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  Questions from an aspiring CMN ...

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Author Topic:   Questions from an aspiring CMN ...
tfs99 posted 04-23-99 03:21 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for tfs99   Click Here to Email tfs99  
As I said previously, I am well versed in MP games both live and PBEM. CMNing seems like a logical next step (and a great idea).

Some questions:

1) Re: reloading and cheating - SMAC automatically notifies players of saves/reloads by participants in a game.

Would this _ALWAYS_ be considered cheating? Every PBEM game I have played in there have always been some kind of foul-up or pilot error that could lead to a reload.

For example, clicking Save and Exit instead of OK at the beginning of your turn. I've done this once. Doh!

Another example, a player realizes some quirks of PBEM diplomacy for the first time and decides to reload rather than put offf a much needed and anticipated deal for another turn or possibly two.

Yet another, a player forwards an incorrect .SAV file to a player (say a prior year or one where he/she has not taken their turn). This can happen quite readily for a first time player who is not quite used to the SMAC "feature" of saving to a different directory from which a file is loaded.

As a CMN, I personally would have a bit more liberal policy regarding reloads especially in the early stages of the game. Of course if there are consistent repeat offenders ...

2) Re: Cheating and Scenario Editor - unless you run into a very mysterious MP/PBEM bug, players cannot activate the scenario editor from a multiplayer game.

There is a real bug though that will _TURN_ON_ the S.E. for some reason during a transition from one player to the next. From there on out, it seems that each player can turn the S.E. on or off at will.

Which leads me to ...

3) Moderating and Narrating

The Scenario Editor cannot be turned on in a multiplayer game (a feature which I think should be changed or password protected or something).

Is the Ming & Ning then done by the CMN via loading up the current .SAV and running through a quick hotseat turn to monitor the status of each human faction?

Or is there some other technique or am I missing something?

SMAC n ... Ted S.

Goobmeister posted 04-23-99 03:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Goobmeister  Click Here to Email Goobmeister     
You pretty much have it.

Repeat reloaders are suspect as well as a reload of a game on a turn where a critical battle took place, or something like that. A cautious (read paranoid) CMN can always look back at a previous save to see everything that could/should have happened during a players turn where there has been a reload.
Besides it is only the stupid ones who will get caught.

M'ing is both moderating for disputes and monitoring for problems. Narrating is unfolding the story as you see it on the planet, both through supplied story lines and your own.

You are the author of a book where the characters have minds of there own.

Cool eh?


cousLee posted 04-24-99 12:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
Goobs description of the "N" is very accurate. you are the author/news reporter. your characters also write in your book (em, thread).

The moderator also sets game rules, and makes determinations if a tactic is allowed. example:
A player moves his former onto a fungus patch.
the player wants to use the design workshop to upgrade it to a fungiformer, so it can be used on the next turn.

A>the player knew this was going to be his/her action before loading the game, so the player sends an email to the moderator, and waits for a response before taking their turn on whether or not this is allowed in the game.

B>proceeds without prior approval and takes his chances that the act will be deemed Illeagal.

AA> The moderator approves or disallows the action, and posts a "generic" reason for his determination in the forum (ie. former to fungiformer workshop upgrades are allowed in this game)(or not allowed and the reason why) NOTE, the CMN always has the last word.

BB>as the player took his chances, if the moderator determines it an illeagal act, the moderator fills the role of Judge/Jury/Executioner. this can range for an energy credit penalty the explusion from the game and future challanges (based on the severity of the illeagal tactic).

BBB> the action is reported by another player as a "complaint", the CMN makes the determination if the tactic is allowed or not and takes the appropriate action.

C> the CMN is in the corner in the fetal position totally confused by this post, mumbling something about hampsters dancing.

(BTW, is a real site)

cousLee posted 04-24-99 12:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for cousLee  Click Here to Email cousLee     
The second post in "CMN HEADLINE NEWS" also has good CMN info in it.
MoSe posted 04-26-99 11:39 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MoSe  Click Here to Email MoSe     
So I'm not the only one.
I actually incurred in the incedents tfs99 reports.
I didn't study PBEM diplomacy b4 it popped up on beginning of a first turn: you can't scroll the map as in SP! I accepted the proposed friendship, then I realized I could have asked for 1 tech, given the position.
In another I actually sent a similar save files under \SMAC\saves instead of looking for it in \SMAC.

In both cases I swallowed, and didn't need to reload.

Cousin, you mean it could be illegal upgrade to fungiformer and not skip a turn, not the upgrade per-se, do you? (I felt quoted )


hmm, writing a book, giving form to a planet, characters with their own will...
D'ni and Fifth Age come to my mind

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