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  Perfect multiplayer password system

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Author Topic:   Perfect multiplayer password system
Frizzicotti posted 05-01-99 05:51 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Frizzicotti   Click Here to Email Frizzicotti  
Hi Alpha Centaurians,

most of you who use e-mail-multiplayer will know that problem: one player disappears without saying a word, especially without saying his password. So it's sensible to store those pw's in some other place, but there further problems arise:

- Can the pw keeper be trusted?
- Are the other players good losers so that, when for pure luck the pw keeper will survive a surprise attack or something similiar, they will not acuse him of foul play?

So, here's the solution (trumpets, please: ta-taaa!)
As the moving order always remains the same, there are only two login screens that I will ever get to see: my own and the one following directly following my turn.
However, the password of the PRECEDING PERSON is useless for me. I will never even have the theoretical chance to login there.

So here's the plan:
Everyone gives his password to the person directly following in the list.

- If one person disappears, the others have the password and can give it to a substitute player.
- The powers and responsabilities of password keeping are distributed equally among all players.
- Absolutly no chance for misuse.

How do you think about it?

Bye, Claus

Aredhran posted 05-01-99 11:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Aredhran  Click Here to Email Aredhran     
I prefer the (more complicated, OK) idea someone else posted around here, where you have a password that is (n-1) characters long, n being the number of players. Then each player receives a letter of the password, so if there's a dropout the password can be reconstituted.

Although with reliable players, or our most excellent CMN system, this trick is unnecessary... The problem being of course to find reliable players


sashinka posted 05-05-99 12:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sashinka  Click Here to Email sashinka     
Hi Claus, please to meet you there.

I should agree with Aredhran... I should because...
(trumpets again, please: ta-taaa! tatatatat... tata!)
This sugestion (wich belongs to me - please Claus, stop that trumpet for me) seems to fit to a large part of smac players, even if we don't use it :-( in our PBEM.
We must agree that your sugestion is less complicated, but imagine the diplomatic side of my solution (which is not a perfect solution but it tends to).

There is an other sugestion, waiting for a v4 wich may include a solution ;-)

Animus posted 05-05-99 05:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Animus  Click Here to Email Animus     

Just so you don't feel completely inadequate,
I think your idea is good. At least, it sounds good to me for I have not tried it out.

Keep the ideas flowing, perhaps one will stick.

Animus out

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