Topic: New Centaurian Centurion Club
DJ RRebel |
posted 11-07-98 07:47 AM ET
Just wondering how many other people with no life besides myself and YYYH (of course), have made it to the 100 post level in this new .. I have to find something else to do now that the demo is being delayed !!!  Maybe I'll try getting a life or something .. lol Anyways .. this club is open to anyone who is at 100 posts or more, or to anyone who would like to post here in order to help them achieve Centurion status !!! Rules of this new club >>> No Rules !!! Enjoy !!! 
posted 11-07-98 02:23 PM ET
Aahh, but I do have a life, just it's in these here forums!  Ummm, how should we set this place up, well since the I club has unlimited corners, this place will have unlimited floors!! (YYYH grabs some Absolut & takes the elevator to floor 291) |
posted 11-07-98 08:16 PM ET
I don't have a life and am proud as hell. sigh....
deep sigh.... Never mind. ah....chooo.. scuse. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 08:26 PM ET
"Life is a drama ... with a begining ... a middle ... and noooooo end .. yes the drama .. the drama ... It seem like everywhere you turn there's something dramatic waiting to happen ... the drama of it all"- Just about the only lyrics of a cool house song by Club 69 |
posted 11-07-98 09:34 PM ET
"Patriotism is a mask madness almost always wears" -Some poet long lost to antiquity"I need more NIM!" -General Rommel, after losing the Battle of El Alamein, & being chased by the British
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 11:40 PM ET
YYYH ??? Where do you get your NIM ??? And what's you favorite flavor ??? |
posted 11-09-98 06:03 AM ET
This flavor smells like pink....yikes!DJ and Yo are beyond 200....amazing, keep up the good work. "Life's like baking an icecream" (Lou Reed, but maybe older) "Late did I see that the joke was on me" (Faith no more, I started a joke)
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 06:12 AM ET
PINK NIM ??? WHERE ??? Pink NIM is where nexii are created ... it must be destroyed at all costs !!!We must instate the Omega Directive !!! Ooops .. Nimnoga Directive !!! (lol .. anyone speak Russian here ???) What do you mean by beyond 200 ??? |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 08:50 AM ET
Back in the old days I'd be on about 300 by now. what a shame I had a week off to get drunk. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:24 AM ET
200 and 300 what ??? What are you guys talking about ???Oh ... you have 300 NIMs ??? I hope none of them are pink !!!  |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:34 AM ET
oh duuhhh ... *click* .. I think I just figured it out !!!Wholy cruds .. I have to find more productive things to do with my days off !!! YYYH ... what's going on ??? I'm working the next three days, so my posting will be down .. you better start posting again .. I feel wierd here at the top .. what's going on with everyone else ??? Who had achieved 2000 posts in the old forum ??? Was it just YYYH & TAS ??? I hope they keep tese threads as part of the general section when they bring the old forum back (if they ever plan on doing that at all) |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 09:35 AM ET
Also me I'm afraid. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:43 AM ET
You were there too ??? You must have snuck in there at the end then ???Can you believe that those of you who posted 2000 posts were responsible for 10% of the forum each !!! Weren't there like a total of 20000 posts in all or something ??? |
posted 11-09-98 12:17 PM ET
Above 30k in total. But just think about your %age of this forum... |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 12:25 PM ET
No I was on 2K for ages I just had to slow down posting a lot I think I was on about 2300 but I hadn't checked for a while. |
posted 11-09-98 01:22 PM ET
We need more Broccoli that will help you post more. "never underestimate the power of dumb luck" JotG ret.
DJ RRebel
posted 11-10-98 02:25 PM ET
oh ... maybe it was only the General forum that was close to 20,ooo then !!! I seem to remember getting close to 20K !!!As for my percentage, it will surely go down during the days that I work !!! (Like today .. must go to bed now) |
posted 11-10-98 05:31 PM ET
Damn, how did DJ pass me out!!! Oh well, I have tomorrow off to post. I may be honoring the veterans in the world though, happy Armistice Day, happy Veterans day!!WWI officially ended 80 years ago in 24 hours, & thanks to a newspaper article I was able to prove my history teacher wrong!!! Sweet success. <SIGH> to NIM!!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-11-98 11:00 AM ET
YYYH ... I hope you pass me today !!!  As for the history teacher ... what was the topic in question ??? |
posted 11-11-98 12:51 PM ET
The history topic in question was the ending of World War I. He was saying it was in 1919, but I was saying 1918. I showed him a newspaper article about the history of Veterans Day(Remembrance Day up there), & it mentioned WWI ended 80 years ago, today, which officially makes the end in 1918. I made him feel like an idiot!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-11-98 12:57 PM ET
Well you know what they say if at first you don't succeed, TEACH.But seriously I am sure we all have stories of really bad teachers. ANyone care to tell their story. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-12-98 11:54 AM ET
Your history teacher didn't know that ?? I mean, I'm not a war expert or anything, but even I knew that one !!! I can't believe your history teacher didn't know that one !!!I hope he doesn't fail you for that !!! lol |
posted 11-19-98 09:44 PM ET
Next year's Leonids are supposed to be pretty darn good too, and the peak is supposed to visible from the eastern US(though it is supposed to be best in Europe/North Africa). Not that helps you too much Mortis, eh? |
posted 11-12-98 12:02 PM ET
Well, he may have a point as nov 11th 1918 was just the ceasefire. But his interpretation would be highly unusual... |
posted 11-19-98 09:49 PM ET
Not unless he moves to Europe.  Leonid, leonis, LEonif, LeoNIg, Leajiz, Liepzig Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-12-98 03:59 PM ET
I have arrived. Damn this club reminds me of teh days before the I Club, when the whole board was segmented by post numbers. Hmm, on second thought, maybe I don't like this. Burn, Centurian Club, burn! |
posted 11-20-98 06:36 PM ET
What's with these double, triple threads?? It's really annoying.I got my report card, if anyone cares.... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-20-98 07:45 PM ET
Someone Nexus this thread(s) now!What did youy get? |
posted 11-12-98 11:08 PM ET
Uh, how about the Advanced Placement English teacher at my high school. Insisted on defining dramatic irony as "regular irony with a little more oomph". Also pronounced Geoffry Chaucer as gee-off-rye ch-ow-ker. Needless to say, I avoided that class like I would a plague ridden rat and took dual credit through the local university. |
posted 11-12-98 11:10 PM ET
Hrm, if that's your history teachers tand, then ask if if the Korean War is still going on(I'm pretty sure we haven't signed a peace treaty in the last couple years, so it's still just a cease fire). |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-12-98 11:40 PM ET
Imran .. you obviously didn't read the original post of this thread ... all are welcome here ... (virtually all .. except for those who never want to achieve 100 posts at any time in the future !!! ) |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-14-98 04:46 PM ET
A Complete List of Everything That Sucks:President Clinton Liberals Nukes The Whole Damn 20th Century Comunism Low Voter Turnout Influinza HipHop The Relese Date of The Sid Mier's Alpha Centuari Demo Being Pushed Back To December 20th India YOU STUDID ****ING CALCULATOR! Did I Mention Democrats ? Reletivity Being A Freshman Outpost 2 The Sci - Fi Novel Alpha Centuari Saturn3 NOT HAVING THE FRIKKIN' OLD FORUMNS BACK The Origin Internet Server Deep Impact
posted 11-14-98 06:40 PM ET
No, I wouldn't say the whole 20th century, just everything before WWI really, after then everything went to hell.  Stupid wars! Millions of men dying for their leaders imperialistic causes, stupid, stupid, stupid. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-15-98 03:08 AM ET
With the exception of 1969, gotta love woodstock. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-15-98 03:16 AM ET
20th century had some fairly grim moments, but it could have been alot worse !!!Imagine if Germany or JApan had one one of the wars !!! Or if someone on either side of USA-USSR coldwar pressed a button !!! We got TVs radio and computing !!! & Hopefully we'll get SMAC by the end of the century !!! (To me, that is the tie-breaker ) |
posted 11-15-98 12:14 PM ET
Bad things in the 20th century: The building of the Berlin Wall Its good counterpart: The collapsing of The Berlin WallBT20th: Hitler taking over GT20th: The joy of toppling Hitler(sounds like a cookbook) BT20th: America in Vietnam GT20th: USSR in Afghanistan(actually, these are probably interchangeable, depending on your viewpoint) BT20th: Saddam Hussein GT20th: The Gulf War BT20th: The UN GT20th: (No counter for it sorry) Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH
posted 11-16-98 12:01 AM ET
gt20th: woodstock bt20th: burnt out hippies
DJ RRebel
posted 11-16-98 12:20 PM ET
BT20th: Disco GT20th: Death of Disco !!!  YYYH ... why don't you like the UN ??? |
posted 11-16-98 05:58 PM ET
Because the UN is the one stopping us from destroying Saddam!!I wish he'd take over Kuwait again so everyone would actually team up against him. Why won't we defy the UN. What are they gonna do?? Impose sanctions? Oooo I'm scared, it's not like we give them any money anyway. I think we should pay our dues though, no matter how much I hate their inefficiency. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-17-98 05:16 AM ET
Defying the UN means violating international law. That's just the thing you accuse Saddam of doing... politically and diplomatically, that would do more damage than good. |
MikeH II
posted 11-17-98 08:03 AM ET
If you think disco is dead you should go to any student night at any club in Britain (I haven't been to one in Scotland but I am guessing it's the same) and see the cheesey 70's disco music fire up drunken students to a frenzy of bad dancing. |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-17-98 07:27 PM ET
posted 11-19-98 09:44 PM ET
Next year's Leonids are supposed to be pretty darn good too, and the peak is supposed to visible from the eastern US(though it is supposed to be best in Europe/North Africa). Not that helps you too much Mortis, eh? |
posted 11-17-98 07:30 PM ET
A damn shame, too. |
posted 11-20-98 03:02 AM ET
Next year??? I thought they only come around every 33 years????? Are we both talking about the same thing here? |
posted 11-17-98 10:46 PM ET
Reminds me of Sundays episode of the Simpsons.I, Homer J Simpson can finally find out what my middle name is!!! It's.........Homer JAY Simpson!!!  Wasn't there a Woodstock for DHE back in '94?? Well, he'd only be 11 then, so he wasn't into that stuff then.... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-20-98 06:37 PM ET
Damn, what's with these things. Double threads, triple threads. It's very annoying!I got my report card if anyone cares.... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 11:55 AM ET
I don't mind the occational disco tune here or there, but a whole night of disco is painfully annoying !!! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-18-98 11:57 AM ET
YYYH ... I agree .. it's a darn shame that the US doesn't pay it's dues !!!I know I heard a rumor a few years back of the UN maybe moving to Montreal ... that would have really been great for our economy, but it would never have happened because of the damn stupid political instability here !!!  |
MikeH II
posted 11-18-98 12:00 PM ET
Oh don't worry a standard disco bit would be about 45 mins before the indy hour to get everyone dancing. It really is worrying how the set list at every student night is exactly the same throughout the country. |
posted 11-18-98 06:55 PM ET
Ok I'll make a deal with you all the US will pay it's dues if the rest of the world pays theirs can you say "Lend Lease" can you say bail out the rest of the world! Hah, take that! OK I really don't care, it's just no body pays any attention unless you are rude and controvercial. DID I MAKE IT. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 02:45 AM ET
You got my attention, but I didn't understand a word you said .. lol |
posted 11-19-98 05:30 AM ET
Damn Melbourne whether, I missed the meteor shower!! I woke up at 3am to see a bunch of clouds, stayed up for another hour and must have seen about two of them. Meteor storm of the centauri may ass. This was a once-in-a -life time event, well mayebe twice-in-a-lifetime.The people up in Brisbain got a better view, but apparently it wasn't all too spectacular. Oh well, maybe in another 33 years. Did anyone get a good view?? |
posted 11-19-98 05:40 PM ET
Nope, didn't see it, because I was asleep & because I live on the east coast. But I heard it wasn't as spectacular as everyone was saying.New topic, What do you Brits think of Tony Blair trying to get the nobles out of The House of Lords?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-19-98 09:44 PM ET
Next year's Leonids are supposed to be pretty darn good too, and the peak is supposed to visible from the eastern US(though it is supposed to be best in Europe/North Africa). Not that helps you too much Mortis, eh? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-20-98 05:25 PM ET
This thread is in triplicate now !!! lolJust stick to the one with the most posts !!!  this one !!! |
posted 11-20-98 06:40 PM ET
WHAT THE ****, I JUST TRIED TO GOD-DAMN POOST HERE TWICE & IT WOULDNT GO THROUGH. WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE FORUMS. WATCH, THIS IS THE ONLY ON THAT GOES THROUGH!!!! IN CASE YOU CARE, THIS IS WHAT I SAID BEFORE: These new double/triple threads are annoying, we should solve them soon. I hope I got my report card, if anyone cares.... Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |