the truth is, that it was you naming me when it is really you who is the 4th BETA tester !!! |
posted 11-13-98 03:17 PM ET
Hey, DJ, seems we are getting them all, slowly, but steadily!What do they say ? They did not expect us ? Well, nobody expects THE SPANISH INQUISITION! Bruahahwahahaha! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-13-98 04:05 PM ET
Me?! A beta tester. I would be honored, but I'm not. As you see, my posts in the test forum significantly dwarfs my posts in the real forum over the same period of time. In the old forum, even though I joined in March, I had about 300. Now I have 100 in this forum alone. HA! |
posted 11-13-98 05:25 PM ET
Everyone who complains about the off-topicness of posts is a suspect. These people are obviously just getting trounced by the AI, and want the rest of us to think up new strategies for them.  |
posted 11-13-98 05:30 PM ET
Oh....I like it....nice conspiracy theory. |
posted 11-13-98 06:42 PM ET
I think I have numbers 5 ,6 & 7 for you.Would the following people please step forward. Apocalypse Brother Greg and outlyr242 I accuse you three of beta testing behind our backs. All of you have NOT been posting up to your usual numbers for the last several months. The punishment should be Death ....... or you could tell us about the game! How do you plea???? |
Brother Greg
posted 11-13-98 08:07 PM ET
Well, seems like denying it would only make tou say that it was me, so what chance do I have?  I'm not one. I did apply though, but the problem was that you had to have prior experience testing a commercial game. Though I am a programmer by trade, I didn't qualify. I wish I had to tell you the truth. And you know you can trust me. Would I lie to you? *puts on innocent face*  I think you'll find they're people who dropped out completely. TAS sorts fits the bill, but I dunno. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough. Brother Greg. |
posted 11-13-98 08:23 PM ET
I think DHE is a beta tester. C'mon, he 'claims' to be from Ohio! Obviously a lie, Ohio doesn't exist. He also started a 'possible SMAC tactics' thread, he just couldn't beat the AI & looked to us for advice, so FIRAXIS wouldn't kick him off the beta!!I think I'm a beta tester!! Because I'm not!! Makes no sense, well, neither does Saddam Hussein, & look where he is.... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-13-98 08:32 PM ET
He DJ, I feel like jsorense is a plant, and I would be suspicious of good ol Phillip....Uh???Whats the scope on Thomas Scobie??? Any chance??? Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 11-13-98 08:33 PM ET
Oh, I bet the kid geniuse Borodino is also in that Beta test. He was working pretty close with jsorense on some of the forum several months ago! Hey, where are you jeremy??Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
posted 11-13-98 09:00 PM ET
So Jeff,You think I'm some kind of `plant' do you? Exactly what kind of plant do you think I am? Vegetable? Tuber? Monocotyledon? Dicotyledon? Fruit?(don't go there!) Cactus? Bamboo? Grain? Nut? How about a nice Shrubbery? (I know there is some redundancy in this list, but hey, go with it.) BTW, I did not sign up for the Beta because I don't have the experince. FYI, if I had to be a `plant' I would want to be a Maple tree, so there!
posted 11-13-98 09:08 PM ET
I think maybe Brenda but that might just be because nobody has ever answered to my suggestions that she is in fact the first person to feature in the story. This thing goes farther than anyone could imagine even forum censure! Also she is a programmer. And there is no way that Venom could be as much into soccer as he claimed and still be an American. Something up his sleve I tell you.One question though, when I left the forums (8/9) the number of posts in General Forum was the same as the current number in the Test Forum - how is Firaxis even going to move to big enough servers to handle this? |
posted 11-13-98 09:12 PM ET
So jsorense is part of the Canadien Conspiracy, eh? Maple tree, maple leaf... Kind of makes his words a bit questionable, eh? |
posted 11-13-98 11:06 PM ET
Apoc, no doubts about it, he had the experience, know "technichal writing" he disapered for a long time and when he came back he suggested staying "on the topic" as to preserve Firaxis' web space. Could they have predicted the fall of the forums? Anyways, Apoc is definatly a tester, no doubts about it. |
posted 11-13-98 11:11 PM ET
I'm a Beta tester, they asked me about what kind of effect smoking xenofungus would have on the Gaians. Believe me, the results I've observed were not pretty. |
posted 11-14-98 02:59 AM ET
I am not a Beta Tester. I just left because the forums were pretty much totally off-topic. |
posted 11-16-98 01:58 AM ET
Are there REAL BETA TESTERS in here????? DONT JOKE me on this!!!!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 11:51 AM ET
Very good theory Octopus !!!  >>>> *** ATTENTION BETA TESTERS !!!! *** <<<< Anyways ... you beta testers ... don't get too qweezy, I respect your inability to admit to your BETA testing, but you gotta admit, we're running out of topics here !!! 
