posted 11-07-98 10:04 PM ET
A Short History of NimaniaUndeveloped until recently, with the gaining of its independence from the European imperialistic powers, Nimania has begun the building of its industry and now boasts a thriving capital city complete with modern airport. Unfortunately, the expansion of civilization into the jungles has not made the native azugals very happy. Without further ado, The Diary (ies?) of a trip to the small republic of Nimania, with its vast jungles full of azugals....
Day 1
I have arrived at Nim City's airport. Traffic is heavy circling the airport, but I had set up my bribes with the air traffic controllers in advance to insure that my plane got in first. But all in not well in Nimania. It seems that my baggage got lost because the three letter designation for Nimton's airport was FNORD, and the silly machines from JFK could only print 3 letters on the label, and only ORD came out. So my luggage is now waiting in Chicago O'Hare to be picked up (yes, that's the designation). Fortunately, I wisely kept my supply of SuperProSMAC in my carry-on. But all my weapons for hunting the azugals... gone! Oh well.
Entering the concourse, I am glad to see that the convenience store here is well-stocked with "goods", if slightly overpriced. I immediately take the Sethson Gas Grenade, the K11 Imprison-O-Net Gun, and the Inflatable Cage for tranquilization and capture purposes. For when things get rough, I stock up on Shredder Pistols, Laser Rifles, and the infamous A5 Missile Launcher, as well as extra ammo for each. Should the azugals use one of the alleged flying machines they have, I have the military upgraded Stinger Plus with a modification that allows small bomb pellets to be sprayed underneath it before it detonates. To top it off, I wear a Nimanian cross that the early missionaries here used to ward off the evil azugal priests.
Unfortunately, after this little spending spree, I realize I have $36.78 left to my name. That's not much for silly little things like food. Oh well, there are always Nimberries growing in places, nothing like living off the land...
I realize that with only two hours worth of driving time before it gets dark, I must find a cheap place to spend the night or I will go broke. I find the Fort Nim Opputunity Redevolpment District, sort of a UEZ in Nimania, where no taxes are paid. I decide it would be a good starting ground for my hunt for the azugals as well. There is a motel listed near the border of the district with a road to it, though it mentions nothing of its condition.
I get in the rental car and start my drive to the motel. The road at first is excellent and quite modern, but as the sun sets it turns into a shabby dirt road. Dense jungle lines the road. As an experienced hunter, I know it is vital to get to a safe place before nightfall, the time that the azugals hunt. Just as I'm beginning to worry, giant iron gates appear before me. There is no "no vacancy or vacancy" sign, nor a sign for the name of the place even. It looks like a private castle.
The iron gates open. An elder man who doesn't look old greets me and shows me into the castle, while my rental car drives back to Nim City. The driver is clearly afraid of what might happen to him from the look on his face, but I assume he can drive fast enough if the azugals attack him. Meanwhile, I find my way to my upstairs room after dining with the proprietor of the establishment, a tall Cossack named Pyotor. He seems to be some sort of professional hunter. He told me an interesting story about how his twin brother searched for the most dangerous game all his life, and eventually moved to some island in the Caribbean where he thought he could find it. "What a fool. If only he had found the azugals, he would never have had to go about hunting... um, never mind, I didn't say that." Very odd man this was. But he gave me some tips on azugal hunting. Pyotor could be a valuable ally later. But it's bedtime now, can't fight azugals on 3 hours of sleep.
As I look out the window preparing for Day 2, I wonder if my companions will ever will send me inspirational messages from IIIS headquarters, or insults, or ProSMAC recipes... mm, ProSmac, time for my next patch of SuperProSMAC, glad I still have that... Hmmm, that sort of sounded like a distant scream off in the distance. Eh, probably nothing.