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  Who Thinks abortion doctors should ALL be shot?

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Author Topic:   Who Thinks abortion doctors should ALL be shot?
GrimStoneKane posted 11-05-98 05:23 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for GrimStoneKane   Click Here to Email GrimStoneKane  

yes i am a **** disturber but..... all i can say here is let them die!! let them PAY!!!!!! for the death of those babies!..........

i've been thinkin..... u now what i think!?
the sniper is probley an devorced guy whos wife left him and had an abortion of his baby (its "his" too) and wants vengence!! Be afriad! be very very very afriad!! fear is a very powerful tool! and it is!!

November 11... remembernce day!!!!!!!!!!
lets remember shall we..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ok good! now lets get your opinion!!! women DO have the right to "there" own bodies but they are carring someone elses inside them!!! if they were to pig headed to know that if you have sex the is ALWAYS!!!! a chance to get pregnent..... Have the baby!!!! give it up to adobtion if you have too but give it life!!!!.... same goes for rape! i understand its a very tromation thing to go through but have the baby and give it up to adobtion.....

well thats my lil rant for today!!... mabey i'm being to hard on the doctors.... well yes i am.. they shouldn't be shot! But! they should stop what they doing.....stop!! i say!!!

DCA posted 11-05-98 06:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     

if you get my point...

Arnelos posted 11-05-98 07:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
-Winston Churchhill
Roland posted 11-05-98 08:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Hey, Grim, nice brain damage, where did you get it ?
Arnelos posted 11-05-98 08:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     
Yeah, I've got a few friends here in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (my college) at the university that would be VERY interested in using that type of thing as a case study.

Wierd thing, psychologists. Dave Barry once said that if you like rats or dreams, you ought to think about being a psychologist. If you dream about rats, then psychology is definately the thing for you.

DJ RRebel posted 11-05-98 09:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Those doctors are performing what the parents asked them to do ... have you ever thought about that ???

You are one sick pathetic individual if you think doctors who save lives should be shot !!!

In fact, I think it's so disgusting what that doctor killer did, that killing him would be too kind ... whoever the doctor shooter is should be locked up in a cell and have an ounce of flesh sliced off every day until he disappears into nothingness !!!

I'm pro-choice, but I understand your point of view and respect it, but dont kill a doctor who is trying to help others !!!

Pudz posted 11-05-98 09:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pudz  Click Here to Email Pudz     
uhh.. what if the couple can't support the baby?, oh even have enough money to goto the hospital to have the baby?

now that that's done:
well, i think that the couple should make the choice. And in that they should have as many options as possible. albeit, even if i don't like the killing. it is not for me to decide.

also, if the abortion doctor wasn't there, we may have lost 3 lives, not just one, the baby, the mother and the father? instead of just one? hmmmm

Scientists make problems, that's why you need engineer's to solve them

oreilly posted 11-05-98 10:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for oreilly  Click Here to Email oreilly     
Interesting that those who claim to value life so highly, are usually the first to take it in puruit of their goals, isn't it?
dushan posted 11-05-98 12:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dushan  Click Here to Email dushan     
Eh, I'm still expecting GrimStoneKane to say that it was just a silly joke.

No one can be THAT brain damaged.

First of all, what's the logic behind shooting the doctors?? It's not like less babies are going to die - those women that want an abortion will just go to another doctor. Result: 1 doctor dead, no reduction in 'baby murders'. I've never heard of a case where a mother didn't have an abortion because there wasn't a doctor around that could do it. So the target of those ill-formed minds must be to wipe out every doctor that can and is prepared to perform abortion. May be, eventually, there will be a shortage of such doctors then. Result: Many doctors brutally murdered, many patients die because of lack of qualified doctors, lots of unwanted babies will be born, many of which will fall through the welfare net to become drug addicts, criminals and murderers.

Why don't you just go and shoot the women that want to have an abortion? Or shoot the president for not banning abortion? This sort of mentality has no place in a democratic society. You can't go around shooting people if you don't like what they're doing.

Also, even if they manage to kill all the doctors that perform abortion, one must be naive to think that that would stop women from aborting their pregnancy. One way or the other, they will do with their own bodies what they choose, not what those twisted trigger happy maniacs tell them to. With a tiny difference though - many will die during the abortion done secretly, in poor conditions by an unqualified person. But I guess the existence of few cells are more precious to them then the life of a human being.

Finally, what right does anyone have to be the judge, jury and executioner in a case (or in fact in any case) where the society doesn't even agree on whether a crime has been committed?

My personal opinion is that no crime is committed during an abortion. However I'm pretty damn sure a crime is committed when a doctor gets shot. By your reasoning, I seem to have the right to go and kill the retard that did it...

In fact, I don't feel particularly strong about the issues of abortion. It's woman's body - let her decide. It is not my baby until it is born i.e. comes out of the womb and is able to live and develop into an adult, be it with some help from doctors. That is my opinion, I'll respect yours. What really does get me going though is display of complete and utter ignorance and stupidity. Please forgive me.

Thanks for your patience,


Tolls posted 11-05-98 01:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
I wouldn't expect Grim Stone Kane to come back...probably for the best.
BoomBoom posted 11-05-98 01:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for BoomBoom  Click Here to Email BoomBoom     
That doctor has probably saved more lives than he has taken. Oh, and have you thought about his wife and kids (3 I think). That killer is evil, especially since he thinks that he's doing this in the name of god (always a favourite excuse of nutcases), and he deserves the worst punishment possible. And you're evil as well GSK.
Maya posted 11-05-98 01:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
Very intelligent reply dushan, but GrimStoneKane's original statement wasn't worth it.


"The thoughtless are rarely wordless."
-- Howard W. Newton

Roland posted 11-05-98 02:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
If I may add:

"Nothing is as terrible to see as ignorance in action."

Maya posted 11-05-98 02:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
Let me add:

"Consider the ignorance of the average fanatic. Then realize that by definition fully half of them must be even dumber than that."

Heckler posted 11-05-98 02:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Killing Doctors who chose to perform abortions is almost the most witless thing done on this planet. The person who does such an act has taken from this planet someone who has spent years learning how to save lives. Dont just lock the sucker up, when you do dont give him any medical care. After all he will proabably say he did it "eye for an eye" so just as he deprived everyone else let him be deprived.


one small note about the above "eye for an eye" is a rotten deal everyone ends up blind.

"Behold I have become the destroyer of worlds"

Guess who said the quote of the day and win a prize!

Roland posted 11-05-98 02:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Bill Gates ?

There seem to be a lot of quotes just made for Grimstonesomething.

"With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but with idiots, I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.
(William Lloyd Garrison, slightly modified)

Jason Beaudoin posted 11-05-98 02:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jason Beaudoin  Click Here to Email Jason Beaudoin     
Oppenhimer (Spelling?)

I'm glad to see that people disagree with such statements. I'm actually very releaved.

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-05-98 02:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
No, killing is wrong, no matter who does it.

We killing abortion doctors.
Abortion doctors killing innocent babies.
Mothers killing their innocent children in the womb.

They all are WRONG.

My personal theory is that most abortion performers are ignorant of the ritual human sacrifices they perform to Satan in the abortion process. They have been deluded by the Extreme Feminists whom I believe know a lot better what abortion truly is and who it really serves. Judgement will fail hardest on those who knew and then on the ignorant who failed to check it all sides of the issue carefully.

Abortion - worse than the Holocast. More killed. Victims more innocent.
Abortion - the evilist act know to man - the ritual sacrificing of absolute innocents out of pure selfishness.
Abortion - the ultimate selfishness.

Where are the guardians of the innocents that are being killed? They are the ones making the decision to kill. Are they thus qualified are guardians? Absolutely not. Unfortunately the courts will not allow people who care to step in, assume the guardian role, and then do all in their power to preserve the innocent and help them grow up in a loving environment.

Jason Beaudoin posted 11-05-98 02:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jason Beaudoin  Click Here to Email Jason Beaudoin     

You're right (although I would have left religion out of the argument), it is a really selfish act. I think that if a person is unable to care for a baby, there are plenty of other willing people who would care for that baby. There is no need to have an abortion if you look at it from that perspective.
Roland posted 11-05-98 03:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Hmmm... not surpisingly, I can't side with
your religious arguments.

"ritual human sacrifices they perform to Satan"

"Extreme Feminists whom I believe know a lot
better what abortion truly is and who it
really serves" - What, Satan again ?

"the ritual sacrificing of absolute innocents"

What's ritual about abortion ?

If we want a serious discussion about the issue
(non-serious is brimstonething, and IMO your rituality stuff - sorry),
OK. I'm strongly against abortion, and therefore strongly pro-choice.
If you try to deny choice, you won't reduce the number
of abortions, you'll just make them more dangerous and
cause additional loss of life. The only reasonal way is to
leave choice open, but to support a pro-life choice. If that's too pragmatic,
maybe, but the optimal solution - no abortions at all - just isn't on the menu.

"Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it."
(Andre Gide)

Tolls posted 11-05-98 03:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
Oppenheimer was merely quoting from the Rg Veda (I think it's that text anyway), so I suppose any number of people could have said it before him.

An abortion is between a woman and her doctor...possibly with input from her partner. You're going at this from a religious prespective, at least a Western one...I can't hold with that...Japan doesn't seem to have a problem with it all.

Sofielisk posted 11-05-98 03:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sofielisk  Click Here to Email Sofielisk     
Is it worse to have a child born into a loveless life or to have a child killed before it is born?

"So if I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot facists."

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-05-98 03:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
Tolls, you are forgotting the most important person, the one who is being killed.

What say do they have it? Who speaks for them? Who safeguards their basic human right to live?

It is the role of government to protect the rights of those who can not protect them themselves. Most governments of the world fail this duty.

In the US, the constitution states that everyone has the right to life, happiness, and the pursuit of liberty. It draws no boundaries based on age, sex, etc. Everyone (period).

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-05-98 03:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
Sofielisk, there are people who want adopt the child and love it, so that is not even an issue. Do you also condone the killing of young children if they become a burden as well?
Roland posted 11-05-98 03:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
Declaration of independance: life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness (or so)

5th amendment: life, liberty and property.

In Roe vs Wade, the supreme court held that a ban on
abortion is a violation of women's liberty. I don't support that
interpretation, but it shows you cannot undisputedly invoke
the constitution for your point.

Not from religious, but from humanitarian POV I am opposed to
abortion - period.
Therefore I think society, the state, has a moral and IMO also
legal duty to protect unborn life - but not by means of bans
and punishment, as this is counterproductive or mabye itself immoral
or illegal.

Pudz posted 11-05-98 03:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Pudz  Click Here to Email Pudz     
if the couple is going to have sex, why won't they take the responsibilty to actually have the baby? why run away? why are they so "childish"?
why don't people seem to understand:


how dumb are some people?
again stop running away and fess up for your actions!!!

Scientists make problems, that's why you need engineer's to solve them

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-05-98 03:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
State Laws also make it a crime to deliberately kill an individual. It is a violation of the 10th amendment for the Supreme Court to rule against them. This issue has not been addressed in front of the Supreme Court yet. It is also grounds for any state to leave the United States for breach of Contract, namely, the US Constitions. If I had the influence, I would lead a succession from the US of as many states that would follow.

Abortion also is a violation of the UN's Universal Statement of Human Rights.

Society has an obligation to protect the rights of those who cannot protect them themselves. An unborn child has no means to protect those rights so governments have the obligation to protect the rights including their right to life even when opposed by the child's natural parents. Any government (of the people) who fails to do so, fails its basic role as a government. Any member of that government (of the people) who fails to advocate protecting the rights of those who can't protect them themselves is guilty of high treason against the people that the government represents.

Another ground to impreach Bill Clinton, most of his cabinet, a good part of Congress, and the Supreme Court.

Old_Guy posted 11-05-98 03:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Old_Guy  Click Here to Email Old_Guy     
How about we all just get along and support abortion...

..of this topic.

Trev posted 11-05-98 03:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Trev  Click Here to Email Trev     
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sorry guys!!! i just wanted to see what you would say?

but i'm still against abortion but in a peaceful and calm way?

Well i'm not sure i have brain damage but i do have a headach...... Roland!!! stop using you highly developed phycic mind try to hurt me

Sorry for the crule joke

DCA posted 11-05-98 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Pudz: I see having sex without having babies as one of life's great pleasures.

Anyway, I find the idea that a fetus is actually an individual dubious at best.

Being good at being stupid doesn't count.

Futzy posted 11-05-98 05:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Futzy  Click Here to Email Futzy     
Uhh... Anyone notice the line at the top of the page? Alpha Centauri forums... Unless they're planning on adding an unit called "Overzealous fanatic" or "Abortion doctor", I'm pretty sure this topic belongs elsewhere...

That's the joy of the Internet being so freaking big you know, there's always an appropriate place to talk about something, and yet so many insist on doing it in inappropriate places.

Sorry, I tend to rant when defending Internet ettiquette...

Zan Thrax posted 11-05-98 05:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zan Thrax  Click Here to Email Zan Thrax     
Anyone care to guess my stance?

A fetus is just a collection of generic cells for a considerable portion of development. After specialization had occured to the extent that there is a brain capable of operating the body, I will accept that the fetus is an individual, seperate from the mother, but not before.

As for adoption, has anyone here ever seen the lists of kids waiting for adoption? Any pro-life advocate damned well better adopt at least as many kids as they have of their own. Anyone who says that there are lots of people willing to adopt children that isn't willing to do so themselves is a hypocrite. Which is almost as bad as being an extremist.

Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey posted 11-05-98 06:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey  Click Here to Email Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey     
I'm against abortion for the most part. If the women had sex, she should take responsibility for the kid(& force the father to, too!). Also there should be a limitation on the amount of times a woman can have an abortion(is there one already?), maybe once or twice. Killing a fetus time after time is just plain cruel, ignorant, & stupid on the mothers part. If she's gonna keep having un-protected sex, then she should get her tubes tied. There are some cases where I find abortion acceptable though. If the woman was raped, & she gets pregnant off the man. Or if having the baby would be a serious risk to a womans health. Those are the only two I am willing to accept, the others are just plain cruel & stupid.

You have some serious problems Grim, no life deserves to be taken, no matter if they were a fetus, or a murder victim. An abortion doctor is doing his job, not some evil Hitler scheme. Get your head checked, I tend to think people like you should all be shot!

FREEDOM, LIberty & Im tired of typing all this.

Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general,

SnowFire posted 11-05-98 07:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
I'm just going to take apart TAS's last statement and try and rebut it.

"State Laws also make it a crime to deliberately kill an individual." And an individual is what the Supreme Court says it is, and right now that's after birth not conception.

It is a violation of the 10th amendment for the Supreme Court to rule against them.

Again, the Supreme Court is infallible unless it says itself that it messed up. They can interpret the Constitution however they want. The SC doesn't "violate" the constitution, they simply intrepet the Constitution differently than how it "should" be, i.e. Dred Scott, U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co., and Plessy v. Ferguson. Whether Roe v. Wade should be added to that list is up to the modern SC, and so far it shouldn't be.

"This issue has not been addressed in front of the Supreme Court yet. It is also grounds for any state to leave the United States for breach of Contract, namely, the US Constitions. If I had the influence, I would lead a succession from the US of as many states that would follow."

But the Contract can't be breached by the SC, they are always right. So it would be the states who are breaching contract by trying to leave and we'd be forced to install martial law there to remind them who's the boss.

"Abortion also is a violation of the UN's Universal Statement of Human Rights."

Is it? Or is this another creative interpretation? Please fill us in.

"Society has an obligation to protect the rights of those who cannot protect them themselves. An unborn child has no means to protect those rights so governments have the obligation to protect the rights including their right to life even when opposed by the child's natural parents. Any government (of the people) who fails to do so, fails its basic role as a government."

The government has a responsibilty to protect the helpless and weak, yes, I completely agree. But a fetus is part of the mother, too, and soceity has an obligation to protect her rights as well. If she wants to do that, that's her choice. The fetus isn't legally alive. Also, government should know where it cannot hope to be effective and also that it should not tread on moral issues. Let's face it, abortion is a moral issue. Things like stealing and murdering are harmful to soceity, but abortion is only harmful to oneself (maybe, as God hopefully does not throw everyone directly to hell who disagreed with Him). It's an exact parallel to Prohibition, it was a moral crusade (don't drink! admirable but...) and it was almost impossible to enforce (it only outlawed production and transportation of, not consumption or possesion of). Same with abortion, it's a moral crusade and abortion will simply be forced underground, where it will be more dangerous. I agree with Roland, banning abortion is not an option. If you want to start a moral crusade outside government to change peoples minds, feel free.

" Any member of that government (of the people) who fails to advocate protecting the rights of those who can't protect them themselves is guilty of high treason against the people that the government represents.

Another ground to impreach Bill Clinton, most of his cabinet, a good part of Congress, and the Supreme Court."

Who is more treasonous? A hard working American who is pro-choice or a pro-life spy? I'm sorry, but having a difference of opinion is not treason. Since you've so often quoted the Constitution, check out the first amendmant. Even in a more dramatic situation, where someone sees a murder and does nothing (like that Berkley student), while that may be abhorrent, and is certainly not illegal.

Dcreeper posted 11-05-98 07:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
The Thomas A Stobie::

ei ei,, I only read one of yer msges.. sanatic this ritual that.. no offense.. but such thinking is seriously outdated

as for killing being wrong.. sorry killing is not wrong.. many liveing creatures kill, but they are not evil, often it is nessisary for survival, what is wrong is takeing PLEASURE from the killing, I'm pretty sure docs dont take pleasure in killing an unborn fectus.. but it seems to me these doc killers got a lot of pleasure at watching his body fall...

wait a min... who is the 'evil' bad bad person again? I'm confused..

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-05-98 07:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
1. To kill any human being deliberately is murder. No exceptions.

2. Satan is doing very well in today's society of sin. To think that Satan is a myth just makes his task easier. We must all be very aware of him.

3. To date, the issue of the federal government's violation of the 10th amendment has not be brought before the US Supreme Court.

4. Both the US Constitution and the Universal Statement of Human Rights do not define any age limit on when the rights begin.

5. No parent has the right to kill one of their children for any reason, including inconvenience.

6. Scientific Evidence shows that a child is sentient before birth. So birth is not a valid defining moment for rights.

7. Laws exists to protect individuals from the actions of others. As Abortion is the murder of an individual by other, laws should address the crime and prohibit it under all circumstances. Zero Tolerance for Murder - I would not want to live in a society with any tolerance for murder in any form.

8. Ignoring the moral issues, abortion is still a necessary legal one. (see 7.)

9. Even in cases, where termination of the pregnancy is necessary to save for the mother's life, all means available should be taken to preserve the life of the delivered living child, however much pre-mature. It if dies under all that care, then it happens, but the attempt should always be made.

10. When government officials fail to update their oaths of office, they should be removed. I consider it high treason when they neglect their duties by choice.

11. Consider this statement: Human Life begins at conception. It is true or not. If it is true, abortion is always murder. If it is not, it is necessary to determine objectively when human life begins. It is not birth as pre-mature babies can survive, so it is earlier than the time of normal birth. When is appropriate?
a. Assume it is true. Then abortion is murder. Those who advocate abortion are accessories to the crime of murder and will be accountable for it at the final judgement.
b. Assume it is false. Then those who advocate no abortion have been saving tissue and woman who would have had abortions significant psychological problems (in their later years). Even then the issue of when comes into play. Sciences has soon that people are affected by what happens to them in the womb. Studies would have to be done to determine when, but definitely before 3 months of growth, anything later would still be murder.
c. Considering the two options it is much better to err on the side of the child rather than on the side of the abortions.

Marquesa posted 11-05-98 08:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Marquesa  Click Here to Email Marquesa     
From what I have seen of some of the kids around today, I think they should introduce retrospective abortion.
By the way, am I right in thinking that the man who wrote about ' Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness', owned slaves that he refused to set free and had several illegitimate children by at least one of them?
DCA posted 11-05-98 08:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
TAS: I'll ignore both the religious and the legal issues here, as i find both particularly uninteresting. So:

Murder: I might be inclined to agree with you that the act of killing any human being deliberately is murder; convention, though, tends to exclude for instance acts of warfare. Zero tolerance for murder: I don't think so. Oppressors (among others) should ALWAYS be killed - allowing the Stalins, Hitlers, Pol Pots, Pinochets etc. to carry on for as long as they do is a disgrace. The 'forgive and forget' mentality (South African truth commission springs to mind) is disgusting.

What is humanity: At conception there is nothing but an egg and a spermie. Calling this human life is to me pure nonsense. Deciding the exact point where non-human life turns into human life is, admittedly, difficult. That doesn't mean it's impossible, at least not within a somewhat wide margin. Normally, the abortion is performed before this emergence of humanity - as such, no individual is murdered.

Finally, the argument of 'saving people from future psychological problems' is an inherently bad one. It is, simply, none of your business.


Victor Galis posted 11-05-98 09:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Victor Galis  Click Here to Email Victor Galis     
Selfishness!?! It is sad to see how many religious fantics surround us. We face over-population, any means of reducing birth rate is good (Other than killing people who have been born.)

Trev posted 11-05-98 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Trev  Click Here to Email Trev     
Grim is a little messed up but he does have some points.... some at least......

The doctors don't believe its wrong so they have no moral delema or ethical issues...

if proof came out to sugest that the doctors
are really mudering! i think they would kill themselves.... and save my the bullets!!

damn! i still have a headach..... ooooooo the colors!!!!....

JB posted 11-05-98 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
Hmm. An interseting topic. Sagan worote something interesting on it. I will paraphrase:

On the issue of abortion, Sagan said that most pro-life people said that killing something that has a pontential to be a child is wrong. Then what about when a man mastribates? All those millions of sperm, each one capable of forming a baby, killed. Or when a woman goes through a period. Those egg cells, just killed like that.


Sagan was poking fun in his usual sarcastic way, but there is truth in this.

For the record, I do not support abortion unless it is abslutly nessesary, as in rape or incest, or when it poses a health hazard to the woman.

Also, Heinlein had something to say about "life, liberty, and happiness" in Starship Troopers: he said that if two men are on a desert island, and the only way to survive until help arrives is cannabolism, which man has the right to life? Thus, the issue of the mother who may have the baby and die, or abort and live.

But I think we should always give the baby a chance. Maybe someone should develop the artificial womb. That would certainly help.

Also, TAS, PLEASE leave Satan out of this. I don't care if you think he's trying to destroy humanity, or what ever, but I really don't care, and it makes you look like some kinda fanatic who blames Satan or God for everything wrong he does.

Gregory Stegeman posted 11-05-98 10:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Gregory Stegeman  Click Here to Email Gregory Stegeman     
They shouldn't be shot but they should die. They have a licence to kill so why not one to be killed, like James Bond.
Gregory Stegeman posted 11-05-98 10:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Gregory Stegeman  Click Here to Email Gregory Stegeman     
Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddde enough*************************************
AUH20 posted 11-05-98 10:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for AUH20  Click Here to Email AUH20     
As a practicing Catholic and resident of the far-right wing of the Republican party, I am opposed to abortion and believe it should be part of the homicide code. But Grim's comments are quite stupid. A small, evil, and sick percantage of those who are pro-life(or in the case of abortion clinic bombers/snipers, hypocrites) should not take away the legitmicy of our cause, just as the Black Panthers or John Brown did not take the legitmacy away from the Civil Rights and Abolitionist causes. Those who bomb abortion clinics are no better than the abortionist.

I have religous objections to abortion as well, but think that it is more the "Cult of Self" than the "Cult of Satan." Whether or not Melissa Dexler was to be charged with murder depended on whether or not the umbilical chord was cut. The people who killed their baby somewhere in New England could have gotten a partial-birth abortion without any trouble whatsoever.

The world birth rate has fallen below sustenance level, Trevor.

I've had experience with the moral issues people raise. My mother was adopted and my brother died from complications-we knew of before birth-of Down's Syndrome. There are millions upon millions of couples unable to have children, and who would gladly adopt. If there are not enough to adopt, the government should take care of the children. Adoption laws should make it easier to adopt, the government should help those who adopt, and adoptions should be closed.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness-life comes first.

AUH20 posted 11-05-98 10:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for AUH20  Click Here to Email AUH20     
By the way, yes, I oppose capital punishment after much soul-searching and thinking.
Dcreeper posted 11-05-98 11:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dcreeper  Click Here to Email Dcreeper     
Gregory Stegeman posted 11-05-98 10:33 PM ET
They shouldn't be shot but they should die. They have a licence to kill so why not one to be killed, like James Bond.
---------------------------------------------I'm not sure that desirves(sp?<sigh> a response since it obvoiusly was not well thought out, please tell me... I seem to have become confused again, whats the difference between being shot vs killed.. I mean do they just get shot in a rather painful spot, or do they get killed by old age? James bond huh, last I checked Docs were real people who did their best to help others (well okay now HMOs run it, but I hear docs are getting a Union together so they can get the money they need from hmos to better serve the people, no dout one or two wants to make a profit form it tho)

that statement ye made reminds me of a book.. its one of the Wheel of Time books by Rober Jordan
<not actual quote.. but dang close.. dont feel like diggin it up>

"Men seem to think they can solve the problem with violence, someone should shrash some sense into them!"

the irony in that is in yer statement.. self contradicting statements just dont work as arguments.


no offense.. but I would like some proof about yer claim that birth rate is lower than the sustance lvl.. ALSO I would not mind ye proveing that abortion did NOT have a hand in this.

DHE_X2 posted 11-05-98 11:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DHE_X2  Click Here to Email DHE_X2     
Intolerance begets hatred, hatred begets violence, violence begets, of all things, death
SnowFire posted 11-06-98 12:05 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
Is everyone here familiar with Tay-Sachs disease? It's a genetic affliction most common in the East European Jewish population (the one Hitler tried to wipe out). If the genes mix wrong (get out those Punnet squares), a child with Tay-Sachs is born. He or she has difficult breathing, cries a lot, and requires constant attention. They usually die, in excruciating pain and from not beign able to breath, around four.
There's one important thing about it though: it can easily be detected ahead of time in the womb. So, these days many women who find out that there baby has Tay-Sachs choose to abort rather than have to care for a baby (and love it too!) whose life will be short and painful, until the eventual heartbreak when the baby dies. The person who watches over the baby will not be able to work, and often the entire family goes into poverty caring for the baby. Is it selfish, the decision to abort? Probably, in most people. But it could be humanitarian as well, to try and save a living breathing baby from a wretched life of eternal pain. The mercy killing and abortion arguments mix here. Can the blanket statement "abortion is evil" be a little too wide open?

As for Satan, whether he exists is a question that probably won't be answerd in our lifetimes. But abortion is not a Satanic rite. It's done by well-meaning doctors who believe they are doing good. So you say that the people on the Spanish Inquisition thought they did good, too. I don't think something can be Satanic if you don't intend it to be. Satan might be pleased you thought you killed the dissenters for God's glory, but it's definitely not some sort of sacrifice.

TAS, if you oppose murder unconditionally, please state your position on war. Because otherwise, there are people who ARE willing to kill people and they will take over the world because no one was willing to stop them. Personally, I disagree with capital punishment not only because it's moraly wrong, but because there's always a chance someone will be executed who's innocent, the evilest thing that can possibly be done by a government (and by that definition, the deaths of 12 million innocent people in Nazi Germany would make that the evillest government ever).

As for legally why abortion is bad, first I suggest you check out the Sagan quote. Those dead sperm had just as much potential to being babies as a growing fetus, and they're dead. No ethical problems there, eh? Also, if no form of murder is okay, and murder is the delibrate killing of an individual, then what would you want the SWAT officers to do to the maniac attacking your apartment? Aim for the legs? Sometimes, sad as it may be, deadly force has to be used for civil order or in wars.

I'll get more into this later, I have to get to bed.

Larry Boy posted 11-06-98 01:03 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
I too hold life to the highest level. (And do consider pre-born human life to be human life) I don't think that abortion is acceptable in any circumstance except the case of a mother's death in which case I think that the decision should be thought out carefully. I can personally say that I would die that my child might live, some people may not, that's OK too.

As far as abortion doctors go, I must admit, sometime I do feel the eye for an eye philosophy, I guess it is part of my nature, but certainly not something in which I believe. Even the child murderers don't deserve to die, that would be stupid. But I do think that life inprisonment is appropriate. By the time an average individual gets done reading this, although I think that the people on this server are above average (-8 About 4 babies will have been aborted. Does that make anyone else want to cry? God Bless, Larry Boy

Larry Boy posted 11-06-98 01:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion."

- Mother Theresa (I just had to throw another quote on the pile)

Zan Thrax posted 11-06-98 02:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zan Thrax  Click Here to Email Zan Thrax     
The question, Larry, is, would you ask the mother of your child to die that it might live? If so, would you beable to love it fully, or would you be like many fathers whose wives die in childbirth and resent or even hate the child for taking your wife?
Brother Greg posted 11-06-98 02:58 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Brother Greg  Click Here to Email Brother Greg     
Put it this way - if you're all against abortion, then you should all be against eating meat. If it is not right to kill a human being, then it is not right to kill an animal, which also has sentience.

Any of you willing to decide that animals aren't worth it? That humans are so much important than animals? That we're higher beings?

Phah! We're only higher evolved beings. That is the ONLY difference.

Accept both, or accept neither.

And as people said, what of bringing children with deadly or painful diseases into this world? What of bringing mentally retarded children into this world? There are some (Fragile X for one) problems that cause mental retardation that can be detected pre-birth? Is it right to bring these children into the world?

And what of Rape or incest?

You can't allow abortions from one, and not the other.

And I suppose you are against Euthanasia as well?

Man, takes a LOT to get me agitated, but this is one topic that will.

Brother Greg Woodstock,
Defender of the Sacred NIM,
Chevalier of the order of Azugal,
Hammer of the Spartans.

GrimStoneKane posted 11-06-98 03:08 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for GrimStoneKane  Click Here to Email GrimStoneKane     

i didn't want to do this..... but it seems i must...... this is disterbing...if you are eating do not read forward..

In labor abortions(sorry i can't remember the real name for it)..... i'm gonna tell you what they do ok?

A women is in labor and decides to have an abortion at that second(yup thats legal too)
the "doctor" pulls the baby out sticks a small pair of scissors into the back of the babies skull making a small opening, sucks the babies brians out which kills it.. happy?? good.....i've had enough out of all of you!!! voice you opinions sure i'm ok with that! but please don't call me stupid or a fanatic!! ok?

all that i said above is ture! reserch it on your own if you like

DCA posted 11-06-98 03:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Kane: I'm afraid you fullfill most of my requirements for being both stupid and fanatic. On the bright side, I probably fullfill some of yours, too.

Greg: Though I'd agree with you any day that animals are at least as intelligent as humans, I don't think they technically live up to the requirements for sentience (as defined by the Turing scale or whatever, which might or might not be bull****).

Furthermore, I'm not quite buying your 'can't allow one and not the other' argument, but then I'm usually quite pragmatic. From an absolutist standpoint I guess what you're saying is true.

And, finally, yes - I guess most of the people here are against Euthanasia. I'm not among them of course.

I am always right. Except when I'm left, or bluffing.

Tolls posted 11-06-98 07:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
You lot had a fair go last night didn't you?

Luckily some of my views have already been expounded so I don't have to go through everything.

Brother Greg "stole" my question of who here is a vegetarian, so I'll leave that one.

TAS: The UN Human Rights doobrie only covers those of us who have been born.

AuH20: I really don't know where you got your figure for world birth rates from, because it is complete rubbish.
There are only a handful of Western countries where the birth rate is below death rate, and even then only by a small margin (I think France is one of them)...

Grim: Partial birth abortions (at least in this country) are done in emergencys.

Roland posted 11-06-98 07:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
AUH: The world birth rate has fallen below sustenance level, Trevor.

Don't try to prove it, it is definately wrong. Growth (NET growth, not birth rates) went down from almost 2 % to about 1,5 % now, but that's still about 90 million people more per year.

Greg: I can't follow the "don't eat meat"-argument in the strict sense, but I see a problem in killing animals for our enjoyment (as meat is not necessary for our nutrition). Ihaven't sorted this out for mayself yet, but I've becoming closer to vegetarianism for years.

Roland posted 11-06-98 07:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
On a legal note: TAS, the UN declaration, the UN pacts, the US constituztion, the European concention on human rights, all protect life without a time limit, but they don't set the starting time either.

There seems to start a consent in Europe that life starts when the fetus is about 14 days old. Under that, most abortion cases would have to be seen under the protection of these provisions. That does, however, not mean that criminal justice is the proper way of protection. As others and I have said, it just would fail like the prohibition.

And what really ticks me off is the idea of bigotry: no information about sex in school, no contraceptives AND no abortion. That's so selfrightous, I'd like to kick the ass of anyone who supports that loony religious stance. What are your opinions on sex information and contraceptives ?

Arnelos posted 11-06-98 08:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     
Brother Greg, unfortunately, your argument can all too easily be turned on its head (as I do when speaking with the typical American leftist, both tree-hunging veegans and pro-choice).

How can one be both for animal rights and veegan and all that AND be pro-choice. These people, who seem to get all concerned when someone sticks a tack in tree, are also downright jubilant when an abortion is performed. . .So they value all life above that of the human lifeform before exiting the mother's woom???

Frank Moore posted 11-06-98 08:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Frank Moore  Click Here to Email Frank Moore     
Heckler posted 11-06-98 09:00 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
Since a large amount of the problem in discussing abortion is defining what is "human" I offer the following definition

Minimum Qualifications for a fetus.
Any fetus to be defined as human must have developed at the minimum 1. A Hindbrain (nessecary to support life) 2. Some specalization of cells to the point that thought would be POSSIBLE (dont remember the critical mass but it is expressed in a number of synapses) This is assuming current technological levels and biological knowledge.

Minimum Requirements Post Fetus
Cognative ability, the being must be capable of thought. If the above question is not answerable (ex. coma patients) then the body should be able to survive on its own. I do not count brain dead vegtables as human as callus as it sounds. However, for you real sickos anyTHING capable of showing concious thought should be given some minimum of concideration this includes animals such as apes, whales, and any yet undiscovered.

On those who claim meat is not among the required nutrients for a human being you are not totally correct, it is possible to gain all nessecary nutreints from vegtable protein. But this is only in a fairly advanced society with acess to a large variety of vegtables in a base aggricultural system such as a fair portion of the world exists in even to this date it is not.

Final point, for those who say abortion is completly wrong I ask a question. I have no wish to support someone else, nor do I wish to be supported, why should I have to support a child that will proabably grow up in an unloving environment (and yes I know people who were adopted and people who weren't its not for the most part an enjoyable life) so that your concice will feel better? If you wish to stop abortions do this. Go down to the clinic, talk to a woman who is there to have one, offer to adopt the child if she will carry it to term. This way your concience has been salved and I dont have to pay for it.


Bonus question
Can anyone give me a good reason that suicide is illegal? Its hardly as if someone in such low straights as to concider it would concider the legality of their act (yes this is from personal experience, it was only the love of those who would be left behind that stopped me)

Roland posted 11-06-98 09:18 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Roland  Click Here to Email Roland     
"On those who claim meat is not among the
required nutrients for a human being you are
not totally correct, it is possible to gain
all nessecary nutreints from vegtable
protein. But this is only in a fairly
advanced society with acess to a large
variety of vegtables in a base aggricultural
system such as a fair portion of the world
exists in even to this date it is not."

Perfectly true. But I have to add that one of the reasons
why such a variety of vegetarian food is not available to many
people is (the quasi-industrial) meat production. It takes
about 5-10 calories in feed to achieve one calory in meat,
IIRC. Only where meat production is based on resources that
can't be used otherwise (grassland areas or something), it may be
neceessary for a group to survive. Globally, for industrial
meat production, it is rather the other way round, so in fact,
we (me included) eat meat purley for enjoyment.

OK, that's a different discussion. I'd just ask:
Use "enter" to limit line length. Hope this worked
in this message...

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-06-98 02:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
War be its very nature is evil, however at times, it becomes necessary to defend oneself from the hostile actions of another. In this case, war should be fought using the least violence that is feasible to still accomplish the objectives, namely to stop the hostile agressor.

Sex Education
Sex education should start at earlier ages in the homes and churchs and be re-inforced in the schools.

Contraceptives are wrong.

Pre-martial Sex
Sex outside of marriage is also wrong. Sex creates a tie between the two souls of the individuals linking them together and slowly unites them as one. When breakups occur, they painfully rip the bonds causing long term damage to both individuals. Sex always should be a total commitment (covenent) to the other person.

Definition of Human
An organism is human when it is endowed with a soul. This endowment is done by God. I believe that this occurs at the moment of conception.

Roland, you are correct not time limits are given and no starting time is given. Given this, you cannot arbitarily assign a start time. Why birth, why not 5? or 18? or 21? or 21 for white females and 35 for everyone else? The law when it what start time to apply, clearly states it. In the US, to be considered an adult legally, you must be 18 or have a court rule that your actions should be considered those of an adult, exception for the purchase of alchocol in most states it is 21, unless you are in the military, in which case it is 18 again.

Enough Said on these topics to answer questions above.

Maya posted 11-06-98 02:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
GrimStoneKane, while I respect your right to voice your opinions, thoses opinions still qualify you as "stupid" and "fanatic".

To all the religious zealots out there, think about this:
"If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things, and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, 'Better the miscarriage than he, for it comes in futility and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity. It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he.'"
-Ecclesiastes 6:3-5

Heckler, I'm glad that you didn't made that decision. And, BTW, suicide _is_ legal (well, at least here in Canada).

The right to decide what is done with or to one's body is part of the fundamental human right. Our "bodily integrity" is part of our personal autonomy and inherent human dignity. This is the same principle that defends us all from invasions of our body by medical, security, or other authorities against our will. It protects our minds as well as our bodies. If the pregnant woman does not have the right to decide whether her body is to be used to nurture a new life, if someone else can force her to carry a fetus to term against her will, then she is less than human.

The possession of certain capacities are necessary for a person to exist, specifically, a nervous system capable of some level of self-awareness and conscious perception ("sapient cognitive awareness"). An embryo or fetus at the stage at which abortions are performed has no consciousness or self-awareness-- its rudimentary body pre-dates a mind. Thus, it has not yet met the criteria for personhood that must be met by all other human beings.

Many of you used words like "murder" to describe abortion. You are thus equating an embryo, something which has the potential to become a person, with an actual person. Potentialities are certainly important but they are not the same as actualities. Ending the biological life of an embryo through abortion is morally very different from taking the life of a full human being.


"Death is not the greatest tragedy in life. The greatest tragedy is what dies inside us while we live. We need not fear death. We need fear only that we may exist without having sensed something of the possibilities
that lie within human existence."

Tolls posted 11-06-98 02:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Tolls  Click Here to Email Tolls     
Thank you for that, Maya.

TTAS: Contraceptives are wrong? In what way are they wrong?
I take it they're immoral or something in your view.
Do you mean all contraceptives?
How about the snip? Is that wrong?

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-06-98 02:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
If a woman does not want to get pregnant, she should avoid sex. If she does become pregnant she should recognize the rights of the other person, namely the fetus, to live. Everyone must accept the consequences and responsibilities of their action.

Newborns who are not taken care of, die. In the US, this neglect is consider murder. Being able to live independent for all other humans is not a necessary requirement for live.

In the US, it is against the law to kill an bald eagle in the egg, but legal to kill a human in the womb.

A fetus is a full human being, fully endowed by its creators, it two parents and God, with all that is necessary to live a productive life. Just because it is helpless, does not means that it is not fully human. Was Hilter right in his culling of the undesirables (in his opinion)? I do not think so. Everyone has the right to live. Are women right in culling their undesired children, just for their personal comfort? Again. No. Their comfort is not more important that the child's right to life. Hitler used the same argument about killing the Jews (and others). At some of those Hitler targeted escaped. No one targeted by the abortionists do.

Which is worse, Hitler's cullings or abortion? Hitler's cullings were an abomination against all of humanity. Abortion is an even greater abomination for it attacks those innocents who cannot protect themselves at all.

NotLikeTea posted 11-06-98 03:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for NotLikeTea  Click Here to Email NotLikeTea     
I wish I had never read this discussion. But, it is too late now.

People I liked, and respected now terrify me.

I think I will be staying away from this forum from now on.

I apologize, but someone who compares Hitler to abortionists scares the living daylights out of me. And to say abortionist are worse? I do not know what to say. I do not know what to say.

Any respect I had for Thomas has been lost. I'm sorry. Maybe, months from now, I may come to respect you again. I don't want to flame. I am just scared.

I am close to tears now.

I am going to leave this forum for a while. Quite likely, I'll stop reading all together. It's a shame, I'm sorry.

DCA posted 11-06-98 04:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
Simon: While I agree that this discussion seems to bring out the
worst in people, I don't think the presence of people
whose opinions scare you qualifies for retreat.

TAS: I think we've come to a point here where there's little
point in continuing the discussion. I obviously disagree
with your views on contraceptives and pre-marital sex, and
the religious issues are, by nature, non-refutable.

Furthermore, I find some of your arguments quite cheap:
The implied accusations of racism ("21 for white females and 35 for
everyone else?" are plain stupid, and Hitler's got nothing
to do with anything (suffice to say: yes, there is a difference
between abortion and genocide).

Change your mind, it's starting to smell.

RM posted 11-06-98 04:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RM  Click Here to Email RM     
A fetus development is very similar to the evolutionary stages. The first days of its life it is very similar to fetuses of 'lower' lifeforms. It is for example difficult to tell the difference between a human fetus and a pig fetus, unless you are a doctor. Its genes are human, but the nerve system is not fully developed, so its feelings could not be compared to human feelings.

I am in principle against killing, but if the choice is between
1. possibly destroying a humans future (getting an unwanted baby could destroy a future)
2. kill something which is not yet human (the only thing that makes it different from a pig fetus is its genes and the human womb it grows in),
I think the choice is easy. Alternative number 2.

I am not saying that abortion is always right, I think it is better to use contraceptives (or stay away from sex), since even many 'primitive' lifeforms (like worms or human fetuses during their first days) can feel pain.

SnowFire posted 11-06-98 06:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
GrimStone: Yes, you definitely qualify as stupid and
a fanatic. If you're going to ask us to research
partial birth abortion, make sure your facts are correct.

"In the US, it is against the law to kill an bald eagle
in the egg, but legal to kill a human in the womb. "
Humans are not endangered species, last time I checked.

There is nothing dishonorable about euthanasia.
But there are limits. Killing yourself because
you have a deadly disease that's extradinarily
painful or becasue you're about to be caught and
tortured for valuable by an enemy army is completely
I do agree that it shouldn't be encouraged for people
who are simply depressed though.

"How can one be both for animal rights and veegan
and all that AND be pro-choice."

I'm not vegetarian, though I respect people who are.
Meat is extremely inefficent and wastes the valuable
food supply of the world that overpopulation
(AuH20's undocumented claims aside) is eating up.
Plus, some people don't want to kill other animals
unless it's completely neccesary. In our modern
soceity it's not. Not all vegetarians are the "Killing is
always bad!" and it's an oversimplification to say that
they are. Besides, even the extremes who would say
that would simply respond that a fetus is not an
independent lifeform yet, so an abortion is not a killing.

Arnelos said:
"These people, who seem to get all concerned
when someone sticks a tack in tree, are also
downright jubilant when an abortion is performed. . .
So they value all life above that of the human lifeform
before exiting the mother's woom??? "

Who's jubilant when an abortion is performed?
It's a very sorrowful thing to lose a potential baby. You
don't see cheer squads around after abortions.
Some people even get depressed and kill themselves.
It's not pro-abortion, it's pro-CHOICE. And you don't
seem to realize that protecting the enviorment
is selfish too. If we plunder and destroy the world, life
will be bad for us. So it's not a starry eyed "woodman
save that tree" kind of thing. It's legitimate concern for the future.

Talon posted 11-06-98 06:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Talon  Click Here to Email Talon     
who thinks this thread is stupid?
no offennce GrimStoneKane
SnowFire posted 11-06-98 06:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
And for the religious (which should includes me, actually), there are even more reasons on saving the enviorment: God gave us this Earth for our use. He's going to be pissed at us if we destroy it (though he'll probably give us another one, worst comes to worst, since he's such a big softie. Maybe by shipping us to Alpha Centauri! In any case, let's hope we can avoid that.).

P.S. Yes God is a softie. He kept on giving the Israelites second chances after they messed up! Isn't that generous? No ligtening falling from the sky or anything, just a few bad harvests (see Joel and Haggai).

Maya posted 11-06-98 06:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
I have to agree with Simon on this: All respect that I had for the TAS I knew from the previous forum has been lost.

Your comments put you on a level not much better that GrimStoneKane, obiously falling into the third category of believers. You seem to uncritically accept anything that is presented to you if it supports your religious beliefs, but if you fell it goes against them, you reject it immediately. Futhermore, it also appears to me that you do not event don't take time to read your own Bible:

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Genesis 2:7

As far as your comments saying that abortion is _worse_ than the holocaust, DCA qualified them of "quite cheap". But they are much worse that just that, they show us a person so indoctrinated in his own beliefs that he will resort to _anything_ to try to justify them.

I can only hope that you are not the TAS I remember from the old forums...

-A sad Maya

PS: I hope that you don't leave or will come back soon Simon.

And I just have to use that quote from Roland again:

"With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but with idiots, I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost."
(William Lloyd Garrison, slightly modified)

The Thomas A Stobie posted 11-06-98 08:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for The Thomas A Stobie  Click Here to Email The Thomas A Stobie     
First, let me state that I did not write to insult anyone. I wrote to see the facts straight.

It is my belief that 99.99% of all people who advocate abortion in any form, do not truly understand what they are standing for. They have been mislead in their beliefs.

While I love deeply every human being, including those murdered in the womb, I can not stand by silently where others can be mislead on such a serious issue.

My things I presented as facts are facts for me, having been proved without any shadow of a doubt. God & I have discussed this topic in depth.

Whether you believe me is another matter. This for me, is not about what I believe, but what I know.


For me, this is a fact.


For me, this is a fact.


And with over 100,000,000 abortions in the world, it far exceeeds the damage done in any war or other selective murder such as the holocast.

Whether you believe me or not is a decision you have to make. I have the moral obligation to present the truth to you about the crime against humanity. When the topic came up without a solid champion I had no moral choice then to speak up.

Consider what if I am right in what I say. How will your actions be judged.

Consider what if I am wrong in what I say. How will your actions be judged.

I consider my postings on this topic a success if one soul or life is saved regardless of the ridicule and personal dislike for me. Are you will to suffer for the life of another? I am.

Ask GOD to show you the truth. Be persistent and He will.

P.S. I have tried to avoid the off-topic discussions, but I had no choice on this topic.

DCA posted 11-06-98 08:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DCA  Click Here to Email DCA     
First, let me say that unlike Maya and Simon, I'm not particularly surprised by
Stobie's views on this subject.

Again, I feel that the discussion has come down to a question of religious
beliefs. While TAS might feel that he has been subject to divine guidance
(allowing him to state his opinion as fact), others obviously do not have
that benefit (or, as I would see it, hindrance). There is little point
in saying less than others have before you, so I'll just conclude with
saying that personally, I'm not very interested in God's version of the truth.

Blessed are they that run around in circles, for they shall be known as wheels.

JB posted 11-06-98 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
Maya is right, on more counts than one. First, a fetus, at the time of abortion, does not have any kind of nervous system to allow it to feel, think, etc. It is a collection of cells, like a kidney. If you have a kidney removed, do you think it will feel pain in it's last seconds before the cells wither?

Also, I agree with others in saying TAS has lost all respect from me. Before, I took him as a competent scientist or something. Now he seems like a religious fanatic, IMO about the lowest anyone can get. I didn't come here for someone to promote God and say He will give us the truth. You have very little to back up you beliefs other than religious sermons. Yes, I am against abortion, but I can't speek for a woman because I'm not one. And no matter what you think, telling people not to have sex untill marrage will not help. Why are you against contraceptives? Couples are going to have sex, so we might as well have them be protected.

"It is my belief that 99.99% of all people who advocate abortion in any form, do not truly understand what they are standing for. They have been mislead in their beliefs."

What about your beliefs? Have you been mislead? Your great faith in religion, despite all the scientific evidence to the contrary, shows, in my belief, you have been mislead.

"A fetus is a full human being, fully endowed by its creators, it two parents and God, with all that is necessary to live a productive life."

A fetus is not a full human being: in the time of most abortions, it has no CNS, possibly not a heart, and has no concious thought. It is not a full human being. And I wish you could leave God out of this.

Grim; On PBA:

3rd Trimester: PBAa are preformed in this period, in the very late weeks of pregnancy. The most common justifications at that time are:
The fetus is dead
The fetus is alive, but continued pregnancy would place the woman's life in severe danger
The fetus is alive, but continued pregnancy would grievously damage the woman's health
The fetus is so malformed that it can only live for a short interval after birth (Such as it has developed a brain stem without a brain, and so will die quickly and has not thought whatsoever, like a doll.

MedIntern posted 11-06-98 11:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MedIntern  Click Here to Email MedIntern     
Wish to argue several points of this argument. First off, personally I am pro-choice and counsel, yea, almost plead with, all my patients to consider abortion, but, publicly I am pro-choice in that I feel that by making abortion legal and able to be discussed; less people will die in back-alley abortion clinics. I am pro-choice and pro-education...counsel people their options.

The argument about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was not the Constitution; it was actually the Declaration of Independence. Actually, the Constitution contradicts the Declaration in that the DoI states all persons should be have the rights of life, LIBERTY, and pursuit of happiness; and then the Constitution invokes the Importation of Persons shall be allowed if taxed, which most Constitution scholars apply to slavery (Article I, Section 9, Clause 1).

My second argument is most tenuous. If you believe that life begins at conception, as I see some of this forum believing, why not protest the IUD or birth control pills. The IUD prevents the embryo, post conception, from implanting, and the BCP, although mainly works by the prevention of ovulation, also works by making the uterus an inhospitable place for the fetus to land. Actually, all female contraceptives, OCP, Depo, progesterone, work these ways. One is to prevent ovulation and the other to make the Uterine lining the equivalent of the Martian landscape for the embryo. Or is it just that taking pills or using the IUD is a more passive form so it is easier to protest the abortion.

Actually, this original topic nauseated me.(Suprisingly, since I am a doctor. ) I have a fear of this type of vigilante justice, especially since many of my friends are OB/Gyn's. having done numerous rotations, occaisonally a baby must die to save the mother's life. Do not want my friends killed due to this.

MedIntern (this time, my input is free. )

DJ RRebel posted 11-06-98 11:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Oh my goodness .. and I thought people were exagerating when they said the forum was getting fanatical !!! This is insane !!!

Firstly, let me say that I am not in favor of abortion as a means of birth control ... but it should be available if someone who is responsibly using another means of birth control turns into one of the statictics who that form of birth control doesn't work on!!!

TAS have you ever had sex in your life ???

If you have, then by your arguments each time you've comminted murder a billion fold! Even if you had a child, during that session, you killed billions of pottential lives !!!

Do you walk around the streets with a super magnoscope to avoid killing the billions of living organisms each human kills a day just by breathing moving and walking ???

Do you smoke or drink ever ??? Either will mess up your system enough to damage at least a few of your sperm !!!

Let me say that I see your point of view and understand your frustration in people who use abortion irresponsibly, but you haven't the right to impose your beliefs on anyone!!

It is my belief that you shouldn't have sex with anyone without knowing where the other person stands on birth control !!!

Your views also commit innocent children to lives of unwanted misery .. a far far far worse fate than death !!! To me it's not fair to the unborn child if you let it live sometimes !!!

Personaly, I think people should have a permit before they have children .. and a prerequisite to getting the permit is to complete an awareness course .. people take parenting for too lightely nowadays .. and it's making this planet a mess !!!

But when all is said and done, life is not "not being dead" ... life is having having the ability to enjoy each day as they are presented to you !!! If you can't eventually enjoy life at some point, what's the point ???

As for your conversation with god !!! If you'd be so inclinened as to include me in your next conversation with him/her/it, and "god" tells me that abortion is unethical, I promise to wrote every member of Canadian parlement supporting your view !!!

TAS you have gone from a rational person to "irrational religious fanatic" in one small thread !!! Let me just say that I feel for you, I understand your point of view but do not agree with it .. you obviously gave your side alot of thought and stand by it, I respect you for that, but your conversasions with God has got me a little afraid for your sanity .. I ask you if you actually have a person to person conversasion are you just looked into your heart to talk with your "God" .. if that is the case, you should clarify what you say or people will start knowking at your door with a custom fit white jacket for you !!!

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 02:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Must be said: I back Thomas A Stobie almost 100% (I disagree about birth control. Abstinence always works, so birth control is unnecesary, but not sinful). So if you are gonna make him a straight jacket, make me two.

By the way, sperm are not human. I don't support randomly killing things like trees, bacteria, animals etc... Everyone has killed millions-billions of organisms. If it is wrong to kill bacteria, then sentence everything in existence to eternal hell.

Maya, by the way, you are not an independent being, nothing is. We all depend on other things for life directly. Without plants, we'd be as good as dead, without the sun-dead, without oxygen-dead. There is no such thin is 'independent' life. Go ahead, check a Webster.

It is not pointless to argue with me, if you had any real arguments for abortion, then shoot, otherwise, forget it. And by the way, check your statistics, a baby (unborn) has a functioning nervous system several days before 90% of all abortions. And as far as I'm concerned, partial birth abortions are about the least painful and cruel of methods used.

One thing that I am very impressed with in the pro-death crowd here is that they are obviously very just, wise, knowledgable and holy. After all, they know whose life will be worth living even before they are born! Tell me that is not a Hitler mentality! Let's see, you're deformed so you should die. You won't be loved by your parents, so die. You won't know who your father is, so you should die. You will be born with some handicaps so your life will be miserable, and not worth anything, so die. COME ON! How in the world can you judge someone without knowing them or even giving them a chance?

I for one am glad that my mother did not 'choose' to execute me. How about you? What if your mom decided that your life would be worth nothing?

Genetically, from the time of conception, the unborn child has an individual genetic make up different from anyone elses. They are an individual. Please please please at least consider that children are worth more than the fancy of the mother. PLEASE!?!?!

Well, let it be known that I love you all regardless of anything, and if there is anything I can do for you, let me know.

God Bless,
Larry Boy

DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 02:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Larry ... you took what Maya said out of context !!!

As for what if my mother had decided to abort me ??? Honestly ... I couldn't have cared less ... I would never have know life !!! That's the principle difference in the way Pro and anti abortionists think .. pro-life to me are actually selfish in that they want everyone to live life the way they want them to ...

Religion on Earth is dying .. and it's about time .. as the intellegence of the average man increases so to does the number of religious men decrease !!! It's a fact !!!

Religion was an institution implemented to control the masses !!!

I have many friends who are religious who are perplexed at how moral a person I am .. one keeps telling me that I have more morality in me than any religious person he knows !!! Including himself !!! He asks me if I don't believe in going to heaven after death, what stops me from stealing what I want or need in life instead of having to work for it !!!

The answer is simple my "God" is humanity !!!

If I am good, and everyone around me is equal, then humanity as a whole is good .. unfortunately not everyone thinks like I do and therefore this world is not in a state of bliss !!!

In fact I think it is completely pathetic that anyone needs the excuse of going to heaven after death to be good !!!

I'm not even saying that there is no God ... I don't know that .. but you don't know that .. in fact no-one knows that ... why then does everyone (in the modern world) believe in the same god more or less ??? It's because religion has been conditioned upon the masses for generations !!!

In fact if your God truly exists, he'd probably be disgusted at your inablility to live your own live the way you want without being afraid of concequenses if your intentions are good !!!

Humanity has almost "transended" to godhood in that we can now make living creations of our own ... let's just say you created a life form ... would you want it to spend half it's energy worshipping you ??? If you answer yes, then you are a pathertic excuse for a human being !!!

Your "God" has not shown itself for a reason if it truly exists ... why do you continue to waste half your lives away warshipping it ???

Anyways .. humanity has been held back for thousands of years because of religion !!! Now that religion is being slowly forgotten, we are slowly starting to improve as a society as a whole !!!

Anyways ... I'm going to stop and breathe now !!!

JB posted 11-07-98 03:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
I hope you didn't mean I am pro-death. I said that if a fetus has a disorder which will allow it to live a few years of pain and suffering, don't you think we should not let it suffer and just keep it from ever having to experience pain?

Also, I agree with DJ RRebbel on his religoius post.

Also, it doesn't matter if the fetus has had a functionary nervious system for a few days, since the axons are still are still forming, and thought is not formed yet. If an abortion must be preformed, it should be in the first few moths of development, unless a problem arrises, like a fatal disorder, which will lead to a short life of pain. How can you be so heartless to say we should bring a baby like this into the world?

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 03:57 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
DJ_Rebel You are sound in your convictions. I respect that a lot, far more than I respect someone who'll believe anything. We're a lot alike, in fact, you are just like I was before I found Jesus, and have a lot of the same philosophies. Religion in the world is not going down however, well, at least not Christianity. In fact, Christianity is a stage of tremendous growth. And just for personal reference, I do not consider Christianty so much a 'religion' to be thrown into the pile because it is so different. Christianity merely means a relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. So you think I'm stupid for believing it eh? Well, I disagree. (-8

Once again, thanks for your input, it is very insightful, and I certainly do consider it thoroughly, but I also know that my reasons for a belief in God and Jesus are very deep, and very powerful. It would take a lot to overthrow them, but I do not completely discount it as a possibility. You see, and this will sound Cheesy, but the best evidence for Christianity is what it does to your heart when you recieve it. I know, I hate that kind of thing too, but it is totally true. The power of God in your life is absolutely undeniable.

If I were to create life, I certainly wouldn't expect it to worship me because I am not perfect! I am the sinner of sinners! I am not worthy of anything but death! That's why I (and you (and everyone else)) needs Jesus.

God created life, and if we recognize God, we have no choice but to worship Him! He is SOOO AWESOME!!! Someday, one way or another, everyone will find that out.

I agree totally with your statement: "In fact I think it is completely pathetic that anyone needs the excuse of going to heaven after death to be good !!!" I have difficulty seeing how anyone could accept the grace of Christ with that attitude. You see, Christianity is NOT about being good. It is about having a Good God.

God loves you regardless of anything Rebel, you can rebel against Him all you want, but know that He is saddened beyond tears. Once again, I am praying for you. If there is just one chance in a trillion that Christianity is true, then it is completely worth a lifetime of investigation. No matter the odds, the consequences are more. Love 'ya all!!!

God Bless,
Larry Boy

DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 04:27 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Larry ... You're right in that we are similar ..
The difference is that you do your good in the name of Jsus
and I do mine in the name of humanity !!!
You are absolutely correct in that the two are very similar!!!

I'm also happy for you that you are happy .. but I really don't think you are a good representation of a religious person .. if all religious people were like you this world would be a better place !!!

But unfortunately most religious people aren't in fact as much as at peace with themselves as you are !!!

Sometimes I wish I did believe in God .. it would explain alot .. but unfortunately I can't believe anything I can't remotely understand !!!

The idea of a God isn't possible for ANY human mind to fathom !!!

Most people can't even fathom how patheticaly small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things .. yet we have been given an incredible gift of self-consciousness .. why ???

Until we can answer that, we'll never know anything ...
and that is my point .. we can't know !!!
If what you call having Jesus in your heart puts you at piece,
I'm happy for you, but to me you're just giving contentment a face .. what did Jesus actually do for a fact that has affected your life .. there are so many other people in history who have done awsome selfless things for others !!!

Why honour only Jesus ???
I know you'll say you honour everyone, but look at my
point of view and then try to understand what I meant
by that ..
you don't others to the same extent that you worship him !!!
(By you I'm refering to all Religious people)

How can you worship something you don't understand ???

The whole matter frustrates me to think people condition
and force themselves to believe something that they don't understand !!!

Having inner piece doesn't mean you have to believe in God !!!

Believing in a God doesn't give you inner piece !!!

Inner piece is achieved when you are content with yourself !!!

Something which you seem to have reached ..
and for that I am truly happy for you ...
I'm just sorry that you can't truly understand why ...
or how ...

I live my life to the fullest because I want to ..
most religious people do it because they have to ..

You are one of the rare people who have turned
religious after not being religious ... why ???
I am truly curious !!!

Please don't think I am trying to mock you or anything,
I'm truly curious !!!

Anyways ..
Peace be with you all regardless to means as to which you find it !!!

Heckler posted 11-07-98 03:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Heckler  Click Here to Email Heckler     
My opinion on this matter has been stated before.
I am merely writing to respond to a few things
that in my opinion needed responding to.

TAS I can understand your point of view but I cannot
agree with you or even continue this discussion,
simply because you have shown an inability to read and
concider the POV of others one cannot argue with
someone whose mind is made up.

The others, sorry to lump you all in one group
but I wish to thank those who contributed logical
though out opinions to this discussion.


Thank you Maya

Octopus posted 11-07-98 03:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Heckler: Debating this issue is not
pointless. While you may not convince
Thomas, you might convince others.
Personally, when I started high school
I was pro-life (not intensely pro-life like
Thomas, but pro-life nevertheless).
However, in discussions with my friends
I discovered that my pro-life position was
a hypocritical one when my other political
views were taken into account -- namely
that the government should stay out of
the lives of people as much as possible
(e.g. I dislike high taxes and restrictive
regulations). How could I be so against
government interference in such a minor
matter as a few dollars in a paycheck
when I was supporting government
interference in a matter as important as
forcing a woman to carry a baby that she
doesn't want to term? I had no choice
but to change my stance to a pro-choice
one. I'm not crazy about abortions, and I
think they should be avoided whenever
possible, but when push comes to shove,
the woman needs to have a choice.

People CAN change their minds on this
issue. Debating it is not pointless or

Octopus posted 11-07-98 03:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Thomas: carrying a child is a big job for
a woman to do. There are lots of things
that a pregnant woman needs to to for
the good of the baby. If a woman is
forced to carry a baby against her will,
would she be motivated to seek proper
pre-natal care? To refrain from risky
behaviors like smoking and drinking?
A woman forced to carry a baby that she
didn't want is likely to be resentful.
Does the baby deserve to grow inside
a woman who hates him, with the possible
negative chemical and hormonal results
(since mood can affect physiological
condition)? Things are not as black and
white as you wish to paint them.

For everybody who said that people should
carry the baby to term because they knew
the risk of getting pregnant before they had
sex: While irresponsible sex is unfortunate,
why do you want to make the baby pay for
the mistakes of the parent?

Octopus posted 11-07-98 04:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Octopus  Click Here to Email Octopus     
Let me preface this by saying I'm an
agnostic with atheistic leanings.

Thomas: I'm curious about your opinions
on souls. If I read right, you feel that God
bestows a soul at the moment of
conception. The questions:

Do clones have souls? A clone could be
grown completely from a single mature
cell from a donor. There is no "moment
of conception". Is the time of bestowing
a soul the time that the cloning
process begins? What if someone is only
trying to clone certain cells (for example,
skin cells to use in a graft for burn
treatment)? I assume that a sheet of skin
has no soul. But, what if that process is
underway and a feak accident in the lab
introduces a chemical into the vat that
causes the cells to differentiate and form
a fetus? Is the time of soul endowment the
time of the freak accident?

If God does bestow souls at the moment
of conception, wouldn't it be possible to
construct a Satanic assembly line, where
an egg and sperm are united, a soul is
granted, and the resulting cell then
destroyed? Why would God take part in
such an atrocity?

SnowFire posted 11-07-98 08:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for SnowFire  Click Here to Email SnowFire     
You folks who have lost respect for TAS need to seperate the person from the job. In other words, it doesn't matter if the plumber is a sado-masochist at night, during the day he will prevent your faucet from leaking. The fact that he's very religious doesn't mean that he has no ability as an intelligent SMAC poster. I know I have friends who have some odd beliefs, from arch conservatives to communists. Seperate the politics from him, and it'll be the same TAS as before.

Also, moving on, I agree with MedIntern. Why is birth control so bad? Because it encourages pre-maritial sex?

Octupus restates many of the most important points of the Pro-Choicers. We lack the legal way to tell if something has a soul or not.

Sigh... Should we keep this topic going? It seems to be on reconciliation right now, with TAS stating his desire to save one of the unborn and Larry Boy and DJRR shaking hands... maybe we should end on a high note...

"Why is is that when you talk to God, it's prayer, but when God talks to you, it's schizoprenia?" -Ann O' Noymonous, prolific Irish poet

Maya posted 11-07-98 08:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
"Maya, by the way, you are not an independent being, nothing is. We all depend on other things for life directly. Without plants, we'd be as good as dead, without the sun-dead, without oxygen-dead. There is no such thin is 'independent' life. Go ahead, check a Webster." [Larry Boy]

Your point being?

Larry, you seem to forget that an embryo or a fetus are only that, an embryo or a fetus. It's not a child, it's not a baby, it's not a human being... It only has the possibility to become one.

You also seem to have a total and complete disregard to the rights of the woman carrying that fetus.

"pro-death", "execute" [Larry Boy]


Btw, MedIntern, in what particular field of medecine are you interested? (I'm in my second year of med school) =).

Octopus, I'm curious about Thomas' view on life too, because event the Bible doesn't start life at conception.

SnowFire, the problem I have with TAS is not at all with his religious beliefs, it is with is comments on abortion being worse than murder or the holocaust and with the fact that he seems unable to consider something that goes against his beliefs.

If everyone want to end it here, it's fine with me. But I don't mind discussing it either.


"The great trouble with religion - any religion - is that a religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge those propositions by evidence."

Imran Siddiqui posted 11-07-98 08:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Hmmm, If you remember, I was, regrettably, one of the first to turn on Thomas Stobie. Now I find myself accepting him and enjoying his contributions, while everyone is trying to slam him. Ironic, no?

btw, I oppose abortion after the first trimester, except if the mother's life is in danger.

DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 08:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Because my "God" isn't tangeble .. it just sorta exists all around us all so to speak ... my non-religious way of praying is thinking to myself ... and I hope I don't respond with my 2nd personality !!!

Good points there Octopus .. one thought though ... all these posts on the soul of the baby by the pro-lifers .. yet there is not one human on this Earth who could properly define and describe "a soul" ..

How can you want to save something if you don't even know it exists ???

Not one pro-lifer can truly HONESTLY tell me that they know what a soul is and how it works ... personally, to me our souls is nothing more than the collections of our thought patterns in our brains .. I say nothing more than, but that in itself when you think about it is unfathomly incredibly amazing .. but in that, we don't even understand how or why we think, how could anyone be so pretentious as to think they know what a soul is for sure .. just fanatics blinded by their faith in something else they can't posibly hope to ever explain!

As for TAS ... he's a very smart guy ..
I respect everything he's had to say on anything before,
now I don't see eye to eye with him on everything ...
that's comforting to know that we aren't all the same ..
I don't like his views on abortion, but he could argue his point
for more than 10 minutes which is more than I can say for most other people
... he gets my respect for that ..
I don't know why you think he ever lost our respect ..
We may all think he's a tad crazier than before,
but that still makes him saner than most !!!

As for my my hand shakes with Larry Boy ...
hell .. oops .. umm .. heck .. come here ...
*Gives Larry Boy a big hug* .. lol

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 09:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Funny, I used to be pro-abortion, but now I am pro-life. It is true that people change their opinions, that's why we call them opinions and not facts.

This is mainly in response to Rebel. Wow, seems we are finding some great similarities, and I certainly respect your good will toward humanity. To answer your question, I don't understand God, I can't, and I don't try to. People who try to understand God find themselves wondering about a lot of things "Why does God allow this?" "How can God be all loving and..." Etc... The thing is, I worship God BECAUSE I don't understand Him. If God were understandable, then wouldn't that put Him on our level? I mean, if someone could fully understand something totally not of this universe then they would be god-like themself! Which I am certainly not! Not even close. And by the way, I appreciate your comments, but I don't feel that I have done too much for humanity. 30,000 children die of starvation every day, thousands more are aborted. I have done little to slow this. All of us in this forum in fact could do a lot more to stop these horrific things and if we could unite together and at least agree to help stop starvation that would be an awesome thing. OK, I have a question, how many here would be willing to not buy SMAC and instead send the $50 or whatever to say Somalia? Just a question, I don't know how to answer it myself, but I'm sure the responses would be interesting. Anyway...

I don't consider myself religious. Religion infers trying to better yourself by some belief. I just have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sounds weird doesn't it? I imagine you think I'm a freak. Fine. Call me a Jesus freak (a great song by the way). But I consider myself a logical person, and if I honestly didn't believe that Christianity changed me in any way or that it wasn't believeable, I would reject it on the spot. Truth is, like millions of people, actually, I believe over 1 billion people (in all history) I have found greater peace in Jesus Christ than can exist in this world. How? I can't understand God, neither can you, but God is love, and I feel pretty darn loved! YEAH! I hope that answers your question about worshipping and believing in something that I can't understand. Let me finish it off with this, how many people can comprehend the universe? It is infinitely large in all directions (I guess I'm assuming this because there is no way to prove it). How many people believe that it exists though? Probably everyone. You believe it because you are in it, you are experiencing it. In the same way, I believe in God because He is in my, and I experience Him constantly. What a great thing it is!

Now to Maya: You complain about my words "pro-death" and "execute", well, I complain about your word "choice" and phrases such as "it is just a fetus" etc... What makes me the sicko? I am not against a woman's rights at all. I am a firm believer in the constitution (The US constitution that is). I believe that the woman has every right that a man has, it seems to me that you are saying woman have a right that men don't have, that is, the right to kill an unborn baby. Seems rather un-equal to me. Besides that, you completely disregard the rights of the child which you say is not alive at all. I guess the issue then is to decide whether or not the un-born child is alive then. Tell me, what is it that makes a baby become instantly alive and concious the very moment it emerges from the womb. And also, is it alive when the leg comes out? What about the neck? What about when one quarter of the head is out? At what instant is *POOF* the baby alive, concious, human, etc...? What if all that has not yet emerged is a piece of hair? When is the baby a human? My point about independence is directly related to the abortion issue. Someone claimed that independence is part of the definition of life, I was merely pointing out that independence is either relative, or non-existant in the case of life.

Snowfire: I like your quote on prayer.

God Bless all 'o ya!
Larry Boy

Imran Siddiqui posted 11-07-98 09:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
I don't usually do this, but Maya, calling someone a sicko is not acceptable. It's just plain wrong.

Btw, expanding my view. I believe that an unborn child is a human at the fetus stage. It has a heart, brain, and other organs. I do think that pro-lifers, should be called "pro-death", especially ones that advocate late-term abortions.

