Topic: Saratov's Profile Quote
JB |
posted 11-05-98 03:07 AM ET
Eh, electrons aren't made of quarks. Protons and neutrons are...
posted 11-05-98 03:09 AM ET
Ah, there's where you are wrong. According to current theory, electrons ARE made of quarks. Two quarks to be exact. As opposed to your protons and neutrons, which are three quarks each. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 08:22 PM ET
How many different kinds of quarks have they come up with so far ???(Not including the Ferengi in DS9 !!!)  |
posted 11-07-98 08:24 PM ET
Has anyone got change for two quarks and an atom. |
posted 11-07-98 09:32 PM ET
I do BigER!! Here ya go, 2 protons & an electron.!Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 09:45 PM ET
That's not a fair trade ... 3 quarks for 1 Hydrogen ... 6 quarks for a helium ... 24 quarks for a carbon ... I think !!! |
posted 11-07-98 09:52 PM ET
That's capitalism for you!!BTW, someone please tell me the point of Alanis Morisettes video for 'Thank you', also, explain to me who she's thanking, & why!! Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH |
posted 11-07-98 10:31 PM ET
Quarks have six different flavors, which are up, down, strange, charmed, bottom, and top. Each flavor has three different colors, red, green, and blue. So there are 18 different types of quarks. A proton is made up of 2 up quarks and 1 down quark, and a neutron is made up of two down and one up. Electrons are not made up of quarks to my knowledge. |
posted 11-07-98 10:33 PM ET
I want a green charmed to complete my set of quarks. I'll trade anyone who has a green charmed two very rare red bottoms, a good deal I assure you. |
posted 11-07-98 10:52 PM ET
I have heard that in the most recent theories, the Electron does contain Quarks. Anyway, don't all non-massless particles contain some? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-07-98 11:20 PM ET
It seems to me what I remember is that protons had two +2/3 charged quarks and one -1/3 charged = +3/3 = +1 and that neutons had two -1/3 and one +2/3 = 0/3 = 0 So would an electron be three -1/3 quarks = -3/3 = -1 ??? I wouldn't think so ... they're way too small, unless the mass in element were made out of the +2/3 variety of quark where the -1/3 was almost nothing in comparison !!!Does anyone know where I could read up on this ??? What are all the varieties of colour do to the quark ?? I'm guessing they just use colours and flavors to differentiate them ??? like up-red, up-green and up-blue are similar but but different ??? |
posted 11-07-98 11:45 PM ET
Sure, read A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking. The colors are strictly to differentiate them, they aren't really colored like that. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-08-98 12:01 AM ET
That's what I thought ... how are they different though ??? |
posted 11-08-98 12:39 AM ET
Calc: Umm, what theories, Calc? The newfound quarks are getting heavier and heavier, and an election is only a tiny fraction of one-third of a proton.DJ RRebel: The colours are just quantum numbers, something to avoid the heinous quantum crime of two particles in an atom having exactly the same quantum numbers (otherwise known as the Pauli Exclusion principle). They don't actually have the colours, but with two or three quarks to each subatomic particle (of which there are hundreds), the colours thing works a little like the primary colours do in nature, i.e the primary colours mixing to make other shades. This is because quantum mechainics has all the cool metaphors in theoretical physics. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-08-98 07:25 AM ET
??? I thought a quantum was just a step ... and that quantums were just the posibilities of a state that particle could be in !!!And Quantum mechanics was just the theory that each atom had a non linear and more integer like engergy levels ... ok .. I have no idea how to ask my question !!! |
posted 11-08-98 08:05 AM ET
Exuse me, I must have been asleep when this was discovered. What the hell are "quarks"? Are they some sort of sub, sub-atomic particles? |
posted 11-08-98 11:31 AM ET
There are 3 kinds of elementary particles (That we know of yet). 1. Baryons, like the proton and the neutron. These are made from 3 quarks and (maybe) an unknown number of particles known as gluons. 2. Mesons. They are made from one quark and one antiquark. 3. Leptons, like the electron and the neutrinos. They are not made from quarks. The quarks and leptons are often categorised in families. The first family includes: up, down, electrons and electron neutrino. Quarks don't exist as separate particles, only as mesons and baryons. |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-08-98 01:30 PM ET
Is an anti-quark someone who doesn't like ferengis ??? lol All jokes aside ... does anyone want to add to our knowledge base of sub-sub-atomic particles .. I find the subject really interesting !!!  |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-08-98 09:58 PM ET
Anti-Quarks have the oppisite spin and electrical charge as regular quarks so when they collide all the stuff that holds the little suckers together gets canceled out and BOOM!!!!!!!BTW: the proper formula for realativity is actually E=+or-MC^2.HAHa. |
posted 11-09-98 03:58 AM ET
OK, I'm confused. I thought electrons didn't have quarks. Am I right or wrong? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 04:01 AM ET
JB .. I THINK .. that it's a recent theory that electrons are made of quarks .. I've tryed looking into the subject without any luck !!! I'll look more later this week!!! If anyone out there in lurksville knows what the answers are please let us know !!! |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 08:30 AM ET
It just so happens I have "The Search for SUSY" (SUSY = Supersymmetry) in my bag and I can confirm that RM has it spot on. Leptons aren't made of quarks. I am not sure about the +/- term. Mass is a Scalar and c (even a velocity v) is squared so any term ought to be positive. Energy is a scalar after all. You can't have negative energy. Anti matter doesn't have negative mass or energy (if it did you wouldn't get energy released when it collided with matter) so I don't get it. Are you sure? |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:27 AM ET
What if there was just less negative in the anti-matter then positiveness in the normal matter ??? |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 09:34 AM ET
Then they wouldn't be the same would they? I've never heard of anti-mass, maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so I've just scoured Search for SUSY and although I haven't read all the more esoteric theories yet I can't see any mention of antimass and I never heard of it in my degree (although I didn't go to quite a lot of that) |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-09-98 09:45 AM ET
Anti-mass is a non-religious event !!!It is heald in any non-religious building on non-religious holidays !!! |
MikeH II
posted 11-09-98 09:51 AM ET
Of course how could I have been so stupid. |
posted 11-09-98 05:49 PM ET
JB: A physics major at college assures me that electrons are NOT made of quarks. Protons are thousands of times bigger than electrons, and they're only made of 3 quarks. |
posted 12-30-98 02:12 PM ET
As you may have seen I posted a topic like this because I didn't this thread was here. Anyway FIRAXIS didn't correct the quote in the demo  |
Q Cubed
posted 12-30-98 04:02 PM ET
as far as i know, electrons are a member of a group of particles known as leptons, which quarks also belong to...protons and neutrons are baryons, i believe. but electrons are not made up of quarks as far as i know. also, i don't know about this new theory, but i haven't been able to get any reliable sources to confirm it yet. |