Topic: To all CWAL members
MikeH II |
posted 11-09-98 09:50 AM ET
The IIIS are currently in need of research victi... I mean volunteers to test new types of proSMAC and SMACagra. You all seem like the adicted to posting and games types and as you are relatively new no-one will investigate your deat.... er I mean no-one will miss... er you are untainted by the early research performed by the great Brother Greg Woodstock. Amen. Please sign up here and these very nice VIBs will drag you I mean show you to your luxurious new cell. Cell ha ha I always get cell and penthouse suite mixed up, sorry.Anyway after a few days of tor.. tests you will be dea... free to go. Sign up below. MikeH II Acting Director of Pharmacology IIIS, Leader CFPA (retired), Founder and owner I clubs, King of the Nexus, Initiater Flowing Chronicles, God of Olympus (the old 'the site' forum) and many more titles I have forgotten.
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:54 AM ET
sniff sniff .. Muuuust haaave SMMMMAC !!!Is that SMAC I smell ??? Why is the expiry date scratched out on all the ProSMAC bars ??? They all used to say Nov15, now they say Dec20 !!! This SMAC better not be stale !!!  |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 10:06 AM ET
"DJ our first victi... volunteer."Six VIBs pounce on DJ RRebel injecting him with tranquilisers and dragging him down some steep dark stairs. There is a bit of banging and a couple of tortured screams as the door to the dungeon shuts. MikeH II clears up all the evidence and the VIBs return to their positions. MikeH continues working on his next plan. A variation of Greg's (amen) great work. "We get a computer hooked up to the SMAC forums and a mock up of a computer running the SMAC demo. Then we introduce a naked 'Rocky' Crawford to try and distract the victim. This should have no noticable effect. We then increase the dose of proSMAC until a) The patient is distracted by Rocky b) The patient dies in hideous convulsions" MikeH II settles back to watch Rocky training. She is fighting against android posters programmed to act like crazed SMAC withdrawn posters. Of course for authenticity MikeH has asked that she do this naked. The IIIS accept no responsibility for any interpereted sexism in MikeH's work and we are currently looking for female test subjects and a male lab assistant to help in our research. |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 11-09-98 07:35 PM ET
Uhh...well...uh...take, uhh....Jolt! And Gnull!Jolt and Gnull: NOOOO! Not the dreaded torture again!!!! [Jolt and Gnull are dragged off towards the IIIS tor..testing labs, where their death screams echo throughout the concrete walls.] Fjorxc the Maniac(CWAL Hunt Valley) May the Fjorxc be with you and a happy new year. "Give me Alpha Centauri or give me death!" |
posted 11-09-98 08:27 PM ET
Atleast this will deal with my hated enem....I mean good friends at CWAL. Good thinking MikeH, oh yeah, can I watch those Rocky Crawford videos when you're done with em???Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-09-98 08:41 PM ET
Fjorxc, you forgot to give them the other cannon fodder, they can have Mutant Zergling, Ni, Debris and Dark Chrono too..."If you tolerate me then your children will be next" |
MikeH II
posted 11-10-98 07:00 AM ET
"Fjorxc the Maniac, Sofielisk thanks very much for your help. The exit's over here. Yes that's right it's down those stairs not the way you came in...."Sofielisk interrupts "You aren't going to get us down into that dungeon with that kind of pathetic trick and it's daylight so your VIBs are useless." "Damn." By the way Yo if you want those Rocky videos to study her "martial arts techniques" then I'll send you a copy over the IIISnet system using standard IIIS Decoder ring code 46. |
posted 11-10-98 06:12 PM ET
Code 46, got it, please transmit now.Don't worry Mike, when the BoS's armies overrun CWAL, them two members with the wierd names I don't feel like typing will be yours to test. You coulda always used the Attack toilets to get them..... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |