Topic: Drive by posting
BigER |
posted 11-06-98 02:10 PM ET
OK to keep the tradition of Off topic topics and to generally piss off the easely pissed off among us.This is the new and improved short attention span theatre. Say whats on you mind and change topics often Broccoli, Ohio, NYM NIM, and Cookees welcome.
posted 11-06-98 03:31 PM ET
I want these new games : civ2gold, Smac, Civ:tot, Civ:CTP, and alien intelligence. can's wait.Scientists make problems, that's why you need engineer's to solve them  |
Silent Bob
posted 11-06-98 04:33 PM ET
The formula for the counter is :Take the current number and divide it by 8640000. That will give you the number of days. |
posted 11-06-98 04:51 PM ET
All suspects are guilty until proven Discordian in a Court of Chaos. |
posted 11-06-98 05:12 PM ET
I'm going out for lunch. |
posted 11-06-98 05:24 PM ET
I'm a member finnaly!-Talon |
O242 2
posted 11-06-98 06:35 PM ET
post untill you are blown up in the facekablowie!! |
posted 11-06-98 07:02 PM ET
Till the day we meet again, I will be researching NIM!!NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM NYM NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM NIM Sorry. Bye all. |
posted 11-06-98 09:58 PM ET
I'm going on an azugal safari. Anyone want to come with me and hunt the wild azugal? |
posted 11-06-98 10:12 PM ET
while hunting the azugal, just make sure the fnords hiding between the lines don't come and get you... |
posted 11-07-98 12:56 AM ET
Thanks for the tip, DCA. Any others interested? My plane for the jungles of Nimania leaves soon... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 01:02 AM ET
Actually, the counter represents the number of 1/100th of seconds left !!!every time the counter goes down by 100 means the demo is one second closer to being released !!! 100 = 1 second 6000 = 1 minute 360000 = 1 hour 24 * 360000 = 1 day etc etc etc |
posted 11-08-98 02:06 PM ET
i like pizza |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-08-98 07:35 PM ET
youaskedforithahaahaha!polyaromaticribosenuclaicpolytaxichydosulfideaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaha! |
posted 11-08-98 09:06 PM ET
KICK SOME ASS TOKE SOME......huh, could somone fill in the blank? Nim Arms are for blowing things up Spartans are going down I'm a free range chicken WE are the MoRg you will be incinerated!!! reisistance is fungal! Satan is bad KORN a.d.i.d.a.s. vrrrrrroooom *screech* chikchik BOOM! Dinner! we're having crypt tonight hehehehe |
The DirectorGeneral
posted 11-08-98 11:25 PM ET
I must demand your pleasing chin! How it passes there and back again like a leopard searching for its misplaced frontal lobes.<<< This is NOT a subliminal message. Thank you. Move along... >>> Advinius Longinus Aurelius, The Hand of NIM, Vorlon Wanna-be, Interim commandant IIIS, Master of orbital station seven, Ruler of the VIB's Demigod of Mount Olympus, prophet-in-training of the cult of the Moongoddess, Member clubs I,C,CC,CCC,CD,D; Director General, Labrynth Liberation Front, Prelate of Nova Roma, General of the lost 19th legion, Snappy dresser. - NIM, SMAC, FNORD, PLIB, ZORT. |
posted 11-09-98 12:32 AM ET
Attention everyone: Do NOT think of a rhinocerous charging with a scoop of ice cream in each ear. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 12:44 AM ET
Off-topic smiley >>>  |
posted 11-09-98 01:28 AM ET
YAHHHHH!!!!!! Got the life!!!Sorry, just got the new KoRn CD  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 01:30 AM ET
Thought none of us had lives !!! lol |
posted 11-09-98 08:11 AM ET
This is almost as bad as looking in on a multiple personality sufferers' head.Now my personal contribution to the chaos. Reportedly over 24 hours. Please answer in the form of a question Heckler |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:10 AM ET
Here's my question .. lol :What the He!! are you talking about ???? lol |
posted 11-09-98 09:26 AM ET
Is this OTT (off topic thread) or OOT (Out of topic) ? Can azugals be hunted ? Will FNORDs appear ? What is NIM ? How does the stock market do ? Is there broccoli in Ohio ? Is there intelligent life on earth ? Where is NIMania ? Did you tell Brother Greg ?He who smokes heavily shall receive the pink taste! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:40 AM ET
Roland >>> 1> OOTOTTT (Out Of Topic Off The Topic Thread) 2> Only by Azugal humters 3> Only if venus and jupiter align with Uranus on a any 3rd tuesday of an odd month in a leap year !!! 4> NIM is NIM (What the hell did you think it was) 5> Well, unless it crashes 6> There's no such thing as an Ohio 7> What life on Earth ??? 8> Over there !!! 9> Not yet ... you tell him !!! |
posted 11-09-98 12:14 PM ET
DJ, omniscient... somewhat scary...But you can't answer this: ? |
posted 11-09-98 12:14 PM ET
Ah, forgot: ! or . is not the answer, and 42 doesn't count. |
posted 11-09-98 12:27 PM ET
Yes Yes Yes, IIIIIIIIIII LIKEEEEE IT.And now for something completely different Five bobcats, an Indian head nickle, Bob goldthwait, A french tickler, and Nine princes in Amber.
posted 11-09-98 09:10 PM ET
Out of off-topic thread?Roland: If you have to ask, you're not allowed to know. DCA, I need someone real bad. Are you real bad? |
posted 11-09-98 09:25 PM ET
Nah, I'm pretty good.Continue the fight against the evil force of NYM! Do not allow it to enter these forums once again! Stop BigER before disaster strikes! Roland if you want to come to Nimania I can arrange some plane tickets for you... "Ummmm...." -Me |
posted 11-09-98 09:36 PM ET
I will find you!! I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth & find you!!! Bastard!!NYM vs. NIM, by tickets now, they're selling like hotcakes!! What are hotcakes exactly?? Why do people buy them?? Are they related to NIM?? How did they become involve with sporting events?? Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-10-98 11:09 AM ET
What the heck is NYM? did I miss something?WHy is YOYO out to get me? thunk. Behold the true NYM. Ye shall bow before His rath. Stand and deliver.
Because I have never heard of NYM. what does it mean anyway? |
posted 11-11-98 12:52 PM ET
SMACagra, SMACicillian, SMACudes, SMACzac, SMACaine. I need a fix man..................... ..................................... ..................................... NYM just won't do it for me anymore. And NIM hah baby asprin.
posted 11-11-98 12:58 PM ET
Why did the NIM cros the road?? To get to the other slide!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Get it?? I don't  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-11-98 01:18 PM ET
Beginning of story. The ant walked to the farm. The ant walked back. Repeat n times. End of story. |
posted 11-11-98 02:23 PM ET
death of a smiley <- - ~;o~> |
posted 11-11-98 02:25 PM ET
OK heres another one -* cheery bomb. Boom!
posted 11-11-98 02:32 PM ET
We are the Morg, you will be inflated! Presidents is useless! Negotiation is Ireverant!
posted 11-11-98 03:26 PM ET
Top ten signs you know you are addicted to the SMAC forum10. You know the names of every Faction, leaders of the factions, and their beleifs but can't remember where your car keys are. 9. you have more then 1000 posts. 8. You know the meaning of NIM, NYM, broccoli, attack toilets, and lemon curry. 7. You have something against TAS. 6. Sleep holds no particular interest for you. 5. When you talk to people in person you keep mentioning the time counter as if they know what you are talking about. You then groan and say you just can't wait any longer. 4. Can I have a shreader pistol? 3. You dream about Santiago, whipped cream, and victoria secrets. 2. You have Brians e-mail address 1. Brian has your e-mail address |
posted 11-11-98 04:34 PM ET
> 7. You have something against TASI do. I sincerely believe that his reckless and ultimately futile creation of hundreds and hundreds of "discussion topics", which nobody could use anyway because there've been too many of them, was an important factor in the death of the old board. |
posted 11-11-98 04:38 PM ET
0. You believe that Ohio is a void in the space-time contiuum. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-11-98 07:57 PM ET
11. You remember when the forum was mostly on-topic posting |
posted 11-11-98 09:35 PM ET
12. You start organizations to study fake illnesses, with artificial medicine. 13. You start organizations to worship pop-culture things, classic game designers, etc 14. Those very organizations engage in diplomacy, intrigue, war etc. |
posted 11-11-98 09:46 PM ET
-1: you think Deidre Skye is a hottie -2: You place bets on who would win if Saratov and Miriam duked it out -3: You know all the physics of binary star systems -4: you can say vodka in ten different languages -5: You can make sense of my tag~DHE_X2, morg assimilated cybernetically enhanced free range ascetic chicken of the new Byzantine orthodox Olympian church, employee of the month of the brotherhood of NIM, and some other **** like that |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-11-98 10:32 PM ET
15. You make organizations designed to protect the democracy of a game forum. |
posted 11-19-98 11:09 PM ET
OOHHHH, SYMBOLS!!!���m���������?>ܰ�ʼn��� �m���������?>ܰ�ʼn��כm���������?>ܰ�ʼn��� �m���������?>ܰ�ʼn��כm���������?>ܰ�ʼn��� |
posted 11-11-98 11:57 PM ET
16.You join the organizations made to protect the democracy of a game foeum |
posted 11-20-98 04:59 AM ET
You guys are just to wierd! What does NYM mean? |
posted 11-12-98 12:01 AM ET
18. You lead the armed forces of the organization made to protect the democracy of the forum.Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 12-07-98 04:09 PM ET
CGWs latest issue has a giant section on Stategy games. SMAC got a small blurb. Why? because it has fallen into the me too me too late trap. There are ALOT of stat games coming out- SMAC is in a race for it's life. Those of us who know! Will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. SMAC vs everything else. But will everyone else be able to. Are you concerned? Will they sell enough SMAC? Spread the word brothers tell your friends have them tell their friends and so on. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-12-98 01:44 AM ET
