Topic: General Cencus
BKK the Mentat |
posted 11-02-98 08:15 PM ET
Please report in if you posted in the original forumns,also give your original username if you changed it.
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-02-98 08:32 PM ET
BKKtheMentat=BKK(duh) |
posted 11-02-98 08:34 PM ET
AUH20=AUH20 |
posted 11-02-98 08:54 PM ET
Yo_Yo_Yo_Hey=Yo _Yo_Yo_Hey, notice the space, I messed up typing the original, & the space stood!! |
posted 11-02-98 09:19 PM ET
Rang=Rang Glad to see everyone again  |
posted 11-02-98 09:21 PM ET
Mortis=Mortis2, hope fully, not for long. |
posted 11-02-98 09:30 PM ET
Apocalypse=ApocalypseThis Origin server seems about as slow as the Firaxis server use to be... |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-02-98 11:07 PM ET
please respond |
posted 11-02-98 11:27 PM ET
Respond about what? |
BKK the Mentat
posted 11-02-98 11:30 PM ET
to the cencus, I'm going to tax you all(yes I'm kidding).I just want to know who all is posting and who is unaccounted for. |
posted 11-03-98 12:16 AM ET
Arnelos=ArnelosThe loyal peacekeeper |
Saint Randerolf
posted 11-03-98 12:32 AM ET
Greetings! please forgive my spelling lately. I've been to lazy lately to put an efort into it.  |
posted 11-03-98 01:42 AM ET
Spoe == Spoe |
posted 11-03-98 01:44 AM ET
Kurn=Kurn, Im back boys and gulls! |
posted 11-03-98 02:14 AM ET
Kedryn=Kedryn |
posted 11-03-98 02:45 AM ET
RyanR - Supreme Dictator of the Peacekeeping Forcesmailto: RyanR 1 The Peace Way United Nation Headquarters, Peacekeeping Forces |
posted 11-03-98 03:36 AM ET
i'm brian, and so is my wife |
posted 11-03-98 08:13 AM ET
Your wife is brian ? Is that good or bad ?And why don't I get profiles in this thread ? Another conspiracy ? Ah, back to topic: Roland = Roland, how exciting! |
DJ RRebel
posted 11-03-98 08:42 AM ET
DJ RRebel = DJ RRebel  |
The DirectorGeneral
posted 11-03-98 09:46 AM ET
The DirectorGeneral = The DirectorGeneral" What are you doing here? " <<< I have always been here... >>> - Sheridan and Kosh, B5 |
MikeH II
posted 11-03-98 09:53 AM ET
Mike H (& Sparkatron) == MikeH II |
posted 11-03-98 10:00 AM ET
I'm not me... |
posted 11-03-98 10:59 AM ET
Weird. Mike has reunited his split personalities, but Tolls has been split instead.Is there a law of physics always requiring the same amount of split personalities ? |
Frank Moore
posted 11-03-98 12:06 PM ET
Frank Moore = Frank Moore |
Philippe Mipz Lepage
posted 11-03-98 12:54 PM ET
Philippe Mipz Lepage = Philippe Mipz LepageWho wants some frog legs? |
posted 11-03-98 05:04 PM ET
fienna = fienna =) ready to discuss superstring theory some more? |
Zan Thrax
posted 11-04-98 02:15 AM ET
Surprisingly enough, Zan Thrax=ZanThrax (Notice that I now have a space ) |
posted 11-04-98 02:46 AM ET
SnowFire=Greg Woodstock Do I get a tax exemption? |
posted 11-04-98 02:51 AM ET
What? ID? Um.... just a second... <a few loyal VIB's who joined my cause fly out of the sky and turn from bats back into vampires> This should be all the ID you need, sir. I think you'll enjoy these friends of mine giving you a little gift, that of eternal life. Sort of. And census is spelled census, by the way. I think I deserve another tax emeption for that little helpful hint.<meanwhile, the computer records are changed so that AUH20=Domk> <coded to AUH20: gnihtoN lanosrep, s'ti tsuj I deen ot niur ym evitavresnoc seimene. ...yrroS> |
Tapiolan poika
posted 11-04-98 09:13 AM ET
Tapiolan poika = Tapiolan poika |
Tapiolan poika
posted 11-04-98 09:17 AM ET
Welcome back, Kurn, BTW!Bad way to go, though... Tell us, are you bald? and short?  |
Boskone on Toast
posted 11-04-98 10:36 AM ET
I'm still here too |
posted 11-04-98 11:55 AM ET
Jeje == Jeje So it has always been and so it shall be.
posted 11-04-98 01:09 PM ET
Me=me! =)*Hugs* -Maya |
posted 11-04-98 01:27 PM ET
Ah, there are the hugs!Guess we will see you in the continued capitalism, genetics etc discussions... |
posted 11-04-98 04:11 PM ET
In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm back too. Thought of changing my name, but I didn't.CClark == CClark |
posted 11-04-98 04:32 PM ET
(Calculus+1)(Calculus+1)=(Calculus+1)� |
posted 11-04-98 04:44 PM ET
Jimmy = Jimmy I can't wait for the game so that I can kick some Hive and Spartans around. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 11-04-98 04:46 PM ET
Try to guess who I was in the original forums? Bet you can't! |
posted 11-04-98 06:48 PM ET
You were........Red Dog, right Imran?? Imran, what a wierd nick. (no offense)Politicians make war, that's why you need soldiers to fight 'em. |
posted 11-04-98 09:23 PM ET
BigE > got BigER No post before it's time.
posted 11-04-98 09:51 PM ET
Everyones favorite nemesis, DHE_X2 Dead Head Ed, has returnedlets see if you remember who i am: 010010010100101001010 Xenophobe spork magnetic fried chicken lysergic acid diethylamide tetrahydro cannibanol Anything defending the Christian religion DHE, ascetic of the new Byzantine orthodox church
posted 11-04-98 09:53 PM ET
OH, I forgot my tag line!-DHE_X2, self appointed free range chicken of the Olympians. |
posted 11-04-98 09:58 PM ET
Who feels like drumsticks? Ah, I love my god-like powers. *ZAP* |
posted 11-05-98 06:38 AM ET
I have not returned. Tigen = 4. |
posted 11-05-98 05:31 PM ET
Aga1 = HugoHugo sounded like a Labratory name |