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 09:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Why is it that whenever I post something, there is suddenly another thing there I should have responded to? Well, here goes again. (-8

Let me try to define 'soul'. The 'soul' is something that goes beyond the chemical reactions of the brain. In other words, it is the part of humans that makes them different from rocks, or a log burning. If you don't believe in souls, then do you believe that you are truly concious that is, that humans have 'thoughts' that are beyond what a rock can do or do you believe that we are all just like a complex burning log--nuerons firing here like computers, or rather robots? IF, and here is where I am going to be attacked by everyone, if we do not indeed have thoughts that go beyond a computer, babies should be killed whether pre-born or born. Hey! What does it matter if we all die? No one cares when an old Apple IIe or something is thrown into a trash compactor right? Interested to hear your input.

*Larry Boy hugs Rebel back and then blushes* (-8 That was a bit akward... (-8

God Bless,
Larry Boy

Larry Boy posted 11-07-98 09:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
(I think that Imram meant 'pro-choicers' But correct me if I'm wrong)
Maya posted 11-07-98 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     

Maya posted 11-07-98 09:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Maya  Click Here to Email Maya     
Grr.. what happened???

"I don't usually do this, but Maya, calling someone a sicko is not acceptable. It's just plain wrong." [Imran Siddiqui]

Where on earth did you get that idea???

Larry, since it seems that you didn't read my previous messages, let me say it again:

The possession of certain capacities are necessary for a person to exist, specifically, a nervous system -->capable<-- of some level of self-awareness and conscious perception ("sapient cognitive awareness"). An embryo or fetus at the stage at which abortions are performed has no consciousness or self-awareness-- its rudimentary body pre-dates a mind. Thus, it has not yet met the criteria for personhood that must be met by all other human beings.

The right to decide what is done with or to one's body is part of the fundamental human right. Our "bodily integrity" is part of our personal autonomy and inherent human dignity. This is the same principle that defends us all from invasions of our body by medical, security, or other authorities against our will. It protects our minds as well as our bodies. If the pregnant woman does not have the right to decide whether her body is to be used to nurture a new life, if someone else can force her to carry a fetus to term against her will, then she is less than human.

And I refered to the use of words like "execute" and "pro-death" as pathetic because it is like resorting to name-calling...


"Where knowledge ends, religion begins."

DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 10:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
lol .. Maya gat sucked into the nexii for a minute there !!!
DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 10:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Hmmmn ... I'm having a weird case of deja-vu !!!
Didn't you already say all that Maya ??? lol

Anyways .. Larry Boy, Human thought is the same thing as
computer processing but on a much much more complex scale ...
in a sence though, when you think about it they are the
same thing .. it's just that we haven't built a processor with
the complexity yet ... it might not be posible for hundreds of years ...
but remember it took millions of years for man to evolve
to where he is today (please tell me you believe in
evolution at least) ... plus it takes years of experience
for us to develop any sort of truly intelligent thought!!!

ummm .. and let's not get too moochy with the hugs ok !!!
Nothing wrong with being gay, but it's not my cup of tea ...
In fact I don't even drink tea !!!

Arnelos posted 11-07-98 10:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Arnelos  Click Here to Email Arnelos     
Finally read the chapter of Carl Sagan's book BILLIONS AND BILLIONS last night that is entitled "Abortion: Is it Possible to Be Both 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro Choice'"

Very insightful into this topic. He shares the full history of the abortion issue in American society and Western societies in general (well, it's only a single chapter in his book, so not that long). He tries to point out alot of the inconsistencies in the arguments of the two sides and some the scientific truths that may guide us to a better definition.

One thing that Sagan discusses alot in several of his books is the "false dichotemy" or "slippery slope" principal that the proponents of both sides of an argument like this tend to harbor. You see, pro-choicers are willing to accept a ban on late-term abortions because they fear that will lead to a more comprehensive ban while pro-lifers aren't willing to accept abortions even right after conception because they fear it may lead to abortion having a more broad acceptance. So on both sides, those already supporting some modicum of pro-choice or pro-life tend to be pushed toward a dychotemous view based on this fear.

Sagan uses the point when a human being displays traights that no other being displays, THINKING. This tends to happen at the start of the thrid trimester of pregnancy that two things happen for a baby:
1. The baby could survive outside the mother's woom
2. The baby begins using its brain for thought patterns beyond those capable of any other creature on Earth.

This, he states, is a fairly reasonable time at which to call the fetus "human", because it can both surive and it can think like a human, which is how we distinguish ourselves from other creatures. It just happens to be that this is the time when Roe v. Wade placed the limit of abortions to:
1. You can't make the first two trimesters illegal (it can't survive)
2. You CAN ban all abortions during the third trimester (it can survive and is declared 'human' enough to receive rights from the state).

Sagan attempts to back up the argument that abortion is wrong in the third trimester by pointing out that by using his criterion, human brain functions, the baby is a thinking and living human being after the 6th month. Since it thinks like a human, and has grown beyond thinking like any other animal, it is arguable now quite human.

I don't know if I fully agree with Sagan's argument yet (I just read it last night), but I find it HIGHLY compelling. Human thought seems to be a pretty good criterion. The fact that the baby starts using distincly human thought at about the same time it is able to survive outside the mother's woom makes it even more compelling to ban abortions at this point.

I suggest anyone intersted read the book, BILLIONS AND BILLIONS (it's a great book, Sagan discusses all sorts of issues that he's never discussed in other writings of his. The last two chapters are devoted to his throughts in the final days before he died in December, 1996. He actually, for the first time, discusses his own view at spirituality before dying.)

DJ RRebel posted 11-07-98 11:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Wow ... sounds like an interesting book !!!

As for his arguments, they make alot of sense, and I'd be willing to accept his point of view .. with the exception of medical complications to the mother though !!!

In my point of view, human thought isn't acheived until early childhood, but Sagan's view is a perfect compromise !!!

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 02:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
Can't say I've ever been a Carl Sagan fan, but it does sound like an interesting book to read! I'll pick it up sometime if I see it!

Maya: I asked again, because your definition of life was quite meager, I was hoping you could add a bit to it. You did. Thanks! I'm also quite fascinated that you know the second a baby is concious! Is that a gift you were born with or something you developed over time? Just how would you prove when a human becomes concious? Are you basing it on the brain activity? To say that being able to calculate something and to be concious are the same thing makes no sense to me. I do not think that a computer could ever be the same as a human. No matter how well the AI is programmed (Sorry Brian Reynolds! (-8 ) it cannot develop into conciousness. I'm trying to think how either side of this issue could demonstrate their side to be true. OK, look at it this way, brain activity begins in the first trimester and yet Carl Sagan says that real thought develops in the third trimester. This means there has to be a starting point for thought that is seperate from activity. When you think about a computer, it has activity (adding binary numbers very quickly) even in it's early stages of say, the ENIAC, but if it is the same with humans than it is with computers, there must be a point in the development of computers that *poof* they are concious. What is necesary for this change to occur, and if anyone figures out, be sure to tell Brian so they can delay Alpha Centauri another month and make the AI truly concious. (-8

I getting quite attached to you all! (-8 I'd love to meet you sometime! I wonder if anyone of you live close. I currently reside in NJ though that could change rather soon. Love 'ya!

Goodnight, and God Bless,
Larry Boy (-8

DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 07:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
As I stated before ... computers will some day in the far distant future come close to consciousness .. and when that happens, by you definition humanity will become gods ... a scary thought, but it will happen, just not in our life time unfortunately ... so you wont be able to see the light of day !!!

But our mind is in its wn way a super computer, and some day in 7 or 8 generations, humanity will create the equivalent of an artificial human mind ... and then religious people will truly have to open their eyes to the truth !!!

DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 01:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
ouch ... I have to stop coming in here to post after going out !!! lol

That should have read >>> by your definition
and >>> our minds in their own ways are ...

sorry about the drunken insanity ... lol .. but someone has to do it !!!

Larry Boy posted 11-08-98 02:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Larry Boy  Click Here to Email Larry Boy     
You're right, I will believe that computers can become truly concious the day I see them procreate themselves. The day I see them fall in love and have 'stars in their eyes'. The same day I see them commit heinous crimes against humanity without ever bein programmed to do so. The day they kill because they don't like your skin color and the same day they write beautiful poems straight from the 'heart'. The day they cry out for freedom against their human oppressors out of their own free will, and the day that they deny the phsycs of the 'brains' and act on something entirely different like a soul. It is then that I know they are truly human. You are convinced that this day will come. I'm not even sure us humans are gonna make it that long. Someday. Maybe our ancestors will discover this message in 2,000 years and call me a fool. Maybe they will discover it in 2,000 years and still not have computers that are the same as humans. Only time will tell eh?

God Bless,
Larry Boy

DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 02:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
Time is errelevent in this issue ... all those things will be posible one day in the distant future .. the only thing stopping us from programming a decent artificial intellegence base is the incomprehensibly massive amount of base information needed that we as humans have prommemed in our brains as we start to develop independant thought early in our childhood !!!

You might think it sounds rediculous, but look at the awsome steps forward humanity has taken in just the last 100 years .. 100 is nothing in the grand scheme of things !!!

Mankind will eventually someday have the capability to create a free thinking computer/being ... it's just a matter of time ... unfortunately alot of time !!!

DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 02:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
What's up with the bloody size of this thread anyways ????
Why is it so anoyingly wide ???
I need to find Larry's inner piece to deal with this sort of thing !!! lol

And congratulations to everyone in this thread,
it is the first in the new forum to achieve 100 posts !!!

You know what that means ... lol ... time for part 2

>>> Look for

Religion & Abortions II

DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 02:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
lmao .. make that inner peace !!!

I want nothing to do with his inner pieces !!!

No offence Larry !!!

Imran Siddiqui posted 11-08-98 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Imran Siddiqui  Click Here to Email Imran Siddiqui     
Larry Boy, where in NJ? I'm from Toms River, originally, I'm in Rutgers U. right now, though. And yes I did mean to say pro-choicer should be called pro-death. Btw, another thread has opened up to continue discussion on this.
DJ RRebel posted 11-08-98 06:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for DJ RRebel  Click Here to Email DJ RRebel     
It has ... check Abortions & Religion II
or was it Religion & Abortions II

Hmmmn .. you obviously didn't read my 2nd to last post !!!

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