17. (YYYH forgot about his one and went straight to 18.) You are proud of the members of the organization designed to protect the democracy of a game forum, which you began. |
posted 12-08-98 06:00 PM ET
ok, lesson for the day: don't try to talk with a raw amish chicken in your mouth. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I am a pineapple. |
posted 11-12-98 10:39 PM ET
You seriously consider whether broccoli is infiltrating our world and planting post hypnotic suggestions by allowing itself to be ingested (thats why kids wont eat it!)Does anyone know a good use for a cold shower? Does anyone have a good home for a slavering cup of pure decaff? Does anyone know what plain water tastes like anymore instead of <insert favorite method of ingesting caffine here>? Does anyone know why I am rambling like this? Heckler |
posted 12-11-98 06:13 PM ET
I wonder where this post will go? In this thread? not likely. in the middle of one of the other drive by postings. Absolutely! |
posted 11-12-98 10:51 PM ET
Heckler, I have answers for all of those except for the decaf ones, the brocolli one, & the rambling one."Does anyone know a good use for a cold shower??" I do, I take my showers in the morning, cold showers wake me up better than warm showers. They also seem to make me take faster showers. Another thing, it's a proven fact hot showers cause bacteria on your skin to grow faster, bacteria causes bad smell, bad smell=bad. Hope that helps. It doesn't?? Oh well. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-12-98 10:54 PM ET
I like monkeys. Decriminalize drugs-kill the stupid! |
posted 12-14-98 03:02 PM ET
Hehehe... MMMMBop da dupa dop. Hyaarghhhhhhhh!!!!!Gnarf! |
posted 11-12-98 10:58 PM ET
I've always preferred cold showers... |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 12:06 PM ET
Roland to answer your question ... the answer to ? is -(�) |
posted 11-13-98 12:14 PM ET
Close, but no cigar. (I hope you wouldn't abuse it Billie-style, would you ?)  |
posted 11-13-98 12:48 PM ET
Right DHE_X2, I forgot about OHIO can you ever forgive me? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-13-98 12:52 PM ET
Roland >>> huh ???� |
posted 11-19-98 11:28 AM ET
If weebles wobble and they don't fall down on earth then what do they do if there is no gravity? |
posted 11-20-98 12:50 AM ET
Like totally talk to the hand, 'cause the face does not like understand!Fer sur Whatever! "If you tolerate my nukes, then your cities will be next" Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-20-98 04:13 PM ET
Blip! Bloop! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 11:48 AM ET
They don't fall up !!! Obviously !!! Duhh !!! |
posted 12-08-98 05:08 PM ET
Weak is the will when the body is hot. Never underestimate the power of Ben gay.
posted 11-19-98 12:20 PM ET
DJ: why "huh" ??? - it should all be obvious. We are one consciousness, after all !!!"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" (Steven Wright) |
posted 12-08-98 06:21 PM ET
Wow this is weird. I posted here today and it showed up in the middle of the thread. And there are like three of these Drive by posting threads. Unf***ing believable. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-19-98 01:22 PM ET
That huh was from a long time ago !!! 6 days to be exact .. and it was in responce to your saying that the answer to [?] was not [-(�)] !!!  |
posted 11-19-98 03:15 PM ET
Duh! REB it was a joke DUh! Why so hostile? doh! |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-11-98 07:04 PM ET
234.) You go to other forums to say that their game sucks, while esposing the wonders of SMAC, and end up getting massively flamed.  Imran Siddiqui |
posted 11-20-98 03:54 AM ET
Flee at once, all is discovered. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Moderation is for monks. The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility. What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking somebody to do it. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. If it's comprehensible, it's obsolete. I like winter. I like the cold. I like the sound of flowers dying. |
posted 12-14-98 06:15 PM ET
Can I be politically incorrect here?? No. Ok.  Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-20-98 05:19 PM ET
78) You not only worship some posters as gods, organizations are set up where they actually ARE gods. Like me, now! Muahahaha... |
posted 12-08-98 05:58 PM ET
suego yign'a. hjiy> gyloup. sifjhkl/d 92jdo? Futkc-yuu shkinieey boaoastared. I a reel gud shcpelllepr. huyjio pot skdit pot ndkflg pot dkfkamwied nskl;a bpud wied. Xchicten eshc guid en duh stumacj/mmnmpop duhwaopbadoo oio. Spuotiyendlfjaqwev?!?!? ~DHE_X2, skdoie wied pot butd heshaiysh |
posted 12-08-98 06:26 PM ET
The bathroom is down the hall to the right. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-11-98 07:06 PM ET
Ahhh, my post ended up in the middle! The Nexus has stuck here. Run away, Run away, before it gets you too.Imran Siddiqui Post got Nexiied |