Topic: I just had an idea!
jimmytrick |
posted 05-06-99 07:14 PM ET
Why don't one of the CMN hotshots start a registry of available PBEM players, arranged by TIME ZONE and PLAY WINDOW so that games can be organized more quickly and optimized for faster play. (I'm up for a second game and available 5-12PM EST.) Perhaps the registry could be expanded to include ratings that indicate a player's reliablilty as well? Also this would make finding replacement players easier and really fast. Or is this a dumb idea, unnecessary in the information age?
posted 05-07-99 04:19 AM ET
Yes, it could be good to have around. On the other hand, where's the limit ? I mean, pretty soon we're going to have so many names on that list that it will be a nightmare to maintain. *I* sure don't want to spend my time maintaining a player list, I want to *SMAC* ! Now if you're volunteering, that's another story Aredhran CMN of the First Challenge
posted 05-07-99 07:50 AM ET
That's looks exactly like one of the hundred thing I always promise to do and then never go all the way through. |
posted 05-07-99 09:51 AM ET
I was hoping MoSe would do it, I can't spare the time it would take. I don't know what I was thinking......I didn't say it was a "good" idea.... |
posted 05-07-99 10:30 AM ET
If the registry was made as a cgi-script, people could sign up themselves, and be removed by automatic if they don't update their registry within a certain time. That way nobody had to spend tons of hours updating the list of players. Of course, this demands cgi-programming by someone... :-)
posted 05-07-99 12:59 PM ET
I agree that the time demands of the list would be greater than most of us SMACers would want to do. Further more to be valid as far as ranking and reliability then a PBEMer would need to have played at least a few turns so that a CMN would be able to rank their reliability.Finally as important as reliability is in a generic sense my opinion is that if the right players are matched up then the gaame becomes more interesting. I've got a half dozen game going now and I can be selective about which games I am going to play in or who I will CMN because I want to enjoy the discourse. cousLee's challenge that started the CMN challenge era of PBEMing was originally directed at forum personalities that he knew and felt would make for a good game. Those like myself who were not originally included (and have given up our vendettas against the Noble cousLee) but who showed enough enthusiasm and willingness to help get things started slowly melded into a larger and larger playing group as more people made equal contributions. There is no Defined Challenge group A list (unless our Swiss friend Aredhran has one and I am just not on it... Sniff), it is a nebulous affair where by your efforts and enthusiasm along with turn around speed of game play that you become a PBEMer that others want to game with, or play in a world of their creation. My advice is create your own list of people who you would like to play with so you have couple of them in every game and then allow some new players in to round it out to see if these people have what it takes to be a SMACaddict. Goob SMACin myself silly. |