I don't see you getting into trouble as long as you don't admit anything .. so feel free to continue playing "dumb" .. I personally wouldn't risk losing my ability to play SMAC .. even in BETA !!!  But unfortuanately, that also means we won't stop the search until we've found all 25 of you .. Let us know when you're aloud to tell us, I think it would be fun to see how close we were !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 12:14 PM ET
OK ... so who do we have so far ???BETA Testers (BT) 1> TAS 2> Jason Beaudion 3> MikeH (Brian) Suspects (SUSP) DHE Maya Apocalypse Imran Siddiqui Zanthrax Venom Brenda Outlyr242 CClark Borodino Brother Greg JSorense PhillipeMipzLePage (I think that's his full name) Trusted non-beta tester TNBT) Myself (DJ RRebel) YYYH Roland Probable Non-Beta Testers: (PNBT): LarryBoy Octopus Jeff Frazier Victor Hmmmn .. I just noticed BigE(r) isn't anywhere in the lists ... where does he belong ???
OK guys .. let's debate this current list a bit .. anyone joining the conversation will obviouly state that he/she is not a beta tester, so, please also give us a reason to believe you !!! Proof would be nice too !!! YYYH & Roland ... I'm counting on ou guys the most for your imput !!! |
MikeH II
posted 11-16-98 12:19 PM ET
If you want the real honest answer.. I am NOT a beta tester, but then again if I was I'd say that anyway wouldn't I? I'm definately not Brian Reynolds though but I'm honoured you suggested it. |
posted 11-16-98 12:38 PM ET
OK, All non American can be excluded i think. How about Canadians?I am from europe so I'm not a beta tester  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 01:20 PM ET
Jeje, I think you're safe ... only 26 posts to date puts you out of the target zone, and being from Europe really excuses you !!!As for the Canadian situation, I think I've come to the conclusion that there are a few Canadian Beta testers, but they are there for good reasons ... Jason Beaudoin for his great work on BeyondAC, and Maya for her awsome Quotes !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 01:21 PM ET
ummm .. yeeeah ... riiiiiiight Brian ... whatever you say there buddy !!!  |
posted 11-16-98 03:02 PM ET
Jsorene:The walls have ears. If you are Canadian, then I would agree with someone who said "Maple Leaf". But the truth, I think your in on this....Beta stuff. Come on, can say, I won't tell. No one in this forum would tell. We are all honest people, right??? DJ: Good thread. Although, I think you are going to have to be a little sneakier upon finding out who is a tester. I mean, the frontal attack is good, but these "Beta" testers have to be loyal to the corps, on leaks, that type of thing. I still think good ol Phillip is in on this. Jeff Ceasar of the Stars |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 03:05 PM ET
Jeff .. I started this thread, so I can't be very effective at sneaking around for clues ... that doesn't mean that others can't do it !!! AAAAAAHHHHHEMMMMMMMM *cough cough* ... couughint coughiint*Nudge nudge wink wink say no more say noooo mooooore !!!  |
posted 11-16-98 03:31 PM ET
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff,What can I tell ya? You are wrong. Way wrong. No, I am not a Canadian. Check my profile, I live in California. I just like maple trees: beautiful foliage spring, summer and fall; a fine hard wood; and you can make syrup and candy from its sap. No, I am not a beta tester.* Like I have said before, I did not apply because I do not have the experience. Besides my work is too important to waste on playing silly computer games or monitoring BBs. So you can give up on this empty accusation. BTW, I have been grilled by more accomplished interrogators than you. Even the Spanish Inquisition (which no one expected) with their tortuous comfy chair and even the dreaded fluffy pillows couldn't make me change my story. P.S. that's jsorense not Jsorense or Jsorense. *Authentic SMAC on-topic content. |
posted 11-16-98 09:09 PM ET
OK, i see that we have gotten a little obsessive, DJ. Lets face it, no one is gonna come strolling in here with the words "Hey! I m a beta tester and I would be glad to send you guys the beta version of the game!" But, we can still dream, cant we? |
posted 11-16-98 10:09 PM ET
If anyone cares, I'm not a beta-tester. |
posted 11-16-98 10:36 PM ET
Dcreeper not a BeTa tester either. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-17-98 11:13 AM ET
Snowfire .. I care, and I'm not ruling you out just yet !!! What are your reasons for not being a beta tester ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-17-98 11:14 AM ET
And what about you Kurn ??? Geezz .. this list is getting way too long !!! lol |
posted 11-17-98 12:26 PM ET
Hate to break this to ya, but I doubt that ANY of the beta testers are people we know. They are probably all people who were lurking without posting.See, the good Firaxians know how important this forum is to the regulars and how it helps us maintain even a semblance of sanity. Therefore, they would have realized that allowing any of us to become beta testers would have been bad as it would have cut us off from our support group here. (NDA's are one of those lousy reasons why lawyers should be left on Earth when the Unity takes off.) Face it. We've got at leat another 33 days to go. The good news is that according to the old saying "patience is a virtue", we'll all qualify for sainthood by the time the game ships.  |
posted 11-17-98 12:33 PM ET
Gee, it's true. The only group not proetected by political correctness are lawyers...  |
posted 11-17-98 03:39 PM ET
Actually Roland, you're not alone. Political correctness doesn't protect Lawyers, Salespeople and fat people.Not sure why though..? |
Larry Boy
posted 11-19-98 08:06 PM ET
Let it be known to all that I was the first person ever to request a beta test for Firaxis. This was long before our 'veterans' roamed the lands of the Firaxis server. I requested to be the first beta on whatever game Firaxis would eventually decide to make. This was WAY back in like '96. But alas, I am not a BETA tester. So sorry. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 11:05 AM ET
Well, if they had no intention of making any of us beta testers, why did they post it in the forum ???Did the put out any classified adds out too ??? lol |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 05:30 PM ET
LMAO@YYYH ... when would I have the time to test ... I'm in here more than you are !!!Jason .. I think it would be more like people who have had their post count decrease over night ... like you !!!  |
posted 11-18-98 05:52 PM ET
So, CClark ,you think I'm a beta tester, well I'm not. (I wouldn't have had the time to post this message, would I?) |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 05:32 PM ET
????????� Look about 10 posts up .. look at the date and time of my post !!!What is that doiung up there ??? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 02:42 AM ET
CyberC ??? Where did you come from ???CClark = CyberClack = CyberC = CC = Canadian Club ??? |
posted 11-21-98 11:40 AM ET
Everyone's a Canadian at heart CyberC! But then again, that's just the red hearts, if your heart is black as 1000 midnights, I guess your an American at heart!(Like me )Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 11:09 AM ET
Del Cotter >>> Definate BETA tester !!! (Whoever he is) |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-25-98 10:53 AM ET
CyberC .. You may may be from the Netherlands, but Canada and the Netherlands are swarn friends !!! There is a strong bond between our peoples !!!  |
posted 11-25-98 03:45 PM ET
Rang knows too much about the game.Look at her posts now i am positive she is working on the beta  |
posted 11-19-98 02:46 PM ET
1) CyberC is not the same person as me. 2) CyberC - I never said you were a beta-tester? How'd you get that? 3) Del Cotter? Isn't that the wildlife photographer/filmmaker that Discovery channel has on around 7:30ish? |
posted 11-19-98 04:13 PM ET
O.K. All any one is saying is "I am not a beta tester" (Richard Nixon said almost the same line once and we found out later it was a lie)Here's my story. Yes I did apply to be a beta tester. I have had limited experience testing other beta versions of games and I could not resist the thought of getting my hands on SMAC (I have been following the development of SMAC since April). I was never informed personally that I was rejected . The next thing I heard was a post by Firaxis to the old board that all of the beta testers had been selected. I believe the majority of testers would be people who participate in this forum. I also think that you will not get one beta tester to "fess up" in these forums. But I agree with DJ RRebel that it would be interesting to see how close our guesses are. Don't worry Beta Testers you will still be welcome here after we find out who you are......... Have we finished the development of the new Laser Beta Blaster Gun? WAS |
posted 11-30-98 01:37 PM ET
I'm not a beta tester! My damn CD drive is busted, so I can't test it! Stupid computer....Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 01:59 PM ET
Burns .. why do you think we're BETA testers ??? What's your proof ??? LOL Haven't you noticed that we are always here ???LOL .. Me & YYYH testers ??? hahaha |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 11-19-98 05:09 PM ET
