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Author Topic:   You've been selected for the AC mission...
Philippe Mipz Lepage posted 11-12-98 01:03 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Philippe Mipz Lepage   Click Here to Email Philippe Mipz Lepage  
A couple of months ago I was watching a tv program which was discussing the implications of colonizing other planets. A psychologist was saying that people would not want at first to get away from earth and it would be really hard to colonize other planets for that reason.

I'm asking the questions...

1. If you received a letter saying to you that you have been selected for the Alpha Centauri mission, would you accept?

2. They tell you that you can bring with you only one thing of your choice.
a) it cant be weigthing more than 20 kg (44 lb)
b) it cant be taking more volume than a cubic box with sides of 30 cm by 30 cm (11.8" by 11.8")
c) you cant bring your cat or other animals. Neither can you bring something perishable (forget your cognac millesim of 1952...)

3. You're in the desert. You see a tortoise on the back. She is desesperatly trying to get back on her feet. But she cant. And she will die. But you're not helping her. Why is that Leon?

4. Your boyfriend show you his butterflies collection and all the material to kill them. What would you do?

N.B. : ok questions 3 and 4 are not serious... ;-)

DJ RRebel posted 11-12-98 01:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
There are way too many factors to give an acurate response ..

I'd more than likely say yes, and I'd bring along Maya's notebook of quote as the "SMAC bible" !!!

SnowFire posted 11-12-98 01:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
1. Probably not. But if I lived in the world that the colonists left from (revolutions, civil unrest), yes in a second.

2. My laptop with all my favorite games in there. Fill the rest of the space with CD's of Books (sure, the main computer that has all human knowledge on it probably has this, but it'd take forever to et it from there considering the tremendous demand on its resources. Better to have a copy yourself.)

3. First, my name isn't Leon. I'm not helping it because I'm about to open it up with a knife and eat it, 'cause I'm thirsty.

4. Okay, I'm a boy, and that butterfly collection is already dead. I check to see if any endangered species are in it, otherwise I say "carry on" (though I might ask a few philosopical questions to unsettle the girlfriend).

Philippe Mipz Lepage posted 11-12-98 01:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Philippe Mipz Lepage  Click Here to Email Philippe Mipz Lepage     
1. Personnally, I would not go. I would evaluate that all my life would be given to the well-being of the 2nd or 3rd generation of humans on Chiron. The first people to get on the planet would work like beasts to survive and most probably die young. I would not want that to happen to me.

On the other hand, if earth was on the edge of self-destruction... I would probably go. But that would be a choice only dictated by the self-preservation rule.

2. If I did go on Chiron, I would bring with me something useless. The reason is that the mission would bring all things that are useful or come from the cultural side of humanity (there would probably be a huge electronic library of the music, litterature, cinema...). Maybe only a jar of sand coming from a shore of Quebec. Useless and a little part of earth.

SnowFire posted 11-12-98 01:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Hmm, we both replied at "1:15 PM" DJRR. I guess great minds think alike...
BigER posted 11-12-98 01:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BigER  Click Here to Email BigER     
Oh cool a Nexii in the temp forum.


BigER posted 11-12-98 01:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BigER  Click Here to Email BigER     
Well it was just a second ago.
Geeze now I look like a spaz!
Oh well nothing new there for the JotG.
BoomBoom posted 11-12-98 01:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BoomBoom  Click Here to Email BoomBoom     
Of course I would, I'd go to mars in a spaceshuttle if I got offered it. And from the story this ship seems about 1000 bigger than a SS. Take with me? I don't know Ihate packing.
DJ RRebel posted 11-12-98 01:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
BigER .. thanks for ruining the alignment of a perfectly good thread !!!

And to answer your question SF .. yes
Great minds do think alike !!!

Roland posted 11-12-98 01:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Even NYM should respect the screen. Use SPACES!
And this is a temporary nexus only. No place for NYM - hahaha!

On the questions: Well, I don't see them as this is a temporary nexus for me as well. Just a moment...

DJ RRebel posted 11-12-98 01:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
They are especially great if they think alike at 1:15 SMAC time !!!
Roland posted 11-12-98 01:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Yes, better.

1) No, I'd call 911 to rake care of people who are
writing such letters.

2) In addition to 1), I'd accuse them of deplorable bureaucratic behaviour.

3) I have no idea why the turtle leon, IMO it should be pink.

4) I'd kill the boyfriend to suppress that outbreak of latent homosexuality. Hey, what would you do ?

DJ RRebel posted 11-12-98 01:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Continue this thread in "would you go to AC ???"

And don't mess up the alignment in that one please !!!

BigER posted 11-12-98 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BigER  Click Here to Email BigER     
Hey bite me!

this thread was in the Nexus then it came back out.

You should know that Nexii are fair game.
REB you talked about it earlier yourself.

So NYM off you NYMin NYM sucker.

There-I feel better now.

DJ RRebel posted 11-12-98 01:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
BigE .. I wasn't blaming you, I just said now you know,
so don't do it again ... anyone !!!

Why did you write all that anyways ??? lol

I mean if the thread was in the nexii, what's the point of posting ???

Arnelos posted 11-12-98 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     


In Today's World, No. This is simple, we still have a chance to save the people down here on Earth. This could easily be reason to stay here both for those who wish to save and those who wish to be saved.

If SMAC's Earth existed: I don't know, that would be difficult to answer. I would be hard-pressed to stay and try to keep the world from destroying itself.

However, the prospect of abandoning Earth and seeking the future of humanity exclusively in space could have its appeal as being the last hope of our species and the conviction to make sure things go right this time.

Probably yes in the event of being on SMAC's Earth (especially if I was still quite a young man and thus had no opportunity to at least try to save the planet from itself. It would be better just to guarantee personal and joint human survival and personal input on it by leaving for Alpha Centauri).

BigER posted 11-13-98 10:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BigER  Click Here to Email BigER     
RREB, as I said before I have seen many posts in the Nexus and I have never complained about the "Format of a post" No one tries to make the (well almost noone)thread hard to read. My objection is your comment nay demand that I don't do it again.
Well first we don't demand things of others it is not polite. Second, you are a newbie compeared to me so mind your elders. Now we could go on about this. But unless you want all threads that YOU start to look like this. I suggest you lighten up. I have no interest in debating this but if you continue to try telling me what to do. Well, you will be responsible for the consequenses.
Leave it alone. And stop nagging newbie.
Roland posted 11-13-98 11:16 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
BigER, what if I as a veteran of the old board and even
a fossile of the first board request you not to expand other
threads rightwards, and I even say "pleeeeaaase" ?

So, pleeeaaase, BigER and DJ RRebel, end your dispute here
and live peacefully ever after!

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