posted 11-11-98 05:07 AM ET
I know this is wrelly late, but I would like to see this in the game)One thing about CivII that was anoying is the compairing of research tree.
I suggest that when one has an embassy and wants to look what they can, the research would be in tree categories.
-What we both can/know
-What we can, but they don't
-What we cann't, but they can
This way it would be easy to compare.
Furthermore if a saw that for example PK have thechnology X, that I really would want to have and they are missing A nad B wich I have. I could suggest a trade with X for A + 50 energy units. (B is so good I will not give them.) If PK would know I have B and would deny to give B for X, it could lead to an interesting future between us.
Any more ideas?
P.S. Forgive the typos. Hangover is the worst punisment today