Come to think of it, I should have applied to become a beta tester.You know... the best way to identify those who may be beta testers is to find out which ones suddenly droped from the message boards. You know, there may have been a clause in the "Beta Tester" agreement that beta testers are not permitted to post in case of accidental identification. This would have been a request that I would have made if I was directing the Beta Testing Team. Look for clues such as that and you may find the solution to this mystery. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-30-98 03:19 PM ET
Are we still talking about this? Talk about beating a dead horse .Imran Siddiqui Patriot |
Jason Beaudoin
posted 11-19-98 05:11 PM ET
Actually, to those people who have participated in Beta Testing before, you should know how the system works and you would be best to know how to crack this mystery. |
posted 11-19-98 09:28 PM ET
I think Dj's a beta tester! Think about it, by creating this thread, we automatically assume he's just a normal person, like us. But he's using this thread to cover his beta testing ground. DJ IS A BETA TESTER!!!So, how's the game DJ, was it cool? Also, saying any non-americans are excluded, makes the un-watchful rule him, & all non-americans out, but the truth is FIRAXIS has hired mostly Canadians to do this beta test. Why do you think so many are on this board, & how do they seem to know a lot about this game. It's all a bloody act damn you!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-30-98 03:28 PM ET
I don't beat dead horses. I beat dead Fords. Thankfully dead Fords are in abundance countrywide!  Found On Road Dead  Fixed Or Repaired Daily  FORD! FNORD! NIM! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 05:30 PM ET
& YYYH, I don't need to be a beta tester to tell you that SMAC will be cool !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-16-98 11:03 AM ET
OK ... we'll find out in a couple of days .. anyone have any new people to add to the list ???Arnelos, as this forum's recognise impartial statisticien, could you make a round up of the current suspected beta testers ??? If not, I'll just do it this week-end !!! |
posted 11-21-98 07:37 AM ET
Holland, Holland, Holland!!!!!!!I'm from The Netherlands you know (So im not a Canadian DJ RRebel) |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-16-98 11:04 AM ET
OK ... we'll find out in a couple of days .. anyone have any new people to add to the list ???Arnelos, as this forum's recognise impartial statisticien, could you make a round up of the current suspected beta testers ??? If not, I'll just do it this week-end !!! Actually, I'll start a new thread for beta testers now as this thread is one of the old ones that are nexiied !!! |
posted 11-23-98 06:04 PM ET
Rang is defenitly a tester |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-25-98 10:54 AM ET
CyberC .. You may may be from the Netherlands, but Canada and the Netherlands are swarn friends !!! There is a strong bond between our peoples !!!  |
posted 11-30-98 08:35 AM ET
Just incase anyone cares, im not a beta tester either..."wheres your proof?" you ask.. well, im an Aussie, so that prettymuch excludes me  But both YYYH and DJ are beta testers THAT MUCH IS DEFINATE. Burns |
posted 11-30-98 01:38 PM ET
Damn, my post got caught in the middle...Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 01:59 PM ET
Burns .. why do you think we're BETA testers ??? What's your proof ??? LOL Haven't you noticed that we are always here ???LOL .. Me & YYYH testers ??? hahaha |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-30-98 03:24 PM ET
LOL .. Imran, you're just saying that to through us off !!!  We know what you're up to !!! You can't hide it any longer !!!  |
posted 11-30-98 03:30 PM ET
Damn! My post got lost in the middle again. I'll get you yet nexii, I'll get you yet!! I'll get you if it's the last thing I do!!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-16-98 11:03 AM ET
OK ... we'll find out in a couple of days .. anyone have any new people to add to the list ???Arnelos, as this forum's recognise impartial statisticien, could you make a round up of the current suspected beta testers ??? If not, I'll just do it this week-end !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 12-16-98 11:05 AM ET
OK ... we'll find out in a couple of days .. anyone have any new people to add to the list ???Arnelos, as this forum's recognise impartial statisticien, could you make a round up of the current suspected beta testers ??? If not, I'll just do it this week-end !!! Actually, I'll start a new thread for beta testers now as this thread is one of the old ones that are nexiied !!! |